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[Kronos] Pirate Faction Battleships

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Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2781 - 2014-05-24 17:53:04 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
As usual epicurus completely ignores anything to do with the Super Drone concept.

The drone weapon system is, all things considered, really overpowered. It can have damage application at any size level, unlike any and every other battleship weapon platform. It can also have selectable damage, and is immune to most ewar and neuts as well.

To counterbalance this, drones have two weak points.

Some of them have a travel time, and they can be destroyed.

But the Super Drone mechanic is a huge step in mitigating one of those weaknesses with the enormous hitpoint bonus. That cannot, and must not come without a cost.

In the Rattlesnake, that cost is light and medium drone bonuses.

You would be correct, *if* the bonus had followed the pattern that the lighter hulls established by giving an actual large buff to the drones.

The Rattlesnake does not do that. Killing a single superlight from the Worm is about as hard as killing the Worm itself. Killing a supermedium from the Gila is like taking out an entire flight of standard mediums. Killing a superheavy is like killing a couple of heavies, and getting the same benefit from it--- the second drone isnt putting out a whole flights' worth of damage on its own.

The Rattlesnake gets almost zero benefit from its superdrone bonus, but suffers all of its penalty.

I think the difficulty is that damage scales at the rate of HP and that much damage is likely over the top.

*Snip* Removed off topic part of the post. ISD Ezwal.
KaDa en Bauldry
Gallente Federation
#2782 - 2014-05-24 20:55:14 UTC
Rattlesnake need not have anything taken away from it at all. It only needed buffs.

It should in fact have 250 bandwidth so it can launch 5 Geckos, and the ability to fit a Bastion module for true EWAR immunity.
Oh, and the Mordu's missile velocity bonus, but without the flight time reduction.

Don't forget about ship insurance before undocking. Don't forget about copy-paste saving before posting.

Sniper Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2783 - 2014-05-24 20:56:51 UTC
KaDa en Bauldry wrote:
Rattlesnake need not have anything taken away from it at all. It only needed buffs.

It should in fact have 250 bandwidth so it can launch 5 Geckos, and the ability to fit a Bastion module for true EWAR immunity.
Oh, and the Mordu's missile velocity bonus, but without the flight time reduction.

I'd fly it.
M Key
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#2784 - 2014-05-24 21:10:13 UTC
KaDa en Bauldry wrote:
Rattlesnake need not have anything taken away from it at all. It only needed buffs.

It should in fact have 250 bandwidth so it can launch 5 Geckos, and the ability to fit a Bastion module for true EWAR immunity.
Oh, and the Mordu's missile velocity bonus, but without the flight time reduction.

you forgot a 500% bonus to salvage drone speed, hp, cap, and resists.
Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#2785 - 2014-05-26 02:02:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Chris Winter
So, I was thinking more about what the Rattlesnake is becoming after this patch (split weapon ship, about equal drones/missiles). I'm not really sure this is what the game needs at this point.

We're getting a missile pirate faction in Kronos. If you ignore the fact that 8.75 launchers on the BS is the most you can get (so paper DPS is somewhat capped compared to other systems), missiles are in a decent place for BS progression. Lots of options available, including three different missile/drone platforms (typhoon, typhoon fleet, and rattlesnake).

But if we look at drones as a primary weapon system (rather than half of a split system), the options aren't very good. You've got the Dominix...and that's basically it. There are no BS platforms that give you more than 7.5 effective drones, and besides the Domi there are no BS platforms that give you the optimal/tracking bonus (which equates directly to a damage bonus since it allows you to use shorter range, higher damage drones). Particularly for sentries, the only thing better than a domi is an ishtar, which (as a cruiser) can't fit nearly as strong of a tank against non-kin/therm rats as the domi. Plus, the Ishtar doesn't share any ship command skills with the Domi, so they're basically separate paths and not an upgrade path.

Basically, there's no clear upgrade path for drone pilots past the Dominix, if you don't count getting into split weapons and actually losing capability on your drones. Also not counting carriers...just talking about subcaps.

