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Feedback request on Contract system

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Drew Li
Space Exploitation Inc
#301 - 2014-05-25 23:47:10 UTC

  1. Duration longer than 2 weeks
  2. Replace "multiple items" icon with largest ship or most valuable item in the contract
  3. Store all field data from last contract, or make a more in-depth mass fitting and contracting system
  4. List standings/color code for the contract issuer
True Sight
Deep Freeze Industries
#302 - 2014-05-26 12:30:32 UTC
The warning windows in contracts are great, but their usefulness is defused by the fact that they always trigger on every window, leaving people to spam click through them without checking.

Perhaps make some simple changes, like if you are contracting something as an exchange to someone you have set as a high standing contact, your own corp or even on your own account, the warnings do not prompt, to draw more attention to them when they do prompt you to double check what you are contracting.
Zam Zumah
Es and Whizz
Hedonistic Imperative
#303 - 2014-05-26 13:29:56 UTC
Allison A'vani wrote:
PLEASE allow me to trade drugs via contracts. It is so instantly frustrating that I can not contract drugs from a LOW SEC or a NULL SEC station to someone in the same LOW SEC or NULL SEC station. Sure, have a warning pop up if it is a cour contract, but LET ME TRADE THEM VIA CONTRACT. This is by far the dumbest restriction in the game and is so incredibly arbitrary it is simply a stupid mechanic that gets in the way of everyone who actually uses combat boosters. Especially if I am doing a private contract to another character ON THE SAME ACCOUNT.

Not ideal, but you can use a WTB contract. That's how we work with all our customers.
New Horizon Industry
#304 - 2014-05-26 14:37:25 UTC
When viewing a contract use colours to define whats fitted to a ship and whats not. Its very hard to tell sometimes.
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#305 - 2014-05-26 21:15:30 UTC
Thing I ran afoul of today: If someone rejects your contract, you have to manually delete it or your stuff stays in limbo. This can be a problem, especially when subcontracting corp contracts where coordination among operators may be imperfect, this can result in people running around trying to find a contract.

What I would prefer is if rejecting a contract automatically deleted it from the other end, returned the stuff, and sent a notification (or at least a note in the contract window) to the contracting party that the contract had been rejected. This way, you still know it gets rejected, and, if someone never knew the thing was contracted out in the first place, they can easily find it.
#306 - 2014-05-26 23:43:16 UTC
The ability to create contracts for ships with damaged drones and containers in their holds. Had to do 24 jumps (one way) last night just to give my alt my paladin.Sad
Container has unused crystals so they don't get mixed up in the hold when switching.. just in case you wondering why.

... What next ??

Space Male
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#307 - 2014-05-27 06:13:51 UTC
1) Watch-list for contracts. Wish there was a way to store contracts you like. For example: auction has 7 days left, you only want to bet in the final 1-2 so the price doesn't skyrocket. The only way you can do this is either manually saving it in the notepad or bidding on it so you get a warning when someone outbids. By adding this watch-list, for contracts 1-10M in value (you pay 10k), contracts 10-100M (you pay 100k) and for 100m+ (500k, 1M would cut into the profits a lot for contracts closer to 100m). Would be another small ISK sink.

2) "Viewed" column. On the long voyages through space I sometimes like to browse the contracts. Problem is most of the contracts are the same as the ones I've seen a few days before. I propose a new column named "Viewed", consisting on a white round circle (if you haven't seen the contract), a green circle (if you've seen the contract and bid on it) and a yellow circle (if you've seen the contract but skipped the bidding part).

3) Flag system. A lot of the contracts are scams (i.e. exchanging 700m+plex for a plex), so I block and ignore contracts from that user, but other people might not realise it's a scam until it's too late. A flag system would make that contract a suspect for anyone viewing it afterwards. ((( I KNOW it can be abused to make other contracts seem like scams when they are not )))
Tranquility Lost
#308 - 2014-05-27 06:35:28 UTC
Right now all contracts that are created are viewable to the public, even if they are private contracts (assign to a specific person or entity). How about making the private contracts non-viewable so that they are hidden from the public? If you create or accept a public contract, however, should remain publically viewable.

