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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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37m sp caracter lookig to learn pvp / 27m sp shield logi alt

station huggers inc
#1 - 2014-05-25 00:44:03 UTC
Hello guys currently right now im soloing lvl 4s doing the random incursion. Its starting to get rather boring and im looking to find a corp that could help me learn 0.0 space pvp and possibly learn how to fly a capital as thats my long term goal. i also have an alt that has 27m sp thats lvl 5 shield logi and industrial/trade.
Venkata Chandrasekhara Raman
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2014-05-25 08:51:31 UTC
Take a look here at Coreli
Psaqi Coldness
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-05-25 09:39:36 UTC

Our recruitment team has noticed your efforts in searching the forums for a good Null sec corporation to join.
Sometimes such a post can have overwhelming replies, here at Zebra Corp recruitment center we would like to take this time to educate about our organization.

We are part of the CFC in an alliance named The Bastion [BSTN] which is a Goonswarm led alliance that holds Sovereignty in Vale.

- We are looking for motivated pilots that are relaxed and can take a joke.
- We are looking for Active pilots that want to pvp or learn how to pvp.
- We consider motivated newbie pilots who want to focus on PVP.

What we offer:

- We are a very experienced corp with some of the core membership flying together for over 5 years.
- We have a representative on The Council of Stellar Management (CSM) - Xander Phoena
- Xander Phoena also runs one of the most popular Eve Podcasts with fellow Zebro Jeg Elsker –
- We are a member of the CFC
- From Small roams to medium fleets to epic multiple fleet battles
- Fleets for Black ops, Frigates, cruisers and Battleships, including capital and supercapital fleets.
- Access to well-supplied trade hubs in both Empire and null security space.
- Multiple ship replacement programs.
- Experienced people in all categories of eve.

Join in game channel ZC Pub
Asteroid Farm Unlimited
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2014-05-25 09:48:15 UTC

║░║╚╝╩╝ is one of the most established (6 years+) low sec Pirate Corporations in Eve with currently around 40 active members who are mostly UK/EU time zone with a growing USA presence.

We are active/relaxed/mature and play for fun. (no dramas).
Real life always comes first for us.
NO call to arms.
NO politics (True Pirates who dont do blues).
We just like to log on, blow crap up/die a horrid death, have fun and log out, simple and no fuss !
We have regular camps/roams/hotdrops/blops in target rich areas.
We fly anything from Frigs, Cruisers, Battleships, HACS, Blackops, Caps
We encourage solo pvp as well as teamwork.
We try not to blob as we prefer to use skills over numbers.
The social side to Eve is very important to us.

We are looking for active and relaxed Low Sec pvpers/pirates.
We require a min of 25m sp (exceptions could be made).
Experience in PVP is essential and u must know the basics (no noobs).
Must be able to show decent killboard stats i.e. efficiency.
Must be willing to lose security status (-10)
Must be willing to field specific ships (not just a frig because thats all u can fly)
NO trial accounts or alts.
NO carebears, industrials, miners, mission runners. (use alts to earn isk to finance pvp)
Must be self sufficient. (have an alt that can bring in supplies for you).
You must be English speaking.
A sense of humour is a must!
Be able to use TS3 with a working mic when in game.
Must fill in a questionnaire
An interview on comms will also be required prior to acceptance.
Above all else u need to be a relaxed, team player.

Apply here
Then please join our public channel ''The Darker Side'' for a friendly chat.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-05-25 11:49:52 UTC
Here at TOYS R US we are members of The Harlequins alliance and are looking to grow our numbers as a corp. We are a pirate corp apart of a pirate alliance and therefore are all about the PVP from roaming, camping, or hunting. We operate in all security areas from high to null but primarily live in low sec. We are also a mature group of adults and understand everyone has a life outside of eve we do welcome casual eve players as well as the hardcore players.

Here at TOYS R US we have 3 simple rules

1: NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It)
2: RL does come first
3: No freaking dramaAttention

What we offer:
1. Daily PVP from camps to scheduled fleets
2. Alliance Voice comms TS/Jabber
3. Relocation help
4. Alliance forums
5. Corp Website
6. Doctrines to help you know what to train and what to fly.
7. Always someone on between the corp and alliance to play with

What we expect form you:
1. The ability to have fun and enjoy the game
2. The ability to understand its only a game of pixels
3. Have a working headset with mic
4. Mature attitude and ability to take a joke
5. 10mil SP (but we will make exceptions so feel free to stop by the pub and chat).
6. EU/US EST timezone

Join "TOY'S Pub" to chat

CEO of TOYS R US. Recruitment Thread

Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#6 - 2014-05-25 18:01:23 UTC
Hello There!

