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Out of Pod Experience

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Goodbye Eve Verse

First post
All Kill No Skill
#61 - 2014-06-08 12:11:26 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

I really don't follow your post. I never said I had a problem with wardecs, in fact I've said they are fine. I've also said I don't have a problem with players having grudges against other players, on a personal level etc, podding them as much as they want, whatever. I don't know anything about "red pen list", that's not what the code poster went into, it was a general threat of putting someone on a list for harassment purposes as far as he went into. A list would signify distribution, that's not a personal-personal grudge. Didn't say "in our area we claim and while in your mining ship" etc. Just more of a 'we are going to stalk them until they quit the game' sort of post. Now to a vet such as you or I, we can laugh, just stupid, but if they do this to new players that don't know shat from shinola, that's a problem that should be investigated. And I've seen newbies crying about it, so... But I'm not a GM so I don't know the investigation of those cases, or even if anyone bothered. We would probably be better off if highsec were just removed quite honestly.

And no, the fees for a wardec does keep that in check. To perma-wardec a corp costs ISK, so it's not just meant to be a discriminant griefing tool. I wouldn't see anyone paying for that indefinitely over a grudge, at loss to a lot of ISK for the deal. If anyone wants to perma-wardec me, go for it, I'll just laugh my ass off while you loose money.

I'm in it for the money


Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#62 - 2014-06-08 13:22:22 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
*Snip* Removed off topic part of the post. ISD Ezwal.


Now to a vet such as you or I, we can laugh, just stupid, but if they do this to new players that don't know shat from shinola, that's a problem that should be investigated. And I've seen newbies crying about it, so... But I'm not a GM so I don't know the investigation of those cases, or even if anyone bothered. We would probably be better off if highsec were just removed quite honestly.

Going after new players unnecessarily is petionable already. But that pretty well doesn't apply to someone who is flying an Orca and multiboxing several accounts, wouldn't you agree?

And in this case it's as simple as this. If I go out and talk a lot of smack at Marmite, my corp will get decced for a while, likely I will be watchlisted. If I am out in a wormhole, and I talk smack, I will get evicted and all my **** blown up. They're not "griefing" me by evicting me from that wormhole, they're playing the game.

And if I talk smack to suicide gankers, they will suicide gank me with gusto for a while.

Speech isn't free in EVE if someone cares to do something about it.


And no, the fees for a wardec does keep that in check. To perma-wardec a corp costs ISK, so it's not just meant to be a discriminant griefing tool. I wouldn't see anyone paying for that indefinitely over a grudge, at loss to a lot of ISK for the deal. If anyone wants to perma-wardec me, go for it, I'll just laugh my ass off while you loose money.

I'm going to chalk this up to a difference of opinion. To me, wardecs are precisely that, a tool for me to attack any player corp I see fit, for any reason I see fit, for a fee with 24 hours notice.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

All Kill No Skill
#63 - 2014-06-08 14:09:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Webvan
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Going after new players unnecessarily is petionable already. But that pretty well doesn't apply to someone who is flying an Orca and multiboxing several accounts, wouldn't you agree?

Already did. I mentioned that I didn't have sympathy because the miner was afk (or semi-afk) not paying attention (missed all that?), situation could have been avoided if not semi-afk. That's where I went into the thing about moving ops to nul, joining a nulbear corp, as corpmates will likely not be blowing up corpmates for mining semi-afk, and no shakedowns.

Now for my newbie comment, do you really want me to rewrite that all out again? tl;dr? I'm speaking of this hit list in general, part of why it would be something for a GM to investigate, as potentially something that could be used to grief newbies that don't know any better. First I ever heard of a list, and the poster really didn't bother to put it into any real context other than they seem to use it to grief players, any players they see fit, to whatever ends, a threat. Now, I know I've seen newbies complaining about getting ganked while mining, so they could just as well be on some such list, yet know no better than to petition or afraid to. And again, there was no real definition of the list, so can mean anything, can mean the worst things you can imagine.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
I'm going to chalk this up to a difference of opinion. To me, wardecs are precisely that, a tool for me to attack any player corp I see fit, for any reason I see fit, for a fee with 24 hours notice.
soooo... difference of opinion? I don't think you understand my opinion. So we have the basic same opinion differently? sure, works for me Smile

I'm in it for the money


Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#64 - 2014-06-08 15:17:20 UTC
Webvan wrote:
tl;dr? I'm speaking of this hit list in general, part of why it would be something for a GM to investigate, as potentially something that could be used to grief newbies that don't know any better.

If the GMs actually investigated things based on whether it "could" be used to grief new players, the atmosphere of the game would be quite different, I assure you.