I'd really like to see the Rattlesnake become the "pirate drone BS" that you can upgrade into after the Dominix. Take away the missile bonus entirely, and give the tracking /optimal bonus from the Domi. Then, increase the effective drones to 10 or so. Either keep the fifth (unbonused) launcher, or leave it off.

Net effect is that you get a powerful, tanky drone platform with a good secondary weapon system (although unbonused). The ship becomes very useful for drone pilots as the pinnacle of BS drone platforms (who lack a marauder). Pilots won't *need* to be good in split weapons in order to effectively use the ship, although it would help. And, the ship won't do any more damage than these proposed changes, it's just that the split would be 75% drone 25% missile instead of the proposed 50/50.

M Key
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#2786 - 2014-05-26 02:43:14 UTC
Chris Winter wrote:
So, I was thinking more about what the Rattlesnake is becoming after this patch (split weapon ship, about equal drones/missiles). I'm not really sure this is what the game needs at this point.

We're getting a missile pirate faction in Kronos. If you ignore the fact that 8.75 launchers on the BS is the most you can get (so paper DPS is somewhat capped compared to other systems), missiles are in a decent place for BS progression. Lots of options available, including three different missile/drone platforms (typhoon, typhoon fleet, and rattlesnake).

But if we look at drones as a primary weapon system (rather than half of a split system), the options aren't very good. You've got the Dominix...and that's basically it. There are no BS platforms that give you more than 7.5 effective drones, and besides the Domi there are no BS platforms that give you the optimal/tracking bonus (which equates directly to a damage bonus since it allows you to use shorter range, higher damage drones). Particularly for sentries, the only thing better than a domi is an ishtar, which (as a cruiser) can't fit nearly as strong of a tank against non-kin/therm rats as the domi. Plus, the Ishtar doesn't share any ship command skills with the Domi, so they're basically separate paths and not an upgrade path.

Basically, there's no clear upgrade path for drone pilots past the Dominix, if you don't count getting into split weapons and actually losing capability on your drones. Also not counting carriers...just talking about subcaps.

I'd really like to see the Rattlesnake become the "pirate drone BS" that you can upgrade into after the Dominix. Take away the missile bonus entirely, and give the tracking /optimal bonus from the Domi. Then, increase the effective drones to 10 or so. Either keep the fifth (unbonused) launcher, or leave it off.

Net effect is that you get a powerful, tanky drone platform with a good secondary weapon system (although unbonused). The ship becomes very useful for drone pilots as the pinnacle of BS drone platforms (who lack a marauder). Pilots won't *need* to be good in split weapons in order to effectively use the ship, although it would help. And, the ship won't do any more damage than these proposed changes, it's just that the split would be 75% drone 25% missile instead of the proposed 50/50.


Just No.

Explain WHY there must be something better than a Dominix at drones. Something has to be best, so why not the Dominix? Why MUST the pirate BS be the best at drones?

As a ship that rewards high SP the rattlesnake is pretty perfect right now. If you only have one weapon system it uses trained up properly, you can fly it like you would either a pure drone boat or a pure missile ship, working your way back to a 50/50 hybrid as your other skills are perfected. *THIS* is unique and of value.

Now if you want to talk about split weapons lets go to another thread and discuss the mess that is a PvE dragoon with 3 weapon systems, one of which is not even used by your ship's race. (please for the love of all, don't tell me you put lasers on it)

The only complaint one can have is that the missile bonus is on the gallente battleship skill, but perhaps if you are transitioning from a navy raven or navy scorp you can just suck it up and blow the couple days to get Gal BS 4 before you switch.
Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2787 - 2014-05-26 03:10:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Barton Breau
M Key wrote:

Just No.

Explain WHY there must be something better than a Dominix at drones. Something has to be best, so why not the Dominix? Why MUST the pirate BS be the best at drones?

As a ship that rewards high SP the rattlesnake is pretty perfect right now. If you only have one weapon system it uses trained up properly, you can fly it like you would either a pure drone boat or a pure missile ship, working your way back to a 50/50 hybrid as your other skills are perfected. *THIS* is unique and of value.

