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[Kronos] Freighters and Jump Freighters Rebalance [Updated]

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Pyotr Sevastyan
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2241 - 2014-05-22 09:33:51 UTC
So, in one hand you want move industry in 0.0 and you say risk = isk, but in other hand you nerf JF ,the only jump-ship who can jump from high sec, with increasing fuel comsumption and reducing cargo (more fuel in cargo = less cargo for real needed).

So cost for bring item in 0.0 (because we can't prod everything in 0.0) will be higher ! We take risk but we only loose money.

The only good think would be having one more rigs slot for JF & (i'm dreaming) have a rigs for reduce comsuption for capital.

And why nerf the Rhea more than Other ? Rhea has a good cargo but the fuel is very expensive, so if you do that i want all my skill be reimboursed for switch to Anshar !
Dareth Astrar
Astrar Logistics and Engineering
#2242 - 2014-05-22 09:36:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Dareth Astrar
Dracvlad wrote:
Here is the sort of person that he should instead listen to:

Thank you Dracvlad, very kind of you.

Aureus Ahishatsu wrote:

Very well put. I'm curious when CCP is going to realize that you can only force so much PVP action on industrialist and increased mineral costs before they just say screw this and throw in the towel. I already gave a break down how this is clearly a nerf to freighters (despite what others may say) in my earlier article.

Well, I've been waiting a decade plus and they still haven't figured out the basic problems, or don't want to listen. Either way, out of our control.

Silvetica Dian wrote:

Also i read the stuff written by Dareth and got the impression that he was a very poor industrialist.
His description of huge effort for low profits amused me greatly and is the exact opposite of how i do industry.

Very nice to have opinions. May I ask what you base that on? I can base my proofs on cold hard maths, not that CCP listen that much to it.

As I have stated before, most people involved in industrial effort (or what they call of it) cannot arrive at an accurate calculation of cost. I'm sure I will hear lots of people shout, but I can and am willing to prove my statements with figures, but you may be surprised how long the proofs can be.

I and my team have made many billions in actual true profit in the game, before continual price depreciation and constant market entropy became massively significant factors that we stropped wasting our time. I know there are items out there which are still profitable, some T2 ones, but most T1 items (which is where new entries to market are) are not profitable, and ironically the larger you go the bigger the investment, the greater profit you believe people would insist upon. Unfortunately, that is just plain incorrect as an assumption (and we all know what phrases are out there warning us about assumptions).

I did the maths last night, on a previously truely industrial involvement with investors that we took part in. I updated the figures last night using the Jita buy prices for Minerals, and based on the CURRENT Sell prices of the eventual items in Jita (invalid assumptions, as fails to account for speed of depreciation in eve of both source materials pricing and sales achievable prices).

Case Study Time:
I will warn you, this is a very old case study, for which I have already proven to the Investors to get out of the market and do something else, but for which I have updated the figures purely for this discussion.

The industrial example I am discussing had a initial investment by interested Investors of approximately 30-31 billion in BPO's.

The Task:
Industrial production of Charon and Orca ships, continual and rolling.

Production of all associated capital components for and including the production of 1 Charon and 12 Orcas every 18.65 days, lets round that up to 19 shall we and profit from those ships.

In reality components were in parallel production for the next builds, so realistically it was a 9.88 day turn around for the ships if components were constantly in factories.

Initial Assumptions:
For this example and discussion ONLY, I have made certain assumptions (many of which are incorrect, I warn you).

  • We purchase at Jita buy prices so as to ensure a regular and consistent supply. Other local purchasing attempts were made, but historically were proven to take far too long to be fulfilled to allow for continual rolling productoin.
  • We did not pay for haulage of the materials and account for this in additional cost. (Actually this is incorrect, as we operated as capitalist and paid all our haulers for their services, but I fear that would simply prove too taxing calculation wise to include). We have long operated out of the major hubs in an attempt to spread the industrial effort.
  • We got the Current Jita Sales price for the items instantly on ending production, Without payment for additional haulage to market.

Jita Buy Price's for Materials as of 2014-05-22T0019
Tritanium 5.85
Pyerite 12.41
Mexallon 50
Isogen 135.13
Nocxium 750.02
Zydrine 676
Megacyte 1537

Quantities Moved Every 8.5 days:
Tritanium 630,190,688
Pyerite 93,588,313
Mexallon 33,383,805
Isogen 5,026,018
Nocxium 1,438,380
Zydrine 239,218
Megacyte 89,535

Total 763,955,957
m3 to move: 7,639,559.57
Existing Maxed Charon: 981,250 m3
Total Loads: 7.79, round up to 8

Jita Sales Price's as of 2014-05-22T0019
Charon: 1,370,000,000.00
Orca: 638,879,999.85

I have proven my figures to others before, and I'm sure others will shout to try to claim I am incorrect here, but again I refer to my earlier statements about most industrialist.

