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Singularity Launcher Locking TQ Out - FIX

First post
CCP Sledgehammer
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2014-05-19 13:29:25 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Sledgehammer
Hey all,

I've been catching up on the various feedback threads regarding the Launcher issues that people are experiencing after they have connected to Singularity.

We played around with a couple of fixes in the test lab with our Macs and would like to get people to try the following:

1. Open Terminal (From Applications > Utilities).
2. In the resulting Terminal window type the following then hit ENTER: "open Library"
3. You should now have the Library open in a finder window, find the folder called "Application Support" and open it.
4. Find the "EVE Online" folder and open it.
5. Find the file called "config". Rename it to something different like oldconfig.
6. Run your TQ Launcher
7. Attempt to log in to TQ.
8. Success or Failure? Post in this thread please.

Graphical QA Analyst | EVE Quality Assurance | Team TriLambda

Black Omega Security
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#2 - 2014-05-19 14:34:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Anemone221
Yeah my client stopped working after i installed/updated SISI so this fixed the problem right up thanks.

CCP Sledgehammer
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2014-05-19 14:50:52 UTC
Anemone221 wrote:
Yeah my client stopped working after i installed/updated SISI so this fixed the problem right up thanks.


Excellent, thanks for the feedback!

Graphical QA Analyst | EVE Quality Assurance | Team TriLambda

Seamus Donohue
EVE University
Ivy League
#4 - 2014-05-19 15:53:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Seamus Donohue
I have had no problems with my Tranquility and Singularity clients whatsoever for the past year or two, though it took me quite a bit of hunting around for answers to get this to work since the new Launcher went into effect with Crucible.


Before I continue, I have to point out that anyplace you see { and }, you'll have to replace them with < and >. I can't post them directly because "HTML isn't allowed in posts" on the EVE Online forums.

I always make it a point to have my different EVE Online clients point to different Application Support subfolders: "EVE Online TQ1", "EVE Online TQ2", "EVE Online Sisi1", "EVE Online Sisi2", and so on.

This details how I set up multiple Tranquility clients:

That is, I rename the "EVE" to something like "EVE Online".

Then, I have to go find the file /Games/EVE\ Online/EVE\ Online\\ and set (with XCode or TextEdit)

{string}EVE Online TQ2{/string}

{string}EVE Online TQ2{/string}

(Note, the above assumes that on the root level of my hard drive, I have a folder called "Games" and a folder within that called "EVE Online" and the application within that. This command will look different if you have your application in the "Applications" folder, for example. Also, that path is NOT a typo: you have an EVE Online application INSIDE your EVE Online application.)

Singularity clients are similar except that I have to use a Terminal command to update a Singularity client with a new patch, like:

open /Games/EVE\ Online/EVE\ Online\ --args /server:

Then find /Games/EVE\ Online/EVE\ Online\\ and set

{string}EVE Online Sisi2{/string}

{string}EVE Online Sisi2{/string}

Then I need to use the following Terminal Commands to show invisible folders and files:

10.9 Mavericks
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder

10.6 Snow Leopard, 10.7 Lion, 10.8 Mountain Lion
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder

Then I have to find the file: /Users/ImNotTellingYouMyUserName/Library/Application\ Support/EVE\ Online\ Sisi2/config

"Library" is an invisible folder, which is why we needed to show invisibles first.

Open the file with TextEdit, and add to the bottom: (these really are square brackets, not curly brackets, do NOT replace with < and > please.)

"cmdlineadd" = "/server:"

Once the above is done, you must make sure to NEVER LAUNCH THE OUTER "EVE ONLINE" DIRECTLY. This opens the Launcher, then the Launcher detects that files inside itself have changed, then it reverts the changes, and that breaks everything again.

To play the game, you must skip the Launcher and open the EVE Online that is inside your EVE Online.

This screenshot may help explain.

Also, the video is now up:

Survivor of Teskanen.  Fan of John Rourke.

I have video tutorials for EVE Online on my YouTube channel:

#5 - 2014-05-19 18:58:13 UTC
Worked for me too.
CCP Sledgehammer
C C P Alliance
#6 - 2014-05-19 19:52:32 UTC
Seamus Donohue wrote:
I have had no problems with my Tranquility and Singularity clients whatsoever for the past year or two, though it took me quite a bit of hunting around for answers to get this to work since the new Launcher went into effect with Crucible.


Before I continue, I have to point out that unless otherwise noted, anyplace you see [ and ], you'll have to replace them with < and >. I can't post them directly because "HTML isn't allowed in posts" on the EVE Online forums....

Thank you, Seamus! Any information that gives us a better picture of how our players are using the Mac client is really invaluable and I really appreciate you taking the time to put forward the methods you use for the benefit of the community.

Graphical QA Analyst | EVE Quality Assurance | Team TriLambda

Rahl Gryphon
Ovistavin Enterprises
#7 - 2014-05-19 20:50:11 UTC
I found the Terminal instructions for this solution in another thread yesterday and it worked for me.
Seamus Donohue
EVE University
Ivy League
#8 - 2014-05-20 02:43:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Seamus Donohue
CCP Sledgehammer wrote:
Seamus Donohue wrote:
I have had no problems with my Tranquility and Singularity clients whatsoever for the past year or two, though it took me quite a bit of hunting around for answers to get this to work since the new Launcher went into effect with Crucible.


