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Why don't t2 hictor bubbles counter interdiction nullified ships?

King Fu Hostile
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#41 - 2014-05-19 10:51:32 UTC
Habris wrote:
It's not necessarily about T3's or interceptors, CCP wants pilots to own space and make it "theirs" but have instituted mechanics that directly contradict that sentiment. Is it so much to ask that if I spend the time and isk to ship into something that can defeat interdiction nullification? You can not tell me that t3's and interceptors are not afforded the luxury of operating in hostile space with relative impunity. The problem is there is no way of countering these ships other than luck of the draw. It's far from a level playing field regardless of how much isk or effort is put into the defense of what you call yours. Have a look at the OP again and tell me exactly what isn't fair about what has been proposed.

What do you mean "have no counters besides luck"? Ceptors aren't exactly hard to kill (a T1 frig can do that), and nullifying a T3 means giving up a sizeable chunk of it's tank.

They spent time and ISK to ship into something that can negate bubbles, isn't that fair? Anyway, I don't think bubbling a gate is a lot of effort or ISK put into defense like you seem to imply.

Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2014-05-21 22:13:22 UTC
Habris wrote:

I don't care what it takes but hictors should be able to stop interdiction nullification ships. It's an expensive ship that at a bare minimum takes 143 days and about 275-300m isk to field, and if a new script or specialized rig are introduced I can't see the "no" argument holding water.
Perhaps I'm missing some important point here, but HICs already have the means - they can script their bubbles into points of 'infinite' strength, which will stop nullified ships, even ones mounting a lot of warp stabilisers. If a HIC, even with a seeboo and remote seeboos applied can't do the job, a interceptor with such kit should be able to. The means already exist, and if lowsec gate campers can afford t invest the time and energy into these ships and tactics 23/7 just in the hope of netting passersby surely nullsec entities should be able to set up something like it for territory defence.

What I think I'm seeing in this (and other) thread(s) is nullsec folks clamouring for a cheap way for them to 'defend' their (largely empty) space without having to overly exert themselves or cost themselves any time any from their ratting. However, nullsec is supposed to be risky, and it is intended that the only way to reduce that risk is by player action. Tossing up a pile of bubbles and dropping a HIC or three on anyone who works passed them hardly counts. Speaking of bubbles, the anchorable bubbles should, IMO, have a duration of only an hour or two.

Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2014-05-22 15:05:47 UTC
why shouldnt people in null have the option to go a few jumps to pick up a skillbook in a ship which cant be caught by the 60 man gatecamp looking for any kill they can get.

bad idea nullsec need ceptors for everyday living

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#44 - 2014-05-22 15:37:09 UTC
Habris wrote:
I ask this openly and propose that they are changed to do so.

Firstly these stats are based on a brand new character training the bare minimum skills to fly the hulls with t2 equipment.

To fly an interceptor it takes a mere 47 days from first sub to flying a t2 fit.

To fly a a nullied tengu it takes 99 days from first sub to flying a t2 fit.

To fly a hictor with a t2 bubble its takes a 143 days.

A decent fit hictor is generally over 300m which is on par with a t2 fit tech 3 cruiser. On its own a hictor cannot kill a ceptor unless it can instalock and scram it. Against a t3 unless its DPS fit, which would take away from most hictor tank fits it would be more than a fair fight since they are pretty much stationary. All that said hictors aren't solo, they bring friends.


Edit: proposals for changing hictors

A new script which imposed further debuffs on the hictor examples: reduced lock range and/or scan res, capacitor debuffs, reduction of bubble size to 15km.

Multiple T2 bubble generators, one to neutralize the interdiction nullification and an additional hictor/dictor to actually bubble.

A specialized T2 electronics rig that would act like a permanent script so that everytime a the non scripted t2 bubble was activated it would be the reduced bubble and what ever debuffs prescribed to catch interdiction nullified ships. I would find acceptable that this would only catch nullified ships, again needing further assets (pilot+training time+ isk) to accomplish the goal at hand.

All current nullified ships and modules are given a penalty that negatively affects Agility while in the influence of a bubble. (credit: Darth Kilth)

If you played Eve before the days of HICs and the nullifiers that came years later.... you wouldn't have posted this at all.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#45 - 2014-05-22 15:42:10 UTC

I dislike nullified ships....

but I certainly don't believe t2 hictor bubbles should still catch nullified ships.

