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solution to ever-larger fleet meta.

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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-05-21 02:01:40 UTC  |  Edited by: LUMINOUS SPIRIT
New article on The Mittani.

TL:DR: Massed logi means you either field hundreds of alpha ships, or dont undock.

My solution:

1. Logi reps have a stacking penalty - beyond a certain point, more repair nanobots on armor wont make it rep any faster

2. Logi only fully works on squad-mates, wing members get half reps, fleet members get quarter reps. Non-fleet ships get 10% of reps. A logi cruiser cant keep track of hundreds of ships CPU-wise, or something, so pre-programmed priorities kick in.

Solves a lot of problems.

Forces fleets to fly in meaningful squads. Reduces logi spam.

Discuss, but dont flame.
#2 - 2014-05-21 02:07:25 UTC
Remove every hull larger than a frigate. Problem solved.

Or better yet, remove every ship from the game and play rock, paper, scissors instead.

Oh wait...
Vardaugas Family
#3 - 2014-05-21 02:10:43 UTC
Or add new ships that have transfer disruption modules, which are more effective in reducing logistics than ECM boats. Could be racial shield, armor, energy and nos/neut.
Adira Nictor
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2014-05-21 02:11:03 UTC
In before Fury Bot points you to F&I
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#5 - 2014-05-21 02:16:34 UTC
even if you remove logi completely the larger group will most likely win. And the losing group will try to get more friends and the process escalates.
Super spikinator
Hegemonous Conscripts
#6 - 2014-05-21 02:29:52 UTC
It does solve a lot of problems, now n+1 beats n faster and more concisely.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#7 - 2014-05-21 02:30:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
My solution:

Before jumping to the point of developing a solution, I'm not sure that I even agree that logistics are the cause of the blue donut in the first place.

Given that logistics are a force multiplier that help smaller fleets engage larger ones, it's also entirely possible to argue that logistics has slowed the rate of fleet size growth, not increased it.

For example, in the flow-chart on page 2, if logistics were removed entirely from the game (the ultimate nerf to their ability), the current "Can I cripple their rep enough to kill critical ships?" would become "Can I bring a bigger fleet, large enough to kill critical ships?"

Logistics aren't the cause of spiralling fleet sizes, nor of the development of a stalemate at some point in the future in sov warfare.

In any battle the N + 1 situation will always exist, irrespective of what force multiplier ships are present. To beat an opponent fleet, you need a doctrine that is tailored to beat that fleet, or simply many more ships.

There are other reasons that fleet sizes have increased in sov warfare:

1. Improved server technology allowing larger and larger battles
2. More players since the introduction of logistics
3. Meta-gaming leading to coalitions large enough to put 1000+ ships on grid

In smaller scale gang-warfare when we are deciding whether to engage an opponent, logistics is certainly one of the factors we look at. But we also look at the size and types of ships the opponent has, who is the opponent, likelihood of escalation, the presence of e-war and whether we can manipulate the engagement to be in a favourable location for us.

Logistics is important, but not the devil that the article on TMC portrays it to be.

I personally lean to the view that logistics helps keep fleets smaller, not larger.

The only complaint I can think of with relation to logistics in it's current form is that is helps increase the length of battles. We've seen sov battles last more than 20 hours in recent times (TiDi effects involved in that also), but for the smaller gangs, I don't think there are too many people who would see the length of fights being an issue. In most of the related discussions I've read in recent months, the smaller the ships are, the more there is a need to find ways to make fights longer. Logistics at least helps with that, where other force multipliers like e-war are designed to do the opposite.

So to me, there is no problem with logistics that requires a solution. The author of the TMC article has drawn the wrong conclusions from the data and failed to account for a host of factors that have led to larger fleets. It's still a good discussion to have though.
Xavier Higdon
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-05-21 02:32:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Xavier Higdon
Well, frankly, I think the article is a great piece of propaganda. On top of that, it doesn't take into account that fleets aren't made up of perfect people with perfect attention and perfect timing, which I'm sure was intentional. A rep may be, in a perfect fight, able to be applied in 4.4 seconds, but it's more likely that one will be applied at 4.4 seconds, one at 5.2 seconds, and then two more will come in between 30 seconds and 30 minutes because the pilots were watching pron.

It's true that the current meta should be broken, but that's more because forcing the meta to change leads to more content than it is because the current meta is necessarily "broken". Also, the article touches on one of the biggest reasons for the stalemate and blue donut issue: cowardice. An FC that chooses not to engage because they're afraid of losing is doing their job wrong. If they have pilots that are willing to risk it, they should be out there trying.

Other than that, it's a great puff piece, allowing the author to gloat about the position the goons are in. And it also serves as an attempt to prevent attacks against goons and/or rus before they might happen. Basically, the author is saying, "Don't come fight with us. You're going to lose if you do. It's better to just stay home and not die. Totally not worth it coming after us. We're gonna win. Maybe you should consider joining our coalition instead."
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-05-21 02:39:43 UTC
Basically as it is how people played the game that has made Null the way it is.. (The Metagaming)

There isn't really any fix for it. We have two superpowers who will be super powers till the games dying days.. unless one managed to Metagame a character into the sov holding alliances of the other and do a BoB.