These figures even have factory production associated and all other market related costs included:

Final Sales Cost Profit / Unit Margin Profit / Factory Hour
Charon: 1,290,823,860.50 79,176,139.50 6.133% 2,778.93
Orca: 623,146,338.65 15,733,661.20 2.525% 1,104.86

Total Profit / Batch: 267,980,073.85

Batches to Recover Investment: > 2,000
Time to Recover Investment: > 37,295 days!

BEFORE you have recovered the investment costs, you have made no actual profit!! Simple business fact.

Reader Tasks:
Now I will leave you Add Real haulage costs both ways, and the increase for increased quantities of hauling and recalculate your impact on profit etc.

So how are we going to distribute the market in Eve if we can't even move the materials from supply (Miners or re-sellers) to distributed demand with the new industrial system?
Mordus Angels
#2243 - 2014-05-22 09:48:26 UTC
Midori Tsu wrote:
is it intended that the JFs won't be able to put on a single T2 CPR?

No one uses T2, they are useless. Beta's take 3 CPU, offer the same cap recharge bonus and one percent less shield boost penalty AND are usually cheaper. So you can fit one beta CPR on JF as long as the other two slots do not take any CPU.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2244 - 2014-05-22 09:52:22 UTC
Thank God. For years all of we were expecting that.
Maybe this is the end of Ganking freighters
in high sec
Sunshine and Lollipops
#2245 - 2014-05-22 09:55:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Pensador wrote:
Thank God. For years all of we were expecting that.
Maybe this is the end of Ganking freighters
in high sec

Lmao no. It will be easier and more profitable than ever. Lol
And if it did end freigther ganking, then the whole thing would have to be rolled back since it has had rather disastrous effects.
Walter Hart White
Heisenberg Minings
#2246 - 2014-05-22 09:55:23 UTC
Pensador wrote:
Thank God. For years all of we were expecting that.
Maybe this is the end of Ganking freighters
in high sec

That will never end. But it will raise the safe for transport value of goods. And that is a good thing.
Dareth Astrar
Astrar Logistics and Engineering
#2247 - 2014-05-22 09:56:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Dareth Astrar
Lvzbel Ixtab wrote:
He actually knows why this changes are bad, everyone else that comes here and start blabbing about carebear tears is really close minded becasue huge alliances and small gang/solo pvpers like myself own freighters to move their assets around.

Thank you Lvzbel Ixtab.

Ranger 1 wrote:

For those debating whether local markets will be strengthened by these changes, yes, they likely will be. However this particular change will only have an ancillary effect.

The main boost that local markets will get will come with the industry changes next release. To one degree or another the market hubs will follow the industrial hubs (at least in an effort to keep shipping distances to a minimum), and those are going to be shifting around a great deal.

So the industry changes will likely lead to a greater need to ship large quantities of goods around New Eden (which is a very good thing), which means these changes will have a small but noticeable impact... reinforcing the upcoming pressure to develop local trade hubs instead of simply shipping everything to and from Jita (and the handful of other largish trade hubs).

I also suspect the increased level of shipping, AND increased pressure to develop local markets, will be felt in all area's of space... which will be a bit of a first.

I'm sorry to say, but in a decade of observation I would have some reservations.

Whilst I would like to agree with you that it will increase local markets, I have doubts as well and would rather wait to see the industrial changes occur prior to and before any changes to the haulers critical to making that a possible opportunity.

Ultimately basic economics will take control here: supply and demand.

Our supplies are from Miners, and ultimately they don't want to be doing this in null sec and hauling it all 50+ jumps to us. So realistically the markets have to rely on local supplies.

Local supplies took a hit years ago when there were main mission hub systems where 100+ characters would gather. With some of their many changes, CCP removed Asteroid Belts from a great many systems. A lot of those mission hubs were in Caldari space, The Citadel comes to mind as having been particularly impacted when those changes were made. I think as many as 6 or more systems lost their asteroid fields, and have NEVER had them return after the change of Agent Levels and Qualities.

Miners are in it for the profit as well. They are going to haul the least distance for the quantities they mine, assuming they get at least the highest price that makes their efforts to move it to the nearest trade hub, or the highest paying one.

We will need distributed buy orders as well, not only for basic minerals, but for sufficient quantities of Moon harvested items to make it worth the sellers while to move it to another location other then Jita.

