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EVE General Discussion

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I have two questions about EVE Online

First post
Bootes Algebra
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-06-02 07:52:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Bootes Algebra
1) Will this game ever support linux? (W8 licence is bit expensive)

2) What would be the cheapest possible PC able to run this game with good fps, but low settings?

I was forced to sell my gaming PC, since I was running out of money. Already bounced from that situation, but still not easy. I need to build a cheaper PC for daily usage, like checking email etc. I would like to continue exploring this game. So, please, help me to build cheapest possible 'evebox'. Thanks in advance.
ISD Atomic Dove
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#2 - 2014-06-02 08:11:19 UTC
There is quite a dedicated following of you linux users that are found here,

And anything pretty much this side of 1999 will run eve, not necessarily pretty, but it'll do. Big smile

ISD Atomic Dove


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

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Alastair Ormand
Mine all the things
#3 - 2014-06-02 08:17:23 UTC
1. Don't use W8, get Win7 (OEM copies are the only ones still sold).

2. This game is easy to run. Wont need an expensive PC.

3. Don't use Linux to play Windows based games. Just doesn't make sense.

I discourage running with scissors.

Nami Kumamato
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-06-02 08:43:44 UTC
Bootes Algebra wrote:
1) Will this game ever support linux? (W8 licence is bit expensive)

2) What would be the cheapest possible PC able to run this game with good fps, but low settings?

I was forced to sell my gaming PC, since I was running out of money. Already bounced from that situation, but still not easy. I need to build a cheaper PC for daily usage, like checking email etc. I would like to continue exploring this game. So, please, help me to build cheapest possible 'evebox'. Thanks in advance.

I'm running it on a P9100 with Intel HD graphics, 4GB (textures to max and shader to medium and it runs ok). Switching to everything on Low would net me significantly increased fps but I needs to see *some* details on ma ships!

Fornicate The Constabulary !

Sunshine and Lollipops
#5 - 2014-06-02 08:51:50 UTC
This game will support linux in 2007. It will stop supporting it in 2009 because the Linux community already provides a better way of running the game than what CCP can offer.
#6 - 2014-06-02 08:59:38 UTC
if you cannot afford a version of Win7 and a machine of £500 ish cost then you wont be able to afford the subscription.

but anything with 4GB RAM and a video card from the last 4 years will be fine...

All Kill No Skill
#7 - 2014-06-02 09:20:16 UTC
Bootes Algebra wrote:
1) Will this game ever support linux? (W8 licence is bit expensive)

2) What would be the cheapest possible PC able to run this game with good fps, but low settings?

I was forced to sell my gaming PC, since I was running out of money. Already bounced from that situation, but still not easy. I need to build a cheaper PC for daily usage, like checking email etc. I would like to continue exploring this game. So, please, help me to build cheapest possible 'evebox'. Thanks in advance.

Yeah go to the Linux forum here, there is a Ubuntu how-to thread with setting up EVE up on the front page there (last I looked a few days ago). Don't worry about a native client, CCP seems to keep it Wine friendly since they dropped the native client.

Umm.. anything fairly up to date should do for a system, within the past few years or so. Maybe older but pushing it more, results may vary. Under Wine, you would want a little better, but still should work fine on a fairly modern system.

I'm in it for the money


Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#8 - 2014-06-02 09:33:55 UTC
You could run eve on a potato ,
just turn the effects off, optimize for performance and avoid massive fleets if you can.
I played for most of a year on a 5 year old anemic laptop, the only thing really relevant to performance is the cpu.
Can't help with Linux but our kindly local ISD provided you the link for the other users.

Best of luck with getting your **** sorted, remember, your toon will always be there so if you need to let the sub lapse for a while it wouldn't 've effected and everyone does it now and again.
Noriko Mai
#9 - 2014-06-02 10:38:29 UTC
It runs like a charm with latest wine and OSS ATI Drivers.

"Meh.." - Albert Einstein

#10 - 2014-06-02 10:58:42 UTC
EVE runs flawlessly on Linux through WINE. The only thing that don't work (last time i checked) are Captains Quarters. But who uses them anyways right?
As for Windoze, just like in EVE, there's certain, bays, if you will, where pirates roam and offer you great deals on things otherwise overpriced. Just saying, although not implying anything.

As for the latter, I would say even the cheapest computer available to purchase would run EVE to some degree, so don't worry about that part.

This signature intentionally left blank

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#11 - 2014-06-02 11:24:40 UTC
Bootes Algebra wrote:
1) Will this game ever support linux? (W8 licence is bit expensive)
Eve runs fine under WINE, alternatively a legit Win 7 product key with official DL links is around £40, Win 8 is only a few pounds more if you shop around.

2) What would be the cheapest possible PC able to run this game with good fps, but low settings?
You can pick up a new machine that'll run Eve for around £200 + the cost of the OS if you go with windows. Eve isn't particularly demanding, pretty much any desktop PC from the last 5 years or so will run it, as will most laptops.

I was forced to sell my gaming PC, since I was running out of money. Already bounced from that situation, but still not easy. I need to build a cheaper PC for daily usage, like checking email etc. I would like to continue exploring this game. So, please, help me to build cheapest possible 'evebox'. Thanks in advance.
If you can tell us what country you're in I'm sure people will be happy to point you in the right direction.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

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