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Feedback request on Contract system

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Space Male
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#321 - 2014-05-29 08:32:03 UTC
Rearrange the contract types like this:

All | Want to Buy | Want to Sell | Want to Trade | Auctions.

All-self explanatory.
Want to Buy-> trades isk for item(s) such as "Want to Buy Venture BPO for X isk"
Want to Sell->trades item(s) for isk such as "Want to Sell Venture BPO for X isk"
Want to Trade->trades item(s) for item(s) such as "Want to Trade Venture BPO for 1000 Venture(s)"
(isk+items for items would be in this section)
Auctions->self explanatory.

Exclude would work like this : you press Exclude and a new line pops up with the options above (save for All), similar to how it is now when you press Item Type->Blueprint Original, for example.
Taxisk Unlimited
#322 - 2014-05-29 08:38:54 UTC
Could it be possible to add name field to corpse contracts so people could set buy orders for someones corpse and put name more clearly to corpse so we know who it is. People have been asking for mercenary contracts and this is as close as it gets to mercenary contract.


Link library to EVE music songs.

Rothar Luke
Did he say Jump
Deepwater Hooligans
#323 - 2014-05-29 11:11:53 UTC
First of all, I like Space Male's idea. Make it possible for narrow down search entries.

Secondly, I'd like there to be more contract options, such as Loan contracts. Another one, for example, reprocess the ores / items in this contract and send back the minerals.

Another idea would being able to choose multiple stations in one courier. The hauler would go to several different stations picking up items and then dropping them all off at one place. I'd be great if you want to clean up your asset window but can't be bothered to do it yourself.


Comrades in Construction
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#324 - 2014-05-29 12:01:43 UTC
Ydnari wrote:

This doesn't work from a technical point of view since the inventory estimates of many items is totally wrong; T2 capital components, I'm looking at you - either it picks up the super-high values used by margin trade scammers, or it values them at zero.

It's also wrong from a gameplay point of view.

I dont see why the game couldn't have some restrictions on how high you can put a Collateral Fee, you already get an estimated value when you have the Items selected in your Inventory at a station (the estimated value is based on data from New Eden markets). its just a matter of incorporating an already existing features into the contract system.
there is estimated values on T2 capital components just as there are on everything else, and yes the estimated value may variate from actual value but that is only to be expected as the word "estimated" implies

and I think your missing my point here... This has nothing to do with margin trade/scammers, as they don't use [Courier Contracts] but use the [Item Exchange].

As I have said, [Courier Contract] is not intended to be used as a means to acquiring suicide gank targets. How they do it: Setup a courier contract with just enough cargo that you have to use a freighter/Jump Freigher, with as low Item value as possible and then put in an insane Collateral fee.. usually in the billions. and once you have accepted it they will wait for you somewhere and destroy your ship, thereby making you incapable of completing they contract you took on.
I don't have a problem with suicide gankers destroying Freighters and other "Defenseless" target, but when the game is exploited in such a way it should be punished for doing so or atleast the exploit should be removed.

Walter Hart White
Heisenberg Minings
#325 - 2014-05-29 13:14:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Walter Hart White
Courier contract needs to list items for transit. That would cut out weak scams and overcollated/undercollated items.
Space Male
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#326 - 2014-05-29 14:58:11 UTC
No they do not. What if people want to carry really expensive items and double wrap them? I do not want the hauler to check my cargo.
Walter Hart White
Heisenberg Minings
#327 - 2014-05-29 15:11:09 UTC
Space Male wrote:
No they do not. What if people want to carry really expensive items and double wrap them? I do not want the hauler to check my cargo.

Which again, no sane hauler would take. Thus it should show on the contract. Plus why would you do that, just to cheapen the collateral?
Space Male
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#328 - 2014-05-29 15:12:51 UTC
There are certain hauling corporations which take higher collateral than 1B fyi.
Walter Hart White
Heisenberg Minings
#329 - 2014-05-29 15:17:11 UTC
Space Male wrote:
There are certain hauling corporations which take higher collateral than 1B fyi.

Sure, but then list correct collateral and not undercollate with double wrap "trick".
Space Male
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#330 - 2014-05-29 15:22:38 UTC
If I want a 2b BPO hauled or a 2m BPO one but with the same payment, does it matter? <,<
Walter Hart White
Heisenberg Minings
#331 - 2014-05-29 15:35:06 UTC
Space Male wrote:
If I want a 2b BPO hauled or a 2m BPO one but with the same payment, does it matter? <,<

It matters a lot. I might not take that 2b BPO but will take 2m BPO. If you collaterate both at 1b, what am I supposed to do except fail you and then contract it back?
Space Male
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#332 - 2014-05-29 15:46:57 UTC
I meant that as in contracting it through a hauling company. The haulers have alts which deal with contracts and another char which is actually the hauler.

// More than 1k blocked people in the contract section. I have 300 blocked already in a week.
Walter Hart White
Heisenberg Minings
#333 - 2014-05-29 15:54:15 UTC
Space Male wrote:
I meant that as in contracting it through a hauling company. The haulers have alts which deal with contracts and another char which is actually the hauler.

// More than 1k blocked people in the contract section. I have 300 blocked already in a week.

What has that to do with anything? You dont even need to double wrap for that, just use regular contracts....
Saira Minamoto
Caldari State
#334 - 2014-05-29 18:08:21 UTC
Not sure if it is a bug per say but bugs the hell out of me.

When you sort by jumps you only sort on the page that you are looking at.

so you don't see the items closest to you because they may be on page 2 or 3.

I think when you sort by jumps it should start with items listed closest to you but not only from page 1 but from all pages.

NOTE: I did already post this in bug report forum and I did not read all feedback in this forum to see if this is a double post.
JackyDawg Pyrous
12D Chess Corp
Interplanetary Industries
#335 - 2014-05-30 21:45:21 UTC
It is pretty good, but I think the interface could be streamlined a little more. But I mainly want corpses to keep their names on contracts, for people like me who like to collect corpses.
Tian Toralen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#336 - 2014-05-31 08:37:26 UTC
Contracts possible from station containers please.

I do some ratting, place items I want to reprocess in the station container. I want to contract them to my reprocessing alt directly. What's the use of that container if I have to get them out of it, mixing them again with everything else?
Comrades in Construction
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#337 - 2014-05-31 23:56:05 UTC
Tian Toralen wrote:
Contracts possible from station containers please.

I do some ratting, place items I want to reprocess in the station container. I want to contract them to my reprocessing alt directly. What's the use of that container if I have to get them out of it, mixing them again with everything else?

Just contract/trade the Container containing the items and problem solved, once the container is emptied you can just Trade/Contract it back
Actaeon Versaea
#338 - 2014-06-01 05:51:28 UTC
BugraT WarheaD wrote:
Maybe having the hability to name a contract will be nice. For example, when I make dozens of contracts with pre-fitted ships form my corp, all contracts are named [Multiple Items]. It's boring, why shouldn't I be able to name it ?

This... Prehaps if there is a singe ship in the contract, reguardless of other items, have the name set by default to the name of the ship?
CW Itovuo
The Executioners
#339 - 2014-06-01 13:28:17 UTC
+1 to rearranging the contract viewing page so fitted ships display in standard format (highs, mids, lows, rigs, then cargo)

+100 to RELIST expired contract.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#340 - 2014-06-02 14:47:39 UTC
It would be great to lift (or increase) the contract limit (200) on number of item stacks. The limit on size in m3 is reasonable, but the contract itself should be no more limited than a hanger/container is, in terms of how many stacks it can contain.
