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Returning Players/Skill Points

Rowcan Corp
#1 - 2014-05-30 16:38:46 UTC
The news goes out! One time only full Skill Point Refund! Never before and never again! Return now! Be active when the full Skill Point Refund comes. That would work even better than the "name on the stone" thing. With all the changes in eve over the past 10 years, it doesn't sound so outrageous. I don't really think people would completely change their characters character, (I had to say that, it felt good) but rather adjust and refine. Over the years new options and changes make some skill areas, more or less needed for the game play type I now enjoy. Anyway, it would bring back many players, and make a ton of money, as a one time deal, one key per "active" account, to use on any, one character in that account.
Antihrist Pripravnik
Scorpion Road Industry
#2 - 2014-05-30 16:48:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Antihrist Pripravnik
In that case, I would totally reactivate several of characters that I made in 2005 and abandoned. I'm sure the majority of old players would do the same.

(Btw. that was back when I still tried EVE out and wasn't sure if I would continue playing or not)
Li Quiao
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2014-05-30 16:49:18 UTC
You're late. April Fool's was two months ago.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-05-30 16:54:21 UTC
Skill Point remap would be interesting..

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Jegrey Dozer
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-05-30 18:27:36 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
Skill Point remap would be interesting..

It would also be controversial.

All you need to do is remap attributes and train a bunch of random skills, whose main attributes you remapped into, to gain incredibly fast SP without ever hitting a situation where you are in need of skills that have different primary and secondary attributes.

Then when you hit your threshold SP, you remap. Congrats! You just matched someone else in SP and you did it about 30% faster than they ever could.

That sounds lame to me : /
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#6 - 2014-05-30 18:37:05 UTC
How about.....

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Sunshine and Lollipops
#7 - 2014-05-30 18:38:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Sibyyl wrote:
Skill Point remap would be interesting..

No, it would not.

Skills are an interesting and meaningful decision to make. Removing that decision would be the exact opposite of interesting and meaningful. It would also be directly harmful to the game.

OP: What you're asking for is already in the game. It's called “skill training”. EVE is not a class/level-based game where you're stuck in one path and can't do anything outside of the 20 abilities you've accumulated on your way to max level. Instead, if you want to try something new, just try it.
Squirrel Team
#8 - 2014-05-30 18:44:42 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:
Skill Point remap would be interesting..

No, it would not.

Skills are an interesting and meaningful decision to make. Removing that decision would be the exact opposite of interesting and meaningful. It would also be directly harmful to the game.

OP: What you're asking for is already in the game. It's called “skill training”. EVE is not a class/level-based game where you're stuck in one path and can't do anything outside of the 20 abilities you've accumulated on your way to max level. Instead, if you want to try something new, just try it.

I'd pony up a PLEX or two for an SP remap. And would activate at least one old account and do the same. Could be a financial shot-in-the-arm for CCP.

It's not personal, it's just business.


Dum Spiro Spero

Sunshine and Lollipops
#9 - 2014-05-30 18:47:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
KaarBaak wrote:
I'd pony up a PLEX or two for an SP remap. And would activate at least one old account and do the same. Could be a financial shot-in-the-arm for CCP.
More like a financial shot in the head.
Paying to skip game mechanics is inherently a bad idea.

It's not personal, it's just business.
Alienating your customer base by introducing P2W is not good business.

If you want them to remove skills, ask them to remove skills. Don't ask them to make the removal contingent on how large your wallet is. The former is just a bad idea; the latter is taking a bad idea and turning it up to 21 by not just removing game mechanics but ensuring that the removal breaks the game as much as possible in the process.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2014-05-30 18:52:52 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:
Skill Point remap would be interesting..

No, it would not.

Skills are an interesting and meaningful decision to make. Removing that decision would be the exact opposite of interesting and meaningful. It would also be directly harmful to the game.

OP: What you're asking for is already in the game. It's called “skill training”. EVE is not a class/level-based game where you're stuck in one path and can't do anything outside of the 20 abilities you've accumulated on your way to max level. Instead, if you want to try something new, just try it.

I'm in complete support of this point of view as long as they keep making sure most play style have a "rookie" way to do it so you can dip your toes and and could change your mind before investing months into something. Logi for example was an example of things that were not really rookie accessible before they made the frigs/cruiser tailor made to learn it.
Dominus Tempus
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2014-05-30 18:55:15 UTC
I'd rather CCP not make Eve into another generic asian mmo with even more pay to win than we already have with plex. (Plex is okay)

The amount of asian investor influence in Eve is too damn high.
#12 - 2014-05-30 19:07:58 UTC
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
In that case, I would totally reactivate several of characters that I made in 2005 and abandoned. I'm sure the majority of old players would do the same.

