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So EVE is becoming just a rental universe now is it?

Prince Kobol
#101 - 2014-06-03 17:30:40 UTC
De'Veldrin wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Malcanis wrote:

Also they can't possibly be more entrenched than they are now (short of CCP deeming the CFC and N3 new Empire Factions with fiat permanent sov)

Of course they can if they know that other entities can not attack them due to needing such a long logistical chain that they do not have the manpower /ships / isk to accomplish it.

But what it does do is open them up to a two front war, which have, historically speaking been very hard to fight, but in Eve can be fought with relative ease. If they're all off chasing Small Entity A, Small Entity B can nibble off small chunks of space and vice versa until MegaSuperDuper Block A is reduced to a size it can actively defend. That's the point Malcanis is (I think) trying to make.

I know what Malc is trying to say but in reality it will not work.

You talk about war 2 fronts fine , Lets being by nerfing jump distance by half, jump clones time doubled, fuel costs doubled.

Lets Pretend its Goonswarm against an alliance of say an alliance of 500 guys, lets call them BoB Big smile.

Prior to this fight each goonswarm member has trained at least 1 cyno alt. That is a potential approx 22,000 cyno alts which is just bloody ridiculous. So lets say they have 500 Cyno alts which is very easily done.

Bob are based in Detorid, Goons are going to fly from Deklein.

For a Super with JDC5 that is 7 jumps so after the nerf its now 14.

Now with there 500 cyno alts they can place 10 cyno pilots in each system and have 100's left over, they could easily create 2, 3 extra routes.

Along each route they can position multiple pos's for supers to refuel / safe up if required.

With the amount of isk goons have, the size of their logistical wing / their experience all of this would be easy for them.

So even with the nerf BoB would still be a viable target although because of the nerf it will be a lot harder for BoB to on on the offensive as they will not have the man power / isk / logistics at hand. they might of stood a chance before but no longer.

Now even if another alliance called Tim decided to take advantage and attack Goons, they are still going to be able to fly back and defend. Okay now it might take more isk and maybe extra 10 - 15mins because of the extra jumps but it is so little it will make no difference.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#102 - 2014-06-03 17:30:45 UTC
OP you dont get it.

The massive amount of RMT going on because of rentals is generating a few dozen dudes thousands of dollars in cash.

Alliance heads, CCP, they are all farming dollars out of it on the side. DEVs maybe not directly, but they probably get a cut in envelopes on the side, to keep situation stable, almost certainly.

There is a saying in russian for this: тупо бабло стричь. And they arent going to give up this cash cow. Not the alliance leaders, not others.

Simple as that.
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#103 - 2014-06-03 17:33:38 UTC
thanks all for at least for the most part keeping this an interesting topic. Apart from the silly 'go get them out and fight for it' comments, i dont need to say how stupid that statement is.

However its not just about renting as a mechanic, im fine with that, i mean i used to fly with NC. and co and understand what a great reimbursment program they have. But i believe that if you own sov then you should have to utilise the resources in there to gain your ISK etc. Create your very own economy to let your alliance survive, The issue i have is that its got the point that say N3/NC/PL can merely control lots and lots of space with just the threat of having a zillion capitals to stop ANYONE ever taking it. The situation only gets worse because gaining trillions of isk allows you to create an unstoppable force. and no matter how many people say 'go fight for it' realistically its not going to happen is it. in fact unless you are CFC the other culprit its near impossible.
If you own space then you should live in it, be part of it, grow it, and yes maybe rent some space out. but not hundreds of systems!
Now i dont blame the alliances for doing this, if you could why wouldnt you, but this is surely killing nullsec? Yes people may say well youre populating it, well not really. What happened to the real economies, the fights etc. There is nothing left to fight for its all renters. Its cold war time and i dont see it ever changing now.

We now have clearly 2 sides CFC and N3 and everything is now about taking regions purely for isk and rental not to live and grow etc.. Worse than the chinese server. Are we getting to the end game in nullsec?

Personally i would make all nullsec NPC nullsec and get people actually living in nullsec.

If that didnt happen then I would like to see CCP completely move NPC nullsec away from sov. Like perhaps around low sec regions, that would create some interesting content. At the moment not only do these coalitions not live in sov they stay in the npc regions and exploit all the good missions, faction content etc.