I mean, honestly I still fail to see your point. Do the GMs need to get involved because of an offhand comment about targeting someone who is NOT a new player, and therefore fair game for pretty much anything anyone chooses to do to them, for any reason? Because when someone is targeting a person who is not a new player, they *might* have said it to a newbie?

I honestly don't know what you think the infraction here is.


First I ever heard of a list, and the poster really didn't bother to put it into any real context other than they seem to use it to grief players, any players they see fit, to whatever ends, a threat. Now, I know I've seen newbies complaining about getting ganked while mining, so they could just as well be on some such list, yet know no better than to petition or afraid to. And again, there was no real definition of the list, so can mean anything, can mean the worst things you can imagine.

If a new player is ganked while mining, it's because they were afk, or autopiloting, or possibly just for mining in the first place.

But you are mistaken if you think randomly blasting someone who turns out to be a new player is petionable. Mostly because that would give an immunity shield to new characters as well as new players, and that would be a brilliantly bad idea.

The only places you aren't supposed to have free reign to randomly blast anyone you feel like are the starter systems, and apparently now the Bloodstained Stars arc systems to some degree. If you are anywhere else, you are fair game even if you're six hours old.

What is actually petionable is if you follow one single person around, suicide ganking them regardless of what ship they are flying, for days on end, if they try to get away (autopiloting even once abdicates this by the way), AND for no profit. Notably during a wardec you can totally do all of those things anyway.

soooo... difference of opinion? I don't think you understand my opinion. So we have the basic same opinion differently? sure, works for me Smile

Yes, difference of opinion. You seem to think that there is any way a wardec could be construed as griefing by the GMs. I disagree, it's a legal mechanic regardless of how, where, or why you use it, or for how long.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#65 - 2014-06-08 15:50:52 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
The only places you aren't supposed to have free reign to randomly blast anyone you feel like are the starter systems, and apparently now the Bloodstained Stars arc systems to some degree.

the SOE arc? that rule's been around a while, arnon's considered a starter system

what you're saying is correct of course
All Kill No Skill
#66 - 2014-06-08 16:14:48 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Yes, difference of opinion. You seem to think that there is any way a wardec could be construed as griefing by the GMs. I disagree, it's a legal mechanic regardless of how, where, or why you use it, or for how long.
See yeah, you are getting that wrong somehow... again. I never said there was a way to grief using the wardec, not even suggesting that there is a way, and if you thought I said that, all you would need to do is quote the wiki on rules of conduct regarding griefing which states that there is no situation where wardecs can amount to a bannable offense and such.

Building a list on the other hand, outside of wardecs, for distribution to other players, is different. Different matter entirely. With a player made list, it's not a system like a wardec system (which again I have no objection to the wardec). A list can be anything and for any purpose, even to conduct an offense that is bannable. And there is the gray area right there that I am talking about, that was injected by the code poster by reason of exclusion to any real definition to his threats. Remember, I never claimed to be a mind reader, cant read his mind, just saying. But his post was so poorly written, and a mention of lists, well... there you have it, can mean anything, even to a bannable offense. I never said that there was a specific reason beyond vague mention of a list, which is why I said "investigation". Is it a waste of a GM's time? I think we can both come to an agreement that GM's have looked into codes business, probably will again, it is their job after all.

I'm in it for the money


Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#67 - 2014-06-08 16:36:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaarous Aldurald
Benny Ohu wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
The only places you aren't supposed to have free reign to randomly blast anyone you feel like are the starter systems, and apparently now the Bloodstained Stars arc systems to some degree.

the SOE arc? that rule's been around a while, arnon's considered a starter system

what you're saying is correct of course

Yeah, I only discovered that rule recently, I had been mission baiting/ransoming in some of those systems for a while beforehand.

Yay, another lost source of income! At least I still have trade scams going for me, which is nice.

@Webvan: I have no idea what you're talking about anymore. It's not against any rule, in any way that I know of, to write down lists of people to screw with. I keep a huge in game sticky note of potential targets, since this character is my main locator.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#68 - 2014-06-08 17:20:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Webvan wrote:

Building a list on the other hand, outside of wardecs, for distribution to other players, is different. Different matter entirely. With a player made list, it's not a system like a wardec system (which again I have no objection to the wardec).
Some players attempt to circumvent the wardec mechanism by remaining in NPC corps in the belief that Concord will protect them. Distributing a list to interested parties ensures that those players are A: disabused of a false notion, B: taught that smack talk has consequences, and C: don't miss out on the experience of being exploded by others.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2014-06-08 18:28:12 UTC
Morta Viene wrote:
Im just saying if they want to do it own up to the fact that they like ruin others peoples day. That's all.
One day ruined for you, but they've opened your eyes to a larger world. You'd thank them if you knew what's good for you.