Well here lies the problem with moving trade from Jita. Jita has everything. You can buy it all in one place, and then move it. No running here to get a few items, move somewhere else to get some more.

Without the supplies of all required material types for construction, the existing trade hubs still have reason to be the primary source.

People spend their time in a game to play the fun parts, not be bored. Less shopping hastle, more getting back to what we want to do is WHY Jita is the place to go.

Until every local trade hub supplies the vast range (impractical based on likely sales) and at a competitive price, they won't realistically succeed at establishing themselves as a viable and practical alternative.

Until every trade hub is considered by accurate industrialists to be profitable to be worth our time, we won't bother.

I dearly hope you are correct. Eve could use some benefit from distribution, but practical experience and observation over the past decade plus raise my levels of scepticism sadly.

I really don't think increasing the boredom and workload of haulers is a smart thing to do though. The recent changes have already made freighters slower and that's really quite a lot slower.

I'm a further concerned about those wanting to further reduce their align time massively. If you as a PvP'er can't lock a freighter in the current 41+ seconds of opportunity, I really hate to say it, but there is something you are doing wrong. Most Gankers in Empire can lock and destroy a standard industrial before it gets to 1/3 speed, so there should be no current issues with that mechanic relating to freighters. All this type of change will do is make hauling even more boring, and slower, and increase costs.

Time is never free as we get paid for it! Our free time is even more valuable then our standard hourly rates!
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2248 - 2014-05-22 10:00:51 UTC
Pyotr Sevastyan wrote:
So, in one hand you want move industry in 0.0 and you say risk = isk, but in other hand you nerf JF ,the only jump-ship who can jump from high sec, with increasing fuel comsumption and reducing cargo (more fuel in cargo = less cargo for real needed).

So cost for bring item in 0.0 (because we can't prod everything in 0.0) will be higher ! We take risk but we only loose money.

The only good think would be having one more rigs slot for JF & (i'm dreaming) have a rigs for reduce comsuption for capital.

And why nerf the Rhea more than Other ? Rhea has a good cargo but the fuel is very expensive, so if you do that i want all my skill be reimboursed for switch to Anshar !

You can produce almost eveythign in 0.0 As long as peopel do exaclty what they want. MOVE RESOURSE aquisition and industry core to 0.0. Their actiosn are perfeclty in line with their stated desires.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2249 - 2014-05-22 10:03:21 UTC
Dareth Astrar wrote:

People spend their time in a game to play the fun parts, not be bored. Less shopping hastle, more getting back to what we want to do is WHY Jita is the place to go.

Until every local trade hub supplies the vast range (impractical based on likely sales) and at a competitive price, they won't realistically succeed at establishing themselves as a viable and practical alternative.

Any pilot that needs to fit a ship and is near amarr and just travels extra 10 jumps to jita to save 3 mil on the total cost of their ship is really not smart.

Amarr and dodixie are prefeclty fine for 98% of the aquisitions any player will need. Jita only speciall place is in massed buy and sell orders for market pvp and massive resources trading.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2250 - 2014-05-22 10:05:45 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Pensador wrote:
Thank God. For years all of we were expecting that.
Maybe this is the end of Ganking freighters
in high sec

Lmao no. It will be easier and more profitable than ever. Lol
And if it did end freigther ganking, then the whole thing would have to be rolled back since it has had rather disastrous effects.

Dont nit pick. You know very well that he means it will make harder to gank freighters of people wantign to reduce that risk. Simple option of bulkheads pushes the line where it is profitable to gank certain freighters.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Dareth Astrar
Astrar Logistics and Engineering
#2251 - 2014-05-22 10:11:36 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:

Any pilot that needs to fit a ship and is near amarr and just travels extra 10 jumps to jita to save 3 mil on the total cost of their ship is really not smart.

Amarr and dodixie are prefeclty fine for 98% of the aquisitions any player will need. Jita only speciall place is in massed buy and sell orders for market pvp and massive resources trading.

Not smart perhaps, but possibly based on their cash income stream to time to acquire. Again people don't place value on their time much, not gathering resources, not time spent hauling, etc. Until people put a value on those things, perhaps they won't do the required mental maths to see that the 20 jump extra time is not worth it.

They might be fine for some of the acquisitions, but as I said until the local demand for materials provides a viable alternative to the consistency of being able to sell at fairly regularly and consistent buy order prices in Jita, you won't get the mass production you need locally to have competitive alternative, so you'll still have the problem.

