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When Will CSM/CCP Realize There is More Than One Type of Player Base?

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Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2014-04-28 06:39:26 UTC
From my very limited experience...

What Highsec can support that Null can't... is casual play. Logging in every couple a days on your own schedule to do something for 30-45 minutes can be supported. This can be done in a some/most player Corp or in an NPC Corp.

In Null, more than likely, you will get kicked out of the Corp/Alliance. The requirements to operate in Null are just to high to allow casual play on a large scale.

Just my opinion... I reserve the right to be wrong. Blink
Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2014-04-28 13:23:40 UTC
In lowsec, you can log on for 30-45 minutes and solo roam.

There are several FW or pirate corps that are ok with casual players too.

If not, you can stay NPC or one-man corp and, provided you make a few friends, they will be happy to have you tag along in fleet for an hour or so if they have one up and you're a decent PVP-er and pleasant person.

Don't know about null.

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#23 - 2014-04-30 02:14:08 UTC
Gully Alex Foyle wrote:
In lowsec, you can log on for 30-45 minutes and solo roam.

There are several FW or pirate corps that are ok with casual players too.

If not, you can stay NPC or one-man corp and, provided you make a few friends, they will be happy to have you tag along in fleet for an hour or so if they have one up and you're a decent PVP-er and pleasant person.

Don't know about null.

This assumes you can make an income however somewhere else to support that PvPing. Since it's easy to loose several hours worth of max income grinding in 5 minutes in a roam, you have to be able to tick that over.
And while Low sec certainly can make an income, it's tricky to make such an income if you only log in for a brief time period every couple of days since you won't know the locals well.

This doesn't make the 'casual' any less skilled a player, there are plenty of casuals who have a very good understanding of things. It just means they don't have the time available to invest.
Amyclas Amatin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2014-05-02 01:01:01 UTC
Bi-Mi Lansatha wrote:
From my very limited experience...

What Highsec can support that Null can't... is casual play. Logging in every couple a days on your own schedule to do something for 30-45 minutes can be supported. This can be done in a some/most player Corp or in an NPC Corp.

In Null, more than likely, you will get kicked out of the Corp/Alliance. The requirements to operate in Null are just to high to allow casual play on a large scale.

Just my opinion... I reserve the right to be wrong. Blink

You should see Theta Squad...

For more information on the New Order of High-Sec, please visit:

Remember that whenever you have a bad day in EVE, the correct reponse is "Thank you CCP, may I please have another?"

Goonswarm Federation
#25 - 2014-05-04 22:40:37 UTC
can't imagine why this whiner didn't win a seat

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#26 - 2014-05-04 23:26:36 UTC
Never did see those KM links

And easy bill lost :(

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Mikael Menethil
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2014-05-15 15:34:04 UTC
Maybe they are not interested in satisfying a wider player base.

I've played more than a dozen MMOs in the last 10 years and I can safely say that EVE is a niche, suitable only for highly competitive players.

You need to be a certain type of person in order to appreciate the mechanics of this game.
A "certain type" is a very limited market.
Also, the "you don't like it, leave" attitude will limit that market even more. The veterans are shutting newbies up on the forums.

Maybe it's time you hire a talented UX designer. I suggest an entire team..
So you want to be a Hero
#28 - 2014-05-19 16:54:24 UTC
Einear Lightfingers wrote:

I am not saying High Sec should be a SAFE haven, no, more that the constant introduction of mechanics that appear to nerf one group over any other is appalling. I see more and more how do we keep new players, how do we fix the constant war declarations on small corps, how do we mine in peace.

CCPgames has provided it's hisec player base a Mercenary Marketplace to exact revenge and arrange for protection all for ISK Cool

Now this is not a "Buzz" word CCPgames invented but a fleshed out iteration on promised content, oh wait

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

Frying Doom
#29 - 2014-05-20 13:05:16 UTC
Thank you to the CSM for a very funny read.

This thread and the why the CSM thread.

Players come along and state an opinion, the CSM or in the case of the other thread CCP comes along and attacks them for their views. Rather than finding out more about their view point.

And CCP and the CSM wonders why no one bothers to vote and that they are now below 10%
And EvE subs are dropping.

Some very funny stuff thank you.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Revolution Rising
Last-Light Holdings
#30 - 2014-05-24 15:37:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Revolution Rising
Mikael Menethil wrote:
Maybe they are not interested in satisfying a wider player base.

I've played more than a dozen MMOs in the last 10 years and I can safely say that EVE is a niche, suitable only for highly competitive players.

You need to be a certain type of person in order to appreciate the mechanics of this game.
A "certain type" is a very limited market.
Also, the "you don't like it, leave" attitude will limit that market even more. The veterans are shutting newbies up on the forums.

Maybe it's time you hire a talented UX designer. I suggest an entire team..

I'm personally just not sure what the niche IS ?

Supposedly the game is a sandbox ? Or is it just a PVP Game with sandbox ELEMENTS ?

In a sandbox, all playstyles should be treated equally by CCP imo. That should be a game design philosphy.

Otherwise you advertise a sandbox where anyone can play as anything, but then ignore 80% of them to cater for your supposed "niche".

However, we're now seeing year 8 (for me) of ship rebalancing, after many years of 0.0 "fixes", POS Mechanic "Fixes".

