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Why don't t2 hictor bubbles counter interdiction nullified ships?

Domanique Altares
#21 - 2014-05-18 19:03:57 UTC
Habris wrote:
If I'm willing to field over a billion in assets requiring multiple pilots to combat a half billion worth of interceptors, why should my risk v reward be skewed because of a mechanic that currently has counter with a paltry success rate.

I am all for hit and run guerrilla style tactics, but the current state of things is just ridiculous.

I have been in null since the changes. I also live in low, where we don't use bubbles to catch anything at all. Plenty of interceptors die here. Plenty ot T3s die here. Blops die here. Carriers die here. Everything dies here. No bubbles necessary. You have bubbles, and I realize they are a great convenience; they are no longer the jack of all trades of nullsec tackle, and that's very unlikely to change.

The problem is that you're trying to hammer nails with a $500 power drill. You might pound them in one day, but your power drill will look like **** and it will take far longer than using a $20 hammer.

Or, in this case, your own fleet of Interceptors. I appreciate that you spent weeks or months training to use a Hictor. I appreciate that you spent millions buying and fitting the hull, and probably slotting Slaves into your clone. That doesn't change that fact that for what you're wanting to do, it's the wrong tool. An Interceptor can catch a nullified cloaky T3. A gang of them can kill it; at the least they can pin it down until you can drop a cruiser gang on it.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#22 - 2014-05-18 19:17:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Domanique Altares wrote:

I have been in null since the changes. I also live in low, where we don't use bubbles to catch anything at all. Plenty of interceptors die here. Plenty ot T3s die here. Blops die here. Carriers die here. Everything dies here. No bubbles necessary. You have bubbles, and I realize they are a great convenience; they are no longer the jack of all trades of nullsec tackle, and that's very unlikely to change.

The problem is that you're trying to hammer nails with a $500 power drill. You might pound them in one day, but your power drill will look like **** and it will take far longer than using a $20 hammer.

Or, in this case, your own fleet of Interceptors. I appreciate that you spent weeks or months training to use a Hictor. I appreciate that you spent millions buying and fitting the hull, and probably slotting Slaves into your clone. That doesn't change that fact that for what you're wanting to do, it's the wrong tool. An Interceptor can catch a nullified cloaky T3. A gang of them can kill it; at the least they can pin it down until you can drop a cruiser gang on it.

The bolded text is where I believe you are fundamentally wrong. Eve is risk v. reward. Currently other than supercap hunting and possibly wanting a bubble that you can dictate there is little to no advantage to having a hictor of a dictor. I know that statement is full of holes and I could argue points and counter points all day, but that is for a different thread. I can appreciate that lots of things die in lowsec, experienced a bit of that in Daras not but a few days ago, but YOU DON'T OWN LOWSEC. Nullsec, specifically Deklein is where I hang my hat, and to be all but inept killing 1 or 2 (possibly 3 if lucky) ceptors out of a gang of 15+ when my gang is larger and the cost point much higher is unacceptable. There needs to be a way to counter interdicition nullifications and I do believe tweaking the hictor is the answer.

edit: and since when is a max res boosted keres a $500.00 power drill?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#23 - 2014-05-18 19:32:28 UTC
Raphael Celestine wrote:
Why don't they?

Because the interdiction-nullifier mechanic is specifically intended as a counter to the area-of-effect warp disruption mechanic. If you want to catch a nullified ship, you need to use a targeted warp jammer - that is the whole point of the mechanic.

Not only this, but the t2 hictor bubbles have massive range. That is what the extra training is for, the increase to range, and that alone, makes it worth it.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#24 - 2014-05-18 19:41:10 UTC
Arronicus wrote:
Raphael Celestine wrote:
Why don't they?

Because the interdiction-nullifier mechanic is specifically intended as a counter to the area-of-effect warp disruption mechanic. If you want to catch a nullified ship, you need to use a targeted warp jammer - that is the whole point of the mechanic.