Flying Dangerous (FIGL) is a null security PvP Alliance currently based in the Syndicate region. Our singular focus in Eve is PvP, pure and simple. We are primarily a small gang PvP alliance, with fleets consisting upwards of 35+ members. We are more than willing to take anyone and teach them to PvP. Experienced and talented fleet commanders lead fleets daily, with both scheduled and ad-hoc ops. We fly all races and ship types from frigate class to battleship and capital ships.

More info at:
Some videos of our fleets: Link
In-game chat channel: FD 4 PvP
Stop by and ask to speak with a recruiter today!
Scarlet Nobleonce
#7 - 2014-05-25 18:22:32 UTC
Dominion Enterprise is currently recruiting
★-We live in a class 6 wormhole<-
★-Enjoy the casual aspects of the game<-
★-TS3 & 7.5% tax rate<-
★-Access to nullsec is a definite posibility<-

We are a Class 6 WH corp specializing in small to medium gang warfair.

■C6 WH sites
■Good Static (easy Solo ISK)
■Proven Pos System (your stuff is safe)
■SRP (Soon)
■Good PI

Membership requirements:
■20m SP (lower might be considered if good attitude and meets expectations)
■Must be able to scan and follow BM'ing Rules
■Must be social and use teamspeak.
■Good attitude and willing to have fun.
■There is no time requirements, But must be willing to do things with the corp.
■Willing to give full API (no exceptions)

Ship Requirements:
Must be able to fly at least Bomber/interceptor

But prefer T3's,* Guardian’s,* Capital's* Recon's

*=Min. lvl 4 Skills in required role
Iam The Empress
#8 - 2014-05-25 22:55:43 UTC

No real spam, never been one for fancy adds, never made sense to play *god* in a virtual world, that could also be a lack of ego in me :P

Evil Monkey Asylum - FW/PvP/PvE

All we ask is that you give it a read n see if it is a fit for you.

Thanks in advance

Mortis Angelus
Kybernauts Clade
#9 - 2014-05-26 15:29:44 UTC
Saw your recruitment thread on the forums obviously. I would like to offer you a chance to join Mortis Angelus. We have had a long and incredibly well respected history in this game. Today we are proud The Kadeshi and N3 Coalition members, also a well respected player community. MORTS has been known throughout the game's history as a top tier PVP corporation. We are growing stronger each and every day but prefer quality of the player over quantity!

Today we can also offer a great deal to those players that find interest in Pvp and Pve in order to fund their pvp needs.

We live in Tenerifis(Angel rats) and our roots are something we will never forget, roaming, bomb raids, Wh-ganks and black ops.

Given what we know about you, we would like to know more

If you wish to be a part of our humble house and future, I encourage you to stop by our public channel: Mortis info or visit our recruitment page

Given our selectiveness, be prepared to be interviewed!

If you wish to check out our comprehensive kill history, by all means do my friend!

If this does not interest you, I wish you a happy time in EVE and happy corp hunting!

- Cheers mate!

Mortis Angelus: 11 Years and still kicking, One family One Goal

Wrecking Machine.
#10 - 2014-05-26 15:53:16 UTC
I'm sure you won't take this the wrong way, you don't learn to PvP in null. You learn to sit at a titan and do what your told and god help you if you bump it!

If you want to learn pvp then drop me an eve mail. We are HS and just starting out, but we did train todays highest killer on battleclinc and we did train all time points scorer in battleclinc. I was also CEO of a corp that has just left the top 100 of battleclinc - and we never numbered more than 50 members and never a null sec blob tastic alliance

So you want to learn, drop me an eve mail and we can have a chat - although it would be good to put in your post your TZ so we know we'll both be active.

Cheers maiich
Sly Visionz
Baba Yagas
The Initiative.
#11 - 2014-05-28 15:55:55 UTC
Hey there mate, To be honest if you want to learn how to pvp you want to do it in Low sec, Null sec requires blobs of hundreds of people where your ship makes no difference if it was there or alpha'd to smithereens without even seeing your shield go red. What I've learned it i prefer being the deciding factor in a fight, and small to medium gang pvp is where it is.

I have exactly what you

I'm with Biohazard. of Winmatar. Alliance

We're a dedicated FW corp living in lowsec right in the middle of the Amarr/Minmatar warzone, one jump from the PL home system Amamake and three jumps from the Minmatar Stronghold of Huola.

We're a friendly group of guys with the occasional troll that Focus in the EU and US with a little bit of the Australian timezone, nowadays we can usually form up to 15 guys from corp for big ops and bolster it to 25 to 30 with the help of the alliance.

We specialize in Small to medium gang pvp, we fight equally minmatar and non blues in FW complexes during times we don't have ops planned which include roams, structure ops, and the occasional gank squad. we have high ambitions and we are one of the fastest growing corp in Amarr FW at the moment.

We have already made history in the warzone by forcing all the major minmtar alliances to choose sides as we vocalized and took action against Minmatar farmer corps that do not contribute nor provide any content for the warzone as we removed three poses from their ownership to pay for corp SRP and ships to give out including guardians during ops. < - - The result.