Now if you want to talk about split weapons lets go to another thread and discuss the mess that is a PvE dragoon with 3 weapon systems, one of which is not even used by your ship's race. (please for the love of all, don't tell me you put lasers on it)

The only complaint one can have is that the missile bonus is on the gallente battleship skill, but perhaps if you are transitioning from a navy raven or navy scorp you can just suck it up and blow the couple days to get Gal BS 4 before you switch.

Just use the same explanation that is used for the existence of navy ships and marauders that are a upgrade over a t1 bs.

Rattler as a exclusively drone ship, that is gone imo, at best we can hope for drone faction ships 3 years from now.
Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#2788 - 2014-05-26 03:13:11 UTC
M Key wrote:

Just No.

Explain WHY there must be something better than a Dominix at drones. Something has to be best, so why not the Dominix? Why MUST the pirate BS be the best at drones?

Because every other weapon system has some place to go after their T1 BS that isn't "train another weapon system"? Pirate BSes that give more damage or unique bonuses, navy BSes that give more tank/whatever, marauders that give you awesome things. The drone skill changes are clearly trying to position drones as an equal primary weapon system, even making it longer to train drones with fewer benefits than other weapon systems (no T2 ammo, for example).

If drones are supposed to be a valid primary weapon system, it makes no sense for a T1 BS to be the best as far as subcaps go.
Cassandra Aurilien
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2789 - 2014-05-26 04:02:25 UTC
Chris Winter wrote:
M Key wrote:

Just No.

Explain WHY there must be something better than a Dominix at drones. Something has to be best, so why not the Dominix? Why MUST the pirate BS be the best at drones?

Because every other weapon system has some place to go after their T1 BS that isn't "train another weapon system"? Pirate BSes that give more damage or unique bonuses, navy BSes that give more tank/whatever, marauders that give you awesome things. The drone skill changes are clearly trying to position drones as an equal primary weapon system, even making it longer to train drones with fewer benefits than other weapon systems (no T2 ammo, for example).

If drones are supposed to be a valid primary weapon system, it makes no sense for a T1 BS to be the best as far as subcaps go.

They've been trying to reduce the number of drones deployed (and have been doing so) for years. The Domi used to deploy 15 drones. Drone interfacing used to give extra drones in space, rather than a damage bonus, and the Domi's current damage bonus used to be a 1 extra drone per level of Gallente battleship.

Besides, what you are asking for is a mini-carrier. Outside of high-sec, why not use a carrier? A carrier is only slightly more expensive than a pirate BS & has much more EHP & utility.
M Key
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#2790 - 2014-05-26 04:50:46 UTC
Chris Winter wrote:
M Key wrote:

Just No.

Explain WHY there must be something better than a Dominix at drones. Something has to be best, so why not the Dominix? Why MUST the pirate BS be the best at drones?

Because every other weapon system has some place to go after their T1 BS that isn't "train another weapon system"? Pirate BSes that give more damage or unique bonuses, navy BSes that give more tank/whatever, marauders that give you awesome things. The drone skill changes are clearly trying to position drones as an equal primary weapon system, even making it longer to train drones with fewer benefits than other weapon systems (no T2 ammo, for example).

If drones are supposed to be a valid primary weapon system, it makes no sense for a T1 BS to be the best as far as subcaps go.

So? Why shouldn't a Drone user have to train another weapon system? Its clearly in the design of Battleships that they will have the support of drones. So why should an Amarr Laser boat need to use drones to maximize DPS? Why should it be "needed" atleast in theory to carry a set of light drones on a battleship to clean off frigates that get under your guns and/or do not get satisfactory damage application from your large missiles?

You are asking for Drones to not only be unique, but better than any other battleship class weapon system in not needing a second weapon system in theory.

and yes I know in practice a MJD and 100KM range on your guns means frigates go away as fast as your guns cycle. Still doesn't remove the theory that battleships have a dead zone needing to be covered by their own drones. And I'm pretty sure we can all agree we don't want large class short range guns (pulse, blasters, autocannon) to work just fine on close range orbiting frigates.
Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2791 - 2014-05-26 04:59:43 UTC
M Key wrote:
Chris Winter wrote:
M Key wrote:

Just No.