But regardless of your ability or desire to accept this, you must appreciate that they are working for the people--not necessarily you, but everyone who mines there. Their police work keeps operations running smoothly in that space. There are many areas in high sec where you can mine without being bothered by the New Order, but if you mine in their space and pay your permit, you get privileged access to the best mining space highsec has to offer. They will also assist you in defending your ships, and the number of ganks you endure will drop sharply, or perhaps disappear completely.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Scope Works
#70 - 2014-06-09 10:43:42 UTC
Nice to the eve community as friendly as ever (i.e. being major assholes).

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Dani Dusette
Division 13
#71 - 2014-06-09 11:11:42 UTC
Don't sweat it OP.

Loss is as much a part of this game as gain. The old adage "Don't fly what you can't afford you're not willing to lose" isn't very helpful but it's pretty accurate most times.

Stick with it. Rebuild. I've lost billions upon billions over time, in every manner from suicide ganks, to fights, to letting my pos run outta fuel, to getting robbed by corp thieves. **** happens and the risk and harshness here is why many folks find it so attractive - you'll never find another game (imo) that can introduce you to situations that give you RL 'shakes' like this game. Smile

But yeah, if that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, or you're not willing to accept the losses in tandem with the gain, then EVE may not be for you (and there's nothing wrong with that either). It is indeed a brutal, yet beautiful, mistress. Blink

I've seen plenty of folks pay those permits, so really if being able to mine in peace like that is so important then heck, pay the fee although bear in mind it only (dubiously) protects you from one of many, many ganking organizations. Take it as a challenge instead, find somewhere better to mine and give yourself a contingency plan. Although personally it'd be a cold day in hell I'd ever pay people like that. Pirate

Chin up! Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smile

dαní ㅤㅤ

σиlу ιи dαякиєѕѕ cαи уσυ ѕєє тнє ѕтαяѕ

ISD Ezwal: "Might I inform you that I am as real as it gets?"

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#72 - 2014-06-09 14:24:50 UTC
I have removed some rule breaking posts and those quoting them.

The Rules:
4. Personal attacks are prohibited.

Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another forum user. Posts of this nature are not beneficial to the community spirit that CCP promote and as such they will not be tolerated.

5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

26. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

Off-topic posting is permitted within reason, as sometimes a single comment may color or lighten the tone of discussion. However, excessive posting of off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail a thread may result in the thread being locked, or a forum warning being issued.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Da'iel Zehn
Evil Frosty's Premium Liqours and Fine Wines
#73 - 2014-06-09 18:26:10 UTC

1) Don't leave.

2) Never buy a permit.

3) Pick yourself up, brush off, and keep going.

4) Learn techniques for evasion.

5) Stay frosty and pay attention to what is going on around you.

6) Don't trust anyone


Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#74 - 2014-06-09 20:21:03 UTC
Toll! No real high sec miner comes into GD and admits they are crying Lol

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#75 - 2014-06-09 21:08:32 UTC
Before you go...

Also: AFK is bad.. don't do AFK mmmmkay.

Also: Tank your barge and youre in charge.

Also: Permit tank, best tank.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2014-06-09 21:12:26 UTC
The best thing about the permit tank is the educational aspects. If you're following the rules of the New Order, you'll be resisting ganks from other sources as well.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#77 - 2014-06-09 21:32:36 UTC
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:
The best thing about the permit tank is the educational aspects. If you're following the rules of the New Order, you'll be resisting ganks from other sources as well.

What?!??!? Surely you jest good sir!

An entity like The New Order or CODE. is obviously evil! Why, the very thought of having to be at your keyboard while mining, responding when people talk to you, taking only what you need or even offing a friendly 'gf' in local or a hearty 'thank you!' makes my stomach turn! Politeness, attentiveness, being social and respectful of others is completely overrated and surely this game is better off without some group of ne'r do wells teaching such things!

The nerve of some people!

Next youll be telling me that my freighter wont get ganked if I don't use autopilot and remain at my keyboard, perhaps bring a friend to help web me along or look at activity on the map along my route!


Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#78 - 2014-06-09 23:33:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Khergit Deserters
OP, check your kill rights, track the gankers down, stalk them, blow them up. It's fun, it's casual, and it's one of the few solo pvp opportunities left in the game. And to make it easier, you can probably narrow down the guesses on what they'll be flying: a Catalyst or, uh, a Catalyst. Smile