I know some people wont agree, but think about it, its only heading in one direction -

All my views are my own - never be afraid to post with your main, unless you're going to post some dumb shit

Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#104 - 2014-06-03 17:35:35 UTC
OP you dont get it.

The massive amount of RMT going on because of rentals is generating a few dozen dudes thousands of dollars in cash.

Alliance heads, CCP, they are all farming dollars out of it on the side. DEVs maybe not directly, but they probably get a cut in envelopes on the side, to keep situation stable, almost certainly.

There is a saying in russian for this: тупо бабло стричь. And they arent going to give up this cash cow. Not the alliance leaders, not others.

Simple as that.

oh i agree with you, doesnt make it right though does it. When people leave because its got to end game, not alot of those people will be buying isk will they.

All my views are my own - never be afraid to post with your main, unless you're going to post some dumb shit

Prince Kobol
#105 - 2014-06-03 17:35:42 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

While trying to figure out ways to make power projection nerfs 'stick' I considered the idea of not letting SOV alliances cyno through npc held areas. The same way countries don't allow some other countries to fly over their air space. I know that If I had to go completely around Curse to get to Providence i'd just leave them guys alone lol.

But that doesn't solve the problem while being a nightmare to implement. I think the best course for CCP is more "small group' centric tools + revisting the ability to 'live' in null. There is little reason to fight for nuill space when you can get what you need by having yoru alliance jsut join faction warfare lol (like TEST) did.

That brings me back to something I've said about CCP, you can't develop null in a vaccuum (space jokes aside). As long as i can plex 4 accounts using a single Tengu in NPC null (or faction war space or now regular low sec or high sec incursions/sisters/thukker missions) who cares about SOV null income lol.

This all day long.

I make zero isk from null sec yet I am able to plex 4 accounts and save to buy a super with ease.

Hell I have hardly been online over the past few months due to RL issues yet I am still able to make enough isk to pay for my 4 accounts.

There is so little incentive for anybody top band together and fight to live in null that large areas remain empty apart from the odd few running scanning down sites etc
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#106 - 2014-06-03 17:38:36 UTC
tiberiusric wrote:

I know some people wont agree, but think about it, its only heading in one direction -

Invasion of low sec with 500 fleets followed by the invasion of high sec with 10,000 pilots?

PLEASE let it be that///

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#107 - 2014-06-03 17:43:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Malcanis pretty much nailed it in one.

Yes, he put into two paragraphs what would actually need to entail a number of smaller issues to be addressed at the same time to be fully successful.

My point of view is basically we need to:

1: SHARPLY reduce the ability to easily move capitol fleets, either through time, logistics cost/complexity, range reduction, or likely a combination of all of these things.

2: SHARPLY reduce the ability to easily move large fleets of sub caps via the same methods.

3: Change SOV and/or game mechanics to render caps inferior to sub caps when it comes to taking Sov, making hard hitting and fast moving sub caps fleets more of a danger to SOV than Cap fleets.
Further changes to SOV mechanics (specifically timers) to allow timezone participation yes, but remove the ability to use it as a long term delaying tactic.

4: Holding large area's of space should get more profitable the larger those area's are, however they should also become far more difficult to effectively hold... with a distinct emphasis on the later.

5; It should be far easier for a small entity defending a single system than for a large entity to defend countless systems.

The end goal should be for it to be actually very easy to take a system or two (and perhaps easier to hold them) from a large entity. Bigger does not have to mean better.

Even if you lose that system you can easily go take another one until eventually the larger entity tires of retaking space they really don't need (and possibly can no longer afford the time to defend).

Multiple smaller area's of control, and multiple smaller scale engagements, are far far better than what we have now.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#108 - 2014-06-03 17:47:17 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

While trying to figure out ways to make power projection nerfs 'stick' I considered the idea of not letting SOV alliances cyno through npc held areas. The same way countries don't allow some other countries to fly over their air space. I know that If I had to go completely around Curse to get to Providence i'd just leave them guys alone lol.

But that doesn't solve the problem while being a nightmare to implement. I think the best course for CCP is more "small group' centric tools + revisting the ability to 'live' in null. There is little reason to fight for nuill space when you can get what you need by having yoru alliance jsut join faction warfare lol (like TEST) did.

That brings me back to something I've said about CCP, you can't develop null in a vaccuum (space jokes aside). As long as i can plex 4 accounts using a single Tengu in NPC null (or faction war space or now regular low sec or high sec incursions/sisters/thukker missions) who cares about SOV null income lol.