There isn't any game mechanic that will fix it
Xavier Higdon
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#10 - 2014-05-21 02:45:31 UTC
Garandras wrote:
Basically as it is how people played the game that has made Null the way it is.. (The Metagaming)

There isn't really any fix for it. We have two superpowers who will be super powers till the games dying days.. unless one managed to Metagame a character into the sov holding alliances of the other and do a BoB.

There isn't any game mechanic that will fix it

Actually, there is. Just like Goons weren't Goons until they were Goons, a new group that wants to try to become a super power will need to start from the bottom and slowly work their way up. It took a long time for the Goons to get where they are, and it will take a long time for another group to work their way up and topple them. The easiest method would be for one of the groups within the CFC to decide to say **** it and to turn on the rest of them. If that happened, they might lose everything, sure, or they might start a trend and lead to the destruction of the CFC. It might also severely weaken the CFC, allowing for other, smaller groups to rush in and grab Sov while the CFC is busy fighting a civil war. We won't know how it's going to happen or how it's going to end until it happens.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#11 - 2014-05-21 02:45:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Garandras wrote:
T...We have two superpowers who will be super powers till the games dying days..

That's been claimed for years, but I simply don't believe it is true.

No mechanic is needed to fix it (and I agree that there can't be one) because people will always find ways to disagree eventually. In a theoretical blue donut, someone will eventually get sick and tired of the boredom. Wallets will grow fat and the funds will be there to either encourage a villain or support a major war once disagreement and resentment sets in.
Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2014-05-21 02:49:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Praxis Ginimic
Although you make some fine points, Xavier I feel the necessity to disagree with at lleast one of them. To play the devil's advocate if you will.

If you have a fleet mate who spent 30 minutes distracted by p0rn then he is doing something terribly wrong other than a mis-timed F1.

Edit because p0rn is a bad word... whodathunkit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2014-05-21 02:51:50 UTC
Xavier Higdon wrote:
Garandras wrote:
Basically as it is how people played the game that has made Null the way it is.. (The Metagaming)

There isn't really any fix for it. We have two superpowers who will be super powers till the games dying days.. unless one managed to Metagame a character into the sov holding alliances of the other and do a BoB.

There isn't any game mechanic that will fix it

Actually, there is. Just like Goons weren't Goons until they were Goons, a new group that wants to try to become a super power will need to start from the bottom and slowly work their way up. It took a long time for the Goons to get where they are, and it will take a long time for another group to work their way up and topple them. The easiest method would be for one of the groups within the CFC to decide to say **** it and to turn on the rest of them. If that happened, they might lose everything, sure, or they might start a trend and lead to the destruction of the CFC. It might also severely weaken the CFC, allowing for other, smaller groups to rush in and grab Sov while the CFC is busy fighting a civil war. We won't know how it's going to happen or how it's going to end until it happens.

the issue here , is what is to stop the remaining super power from just stomping on the upstart, and being the one superpower?
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#14 - 2014-05-21 02:56:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Garandras wrote:
the issue here , is what is to stop the remaining super power from just stomping on the upstart, and being the one superpower?

That's where the metagame comes in.

Problems don't start with open fights. They start in conversations and actions that no one sees.

By the time you get to major battles, the problems under the surface are already boiling.

It might not be the first upstart that causes a war. There might be many stomped out along the way, but eventually a war will happen.
Mistah Ewedynao
Ice Axe Psycho Killers
#15 - 2014-05-21 02:56:55 UTC
Reduce TIDI to one cycle every three weeks..

Even Goons will get bored then.

Plus it will give them all kinds of time to run their alt corps in high sec with their...erm CCP's new wonderful industrial contraction plan.

CFC online is gonna rock....for them.

Nerf Goons

Nuke em from's the only way to be sure.

PlanetCorp InterStellar
#16 - 2014-05-21 03:02:15 UTC
I reject the notion that it is CCP's fault that players are innately blob cowards. I also reject the notion they have to fix it. Let them eat their cake and ***** about their 30 minute TIDI too.

Star Jump Drive A new way to traverse the galaxy.

I invented Tiericide

ISD LackOfFaith
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#17 - 2014-05-21 03:57:39 UTC
Thread has been moved to Features & Ideas Discussion.

ISD LackOfFaith


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to Eve Mail or anything other than the forums.

Damen Apol
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#18 - 2014-05-21 05:08:18 UTC
Removing logi or nerfing it in some way would be awesome because it would mean smaller groups can take on larger groups without needing to have enough firepower to volley one of their ships off field, which is a fairly unrealistic demand to make of a small group. It is becoming quite obnoxious to find a 1:1 ratio of logi frigates to combat capable frigates in enemy fleets I encounter. It is simply impossible for my gang of 3 or so folk to field enough damage at once to have any hope at taking on a set-up of this kind as it begins to exceed our own numbers.
handige harrie
Vereenigde Handels Compagnie
#19 - 2014-05-21 05:32:04 UTC
So instead of giving smaller groups a force multiplier, numbers should trump everything?

This is a bad write-up, but nice to see the biggest blob in the game thinks that the way to remove blobs is to make the the numbers of pilots you can field even more important. There is a counter to logi in the game already, it's called E-War and I heard it's very effective.

Baddest poster ever

Arthur Aihaken
#20 - 2014-05-21 05:44:24 UTC
Are these massive blob fights in 10% TiDi even any fun? There's a really good article on overhauling Sov to break these 1000+ ship fights into smaller (more manageable) battles. Perhaps that's the solution...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

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