(Btw. that was back when I still tried EVE out and wasn't sure if I would continue playing or not)

I would stop my subs and leave (because its a screwed up idea)
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2014-05-30 19:12:38 UTC
Jegrey Dozer wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:
Skill Point remap would be interesting..
All you need to do is remap attributes and train a bunch of random skills, whose main attributes you remapped into, to gain incredibly fast SP without ever hitting a situation where you are in need of skills that have different primary and secondary attributes.

Then when you hit your threshold SP, you remap. Congrats! You just matched someone else in SP and you did it about 30% faster than they ever could.

That's a good point. This is open to abuse with implants (and lost implants) too.

Tippia wrote:
Skills are an interesting and meaningful decision to make. Removing that decision would be the exact opposite of interesting and meaningful. It would also be directly harmful to the game.

Makes sense. The mistakes you make for training skills is often connected to your pilot's in-game history.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Rowcan Corp
#14 - 2014-05-30 19:26:50 UTC
Its controversial, no question, with strong opinions, and both sides having good arguments. One time only would not change how getting skills, or training skills works. It would not benefit new players, or change the game for them at all. The overall and sudden change in characters could have many unknown and harmful effects, or might just be absorbed and hardly noticed. It might not be worth the quick money, with all the headaches it could/would cause........still, I want it, and would use mine.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#15 - 2014-05-30 19:31:50 UTC
Rowcan wrote:
Its controversial, no question, with strong opinions, and both sides having good arguments.
I can't remember ever having seen a good argument for it…
Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2014-05-30 19:36:39 UTC
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
In that case, I would totally reactivate several of characters that I made in 2005 and abandoned. I'm sure the majority of old players would do the same.

(Btw. that was back when I still tried EVE out and wasn't sure if I would continue playing or not)

I would unsub and not return.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Erufen Rito
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#17 - 2014-05-30 20:18:06 UTC
Tippia wrote:
KaarBaak wrote:
I'd pony up a PLEX or two for an SP remap. And would activate at least one old account and do the same. Could be a financial shot-in-the-arm for CCP.
More like a financial shot in the head.
Paying to skip game mechanics is inherently a bad idea.

It's not personal, it's just business.
Alienating your customer base by introducing P2W is not good business.

If you want them to remove skills, ask them to remove skills. Don't ask them to make the removal contingent on how large your wallet is. The former is just a bad idea; the latter is taking a bad idea and turning it up to 21 by not just removing game mechanics but ensuring that the removal breaks the game as much as possible in the process.

And here you go, blowing things out of proportion.

an SP remap, as far as I understand it, does not "win" the game in any way. It simply rewrites what the character could do, with the ammount of SP it had gathere at the point of the remap.

How is this pay to win? Because you can train a lot of 1x skills up really quick and then remap it into more advanced skills?

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

Erufen Rito
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#18 - 2014-05-30 20:36:16 UTC
Jegrey Dozer wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:
Skill Point remap would be interesting..

It would also be controversial.

All you need to do is remap attributes and train a bunch of random skills, whose main attributes you remapped into, to gain incredibly fast SP without ever hitting a situation where you are in need of skills that have different primary and secondary attributes.

Then when you hit your threshold SP, you remap. Congrats! You just matched someone else in SP and you did it about 30% faster than they ever could.

That sounds lame to me : /

Let's put that to the test.
Currently, I have a 890 day skill plan in Evemon.
If I plug in my current remap plus implants, I get 872 days.
If I optimize for this plan, I drop down to 858 days.

The first scenario, I'm training 2.03% faster than what I have now
On the second scenario, I'm training 4.4% faster, Over a 2 and a third years timeframe.
I don't see a 30% increase, and honestly, 5% is so irrelevant, that I haven't bothered remaping.

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

Sunshine and Lollipops
#19 - 2014-05-30 20:46:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Erufen Rito wrote:
And here you go, blowing things out of proportion.

an SP remap, as far as I understand it, does not "win" the game in any way.
An SP remap bypasses game mechanics and game balance. This bypass effectively removes the mechanic and its connected balance from the game, specifically the entire skilling mechanic and everything related to it, including the attributes that balance how quickly you acquire those skills. Tie it to PLEX and you have a paid-for ability to skip game mechanics. This is about as P2W as it gets. The amount of “win” you gain doesn't particularly matter — what matters is that you are now paying to not play the game the same way as everyone else.

Again: if you want them to remove skills, ask them to remove skills. Don't turn it into an idiotic P2W scheme.

Oh, and of course, first you have to figure out a good reason why skills should be removed — effectively or explicitly. I have yet to hear anyone present such a reason.
Marsha Mallow
#20 - 2014-05-30 20:47:50 UTC
Erufen Rito wrote:
And here you go, blowing things out of proportion.

Now you've done it. When you've finished taking your well deserved beating for this over 40 pages, I demand you post an apology to the rest of the forum. You could just do it now.

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

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