Not only this, but the t2 hictor bubbles have massive range. That is what the extra training is for, the increase to range, and that alone, makes it worth it.

Please go read the OP.
gentle hellfire
The End of Eternity
#25 - 2014-05-18 20:05:15 UTC

Maybe the hic should have interdiction probes with reduced cooldown, increased range and duration instead.

Interdiction nullification has kinda made a mockery of fleets looking to catch targets.

1. Big fish eats little fish, you can't pull out a fleet in null to form a proper blockade. If a fleet with a high isk value undocks, everyone knows about it and wants to kill it... This makes killing your target next to impossible, even in your own system. For an example, an interceptor assisted with drones would wreck anything coming into system. Unfortunately the only ones capable of doing that are battleships, hardly a worthy investment to hunt a wolf pack that you can not chase.

2. Hics are suppose to be for capitals imo, they are the only thing that can. I don't like seeing them being used on subcapitals and think its lesser counterpart should take over the role with maybe needed more then one to be on par with a hic.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2014-05-18 20:52:06 UTC
Habris wrote:
Domanique Altares wrote:

I have been in null since the changes. I also live in low, where we don't use bubbles to catch anything at all. Plenty of interceptors die here. Plenty ot T3s die here. Blops die here. Carriers die here. Everything dies here. No bubbles necessary. You have bubbles, and I realize they are a great convenience; they are no longer the jack of all trades of nullsec tackle, and that's very unlikely to change.

The problem is that you're trying to hammer nails with a $500 power drill. You might pound them in one day, but your power drill will look like **** and it will take far longer than using a $20 hammer.

Or, in this case, your own fleet of Interceptors. I appreciate that you spent weeks or months training to use a Hictor. I appreciate that you spent millions buying and fitting the hull, and probably slotting Slaves into your clone. That doesn't change that fact that for what you're wanting to do, it's the wrong tool. An Interceptor can catch a nullified cloaky T3. A gang of them can kill it; at the least they can pin it down until you can drop a cruiser gang on it.

The bolded text is where I believe you are fundamentally wrong. Eve is risk v. reward. Currently other than supercap hunting and possibly wanting a bubble that you can dictate there is little to no advantage to having a hictor of a dictor. I know that statement is full of holes and I could argue points and counter points all day, but that is for a different thread. I can appreciate that lots of things die in lowsec, experienced a bit of that in Daras not but a few days ago, but YOU DON'T OWN LOWSEC. Nullsec, specifically Deklein is where I hang my hat, and to be all but inept killing 1 or 2 (possibly 3 if lucky) ceptors out of a gang of 15+ when my gang is larger and the cost point much higher is unacceptable. There needs to be a way to counter interdicition nullifications and I do believe tweaking the hictor is the answer.

edit: and since when is a max res boosted keres a $500.00 power drill?

EVE is also a place where this is no perfect safety. It's a good thing that things can slip through, be it BRs or Intys. I would agree that T3s are annoying because they don't really seem to make sacrifices all the much for their advantage. And that much force shouldn't be as easily projectable without a counter.

The ability for intys to fly unobstructed is even more critical in our era of increasingly solidified power. Guerilla tactics are going to be a mainstay for those individuals who want to create content with large coalitions without being able to actually pose a real threat. Perfectly guarded space means less content for those kinds of tactics.

Crazey Monkey
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2014-05-18 20:57:13 UTC
Came here expecting gewn tears, left satisfied.
Thank you tri.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#28 - 2014-05-18 21:06:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Crazey Monkey wrote:
Came here expecting gewn tears, left satisfied.
Thank you tri.


Yes there are tears won't deny but it's far more than tri, this is explicitly about how there is nothing to counter interdiction nullification except dumb luck. Goons abuse this mechanic as much as anyone else. Nullsec blocks utilize entire fleets comps consisting of nullified t3's, how is this ok? I fly interceptors and see that this is broken, I fly t3's for both personal gain and for the swarm, and still I see this is a mechanic with a most ineffective counter.

