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Level 4 missions and web/scramblers

Ares Strangelove
#1 - 2014-06-06 13:21:29 UTC
Hey guys

Whats the best method for taking down webs and scrambler frigs in level 4 missions (Assuming you are doing the mission solo)?

I know one option is drones, but in some missions the second i let my drones out, they are all killed. Any other methods?
Leoric Firesword
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2014-06-06 13:37:38 UTC
missiles? MJD to range and pop them? (rats in missions even when they scram you don't affect your MJD)
Hakaari Inkuran
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-06-06 13:44:36 UTC
It can take a significant amount of time for a flight of light drones to kill an elite frigate, especially when you have to keep recalling them. I always just snipe frigates from range using MJD as leoric suggested.
Nad'x Hapax
#4 - 2014-06-06 13:55:08 UTC
It depends on what u are flying. There are methods for both gun and missile ships and some work for both, like webs.

  • For guns: Stick an angular velocity tab to your overview. Make the frigs hunt u and blap them while they are approacking (low angular). Have a clear understanding of your optimal and falloff. Basic modules like Tracking Enhancers and more importantly Tracking Computers, use them wherever u can spare slots. Stay away from target painters. Sure they help but are less useful than Tracking Computers.

  • Missiles: Target painters (works well with missiles), Rigor rigs, faction or precision T2 missiles and possibly webs. Range is usually a non issue unless u really dont want them to web or Point u.

  • If u have a large enough drone bay no less than 3 sentry drones will do a fine job if u have enough range. good for when u want to keep blapping bigger ships with your main weapon system.

  • Large Micro jump drive if u fly a sniper boat will help u deal with frigs.

  • Dont send drones out to more than 10kms if u want them to live. So if u are prepared to take frigs out with your light drones, w8 until they are in orbit. If there are no elite frigs present, sending lights will be a bit more forgiving.

  • If u fly a drone/sentry boat u should have no problem. Sentries from range and lights on remaining frigs unless u fit webs and Close range weapons. MJD+Drone scope rigs+omnis+Drone links will help for snipers. More Omni heavy will help brawlers.

  • Im probably forgetting some ways of dealing with them but I Think I included the more common and best ways.
    Daniel Plain
    #5 - 2014-06-06 14:40:44 UTC
    Nad'x Hapax wrote:
    It depends on what u are flying. There are methods for both gun and missile ships and some work for both, like webs.

  • For guns: Stick an angular velocity tab to your overview. Make the frigs hunt u and blap them while they are approacking (low angular). Have a clear understanding of your optimal and falloff. Basic modules like Tracking Enhancers and more importantly Tracking Computers, use them wherever u can spare slots. Stay away from target painters. Sure they help but are less useful than Tracking Computers.

  • Missiles: Target painters (works well with missiles), Rigor rigs, faction or precision T2 missiles and possibly webs. Range is usually a non issue unless u really dont want them to web or Point u.

  • If u have a large enough drone bay no less than 3 sentry drones will do a fine job if u have enough range. good for when u want to keep blapping bigger ships with your main weapon system.

  • Large Micro jump drive if u fly a sniper boat will help u deal with frigs.

  • Dont send drones out to more than 10kms if u want them to live. So if u are prepared to take frigs out with your light drones, w8 until they are in orbit. If there are no elite frigs present, sending lights will be a bit more forgiving.

  • If u fly a drone/sentry boat u should have no problem. Sentries from range and lights on remaining frigs unless u fit webs and Close range weapons. MJD+Drone scope rigs+omnis+Drone links will help for snipers. More Omni heavy will help brawlers.

  • Im probably forgetting some ways of dealing with them but I Think I included the more common and best ways.

    one small addition: there is a trick that you can sometimes use to get away if you don't want to waste time killing the elite frigs. if you drop a set of light drones, the elite frigs will sooner or later switch on one of them. by doing that, they will almost always drop the webs and scram on your ship. at that point you can align, recall your drones and warp as soon as they are back in the drone bay. with a little practice this will work almost every time and you will rarely lose more than one drone.

    I should buy an Ishtar.

    RaVeN Alliance
    #6 - 2014-06-06 14:47:13 UTC
    Remember that being webbed will actually help you warp out faster. Even though it hurts your tank ability, it is not the worst thing on you. The scramblers should be your primary target.

    I think someone mentioned it. Snipe the frigates while they are inbound.
    Let them agro you first, then deploy drones.
    Feng Chow
    #7 - 2014-06-06 21:12:06 UTC
    I use one of two methods to handle frigs in missions.

    1) Domi - MJD, drop bouncers and blap from range.
    2) Ignore them until they get really close, then pull sentry drones, drop lights and kill then retract and put out sentry drones again.

    Most of the time I save the frigs for last, and only kill them when they have me pointed or if they are part of the mission completion trigger.
    Cipher Jones
    The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
    #8 - 2014-06-06 22:25:11 UTC
    Golem: dual TP, webber, Precision CM
    Vargur: pop em as they come in with AC's, drones on what slips by
    Paladin: use 3 tracking scripts and pop everything but spider drones.

    If your light drones are literally getting instapopped, you probably need more skills.

    internet spaceships

    are serious business sir.

    and don't forget it

    Hasikan Miallok
    Republic University
    Minmatar Republic
    #9 - 2014-06-06 22:44:59 UTC
    Minor point:-

    No matter what the popup tells you, level IV rats never actually scram, they just disrupt. You can always MJD away.
    Ares Strangelove
    #10 - 2014-06-07 07:35:06 UTC
    thanks for the answers guys. It was alot of help
    Cage Man
    Fusion Enterprises Ltd
    Pandemic Horde
    #11 - 2014-06-08 19:52:28 UTC
    Just to add.. you can carry a mobile depo, and just refit as needed. So depending on what you flying, just refit webs and painter when you shooting frigs. Mobile depo makes life easy, you can carry extra drones and tank in your hold and refit as needed...
    All Kill No Skill
    #12 - 2014-06-09 11:17:54 UTC
    If you don't know what you are heading into, use eve-survival mission reports. When you warp in, identify the tacklers, lock and pop them at range. They fly in a straight line at you, so you score good damage. Once orbiting you, becomes a problem for most mission ships. At that point either get distance (e.g. mjd) or unleash drones. But I usually just pop them from way out.

    I'm in it for the money