Explain WHY there must be something better than a Dominix at drones. Something has to be best, so why not the Dominix? Why MUST the pirate BS be the best at drones?

Because every other weapon system has some place to go after their T1 BS that isn't "train another weapon system"? Pirate BSes that give more damage or unique bonuses, navy BSes that give more tank/whatever, marauders that give you awesome things. The drone skill changes are clearly trying to position drones as an equal primary weapon system, even making it longer to train drones with fewer benefits than other weapon systems (no T2 ammo, for example).

If drones are supposed to be a valid primary weapon system, it makes no sense for a T1 BS to be the best as far as subcaps go.

So? Why shouldn't a Drone user have to train another weapon system? Its clearly in the design of Battleships that they will have the support of drones. So why should an Amarr Laser boat need to use drones to maximize DPS? Why should it be "needed" atleast in theory to carry a set of light drones on a battleship to clean off frigates that get under your guns and/or do not get satisfactory damage application from your large missiles?

You are asking for Drones to not only be unique, but better than any other battleship class weapon system in not needing a second weapon system in theory.

and yes I know in practice a MJD and 100KM range on your guns means frigates go away as fast as your guns cycle. Still doesn't remove the theory that battleships have a dead zone needing to be covered by their own drones. And I'm pretty sure we can all agree we don't want large class short range guns (pulse, blasters, autocannon) to work just fine on close range orbiting frigates.

Sentry drone max dps is 800, amarr laser boat at that range can do 1100dps (or 800 out to 170km).
Shiva Furnace
#2792 - 2014-05-26 05:05:23 UTC
Chris Winter wrote:
So, I was thinking more about what the Rattlesnake is becoming after this patch (split weapon ship, about equal drones/missiles). I'm not really sure this is what the game needs at this point.

We're getting a missile pirate faction in Kronos. If you ignore the fact that 8.75 launchers on the BS is the most you can get (so paper DPS is somewhat capped compared to other systems), missiles are in a decent place for BS progression. Lots of options available, including three different missile/drone platforms (typhoon, typhoon fleet, and rattlesnake).

But if we look at drones as a primary weapon system (rather than half of a split system), the options aren't very good. You've got the Dominix...and that's basically it. There are no BS platforms that give you more than 7.5 effective drones, and besides the Domi there are no BS platforms that give you the optimal/tracking bonus (which equates directly to a damage bonus since it allows you to use shorter range, higher damage drones). Particularly for sentries, the only thing better than a domi is an ishtar, which (as a cruiser) can't fit nearly as strong of a tank against non-kin/therm rats as the domi. Plus, the Ishtar doesn't share any ship command skills with the Domi, so they're basically separate paths and not an upgrade path.

Basically, there's no clear upgrade path for drone pilots past the Dominix, if you don't count getting into split weapons and actually losing capability on your drones. Also not counting carriers...just talking about subcaps.

I'd really like to see the Rattlesnake become the "pirate drone BS" that you can upgrade into after the Dominix. Take away the missile bonus entirely, and give the tracking /optimal bonus from the Domi. Then, increase the effective drones to 10 or so. Either keep the fifth (unbonused) launcher, or leave it off.

Net effect is that you get a powerful, tanky drone platform with a good secondary weapon system (although unbonused). The ship becomes very useful for drone pilots as the pinnacle of BS drone platforms (who lack a marauder). Pilots won't *need* to be good in split weapons in order to effectively use the ship, although it would help. And, the ship won't do any more damage than these proposed changes, it's just that the split would be 75% drone 25% missile instead of the proposed 50/50.


There are no such things as "upgrade paths" in EVE. You choose the right ship for the task, and in today's meta it is almost never a BS.
Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#2793 - 2014-05-26 09:13:52 UTC
Battleships are fundamentally different from carriers, though. They don't attract attention the way carriers do, and you don't need a second account to move around in one.

Plus, as you said, highsec. Also wormholes.

Drones are already one of the (if not the) most skill intensive weapon systems, and Kronos is just making that worse. Adding capital skills on top of that just to get an upgrade from a T1 BS seems a little excessive.