Before I continue, I have to point out that unless otherwise noted, anyplace you see [ and ], you'll have to replace them with < and >. I can't post them directly because "HTML isn't allowed in posts" on the EVE Online forums....

Thank you, Seamus! Any information that gives us a better picture of how our players are using the Mac client is really invaluable and I really appreciate you taking the time to put forward the methods you use for the benefit of the community.

Glad to be of help. If my instructions aren't clear, then I can probably take the time, this weekend, to make a new video detailing the process, but only if there's a request for it.

[edit] Just to add, if a Tranquility and a Singularity client were trying to use the same folder within Application Support, then I would fully expect things to start going wonky left, right, and center. Indeed, I would expect things to go wonky if two Tranquility clients were trying to reference the same Application Support folder. [/edit]

Survivor of Teskanen.  Fan of John Rourke.

I have video tutorials for EVE Online on my YouTube channel:

Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2014-05-20 04:49:11 UTC
Now have functioning TQ and SiSi again


Seamus Donohue - I would be very interested in seeing videos

CCP Sledgehammer
C C P Alliance
#10 - 2014-05-20 10:05:46 UTC
Dybbuch wrote:
Now have functioning TQ and SiSi again


Seamus Donohue - I would be very interested in seeing videos

Really glad this resolved your issues, Dybbuch. I saw you pop up in all those other threads. Please accept my apologies for the delay in the workaround.

Graphical QA Analyst | EVE Quality Assurance | Team TriLambda

Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2014-05-20 17:01:48 UTC
Dybbuch wrote:
Now have functioning TQ and SiSi again


Take it back .. the Patch killed my SiSi again
Divi Filus
New Xenocracy
#12 - 2014-05-20 17:22:15 UTC
Dybbuch wrote:
Dybbuch wrote:
Now have functioning TQ and SiSi again


Take it back .. the Patch killed my SiSi again

Same here. Last time SiSi killed TQ, this time TQ killed SiSi.
CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#13 - 2014-05-20 17:40:04 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Habakuk

The Sisi Mac client has "small" problems at the moment on most machines - it does not start . We are looking into it.

Update: We have a possible fix and we hope that we can deploy it tomorrow to Singularity. Sorry for the delay!

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#14 - 2014-05-21 12:47:56 UTC
Patch didnt fix it ..
Ezio Sotken
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#15 - 2014-05-21 19:31:01 UTC
I am going to be trying this soon. To protect myself, I copied a known good version of my EVE folder in the library and moved it elsewhere. So if it does get screwed up, it would be a quick fix at least.
Ezio Sotken
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#16 - 2014-05-22 13:43:39 UTC
I tried these solutions and none work. sisi still causes Tq to not load.

my solution is to manipulate the eve online folder.

1. before you even open your sisi client, do the following.
(make sure Tq works before you do this though or it would be pointless.)

- go to library, application support, eve online folder
- copy the folder and place the copy on your desktop or any place easily accessible to you

now you have a known good copy of your eve folder and when you are done with sisi, you will not have to reset everything.

now go play around on sisi

when you are done, this is when things get interesting. Even if you move your copied EVE folder back into the application support part of the library, that will not work. When you first launch your Tq client, it will make a brand new folder for some reason and bypass your backup folder. To fix this annoyance.

find the new EVE folder. This should be easy as your copy should be named EVE Online Copy, etc. Delete all the content out of the folder created by the client, and transfer everything from your copy folder into the new folder. Make sure everything was transferred. I used my overview setting as a quick baseline to make sure.

Now you should be able to open Tq and it should load normally to whatever presets you had before.

Yes its annoying but at least it works for now.
Bobby Thellere
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2014-05-23 04:43:26 UTC
This worked for me thanks for the fix.
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#18 - 2014-05-23 19:09:54 UTC
Success! Worked as advertised.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#19 - 2014-05-24 17:36:40 UTC
I still cannot get teh Sis Launcher to actually work .. at all .
Daenna Chrysi
Omega Foundry Unit
Southern Legion Alliance
#20 - 2014-05-25 10:33:48 UTC
CCP Sledgehammer wrote:
Hey all,

I've been catching up on the various feedback threads regarding the Launcher issues that people are experiencing after they have connected to Singularity.

We played around with a couple of fixes in the test lab with our Macs and would like to get people to try the following:

1. Open Terminal (From Applications > Utilities).
2. In the resulting Terminal window type the following then hit ENTER: "open Library"
3. You should now have the Library open in a finder window, find the folder called "Application Support" and open it.
4. Find the "EVE Online" folder and open it.
5. Find the file called "config". Rename it to something different like oldconfig.
6. Run your TQ Launcher
7. Attempt to log in to TQ.
8. Success or Failure? Post in this thread please.

It is worth noting that while one is accessing the application support folder, it is a good idea to make an alias to the EVE online folder in the Application support. in the future makes it easier to get to the files for grabbing screen shots youve made or reading the logs, or accessing exported fits and overview settings.
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