Two other hubs, three if you include another well known one, if you excuse my harshness is still insufficient to distribute the quantities purchased by people in the singular location that is the curse we all know and love. Big smile

Logically, CCP would almost be wise to consider increasing brokers fees in areas where there is much greater trade (Jita), increasing costs for people in an attempt to encourage relocation of suppliers, but practically I don't think that would work and, I would rather wait to see the impact from their current planned changes first.
Maru Niffilen
United Trading Organisation
#2252 - 2014-05-22 10:13:48 UTC
Jessica Danikov wrote:
I must admit it feels a bit hacky to me. The whole shield vs. armor balance works nicely with 99% of the ships in EVE as they all have varying compliments of medium and low slots which naturally compete with other modules with other functions and the limited room that is available.

What Freighters really need is to be treated like proper, first class ships- Capital industrials that top the end of their ship line. Instead of asking what should we add to Freighters, we could give them a full compliment of highs, mids, lows, rigs, CPU and PG and then think what should we take away? How many slots should we balance on (regular industrials have up to 11)? Is a Cyno freighter really that bad? A cloak? What about smartbombs, webs, ewar, etc. etc.? Is there a good reason not to let some crazy individual try to make those modules work on a >1 billion ISK hull? The results would be hilarious however it turned out, as anyone who's flown a battle badger/itty V/rorqual/venture etc. can attest.

That's something I was asking my self, even more after they switched from rigs to low-slots. Why shouldn't freighter be like every other ship? I really would like to kill a Freighter with 3x cargo expander rigs + cargo expander in the lowslots Sad
Mordus Angels
#2253 - 2014-05-22 10:15:35 UTC
Grarr Dexx wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Worried about your jump freighter? Send it along with a battlecruiser providing armor or shield resist boosts.

which battlecruiser has a jump drive?

which jf gets shot at after jumping?

Yet you do see JF lossmails in lowsec more or less regularly. Thing is - if the JF is getting shot after jumping its dead anyway regardless of EHP it has. Bcos mistakes happen - if they would not then no ship would die in EVE if everyone would be on their top game all the time, using scouts, deagressing in time, not swallowing baits, etc.

Common mistakes are - bumping off station after cyno, i'll placed cynos, being dumb and not docking getting bumped off station, jumping to cyno at POS, using a kickout station in low sec, etc.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Ventures Bar
Sleeper Protocol
#2254 - 2014-05-22 10:15:45 UTC
Tbh while the current changes go into the right direction, there is simply no reason not to make Freighters/Jumpfreighters "normal" ships with Low/Med/High/Rig Slots in a forseeable future.

It is not that hard to balance the base stats to make them useful for their purpose and then just let the players decide how much cargo/tank/speed they want to fit on the ship.

It would even offer the possibility, to add more specialized freighters in the future (like you did for the industrials). I can imagine, for some corps a specialized Ore/Mineral Freighter or a Specialized Fuel Freighter will be quite useful. Fine thing, just give them Special Bays and give the usage and fitting into players hands.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2255 - 2014-05-22 10:19:51 UTC
Dareth Astrar wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:

Any pilot that needs to fit a ship and is near amarr and just travels extra 10 jumps to jita to save 3 mil on the total cost of their ship is really not smart.

Amarr and dodixie are prefeclty fine for 98% of the aquisitions any player will need. Jita only speciall place is in massed buy and sell orders for market pvp and massive resources trading.

Not smart perhaps, but possibly based on their cash income stream to time to acquire. Again people don't place value on their time much, not gathering resources, not time spent hauling, etc. Until people put a value on those things, perhaps they won't do the required mental maths to see that the 20 jump extra time is not worth it.

They might be fine for some of the acquisitions, but as I said until the local demand for materials provides a viable alternative to the consistency of being able to sell at fairly regularly and consistent buy order prices in Jita, you won't get the mass production you need locally to have competitive alternative, so you'll still have the problem.

Two other hubs, three if you include another well known one, if you excuse my harshness is still insufficient to distribute the quantities purchased by people in the singular location that is the curse we all know and love. Big smile

Logically, CCP would almost be wise to consider increasing brokers fees in areas where there is much greater trade (Jita), increasing costs for people in an attempt to encourage relocation of suppliers, but practically I don't think that would work and, I would rather wait to see the impact from their current planned changes first.

The brokers fee adjusted by ammount of commerce iwthin the CONSTELATION is something I defend for like 6 years, yet, always ignored.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Eli Porter
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2256 - 2014-05-22 10:27:51 UTC
Seems like a weird + lazy change. Why not give them proper powergrid and cpu, a few mid slots, and then balance the HP+cargo?

