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Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#221 - 2014-03-07 06:50:50 UTC
KIller Wabbit wrote:
CCP Dolan wrote:

The citation is me, I was in all of those summit meetings, and in fact all of the meetings the CSM attends. Additionally, all of those times the minutes said "we'll continue this discussion in a forum thread", I see those too. I talk to our development teams every day. Here is the citation:

"The CSM was involved in every feature released in Rubicon." -CCP Dolan, 2014

The problem is that we don't trust CCP, the supposed reason for the CSM, right? So citing yourself is pretty much meaningless and self serving. That's why the NDA is a double-edged sword - closed door meetings where no third party review is possible. Same exact thing with the white-washed CSM minutes - they can't be trusted as factual because they are compromised by the **NDA**. From the outside the CSM generally just looks like a big rubberstamp that comes equipped with some really, really nice perks.

Now - if you had video where we could see the CSM actually pushing for something and then seeing it come out in the game... there you go.

Perhaps you could provide us with an example of another game company (or any company) that goes to the time and expense of video taping everything they do... every decision they make... and make it available to their customers.

One will do.

CCP goes far beyond expectations with the time and effort they invest in documenting their decision making process and making as much as possible available to us.... far, far more transparency than any other gaming company in business today.

Frankly, you're being unreasonable and more than a little bit silly.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Skelee VI
Appetite 4 Destruction
#222 - 2014-03-13 19:06:49 UTC
CSM 8 allowed interceptors to be changed! Enough said.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#223 - 2014-05-18 22:17:04 UTC
Skelee VI wrote:
CSM 8 allowed interceptors to be changed! Enough said.

To name only one of our more awesome accomplishments!

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Dear Leader Cadelanne
#224 - 2014-05-20 01:15:41 UTC
Hmm, where to begin? I accept the will of people on a vote. However the big question no one is asking why do we have the entire CSM format? Why did the CCP create this CSM? Because CCP had an employee acting out of line basically cheating. Why that employee was not fired on the spot is a mystery to me.

Why does CCP not simply have a referendum on the concept of the CSM? Essentially it would be a classic no confidence vote.
I would be really impressed with the CSM if they would propose it.

Frankly I paid CCP to provide me with something that entertains me and keeps my interest. CCP has decided to defer to the CSM the new game content of EVE. Not really onboard with all the dumbing down of EVE frankly. The CSM seems to be promoting the idea of little alts can be master miners/gas harvester/ hauler ect ect. Really makes me feel stupid for putting 250 million worth of XPs in those skills to watch Mr./Miss Venture at 500K xps match me at 92.456% In 8 days my 4 accounts expire and I am done with CCP! See CSM and CCP I have the ultimate vote. I vote with my dollars/euros.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#225 - 2014-05-20 01:53:53 UTC
Dear Leader Cadelanne wrote:

Frankly I paid CCP to provide me with something that entertains me and keeps my interest. CCP has decided to defer to the CSM the new game content of EVE. Not really onboard with all the dumbing down of EVE frankly. The CSM seems to be promoting the idea of little alts can be master miners/gas harvester/ hauler ect ect. Really makes me feel stupid for putting 250 million worth of XPs in those skills to watch Mr./Miss Venture at 500K xps match me at 92.456% In 8 days my 4 accounts expire and I am done with CCP! See CSM and CCP I have the ultimate vote. I vote with my dollars/euros.

See refining changes, a newbie can't match you now. See time to skill for max freighter, A newbie can't match you.
I think you need to reasses things if you feel a newbie is matching you.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#226 - 2014-05-20 10:04:30 UTC
Dear Leader Cadelanne wrote:
CCP has decided to defer to the CSM the new game content of EVE.

yeah nope

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Dear Leader Cadelanne
#227 - 2014-05-20 15:20:29 UTC
" See refining changes, a newbie can't match you now. See time to skill for max freighter, A newbie can't match you.
I think you need to reasses things if you feel a newbie is matching you. " Nevyn Auscent

Sir your point is well taken. If the new pilot processed the ORE on their own my advantage would be greater. But we know that is not the case. The ORE is handed off to a more seasoned player. The only advantage I had was I was able to take in more raw ORE and gas then the noob. Now that is gone..

I ran a level 4 today post changes. OMG did it really suck! Those messages ' Hostile act commited and only able to lock one target at a time." What a frustration click fest. ( OH I have a great mission boat level 5's across so don tgive me this poor skills crap! ) All those extra messages bogged my machine down . Hell I thought I was planing pastery chief via AMERICA ON LINE! Yuck!

But I have floated away from orginal OP message. Lets have CCP run a vote in the sprit of democracy asking a simple question.? Do you want the CSM to exist? With only 13% of EVE pilots voting I feel a vast majority would vote the CSm down to save CCP money. I do ot doubt the CSM member put in 500% more effort in EVE thmn I do, but we all pay the same money and should recieve equal service. No biggoe to me in 6 days I am tappin out. FS.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#228 - 2014-05-20 19:58:32 UTC
Dear Leader Cadelanne wrote:
" See refining changes, a newbie can't match you now. See time to skill for max freighter, A newbie can't match you.
I think you need to reasses things if you feel a newbie is matching you. " Nevyn Auscent

Sir your point is well taken. If the new pilot processed the ORE on their own my advantage would be greater. But we know that is not the case. The ORE is handed off to a more seasoned player. The only advantage I had was I was able to take in more raw ORE and gas then the noob. Now that is gone..

I ran a level 4 today post changes. OMG did it really suck! Those messages ' Hostile act commited and only able to lock one target at a time." What a frustration click fest. ( OH I have a great mission boat level 5's across so don tgive me this poor skills crap! ) All those extra messages bogged my machine down . Hell I thought I was planing pastery chief via AMERICA ON LINE! Yuck!

But I have floated away from orginal OP message. Lets have CCP run a vote in the sprit of democracy asking a simple question.? Do you want the CSM to exist? With only 13% of EVE pilots voting I feel a vast majority would vote the CSm down to save CCP money. I do ot doubt the CSM member put in 500% more effort in EVE thmn I do, but we all pay the same money and should recieve equal service. No biggoe to me in 6 days I am tappin out. FS.

You're freaking out about something tat only happens in your imagination. If there's one thing CCP don't do, it's allow CSM members to promote their own "pet projects".

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Alekseyev Karrde
Templis CALSF
#229 - 2014-05-20 20:03:55 UTC
Dear Leader Cadelanne wrote:
in 6 days I am tappin out. FS.

Sweet. +1 for America.

Alek the Kidnapper, Hero of the CSM

KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#230 - 2014-05-21 22:21:55 UTC  |  Edited by: KIller Wabbit
Skelee VI wrote:
CSM 8 allowed interceptors to be changed! Enough said.

Allowed? The CSM's have more tire tread marks over them than a racetrack. Or was it dozer tracks?