Once upon a time, back in dominion, CCP accidentally altered the interdiction nullification mechanics. T3 ships with the IN subsystem could warp out of bubbles as they desired, but if they warp to a destination that had an aligned drag / catch bubble, they'd get pulled into the bubble like all other ships. I wish sooooo, soooooo much for this change to happen again, so that all interdiction nullified ships wouldn't be "prevented" from warping out of bubbles, but would absolutely be pulled into them!
Obscure Joke Implied
#46 - 2014-05-22 15:46:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaerakh
Habris wrote:
I ask this openly and propose that they are changed to do so.

Firstly these stats are based on a brand new character training the bare minimum skills to fly the hulls with t2 equipment.

To fly an interceptor it takes a mere 47 days from first sub to flying a t2 fit.

To fly a a nullied tengu it takes 99 days from first sub to flying a t2 fit.

To fly a hictor with a t2 bubble its takes a 143 days.

A decent fit hictor is generally over 300m which is on par with a t2 fit tech 3 cruiser. On its own a hictor cannot kill a ceptor unless it can instalock and scram it. Against a t3 unless its DPS fit, which would take away from most hictor tank fits it would be more than a fair fight since they are pretty much stationary. All that said hictors aren't solo, they bring friends.


Edit: proposals for changing hictors

A new script which imposed further debuffs on the hictor examples: reduced lock range and/or scan res, capacitor debuffs, reduction of bubble size to 15km.

Multiple T2 bubble generators, one to neutralize the interdiction nullification and an additional hictor/dictor to actually bubble.

A specialized T2 electronics rig that would act like a permanent script so that everytime a the non scripted t2 bubble was activated it would be the reduced bubble and what ever debuffs prescribed to catch interdiction nullified ships. I would find acceptable that this would only catch nullified ships, again needing further assets (pilot+training time+ isk) to accomplish the goal at hand.

All current nullified ships and modules are given a penalty that negatively affects Agility while in the influence of a bubble. (credit: Darth Kilth)

As I've stated previously, interdiction nullifying scripts would only serve to nullify any other functions of a warp disruption bubble. Regardless of debuffs, every hictor doctrine would be updated for exclusively running this script(for obvious reasons). A suggestion like this only serves to make a mechanic misleading(Edit: to clarify I'm talking about nullified warp) and reduce diversity of gameplay.

Instalock gatecamps work in lowsec, why can't they work in null? Oh sorry, that would require nullbears to click more than keep at range and press F1. Roll
Sad Najwyzszy
#47 - 2014-05-22 16:08:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Apelacja
disco bses......adopt or die


instalock has not 100 % chance and u need 2 ships usualy. That`s what is that wine about.
Obscure Joke Implied
#48 - 2014-05-22 16:13:32 UTC
Apelacja wrote:
disco bses......adopt or die


instalock has not 100 % chance and u need 2 ships usualy. That`s what is that wine about.

True, plus I forgot, this thread is completely invalid. There's a script that already counters interdiction nullification.

My work is done.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#49 - 2014-05-22 21:42:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Asuka Solo wrote:

If you played Eve before the days of HICs and the nullifiers that came years later.... you wouldn't have posted this at all.

Actually I did, this isn't even my final form.

Kaerakh wrote:

True, plus I forgot, this thread is completely invalid. There's a script that already counters interdiction nullification.

My work is done.

yeah, keep ignoring that interceptors can still align and warp in less than two seconds which is the minimum time needed to lock and point a target. Not accounting for latency of course.
Bohneik Itohn
#50 - 2014-05-22 21:54:03 UTC
Kaerakh wrote:

True, plus I forgot, this thread is completely invalid. There's a script that already counters interdiction nullification.

My work is done.


It's someone who's flown a HIC....

Wait, CCP kills kittens now too?!  - Freyya

Are you a forum alt? Have you ever wondered why your experience on the forums is always so frustrating and unrewarding? This may help.

Obscure Joke Implied
#51 - 2014-05-22 22:15:20 UTC
Bohneik Itohn wrote:
Kaerakh wrote:

True, plus I forgot, this thread is completely invalid. There's a script that already counters interdiction nullification.

My work is done.