Hictors using a specialized script or t2 electronics rig with a 15km bubble would be a solid counter without being over powered.
Darth Kilth
Goonswarm Federation
#29 - 2014-05-18 21:27:52 UTC
Shot in the dark, why not give all current nullified ships and modules a penalty that negatively affects Agility while in the influence of a bubble.
Even if this only increases allign time by 1 or 2 seconds, it at least creates a situation were you can catch nullified ships without needing 3000+ scan res ships to lock up everything.
Mirthander Kane
Legion's Ruin
#30 - 2014-05-18 22:09:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Mirthander Kane
Fully agree with this idea. Actually also thought about this yesterday...
A specialized ship such as HIC should be able to fit a more specialized module/script that would counter interdiction nullified ships. At the cost of some other abilities.
A good pilot would still be able to mwd out of such a bubble and warp away (especially if bubble has reduced size), so there are actually some risk to inties aswell - not just the current reward methodology that they enjoy.

As you stated, there is currently NO counter for inty spam - we've even tried running fleets of scanres inties to catch enemy inty fleets, but the only thing you can hope for is the luck factor. (People seem to also forget EVE still has latency affecting targeting speed...)
So an expensive ship (both in cost and skill) should be able to counter this. I also think a HIC should be the only ship/deployable with this ability.

I do believe that the even more expensive T3 strat cruisers should still have some way to partially mitigate this effect. The investment you make in a t3 ship should give you some benefits atleast (strat cruiser's focus on choice). Just not sure how this could be done without going round in circles with this idea...

But risk vs reward seems apt with this general idea.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#31 - 2014-05-18 23:42:02 UTC
Darth Kilth wrote:
Shot in the dark, why not give all current nullified ships and modules a penalty that negatively affects Agility while in the influence of a bubble.
Even if this only increases allign time by 1 or 2 seconds, it at least creates a situation were you can catch nullified ships without needing 3000+ scan res ships to lock up everything.

Not a bad Idea, adding it to the OP
gentle hellfire
The End of Eternity
#32 - 2014-05-19 03:30:15 UTC
Habris wrote:
Darth Kilth wrote:
Shot in the dark, why not give all current nullified ships and modules a penalty that negatively affects Agility while in the influence of a bubble.
Even if this only increases allign time by 1 or 2 seconds, it at least creates a situation were you can catch nullified ships without needing 3000+ scan res ships to lock up everything.

Not a bad Idea, adding it to the OP


That's giving gate campers freebie kills.

Not here to gift wrap your targets for you...
Darth Kilth
Goonswarm Federation
#33 - 2014-05-19 06:22:16 UTC
gentle hellfire wrote:
Habris wrote:
Darth Kilth wrote:
Shot in the dark, why not give all current nullified ships and modules a penalty that negatively affects Agility while in the influence of a bubble.
Even if this only increases allign time by 1 or 2 seconds, it at least creates a situation were you can catch nullified ships without needing 3000+ scan res ships to lock up everything.

Not a bad Idea, adding it to the OP


That's giving gate campers freebie kills.

Not here to gift wrap your targets for you...

They're not free kills, 1 or maybe 2 seconds extra allign time is still a pretty damn small window to catch anything.
If you're not fast enough an cloacky nullified T3 will still be able to escape and you're still going to need a bunch of ships with (remote)sebo's to catch interceptors.

The only difference is that nullified ships now aren't completely immune if people actually want to catch them, they're not free kills, effort still has to be applied.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2014-05-19 06:36:18 UTC
T2 things are relatively cheap and easy to employ once a pilot is trained and has a decent income. Interdiction nullification would be much less viable if a T2 bubble was all it took to stop them.