Giving a capital-class ship laughable levels of CPU and PG just screams un-intuitive and contrived. Special for no good reason.
Cardano Firesnake
Fire Bullet Inc
#2257 - 2014-05-22 10:28:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Cardano Firesnake
Pyotr Sevastyan wrote:
So, in one hand you want move industry in 0.0 and you say risk = isk, but in other hand you nerf JF ,the only jump-ship who can jump from high sec, with increasing fuel comsumption and reducing cargo (more fuel in cargo = less cargo for real needed).

So cost for bring item in 0.0 (because we can't prod everything in 0.0) will be higher ! We take risk but we only loose money.

The only good think would be having one more rigs slot for JF & (i'm dreaming) have a rigs for reduce comsuption for capital.

And why nerf the Rhea more than Other ? Rhea has a good cargo but the fuel is very expensive, so if you do that i want all my skill be reimboursed for switch to Anshar !

You will understand when you will be in 0.0. :-) The fact that the cost to transport thing in low sec and 0.0 have increased is nothing in regard of the gain in 0.0 and low sec.
They are boosting the number of ways to make ISK in low sec already. But yes, going to there is risky and have a price...

The Rhea is still the ship with the bigger cargo capacity. As Expanded Cargohold II increase the cargo by % you will gain more capacity with the Rhea than with the other ships....

And also...

Posted - 2010.07.01 11:24:00 - [4] Erase learning skills, remap all SP. That's all.

Mordus Angels
#2258 - 2014-05-22 10:34:13 UTC
Walter Hart White wrote:
My main issue now is that you can't shield tank freighter but you can armor tank...

I would speculate that one of the reasons why armor seems to be at advantage is that remote shield reps hit at the beginning of the cycle while remote armor reps hit at the end of the cycle. So in a theoretical gank scenario of a shield vs armor freighter escorted by some logi they might end up roughly similar as shield guys should be able to get in an extra cycle.

Although I personally would just use something with sufficient web bonus and try to be faster with webs than gankers can with a point if I would have already something flying with the freighter.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Mordus Angels
#2259 - 2014-05-22 10:44:58 UTC
Malcanis wrote:

The capital ban is to stop large powerblocs trivially dominating high sec.

If the ban was removed, then the face of hi-sec would change overnight.

It's a relic from a really old time as once upon a time it was possible to tank CONCORD. Other than more undock games with carriers I do not see a lot changing in hi sec if the packaged caps would be allowed to be moved around in hisec. Well ... perhaps it would be also a slightly easier to siege a POS in hi sec as it would take couple less pilots / a bit less time. But as it stands today all it takes anyway is few dps with some buffer and few logi that knows what they are doing as POS guns as they are are a bit lol against any remotely organized attacker.

And I guess some missions without gates could be AFK'd but that would be .. well .. rather inefficient compared to just throwing equal amount of isk at that mission in a pirate BS hull.

I have not looked into leadership bonuses of carriers recently. They still are better than subcaps at it or are T3 better? That might be something to keep carriers out of hi sec.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Antihrist Pripravnik
Cultural Enrichment and Synergy of Diversity
Stain Neurodiverse Democracy
#2260 - 2014-05-22 11:09:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Antihrist Pripravnik
Carniflex wrote:
Malcanis wrote:

The capital ban is to stop large powerblocs trivially dominating high sec.

If the ban was removed, then the face of hi-sec would change overnight.

It's a relic from a really old time as once upon a time it was possible to tank CONCORD. Other than more undock games with carriers I do not see a lot changing in hi sec if the packaged caps would be allowed to be moved around in hisec. Well ... perhaps it would be also a slightly easier to siege a POS in hi sec as it would take couple less pilots / a bit less time. But as it stands today all it takes anyway is few dps with some buffer and few logi that knows what they are doing as POS guns as they are are a bit lol against any remotely organized attacker.

And I guess some missions without gates could be AFK'd but that would be .. well .. rather inefficient compared to just throwing equal amount of isk at that mission in a pirate BS hull.

I have not looked into leadership bonuses of carriers recently. They still are better than subcaps at it or are T3 better? That might be something to keep carriers out of hi sec.

I'll give you a couple of reasons why capitals should stay out of highsec and I'm not even going to touch supers and titans:
- capital production spam in highsec... we simply don't need that;
- you can't add capitals to highsec without adding their main mean of travel - cynos in highsec. You don't want to open that can of worms;
- Wars in higsec against lower skilled/newer characters... I was looking for the appropriate term and Urban dictionary told me "roflstomped"Shocked.
- Remote SB/TE Naglfars somewhere in a general area of a station where war targets are Ugh;
- Fighters in higsec *cringe*;
- ...