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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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130m + pilot looking for new challenge

Lexiana Del'Amore
Nouvelle Rouvenor
#1 - 2014-05-22 11:25:29 UTC
# My Skills

# My Killboard

A little about myself...

# Sub-capital pilot specializing in flying logistics.
# Self sufficient.
# Active in EU and US Timezones.
# Mature attitude.

What i'm looking for...

# A 100% PvP focussed corporation that is NOT in faction warfare... Been there, done that, got multiple T-shirts...
Prefer lowsec but willing to give nullsec or WH space a try...
# A drama free enviroment.

Venkata Chandrasekhara Raman
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2014-05-22 11:41:12 UTC
Hi there, take at look at our webpage Coreli Corp, and join our public channel "Coreli Core" for a chat
Thanatos Marathon
#3 - 2014-05-22 13:50:32 UTC
+1 for lexi, she's boss mode.
Deaths Consortium
Pandemic Horde
#4 - 2014-05-22 14:38:12 UTC

Ordo Drakonis is a pvp corp part of Nulli Secunda null-sec sov holding alliance. We are mostly a EU tz corp but also have members from AU. RL comes first as we are all mature players that understands the difference between a video game and reality. Ordo Drakonis is looking for pvppers, not the hard-core nuts but the relaxed ones that log in to pew pew to have a good time.

Do check out our recruitment advert: and join our public channel "Ordo United" for a quick chat.

Have a nice day!

In Ordo Drakonis we trust!

Xedam Praxis
#5 - 2014-05-22 14:54:21 UTC
Hi Lexiana,

I believe we fit the bill for what you're looking for.

Repo. is a low-sec PvP/piracy corp that specializes in small gang and skirmish PvP. We accept new and old pilots alike, and have a reputation of skill and integrity. You can check out our eve forums recruitment thread here:


“The word of a gentleman is as good as his bond; and sometimes better.”

  • Charles Dickens
B 2
#6 - 2014-05-22 14:55:55 UTC
V3.R is an Aussie/Late US small-gang focused PvP corp loitering in Derelik at the moment (with intent to move to a wormhole soon) looking for PvP plots.

Or hit us up in-game in the 'V3.R Public' channel.
James Gibby
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-05-22 17:11:52 UTC
Hey we're a 100% small gang pvp c5 wormhole corp. We're looking for players exactly how you've described yourself so if you're interested feel free to mail/convo me or join our ingame channel 'Mafia Redux'.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2014-05-22 17:59:08 UTC
I remember flying with you in GalMil quite a bit, you were always awesome to have in fleets! I'd really like to have a word with you in-game sometime, feel free to convo me or join "Ether Bunnies" which is our public channel. Cheers!


Asteroid Farm Unlimited
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2014-05-22 18:20:39 UTC

║░║╚╝╩╝ is one of the most established (6 years+) low sec Pirate Corporations in Eve with currently around 40 active members who are mostly UK/EU time zone with a growing USA presence.

We are active/relaxed/mature and play for fun. (no dramas).
Real life always comes first for us.
NO call to arms.
NO politics (True Pirates who dont do blues).
We just like to log on, blow crap up/die a horrid death, have fun and log out, simple and no fuss !
We have regular camps/roams/hotdrops/blops in target rich areas.
We fly anything from Frigs, Cruisers, Battleships, HACS, Blackops, Caps
We encourage solo pvp as well as teamwork.
We try not to blob as we prefer to use skills over numbers.
The social side to Eve is very important to us.

We are looking for active and relaxed Low Sec pvpers/pirates.
We require a min of 25m sp (exceptions could be made).
Experience in PVP is essential and u must know the basics (no noobs).
Must be able to show decent killboard stats i.e. efficiency.
Must be willing to lose security status (-10)
Must be willing to field specific ships (not just a frig because thats all u can fly)
NO trial accounts or alts.
NO carebears, industrials, miners, mission runners. (use alts to earn isk to finance pvp)
Must be self sufficient. (have an alt that can bring in supplies for you).
You must be English speaking.
A sense of humour is a must!
Be able to use TS3 with a working mic when in game.
Must fill in a questionnaire
An interview on comms will also be required prior to acceptance.
Above all else u need to be a relaxed, team player.