It's someone who's flown a HIC....

Hictors V, grav physics V baby.

Habris wrote:
Kaerakh wrote:

True, plus I forgot, this thread is completely invalid. There's a script that already counters interdiction nullification.

My work is done.

yeah, keep ignoring that interceptors can still align and warp in less than two seconds which is the minimum time needed to lock and point a target. Not accounting for latency of course.

Edumacate, edumacate.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#52 - 2014-05-22 22:30:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Kaerakh wrote:
Bohneik Itohn wrote:
Kaerakh wrote:

True, plus I forgot, this thread is completely invalid. There's a script that already counters interdiction nullification.

My work is done.


It's someone who's flown a HIC....

Hictors V, grav physics V baby.

Habris wrote:
Kaerakh wrote:

True, plus I forgot, this thread is completely invalid. There's a script that already counters interdiction nullification.

My work is done.

yeah, keep ignoring that interceptors can still align and warp in less than two seconds which is the minimum time needed to lock and point a target. Not accounting for latency of course.

Edumacate, edumacate.

Cute, but how effective is this against say... 20 interceptors? Catching one or two, but a whole fleet?

And again, thats only possible past on ceptors that can't turn and align in under 2 seconds. You show me how to beat the 1 second minimum time to lock plus the hard coded 1 second required to activate a module and i'll ask to delete this thread.
Obscure Joke Implied
#53 - 2014-05-22 22:33:11 UTC
Habris wrote:

Cute, but how effective is this against say... 20 interceptors? Catching one or two, but a whole fleet?.

Why are you using one hictor against a fleet of 20 cepters?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#54 - 2014-05-22 22:36:06 UTC
Kaerakh wrote:
Habris wrote:

Cute, but how effective is this against say... 20 interceptors? Catching one or two, but a whole fleet?.

Why are you using one hictor against a fleet of 20 cepters?

I'm not but I'd damn sure like to. Since all that invades nullsec these days are nullified ships, kinda leaves my hictor mothballed for supers that are obvious traps (daras....*sigh*)

Chasing a ceptor fleet with ceptors is a damn benny hill show, gee thats fun.
Aerie Evingod
Midwest Miners LLC
#55 - 2014-05-22 22:47:49 UTC
Habris wrote:

To fly an interceptor it takes a mere 47 days from first sub to flying a t2 fit.

To fly a a nullied tengu it takes 99 days from first sub to flying a t2 fit.

To fly a hictor with a t2 bubble its takes a 143 days.

A decent fit hictor is generally over 300m which is on par with a t2 fit tech 3 cruiser. On its own a hictor cannot kill a ceptor unless it can instalock and scram it. Against a t3 unless its DPS fit, which would take away from most hictor tank fits it would be more than a fair fight since they are pretty much stationary. All that said hictors aren't solo, they bring friends.


Following your logic, jump freighter takes longer to get into than an inty and costs more so I should be able to beat an inty witha JF.

Training time and cost is not indicative of it's ability and purpose.
Bohneik Itohn
#56 - 2014-05-22 22:49:38 UTC
Habris wrote:
Kaerakh wrote:
Habris wrote:

Cute, but how effective is this against say... 20 interceptors? Catching one or two, but a whole fleet?.

Why are you using one hictor against a fleet of 20 cepters?

I'm not but I'd damn sure like to. Since all that invades nullsec these days are nullified ships, kinda leaves my hictor mothballed for supers that are obvious traps (daras....*sigh*)

Chasing a ceptor fleet with ceptors is a damn benny hill show, gee thats fun.

Why chase? Let them get comfortable moving through a pipe and wait for them with a full set of smartbombing, webbing, pointing BS's when they start to head home. Don't be surprised at how predictable their pattern and timing can be. Cover both gates and Mwah! You have a bunch of moths in a bottle. Hope they don't get too close to the flame.

Wait, CCP kills kittens now too?!  - Freyya

Are you a forum alt? Have you ever wondered why your experience on the forums is always so frustrating and unrewarding? This may help.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#57 - 2014-05-22 23:08:10 UTC
Aerie Evingod wrote:
Habris wrote:

To fly an interceptor it takes a mere 47 days from first sub to flying a t2 fit.

To fly a a nullied tengu it takes 99 days from first sub to flying a t2 fit.