This all day long.

I make zero isk from null sec yet I am able to plex 4 accounts and save to buy a super with ease.

Hell I have hardly been online over the past few months due to RL issues yet I am still able to make enough isk to pay for my 4 accounts.

There is so little incentive for anybody top band together and fight to live in null that large areas remain empty apart from the odd few running scanning down sites etc

And it's a shame. I really hate to do that "walking 10 miles to school up hill in the snow" routine, but there is no other way. I remember when BELT RATTING was ok isk and finding a Complex is a sure fire guarantee of enough isk to buy gametime.

Now belts in null are things you check on the off chance a hauler, commander or officer spawn might be there (for me they never are lol) and getting a 10/10 escalation only guarantees that if you kill the overseer, you will get an OPE box that will pay for (at current prices) 1/6th of a PLEX lol.

It's not all bad, you can upgrade and and get anomalies and such sure. But one cloaky dude means either get safe, be prepared to fight or accept that your ratting ship will die and is an acceptable loss. Meanwhile in NPC null I can run missions where (unlike anoms) a person has to scan me down to find me and I don't even need an escalation, i've got the wonderful Angel Cartel LP store lol.

The old pos based sov system sucked. Incursions, FW rewards, wormholes and the rest of it did greatly improve the game. But it's come at the extreme cost of turning null sec in rentistan when it should be the cauldron of war. Not saying that killing doesn't go on in null, it does and it drives the EVE economy, but it shouldn't be like it is.
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#109 - 2014-06-03 17:50:59 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Malcanis pretty much nailed it in one.

Yes, he put into two paragraphs what would actually need to entail a number of smaller issues to be addressed at the same time to be fully successful.

My point of view is basically we need to:

1: SHARPLY reduce the ability to easily move capitol fleets, either through time, logistics cost/complexity, range reduction, or likely a combination of all of these things.

2: SHARPLY reduce the ability to easily move large fleets of sub caps via the same methods.

3: Change SOV and/or game mechanics to render caps inferior to sub caps when it comes to taking Sov, making hard hitting and fast moving sub caps fleets more of a danger to SOV than Cap fleets.
Further changes to SOV mechanics (specifically timers) to allow timezone participation yes, but remove the ability to use it as a long term delaying tactic.

4: Holding large area's of space should get more profitable the larger those area's are, however they should also become far more difficult to effectively hold... with a distinct emphasis on the later.

5; It should be far easier for a small entity defending a single system than for a large entity to defend countless systems.

The end goal should be for it to be actually very easy to take a system or two (and perhaps easier to hold them) from a large entity. Bigger does not have to mean better.

Even if you lose that system you can easily go take another one until eventually the larger entity tires of retaking space they really don't need (and possibly can no longer afford the time to defend).

Multiple smaller area's of control, and multiple smaller scale engagements, are far far better than what we have now.

I almost feel this is 'after the horse has bolted' its a cold war, so it doesnt matter neither side are bothered about attacking each other on a grand scale at the moment. So getting to each other quicker being nerfed is probably a good thing as it helps protects their assets they now have. You can see it on the map N3 have the south, CFC have the North and both getting richer and bigger everyday, almost like fat cats.

What happens when there is nothing left to take (which is pretty much where we are now). Neither side will attack each other, so thats it then. End game for nullsec.

And even if one side did attack, and one won, what do you think will happen to the other regions? yep all turned to rental space.

God just get rid of standings and go back to having it in your bios - that was the fun days :)

All my views are my own - never be afraid to post with your main, unless you're going to post some dumb shit

Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#110 - 2014-06-03 17:53:51 UTC
tiberiusric wrote:
I dont know about you guys, but this really worries me.Big smile
I don't understand what about this worries you? Some people get irrationally angry at flippers too, you know those people who buy cheap run down houses to fix up and sell of quickly for large profits. Eve has equivalent activities and people need to support themselves somehow. There are folk who specialize in removing abandoned POS's and selling the high sec moon slots for a profit too. Does this also worry you?

At least the possiblity of renting does allow some access to null sec smaller corps might never get otherwise... and if the prices are too high people either won't pay in or someone else will come and try to remove the old landlords.