Howabout a faction anchorable bubble that can stop them, but it's not only expensive but also has a longer anchor time?
And then a deadspace variant which stops them without the extra anchor time but is a pretty significant resource sink?
That way interdiction nullification would still be pretty successful but it would spice up the danger a bit. It would also give a way to keep ships from running through an area of space if that's really important to you.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

Domanique Altares
#35 - 2014-05-19 08:26:45 UTC
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:

To who? A nullsec alliance?

Does it cost more than a titan?
Domanique Altares
#36 - 2014-05-19 08:31:23 UTC
Habris wrote:
, and to be all but inept killing 1 or 2 (possibly 3 if lucky) ceptors out of a gang of 15+ when my gang is larger and the cost point much higher is unacceptable.

Thank you for bolstering my point. Your ineptitude is what keeps you blind to the fact that you're doing it wrong.

Did any of you ever stop to consider what you could have done to the Inty gang had you been chasing them with 15 Inties and a couple more of those Keres, instead of camping a bubble in a gang of mostly fat, slow shiny **** that has no hope of ever keeping up?

Apparently not.
King Fu Hostile
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#37 - 2014-05-19 08:51:44 UTC
Habris wrote:

Again I must point out other than a lucky point or decloak on t3 there is little one can do to catch interdiction nullified ships and that is a problem. Nothing should be able to operate with such impunity.

Why not? Your explanation of "problem" doesn't go into any depth about why it would even be an issue.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2014-05-19 09:18:17 UTC
Mirthander Kane wrote:
A good pilot would still be able to mwd out of such a bubble and warp away (especially if bubble has reduced size), so there are actually some risk to inties aswell - not just the current reward methodology that they enjoy.

Then the camps are bad.

People just don't get out of bubbles with a decent camp. Those that do escape, it's not because they did anything special, it's because the camp screwed up.
Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2014-05-19 09:28:36 UTC
Domanique Altares wrote:
Reaver Glitterstim wrote:

To who? A nullsec alliance?

Does it cost more than a titan?
No, but it costs more than an interceptor, for sure.
The best way to set the cost is make them spawn in limited availability. The more popular they are, the more they cost. Just needs to be enough that they are seen around, but few enough that most people aren't using them most of the time.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

State War Academy
Caldari State
#40 - 2014-05-19 10:27:36 UTC
Domanique Altares wrote:
Thank you for bolstering my point. Your ineptitude is what keeps you blind to the fact that you're doing it wrong.

Did any of you ever stop to consider what you could have done to the Inty gang had you been chasing them with 15 Inties and a couple more of those Keres, instead of camping a bubble in a gang of mostly fat, slow shiny **** that has no hope of ever keeping up?

Apparently not.

So your answer for interceptors is interceptors, jeez NEVER thought of that. I know it says wildly inappropriate next to my name but a little more credit please. Chasing interceptors with interceptors usually yields results similar to the benny hill show. Also please keep to the topic at hand and less on your perception of "goon ineptitude". Even interceptors have a hard time turning and burning fast enough to get ahead of a target long enough for a scram. Applying interdiction nullification to interceptors was to increase their chance at survival as scout and fleet tackle, not for uncatchable ghost fleets that can penetrate any defense while taking minimal or no loss.

King Fu Hostile wrote:
Habris wrote:

Again I must point out other than a lucky point or decloak on t3 there is little one can do to catch interdiction nullified ships and that is a problem. Nothing should be able to operate with such impunity.

Why not? Your explanation of "problem" doesn't go into any depth about why it would even be an issue.

It's not necessarily about T3's or interceptors, CCP wants pilots to own space and make it "theirs" but have instituted mechanics that directly contradict that sentiment. Is it so much to ask that if I spend the time and isk to ship into something that can defeat interdiction nullification? You can not tell me that t3's and interceptors are not afforded the luxury of operating in hostile space with relative impunity. The problem is there is no way of countering these ships other than luck of the draw. It's far from a level playing field regardless of how much isk or effort is put into the defense of what you call yours. Have a look at the OP again and tell me exactly what isn't fair about what has been proposed.