You can have a well-fit rattler for under a bil. Good luck doing that with a carrier.
Fabulous Rod
Darkfall Corp
#2794 - 2014-05-26 09:31:11 UTC
Chris Winter wrote:
So, I was thinking more about what the Rattlesnake is becoming after this patch (split weapon ship, about equal drones/missiles). I'm not really sure this is what the game needs at this point.

We're getting a missile pirate faction in Kronos. If you ignore the fact that 8.75 launchers on the BS is the most you can get (so paper DPS is somewhat capped compared to other systems), missiles are in a decent place for BS progression. Lots of options available, including three different missile/drone platforms (typhoon, typhoon fleet, and rattlesnake).

But if we look at drones as a primary weapon system (rather than half of a split system), the options aren't very good. You've got the Dominix...and that's basically it. There are no BS platforms that give you more than 7.5 effective drones, and besides the Domi there are no BS platforms that give you the optimal/tracking bonus (which equates directly to a damage bonus since it allows you to use shorter range, higher damage drones). Particularly for sentries, the only thing better than a domi is an ishtar, which (as a cruiser) can't fit nearly as strong of a tank against non-kin/therm rats as the domi. Plus, the Ishtar doesn't share any ship command skills with the Domi, so they're basically separate paths and not an upgrade path.

Basically, there's no clear upgrade path for drone pilots past the Dominix, if you don't count getting into split weapons and actually losing capability on your drones. Also not counting carriers...just talking about subcaps.

I'd really like to see the Rattlesnake become the "pirate drone BS" that you can upgrade into after the Dominix. Take away the missile bonus entirely, and give the tracking /optimal bonus from the Domi. Then, increase the effective drones to 10 or so. Either keep the fifth (unbonused) launcher, or leave it off.

Net effect is that you get a powerful, tanky drone platform with a good secondary weapon system (although unbonused). The ship becomes very useful for drone pilots as the pinnacle of BS drone platforms (who lack a marauder). Pilots won't *need* to be good in split weapons in order to effectively use the ship, although it would help. And, the ship won't do any more damage than these proposed changes, it's just that the split would be 75% drone 25% missile instead of the proposed 50/50.


absoloutly correct.
Gabriel Karade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#2795 - 2014-05-26 11:45:03 UTC
I still fundamentally dislike the 'super drone' concept (absurdly large ship bonuses), principally because it takes what was ultimately a bad, though at the time necessary, band-aid solution to server problems (reducing number of drones on drone ships, giving them up to 50% drone damage/HP's) from years ago, and slaps another layer of ‘bolt-on’ to it.

It doesn't make any logical sense from an in-game perspective – What? So, If I scope an abandoned drone from in space, and re-launch it, it does nearly 4x the damage and has 4x more shield/armour/Hull than before?.... Shocked

The release of the Gecko show's another way you guys could have gone about it - adding more powerful, larger drones that will only fit on the dedicated drone ships. As an example; giving the Rattlesnake a 150m^3 bandwidth with a big bay and no drone bonuses - hey presto, with three Gecko’s (add them to the Guristas’ LP store) it’s doing roughly the same as 5 bonused heavies, but you've now got a spare bonus to play around with, and we get new content as you add new and interesting drone varieties (cripes, even the mystical ‘Vampire’ could actually make an appearance someday…)

Unless of course you have some glorious re-working of the drone mechanics, from the code up, waiting in the wings and this is all 'temporary'….

War Machine:

Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#2796 - 2014-05-26 12:33:29 UTC
Wait.. are people unhappy about the power of the rattler after these changes?

What? Surely I'm misunderstanding something here..

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#2797 - 2014-05-26 12:40:24 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Garviel Tarrant wrote:
Wait.. are people unhappy about the power of the rattler after these changes?

What? Surely I'm misunderstanding something here..

Well, there are 150 pages discussing why.

You want a simple Precis?

Drone subsystem has been altered which does not take account of the complexities, advantages, and disadvantages of drone mechanics.

The balance and application has been changed, but is balanced, if different, on the Cruiser and frigate, it fails miserably to achieve those goals on the Rattlesnake.

I do not think there is anything in there for a troll to selectively quote.

Other than that if you are interested, have a read back, but you will probably need a shower afterwards to feel clean.What?