Realistically, in the real world people enter into contracts all the time to buy/sell goods and services and that paperwork and documentation is kept confidential between the parties involved in the contract. Also, one could argue that the "public contracts" in game should remain as publically viewed because of the contract is most likely handled by a broker service, perhaps in the backstory if nothing else. The dealings of this type of service and trade, much like a Stock Exchange, goes into Public Records as transactions are Publically Traded.

While a private contract simply is a written agreement by two parties and a Broker Service is not needed to complete a draft but instead handled by the parties for which the contract pertains to, thus should be kept confidential and private and only viewable by the two parties involved.

Just trying to support a unique idea with realistic information to justify the reasoning to consider this for implementation.

Also, I fully support the idea of creating/bidding/accepting of contracts between Regions.

* Perhaps with an additional skill that must be trained to unlock that ability.
* Put a reasonable and realistic limit on number of contracts that can be handled remotely
* Put a reasonable and realistic limit on number of jumps per skill level that contracts can be handled remotely.

Tranquility Lost
#309 - 2014-05-27 06:37:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Absinyth
Space Male wrote:
1) Watch-list for contracts. Wish there was a way to store contracts you like. For example: auction has 7 days left, you only want to bet in the final 1-2 so the price doesn't skyrocket. The only way you can do this is either manually saving it in the notepad or bidding on it so you get a warning when someone outbids. By adding this watch-list, for contracts 1-10M in value (you pay 10k), contracts 10-100M (you pay 100k) and for 100m+ (500k, 1M would cut into the profits a lot for contracts closer to 100m). Would be another small ISK sink.

I second this idea and agree it would be beneficial to the entire community. This idea is known as a limit order and some may compare it to a stop order. Although your argument to avoid paying higher prices is not valid as that is just life, my friend. But I think I get what you are trying to say.

Basically the way it works is that you put a price range in which you would like to accept an auction contract. The system or exchange would then keep your order active until the trade value goes beyond that range (above or below). The other variant is you put a price range you want to keep your order active then a price that you want the system or exchange to place an order automatically if it reaches that price range.

The only problem is that both of these types of orders are based on having multiple quantities of an item, such as a stock, instead of just one unit of a specific item. For goods this idea may not work as intended but nevertheless would be cool to have. However, I think it could be possible to have some sort of option to execute bids or purchase a contract if it appears in a particular region and at a particular price should it get posted. This needs to be developed in such a way that people could not take advantage of it like maybe having the ability to do this for a short period of time and in a limited number of these types of orders being taken place per person.

The Watch-List however would be great to receive a notification of activity, such as in Eve Mail notifications area, when a particular contract changes status or has some activity. I don't do much auction contracts so I'm unfamiliar with exactly what is currently in the production environment but you definitely needs some meaningful data to be in the notification itself, more than you have been outbid, the buyout price, and when the auction is over.

Instead, we need information that will help to rebid quickly if there is time left on the auction, time remaining broken into weeks/days/minutes/seconds that is left on the auction, a link inside the notification to quickly pull up the contract for the purpose of rebid and view contract details, amount of highest bidder and percentage of how much higher the bid is compared to your last bid, etc.
Space Male
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#310 - 2014-05-27 07:25:40 UTC
The way the timers work on auctions are OK, they don't need any change. I just don't like having to either bid on the contract so I have some link to the contract itself or saving it in the notepad, where I might just forget about the contract all together.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#311 - 2014-05-27 10:30:20 UTC
BPC cost/run
if you have a contract that has 1 copy or multiple exact same copies, it would be nice to sort and see if its a better deal to buy a 10 run BPC or 10 1 run BPCs.
#312 - 2014-05-27 18:23:21 UTC
Ability to cancel multiple contracts at once.
(Rather clumsy that we can't do this with market orders as well)
#313 - 2014-05-27 18:42:42 UTC
Short term courier contracts. 2, 4, 8, 12 hour choices. Sometimes it needs to get there fast.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#314 - 2014-05-27 23:30:38 UTC
May be late to the game, but a "Militia" option is sorely needed. Similar to "Corp" and "Alliance" contracts.