First year I've ever seen any change to industry.

I'm just saying that perhaps this perception of ccp not caring about empire is actually the fact that they don't care about industry in general unless the market is obliterating itself because NPC stations still stock shuttles.

There's a plethora of things to be done just for basic professions like mining that a new ******* ship will not fix. And yet ... nothing.

As someone who's mined in this game for 8 years, just the idea of the cloaking mining frigate is a testament to complete and utter stupidity and ignorance of the mining profession as a whole, the needs and wants of people who mine and the general idiocy of voters who THINK they know what they need or want on the forums and CCP's inability to parse that data. <- A long sentence for a long tirade.


Revolution Rising
Last-Light Holdings
#31 - 2014-05-25 05:51:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Revolution Rising
Why would CCP hate on industry someone asked me (and I personally think - more specifically mining) as an in-game profession?

Well simple. Mining specifically, and industry as a whole ... is the "Anti-Plex" as far as CCP is concerned.

Why on earth would you allow an in-game activity to have concise and easy mechanics around it to help the player - if it's for things like ship replacement when you can make them buy a $15 plex to replace those ships. Of course this creates a mineral shortage while ship losses rise creating inflation, but hey - who cares?

Why allow simple payment to miners from their corp for their ore - at a pos ?
Why allow low-sec to be liveable for these guys and girls ?
Rather to produce a cloaked ship so people must ninja-mine rather than live there.
Allow low-sec for PVP, but not for miners to live in!

Much more preferable to the bottom line.

I will bet you that the nice screens of the new industry UI that's coming are exactly that. Just more shiney UI, and little to no change to mechanics.

Just when many people were hoping for publically rentable privately owned labs - they went the opposite way - now the BPO has to be in the POS!

Disallowing a whole new ingame industry for the added risk of losing BPO's - creating more plex sales.

Take a good long look at the changes each patch. Little of it is for interesting gameplay or great sandbox maintenance.

It's all for CCP to go the way of EA.

Ever since the Hillmar email 2 years ago, nothing has changed. Or rather "The more things change, the more they stay the same".


Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#32 - 2014-05-25 16:48:05 UTC
Revolution Rising wrote:
Well simple. Mining specifically, and industry as a whole ... is the "Anti-Plex" as far as CCP is concerned.

Uh, are we playing the same game here?

Plex take two people to be useful.

One to purchase with real money, and to sell in game.

One to buy with in game money and use.

Take a wild guess which miners fall into, with their fleets of alts.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#33 - 2014-05-25 19:56:44 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Thank you to the CSM for a very funny read.

This thread and the why the CSM thread.

Players come along and state an opinion, the CSM or in the case of the other thread CCP comes along and attacks them for their views. Rather than finding out more about their view point.

And CCP and the CSM wonders why no one bothers to vote and that they are now below 10%
And EvE subs are dropping.

Some very funny stuff thank you.

Inconvenient facts can be considered "an attack" if you want them to be.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Revolution Rising
Last-Light Holdings
#34 - 2014-05-26 13:39:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Revolution Rising
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Revolution Rising wrote:
Well simple. Mining specifically, and industry as a whole ... is the "Anti-Plex" as far as CCP is concerned.

Uh, are we playing the same game here?

Plex take two people to be useful.

One to purchase with real money, and to sell in game.

One to buy with in game money and use.

Take a wild guess which miners fall into, with their fleets of alts.

Thanks for illustrating one of my various points to do with a lack of actual comprehension as to what makes up good gameplay.

15 alts mining out belts every 10 minutes which respawn every day (if you're lucky) does not exactly add to the gameplay of everyone around them. If that's your intended audience when you speak of "miners" then I really wonder what you're even doing on the CSM at all.

I'm talking about people wanting to play the game rather than people going out of their way to spreadsheet their way to free accounts every month.

I'm talking about the general philosphy behind the game and the decisions we've seen made for the past 5 years or so regarding gameplay changes where they occur and where the line is drawn on things like the labs I illustrated above.

Unless you have more than a "I read this in the paper" or "I was told by CCP" opinion on the subject, I fail to see what you're adding.


#35 - 2014-05-28 12:17:42 UTC
Revolution Rising wrote:
I'm personally just not sure what the niche IS ?

Iain Cariaba
#36 - 2014-06-25 20:46:40 UTC
marcel72 wrote:
Revolution Rising wrote:
I'm personally just not sure what the niche IS ?


Hey! I resemble that remark!

@OP: Seriously though, why is it CSM/CCP's fault that they give you mostly what you want, yet you're still not happy and are always wanting more?


Highsec carebears want less ganking -> CCP buffs barge tank -> bears cry cause they have to sacrifice 15% of thier hulk's yield to tank
New players want to be effective -> CCP allows them destys -> bears cry cause new players can be effective (if you think someone is recycling alts, report them as this does break the rules.)

There's an old saying that boils down to 'you can't make everybody happy'. CCP tries hard, and created the CSM to facilitate this, but there will always be someone crying about something in any community numbering in the tens of thousands.

As for the players who send you mails raging about some immagined slight, tell them to contract me thier stuff and I'll hold it for them until they come back. Personally, I've rage quit this game probably half a dozen times. I always come back, they most likely will too.

Remember, a buff to anything is a nerf to something else.
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