To fly a hictor with a t2 bubble its takes a 143 days.

A decent fit hictor is generally over 300m which is on par with a t2 fit tech 3 cruiser. On its own a hictor cannot kill a ceptor unless it can instalock and scram it. Against a t3 unless its DPS fit, which would take away from most hictor tank fits it would be more than a fair fight since they are pretty much stationary. All that said hictors aren't solo, they bring friends.


Following your logic, jump freighter takes longer to get into than an inty and costs more so I should be able to beat an inty witha JF.

Training time and cost is not indicative of it's ability and purpose.

While thats an interesting thought it's not applicable and you know it. A jump freighter is a cargo ship, a hictor is a combat ship designed to stop other ships. I don't think implementing either a specialized t2 rig or a new bubble gen that would create a 15km bubble that only stopped nullied ships isn't game breaking.

As far as the smartbombing thing, i've found that result may very and usually they still get away and with the nullification and warp speed are gone with no way to catch them besides chasing them around a region in ceptors. This isn't about trying to create a "e-z-win" mode for nullsec, this is creating a fair way to defend one's space from this abused game mechanic.
Bohneik Itohn
#58 - 2014-05-22 23:35:26 UTC
Habris wrote:

While thats an interesting thought it's not applicable and you know it. A jump freighter is a cargo ship, a hictor is a combat ship designed to stop other ships. I don't think implementing either a specialized t2 rig or a new bubble gen that would create a 15km bubble that only stopped nullied ships isn't game breaking.

As far as the smartbombing thing, i've found that result may very and usually they still get away and with the nullification and warp speed are gone with no way to catch them besides chasing them around a region in ceptors. This isn't about trying to create a "e-z-win" mode for nullsec, this is creating a fair way to defend one's space from this abused game mechanic.

Your results may vary, but so did theirs when you caught a few of them with the smartbombs.

Besides, what'd you expect to happen? The majority of null territory is owned by Goonswarm, and the majority of players are not members of Goonswarm. Did you want a nice white picket fence to go with your Sov?

Wait, CCP kills kittens now too?!  - Freyya

Are you a forum alt? Have you ever wondered why your experience on the forums is always so frustrating and unrewarding? This may help.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#59 - 2014-05-22 23:41:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Bohneik Itohn wrote:
Habris wrote:

While thats an interesting thought it's not applicable and you know it. A jump freighter is a cargo ship, a hictor is a combat ship designed to stop other ships. I don't think implementing either a specialized t2 rig or a new bubble gen that would create a 15km bubble that only stopped nullied ships isn't game breaking.

As far as the smartbombing thing, i've found that result may very and usually they still get away and with the nullification and warp speed are gone with no way to catch them besides chasing them around a region in ceptors. This isn't about trying to create a "e-z-win" mode for nullsec, this is creating a fair way to defend one's space from this abused game mechanic.

Your results may vary, but so did theirs when you caught a few of them with the smartbombs.

Besides, what'd you expect to happen? The majority of null territory is owned by Goonswarm, and the majority of players are not members of Goonswarm. Did you want a nice white picket fence to go with your Sov?

No, but regardless of whether I was in goons or not no ship should be able to infiltrate space with such impunity. The day I can lock in less than two seconds and that very instant apply a scram i'll stop asking for this. Truth be told I don't like hictors, kinda why I have five of them sitting in a my hangar packaged since late 2008 sometime...
Bohneik Itohn
#60 - 2014-05-22 23:59:02 UTC
Habris wrote:

No, but regardless of whether I was in goons or not no ship should be able to infiltrate space with such impunity. The day I can lock in less than two seconds and that very instant apply a scram i'll stop asking for this. Truth be told I don't like hictors, kinda why I have five of them sitting in a my hangar packaged since late 2008 sometime...

If you have a problem with people entering your space unimpeded you also have a problem with wormholes opening in null sec, cloaks, and basically anyone that plays during your corp's downtime.

It happens. It's not a disadvantage. Learn to use it against people who come to rely on these things and pop them when they get lazy.

If they don't get lazy? Find out where they live and return the favor.

Wait, CCP kills kittens now too?!  - Freyya

Are you a forum alt? Have you ever wondered why your experience on the forums is always so frustrating and unrewarding? This may help.