In fact, it may be a good idea to allow a player to define a group of whatever (players, corps, alliances, militias) and then allow that player to set a contract up for that group - as is done with player created channels.
Plus 10 NV
#315 - 2014-05-28 01:27:50 UTC
Elise Randolph wrote:

Allowing drugs to be contracted, or at least ships/cans with drugs in them ejected instead of flat-out denying the contract.

This very much.

Its very frustrating now because it doesn't even tell you all of the illegal items. It tells you one of the boosters - you search for it and unclick it then find out there is another booster. Please just have an easy option to exclude them all from the contract if you want to keep boosters unavailable in contracts. Maybe just have a message saying "you included boosters in your contract but they can not be contracted would you like to make this contract without the boosters?"

Also when a ship is full of something it seems you do not get the option to have the contract include what is in the ship. It would be nice if we had that option.

Finally please allow us to contract more than 200 items.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Comrades in Construction
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#316 - 2014-05-28 17:06:49 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Other things of my own:
It'd be nice if expired contracts just returned to the hangar automatically, and if won auctions just delivered their isk or item automatically. Uneccessary clicking here.

I like this Idea could use a little more tweak though: add an automated mail being send to the both the seller and the recipient that the contract has been completed and the Item/Isk has been moved to [Station] / [Transferred into your wallet]
State War Academy
Caldari State
#317 - 2014-05-28 17:44:22 UTC
Hey, how about a relist button for expired contracts?
A button which would just copy the contract and let us adjust the price would be REALLY helpful!
There are people who spend 6-7 hours just relisting contract which have expired, I have no problems with the taxes and similar stuff but this relist button could be of much help and it doesn't have to be just an expired contract that we'd wanna relist, it could also let us edit the contract by adding more stuff to it, there's a problem when you cancel a contract and then all your stuff gets mixed with your lovely 500+ item storage in jita and you have no clue what you were selling >.>
Please do this for us ♥.
Comrades in Construction
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#318 - 2014-05-28 18:33:27 UTC
There is quite a lot of good ideas being given, here is a few of my own (don't know if they have been suggested before)

  • New type of contract "Ship Contract", simply put remove the assembled ships from the [Item exchange] contracts and make a new type, looking similar to how it looks when you click a linked Ship fitting. Contract details at the top, Sellers name, Ship Location, Route Status (Highsec, Lowsec, Nullsec) reflects Lowest system security it takes you through ie. +0.5 = Highsec, 0.1-0.4 = Lowsec and 0.0 or less = Nullsec. - all the usual contract info + [Linked Fittings window].

  • Change to current [Courier contract] - Limit collateral to ~120% of estimated value of the Items in the contract. example: you have a contract that you want to have taken from point A to point B, the estimated value is 150M in 150m³ the Collateral would then be cut down to 150M*1.2 = 180M, should you try to put in a higher collateral. - while this may not solve critical issues, it does help remove the stupid and unwanted contracts containing only 0-20M of value but takes up 300k m³ cargohold and have a collateral of 2-3bn
  • Contracts should not and is not intended to be used for acquiring suicide gank targets!
Andy Koraka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#319 - 2014-05-28 21:37:38 UTC
Allow players to modify the price of contracts. For fitted ships in a deployment market it's not normally an issue, but for high value low-volume items like BPOs there's nothing a seller can do short of canceling the contract (and eating the often significant broker's fee/deposit) when he gets undercut.

Alternatively you could create a filterable market section for researched Bluprints and Blueprint Copies, which should be more feasible once the industry changes go through and ME and PE levels only go from 0-5.
Estrale Frontiers
#320 - 2014-05-28 22:03:52 UTC
Dyexz wrote:

  • Change to current [Courier contract] - Limit collateral to ~120% of estimated value of the Items in the contract. example: you have a contract that you want to have taken from point A to point B, the estimated value is 150M in 150m³ the Collateral would then be cut down to 150M*1.2 = 180M, should you try to put in a higher collateral. - while this may not solve critical issues, it does help remove the stupid and unwanted contracts containing only 0-20M of value but takes up 300k m³ cargohold and have a collateral of 2-3bn[/list]

  • This doesn't work from a technical point of view since the inventory estimates of many items is totally wrong; T2 capital components, I'm looking at you - either it picks up the super-high values used by margin trade scammers, or it values them at zero.

    It's also wrong from a gameplay point of view.