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#2798 - 2014-05-26 13:43:52 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Garviel Tarrant wrote:
Wait.. are people unhappy about the power of the rattler after these changes?

What? Surely I'm misunderstanding something here..

Well, there are 150 pages discussing why.

You want a simple Precis?

Drone subsystem has been altered which does not take account of the complexities, advantages, and disadvantages of drone mechanics.

The balance and application has been changed, but is balanced, if different, on the Cruiser and frigate, it fails miserably to achieve those goals on the Rattlesnake.

I do not think there is anything in there for a troll to selectively quote.

Other than that if you are interested, have a read back, but you will probably need a shower afterwards to feel clean.What?

It keeps its tank but gets a massive dps boost? A post patch Rattler pulls like 1300 dps with gardes and cruise O.o. I really don't get how that is not good enough...

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#2799 - 2014-05-26 13:47:30 UTC
Garviel Tarrant wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Garviel Tarrant wrote:
Wait.. are people unhappy about the power of the rattler after these changes?

What? Surely I'm misunderstanding something here..

Well, there are 150 pages discussing why.

You want a simple Precis?

Drone subsystem has been altered which does not take account of the complexities, advantages, and disadvantages of drone mechanics.

The balance and application has been changed, but is balanced, if different, on the Cruiser and frigate, it fails miserably to achieve those goals on the Rattlesnake.

I do not think there is anything in there for a troll to selectively quote.

Other than that if you are interested, have a read back, but you will probably need a shower afterwards to feel clean.What?

It keeps its tank but gets a massive dps boost? A post patch Rattler pulls like 1300 dps with gardes and cruise O.o. I really don't get how that is not good enough...

Well if all the rattlesnake has to do, is apply it's mighty DPS without any consideration as to how, then that of course would be correct.
Unfortunately, things are a little more complex than that.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Captain Finklestein
#2800 - 2014-05-26 14:07:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Finklestein
[Rattlesnake, L4]

4x Cruise Missile Launcher II (Inferno Fury Cruise Missile)
Drone Link Augmenter II

Pith B-Type X-Large Shield Booster
2x Shield Boost Amplifier II
EM Ward Field II
2x Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Gist B-Type 100MN Afterburner

4x Capacitor Power Relay II
2x Drone Damage Amplifier II

2x Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
1 x Large Warhead Flare Catalyst I

5x Garde II

[Implants - L4 Missiles/Shield]

Slot 1: Training
Slot 2: Training
Slot 3: Training
Slot 4: Training
Slot 5: Training
Slot 6: Inherent Implants 'Squire' Energy Systems Operation EO-605
Slot 7: Zainou 'Deadeye' Missile Projection MP-705
Slot 8: Inherent Implants 'Squire' Energy Management EM-805
Slot 9: Zainou 'Deadeye' Target Navigation Prediction TN-905
Slot 10: Zainou 'Deadeye' Rapid Launch RL-1005

[Statistics - L4 Rattlesnake]

Effective HP: 99,899 (Eve: 79,360)
Tank Ability: 1,405.02 DPS
Shield Resists - EM: 75.93%, Ex: 78.64%, Ki: 74.37%, Th: 65.82%

Capacitor (Lasts 15m 5s)

Volley Damage: 4,589.24
DPS: 750.55

This is pre-patch (today) while using a Gnosis with T2 links. Missile skills at IV or V, perfect drone and tanking skills. Battleship skills only at III/IV Gal/Cal.

With these skills post-patch we get 20% more drone DPS and 40% more missile DPS + 1 extra hardpoint

Drones: 521 dps ---> 625 dps
Missiles: 230 dps --> 402 dps

Total: 750 dps --> 1027 dps

Post-patch this Rattler fit does 1027dps, tanks 1405dps, buffers 100k EHP, and sustains 15 minutes of capacitor with everything active. It is fit with a propulsion mod (off) and the deadspace modules both cost just 50m or so each.
With max skills and a T3 booster the numbers become absurd, and go beyond reason if you plug in the right set in implants slots 1-5.

I am thus largely confused why anyone is disappointed with the Rattle changes.

It's just more financially viable for me.