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Make EVE more accessible - more new players

Cassius Invictus
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2014-05-20 12:30:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Cassius Invictus
Dear CCP,

The problem I see with EVE is large “entry barrier” for new players. Several times I was doing you job for you, trying to convince my friends to play EVE (where are my shares CCP Lol? ). Most of those who were not frightened by the description of the game resigned soon after installing it. So I propose that after you’re done with all the rebalancing you start working on making the game more accessible.

Not to be just a critic, here are some suggestions:

1) Tutorial improvements - redesign it completely. You don’t need to make it more detailed. You need to make it more simple and fun and the same time. Combine tutorial with story on EVE universe. Think of it as a kind of “basic ship operations for idiots in nice cover”. Add actors explaining how to pilot ship. Add movies on how to do certain thing. Put in into a context of a new pilot training session with proper story behind it (like dialogs with tutors in captains quarters etc.) The whole tree of ships progression you did could be turned into a cutscene with an actor (in role of lets say imperial navy admiral) explaining ship classes and their roles.

2) Make the word more populated - how can speak such heresy? EVE is the most populated MMO. Yep by players. Players who don’t give two shi*ts about new pilots expect ganking their noobship. However the Emipie space feels so dead when not interacting with other players. No fun NPC’s no dialogs, no story, cutscenes, nothing. Add that content. The “fun” content.

3) Add proper PvE content, like a single player campaign. Now available mission have no beginning and no end. No juicy “i want to do one more mission” syndrome. However I would leave normal hi sec missions out of it - leave them as they are (maybe not, but that an issue for different topic). The solution is to enrich epic arch missions. Make them proper “campaign” missions. It does not need to be “Modern Warfere style” missions. But look an Homeworld 1 and 2 single player campaign. No fireworks but what a ingenious climate and “wow” factor: music, dialogs, simple cutscenes. All brilliant.

4) Music - whenever I listen to music in EVE I want to cut myself Evil. Aim at Homeworld, Hegemonia: legions of iron, Warhammer 40000 levels of music. Add a style of music for each faction. Battle music and peacetime music. Music based on region, etc.

5). Create special “PvP” style PvE missions. For example send a pilot in covert ops ship to null sec or low sec and make him hunt for a pirate ship that will act like a players ship (will neut, scramble, try to run when damaged etc.). they would pay much more that lest say lvl 4 missions but could be done like once a week. The goal is to make players comfortable with hostile space and pvp style of play.

That’s it for now, hope you like it.
Alexei Stryker
Council of Stellar Erections
#2 - 2014-05-20 15:43:23 UTC
Cassius Invictus wrote:

4) Music - whenever I listen to music in EVE I want to cut myself Evil. Aim at Homeworld, Hegemonia: legions of iron, Warhammer 40000 levels of music. Add a style of music for each faction. Battle music and peacetime music. Music based on region, etc.

You got me there.
CCP please hire Bear McCreary to do Minmatar and Caldari music.
Hire Skrillex to make Gallente music and
hire Justin Bieber to make the Amarr music.
Sorana Bonzari
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2014-05-20 16:01:52 UTC
Answers in order

1) Its being worked on watch Fanfest 2014 New Player Experience video on youtube this is an issue being address and has a whole team dedicated to the rework of the NPE

2) There are lots of very large corps full of new players and many small corps that love new players and actively pick them up in the help channel every day. Yes there needs to be a little better PR between these player corps and new players like an advertisement system. This Idea has been posted many many times

3) PVE needs to be improved yes single player no this is a universe that you interact with and you are able to impact. Watch Fanfest 2014 keynote they are working to improve individual impact on the universe.

4) lol yea music sucks

5) not a bad idea, donno how popular it will be, by the time a player gets to highsec lvl 4 they normally have help / made a relationship with someone to bring them into the game.
XS Tech
#4 - 2014-05-20 16:45:17 UTC
Sorana Bonzari wrote:

2) There are lots of very large corps full of new players and many small corps that love new players and actively pick them up in the help channel every day. Yes there needs to be a little better PR between these player corps and new players like an advertisement system. This Idea has been posted many many times

You mean like the Corp Recruitment forum, or the Corp Ad search thing, or the recruitment chat channel?

They all have their downsides ... but they're all there. trouble is finding that "good corp" with all the noise generated by bad corps.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#5 - 2014-05-20 17:11:44 UTC
Alexei Stryker wrote:

hire Justin Bieber to make the Amarr music.

Someone please confirm that I can petition that as offensive harassment.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#6 - 2014-05-20 17:19:41 UTC
1. working on it
2. u are way off
3. epic arcs.
4. sure why not
5. Dnt rely on PvE for ur entertainment in a PvP centric MMO game. Theres a bounty office. pick someone and assassinate that mofo.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Sorana Bonzari
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2014-05-20 17:53:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Sorana Bonzari
Velicitia wrote:

You mean like the Corp Recruitment forum, or the Corp Ad search thing, or the recruitment chat channel?

They all have their downsides ... but they're all there. trouble is finding that "good corp" with all the noise generated by bad corps.

That's why I said the word Better ;)

I'm not sure how to solve this to lessen the downsides. Make the advertisement space limited and you have to be voted on as a noob corp. Have some requirement to become a CCP approved noob corp ...

BTW this is all limited to noob corp advertisement in something like the Tourt
Luna Arindale
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#8 - 2014-05-20 19:14:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Luna Arindale
+1 to number 4, like the guy before me, Bear McCreary should do the music. However, if you have heard his defiance soundtrack he can also do Gallente style music very well.
Cassius Invictus
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2014-05-21 19:39:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Cassius Invictus
Sorana Bonzari wrote:
Answers in order

1) Its being worked on watch Fanfest 2014 New Player Experience video on youtube this is an issue being address and has a whole team dedicated to the rework of the NPE

2) There are lots of very large corps full of new players and many small corps that love new players and actively pick them up in the help channel every day. Yes there needs to be a little better PR between these player corps and new players like an advertisement system. This Idea has been posted many many times

3) PVE needs to be improved yes single player no this is a universe that you interact with and you are able to impact. Watch Fanfest 2014 keynote they are working to improve individual impact on the universe.

4) lol yea music sucks

5) not a bad idea, donno how popular it will be, by the time a player gets to highsec lvl 4 they normally have help / made a relationship with someone to bring them into the game.

While I do agree, my post was trying to talk about people who are not thrilled by the current EVE content and how to add content that would thrill them without sacrificing current content.

So yep those who seek to be in a corp will find help soon. But there are others who could play EVE if you add more interesting PvE content, and make the first game experience more user friendly.

Personally I would love to have more live targets to shoot at Big smile.

On a side note, maybe as a joke (or maybe not), as someone involved with education I must say that younger generations are not getting smarter (or rather not willing to make the effort for anything). So for EVE to survive you need to dumb down at least some of it content.