Apply here
Then please join our public channel ''The Darker Side'' for a friendly chat.
Xanos Xellos
Goonswarm Federation
#10 - 2014-05-22 23:47:58 UTC
Hey there, I just wanted to give you another option if you would like to take a look at us.

Take a look, if it sounds like something you would be interested in come have a chat with us in our public channel. I hope to hear from you soon, if not I hope you find a corp to fit what you enjoy doing.

Have fun and fly safe!
MachineGun Matt
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-05-23 00:49:33 UTC
The corps focus TZ isnt EU but still thought I would throw an invite at you.

The corporation is in Bloodline. alliance that operates out in Catch region of 0.0. We are still grinding the last bits and pieces of the old owners and that should take under 2 weeks.

There is almost always pvp in catch since it is a short trip from Curse, Providence, CFC space.

Bloodline. Why You So Mad [UXMAD]

- Dedicated pvp alliance, if we hear about something to kill we go.
- Niche style pvp, focused on capital and blops deployment
- Great atmosphere, but sometimes nsfw
- Kill stuff and make money in the downtime

If you want to read more follow this link:
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#12 - 2014-05-23 04:07:10 UTC
Hello There!

Flying Dangerous (FIGL) is a null security PvP Alliance currently based in the Syndicate region. Our singular focus in Eve is PvP, pure and simple. We are primarily a small gang PvP alliance, with fleets consisting upwards of 35+ members. We are more than willing to take anyone and teach them to PvP. Experienced and talented fleet commanders lead fleets daily, with both scheduled and ad-hoc ops. We fly all races and ship types from frigate class to battleship and capital ships.

More info at:
Some videos of our fleets: Link
In-game chat channel: FD 4 PvP
Stop by and ask to speak with a recruiter today!
Mavic Turalyon
Turalyon Industries
#13 - 2014-05-23 10:08:02 UTC
Hi Lexi,

Not going to try and recruit you. Just wanted to wish you all the best for your future in EVE. It's been great flying with you when we got the chance. I think you did wonders for Gallente FW. Wherever you end up will be lucky to have you.


Turalyon One CEO

Become Your Potential

Join the 'Turalyon' channel

Isabela Valentine
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2014-05-23 13:28:50 UTC
If you've never given mercenary work a try i'd highly recommend it. Check out our website for information about joining Noir. We operate in all areas of space and take contracts of all types. I find that it keeps things fresh and new. If interested, just post an application on our forums and one of us will contact you for an interview.


Irela Storm Shadowpipe
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#15 - 2014-05-23 14:04:07 UTC

My corp is a lowsec piracy corp based on US and AU timezone. This is an alt for security reasons. If you're interested, this forum post should provide you more information -
Lexiana Del'Amore
Nouvelle Rouvenor
#16 - 2014-05-24 22:48:39 UTC
up up and away...
Garth Alwin
Penumbra Institute
#17 - 2014-05-25 14:47:23 UTC
A skilled and competent pilot, always professional and calm in fleet action. Lexi will be a real asset to whichever corp is lucky enough to be chosen.
Psaqi Coldness
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2014-05-25 23:37:15 UTC

Our recruitment team has noticed your efforts in searching the forums for a good Null sec corporation to join.
Sometimes such a post can have overwhelming replies, here at Zebra Corp recruitment center we would like to take this time to educate about our organization.

We are part of the CFC in an alliance named The Bastion [BSTN] which is a Goonswarm led alliance that holds Sovereignty in Vale.

- We are looking for motivated pilots that are relaxed and can take a joke.
- We are looking for Active pilots that want to pvp or learn how to pvp.
- We consider motivated newbie pilots who want to focus on PVP.

What we offer:

- We are a very experienced corp with some of the core membership flying together for over 5 years.
- We have a representative on The Council of Stellar Management (CSM) - Xander Phoena
- Xander Phoena also runs one of the most popular Eve Podcasts with fellow Zebro Jeg Elsker –
- We are a member of the CFC
- From Small roams to medium fleets to epic multiple fleet battles
- Fleets for Black ops, Frigates, cruisers and Battleships, including capital and supercapital fleets.
- Access to well-supplied trade hubs in both Empire and null security space.
- Multiple ship replacement programs.
- Experienced people in all categories of eve.

Join in game channel ZC Pub