If you are worried that some landlord want to be will bite off way more than they should be able to control and then install their own pet renters... well that's a house of cards waiting to fall.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#111 - 2014-06-03 18:11:07 UTC
I find it hilarious how some people think the only way to take down a huge alliance is through firepower. Does no one remember how BoB was finally taken down?
Dave stark
#112 - 2014-06-03 18:19:12 UTC
The massive amount of RMT going on because of rentals is generating a few dozen dudes thousands of dollars in cash.

i'd (and i'm sure CCP) would love to see your evidence to substantiate this claim.

unless you'd just like to admit that you're full of ****?
Black Canary Jnr
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#113 - 2014-06-03 18:20:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Canary Jnr
Estella Osoka wrote:
I find it hilarious how some people think the only way to take down a huge alliance is through firepower. Does no one remember how BoB was finally taken down?

Pretty sure mittens will have insulated himself against that. Besides even if there was a big sov drop the renters are different alliances and people would just rejoin unless there's a major disfunctionality within the alliance. Ultimately killing goons is dropping sov in a few regions, if that, their pets/ cronies still hold several regions, their rental empire is in place. Within a couple of days they have regrinded it all in supers. Maybe PL/ N3 can capitalise and deadzone VFK, nothing more will come out of it.
Thomas Harding
#114 - 2014-06-03 18:20:55 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
I find it hilarious how some people think the only way to take down a huge alliance is through firepower. Does no one remember how BoB was finally taken down?

So one guy tries to get in position to disband an alliance and rest of us just sit on our asses waiting it for happend?
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#115 - 2014-06-03 19:40:44 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
I find it hilarious how some people think the only way to take down a huge alliance is through firepower. Does no one remember how BoB was finally taken down?

I find it even more funny you think it's that easy. Even if one did get disbanded then that would leave one super power that will just make the enemies space into even more rental estate

All my views are my own - never be afraid to post with your main, unless you're going to post some dumb shit

Galadriel Vasquez
Project Omega Industries
#116 - 2014-06-03 19:44:52 UTC
answer - no.

I have tin foil hat trained to 5.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#117 - 2014-06-03 19:46:52 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Want to fix sov without nerfing power projection? Trivial.

Modify all sov structures to have 10k ehp. There. Done. Titans, Supers, Carriers, and Dreads all become irrelevant. A ten man gang of frigates can reinforce an entire region. Problem solved.

Ridiculous? Probably. But there's almost certainly a happy medium between the total stagnation currently on TQ and the ridiculous ping pong proposed above.
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#118 - 2014-06-03 20:18:26 UTC
Galadriel Vasquez wrote:
answer - no.

i guess youll be still saying that when PL take provi and make it a rental place Big smile

All my views are my own - never be afraid to post with your main, unless you're going to post some dumb shit

Adira Nictor
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#119 - 2014-06-03 21:24:00 UTC
Pine Marten wrote:
Adira Nictor wrote:
tiberiusric wrote:
I dont know about you guys, but this really worries me.

The entire south has become just rental, hundreds and hundreds of systems. Is it just me that sees something fundamentally wrong here?

I dont disagree with renting a few systems out you own, but literally taking over regions purely to rent is another thing. This surely goes against what eve is about? Coalitions just having to do absolute minimum effort to hold these regions, dont even have to live in them! But its only the huge amount of supers and titans that stops anyone else even having a slight chance. Trillions and trillions of isk, and it will only get worse as the more money the more supers and titans etc etc.

Will CCP ever do anything about this? Is it too late to? is eve heading in the wrong direction. Personally i think something needs to change but i think its too late and eve is heading for a disaster.

troll away or not Big smile

Start a corp, we must fight this injustice, I will be happy to join up and help you take back these large areas of 0.0 and make sure others get to enjoy them as well, without renting, but by putting effort into holding their sov.

And where will you be getting your supers from and in such supply that the overlords actually view you as a threat? Wont happen.

Nothing will ever change. If anything, get worse.

I believe this is why ccp has never made new regions available, since they will just be claimed for their moongoo and then rented out. whats the point in that? Not worth new regions imo. Situation sucks as is.

Elite: Dangerous all the way.

I really don't care where the supers come from, I was just trying to get in OPs corp and be trusted..
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#120 - 2014-06-03 23:05:55 UTC
personally i would like to see systems that are not being used automatically drop sov over time.

IE you need to keep mil 1 or industrial 1 within the first 7 days of taking sov or it drops back to default claimable null sec. it will force large alliances to spread out to enable to hold vast areas.