Ended up being blobbed by 300 to 50 with snuff box and Death by Design on batphone for the minmatar during the siege of our titan pos and met rediculous resistance during the full two weeks of fighting leading to our eventual departure to Gallente space and return to Amarr.

We now are closely knit with the majoirty of the Amarrian Alliances and take much joy in destroying the Minmatar as we have found it to be much more satisfying.

With that in mind we are the 3rd highest in kills in Amarr FW, Behind Fweddit and the hungarian corp Shirak's Skunkworks, Granted Fweddit gets the majority of its kills flying in nullsec with the CFC. Kills literally fall into our laps as people look on dotlan and see the few hottest lowsec systems in the area are our home and right next door.

Along with CONSTANT pvp , one of the most appealing things for me is that we offer the ability for you to make literally billions of isk at your leisure with faction warfare missions. during the last push which was nearly 5 months ago i made alone 16 billion, along with college and a 4-12 pm job. One corp mate of mine made 60 billion all solo and is basically set for life.

Check us out on and as well, our actions have been quite well documented there.

We are constantly recruiting and we want you to become part of something big and constantly progressing.


Ya Huei
Imperial Collective
#12 - 2014-05-28 16:02:51 UTC
Maybe you are interested in wormhole space ?

We do small gang PVP there and it's a great place to learn more about EVE.

Here's the link to our recruitment thread:

Hope to see you in our pub chat soon.

Xanos Xellos
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2014-05-28 18:52:15 UTC
Hey there, I just wanted to give you another option if you would like to take a look at us.

Take a look, if it sounds like something you would be interested in come have a chat with us in our public channel. I hope to hear from you soon, if not I hope you find a corp to fit what you enjoy doing.

Have fun and fly safe!
Deaths Consortium
Pandemic Horde
#14 - 2014-05-29 07:27:46 UTC

Ordo Drakonis is a pvp corp part of Nulli Secunda null-sec sov holding alliance. We are mostly a EU tz corp but also have members from AU. RL comes first as we are all mature players that understands the difference between a video game and reality. Ordo Drakonis is looking for pvppers, not the hard-core nuts but the relaxed ones that log in to pew pew to have a good time.

Do check out our recruitment advert: and join our public channel "Ordo United" for a quick chat.

Have a nice day!

In Ordo Drakonis we trust!

Black Aces
Goonswarm Federation
#15 - 2014-05-29 08:26:45 UTC

Come take a look at Black Aces, team that has been around for 8 years full of experience and activity.

We live in NPC Stain Region with plenty of pvp content from small gang to medium warfare.

Currently sitting 6th top killer this month for alliances so doing pretty well.

Check us out if you like what you see join us in Black Aces Recruitment channel ingame.

Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. - Winston Churchill

Super Skunk
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2014-05-30 10:55:22 UTC

Not going to paste aload crap, Just to say if your still looking check us out, We are EU time zone, Active from 14:00evt to 23:00evt and our prime time is 17:00evt to 22:00evt, If you want more info come chat in our public channel 'EU Recruitment'

Look forward to speaking with you

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2014-06-05 14:49:31 UTC
Hi. See if this interests you.

In a nutshell, we are a relaxed new corp forming in a C3 WH. It has a static losec which means we have access to losec for PvE and Pvp. We will be ISK making in the WH as much as possible to fund PvP in whatever form it may come as whether small gang roams, Hisec ganking or wardecs etc. PvP is not mandatory.

Get in touch if it interests you.
Justin C4se
Iron Whales
Goonswarm Federation
#18 - 2014-06-06 22:20:01 UTC
I'm with the wormhole people here. Try out our way of life, and you will never go back. Check my alliance out at our advert

If you want small gang pvp, where you feel like you are a member of the team.. I suggest you look at the wormhole way of life.

See you around

Fly safe,

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2014-06-07 03:45:23 UTC
MBLOC is a PvP corp and we do lots of it; we’re part of Caldari FW for the sheer volume of pvp and war targets, for the close friendships we share with our allies and the rush of blowing up 1000+ kills a month. We live in one of the most target rich environments in EvE and we draw blood every day. If this sounds like your kind of life, jump in our MBLOC Public channel and talk to a recruiter.

Our alliance holds many FC’s and the alliance SRP is very generous. Our corp and alliance is almost always in the top 5 in kills for caldari militia. Check out our kb’s to see what we kill and what we kill them with.


MBLOC Killboards
Chremoas Killers by The Mittani
In game channel: MBLOC Public

► Multiple fleets daily
► Experienced PvP'ers and FC’s
► Alliance level logistics
► 120+ members

► Null systems for ISK opportunities
► High Sec Indy corp for alts
► SRP program
► Top 5 in kills for Caldari FW

The Mjolnir Bloc
Section 387
VOX Cartel
#20 - 2014-06-07 10:06:13 UTC
no spam in game mail sent
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