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Why don't t2 hictor bubbles counter interdiction nullified ships?

State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-05-18 01:13:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
I ask this openly and propose that they are changed to do so.

Firstly these stats are based on a brand new character training the bare minimum skills to fly the hulls with t2 equipment.

To fly an interceptor it takes a mere 47 days from first sub to flying a t2 fit.

To fly a a nullied tengu it takes 99 days from first sub to flying a t2 fit.

To fly a hictor with a t2 bubble its takes a 143 days.

A decent fit hictor is generally over 300m which is on par with a t2 fit tech 3 cruiser. On its own a hictor cannot kill a ceptor unless it can instalock and scram it. Against a t3 unless its DPS fit, which would take away from most hictor tank fits it would be more than a fair fight since they are pretty much stationary. All that said hictors aren't solo, they bring friends.


Edit: proposals for changing hictors

A new script which imposed further debuffs on the hictor examples: reduced lock range and/or scan res, capacitor debuffs, reduction of bubble size to 15km.

Multiple T2 bubble generators, one to neutralize the interdiction nullification and an additional hictor/dictor to actually bubble.

A specialized T2 electronics rig that would act like a permanent script so that everytime a the non scripted t2 bubble was activated it would be the reduced bubble and what ever debuffs prescribed to catch interdiction nullified ships. I would find acceptable that this would only catch nullified ships, again needing further assets (pilot+training time+ isk) to accomplish the goal at hand.

All current nullified ships and modules are given a penalty that negatively affects Agility while in the influence of a bubble. (credit: Darth Kilth)
Old and Petrified Syndication
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#2 - 2014-05-18 01:22:43 UTC
Something I've wondered about as well.

Now, if it becomes a T2 thing, should T2 mobile warp disruptors get the same buff? Personally, I don't think they should since it is a deployable and passive. Someone flying a heavy interdictor with T2 disruptors, on the other hand, perhaps should get a bonus allowing them to disrupt nullified ships with their bubbles.

Most likely it could be done via a script so that the bubble effects nullified ships while no longer effecting non-nullified ships.

Cloaking is the closest thing to a "Pause Game" button one can get while in space.

Support better localization for the Japanese Community.

Raphael Celestine
Celestine Inc.
#3 - 2014-05-18 01:30:10 UTC
Why don't they?

Because the interdiction-nullifier mechanic is specifically intended as a counter to the area-of-effect warp disruption mechanic. If you want to catch a nullified ship, you need to use a targeted warp jammer - that is the whole point of the mechanic.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-05-18 01:44:06 UTC
Raphael Celestine wrote:
Why don't they?

Because the interdiction-nullifier mechanic is specifically intended as a counter to the area-of-effect warp disruption mechanic. If you want to catch a nullified ship, you need to use a targeted warp jammer - that is the whole point of the mechanic.

Ok, I am going to go out on a limb and say the space you live in isn't 0.0, and thus haven't experienced roving gangs of ceptors which traverse your space with relative impunity. Also this game is big on checks and balances, even with the recent changes its still damn near impossible to catch interceptors and cloaky t3's.

Allowing a T2 bubble generator to catch interdiction nullified ships puts a pilot on the field ACTIVELY attempting to engage in combat against targets that are trying to run a blockade. It takes training time and fair amount of isk sunk into one ship to accomplish this, isn't that going by the "risk vs reward" doctrine that CCP attempts to uphold this game to?

If you want a special script that further nerfs the dictor? OK fine, but I want a mechanic that will allow me defend my damn space and give me content. Ceptor fleets are fun to fly in but quite the opposite to defend against because any force put together to defend against them and they just run away. I'm all for hit and run tactics, but this is still pretty broken. Rise looking at you dude...
Raphael Celestine
Celestine Inc.
#5 - 2014-05-18 02:06:57 UTC
Habris wrote:
Allowing a T2 bubble generator to catch interdiction nullified ships puts a pilot on the field ACTIVELY attempting to engage in combat against targets that are trying to run a blockade. It takes training time and fair amount of isk sunk into one ship to accomplish this, isn't that going by the "risk vs reward" doctrine that CCP attempts to uphold this game to?

If you want a special script that further nerfs the dictor? OK fine, but I want a mechanic that will allow me defend my damn space and give me content.

Trouble is, that training time and ISK isn't being spent 'to beat nullified ships' - a large chunk of it is just the minimum necessary to use bubble generators at all. 'Beating the ship specifically designed to beat you' isn't an appropriate advantage simply for upgrading to the T2 variant. Even a script is questionable - it still boils down to allowing the defender to beat interdiction-nullified ships by doubling-down on the strategy that nullifiers were designed to counter in the first place.

I'm not necessarily opposed to giving people a way to beat interceptors, but doing it with dictors is the wrong way to go about it.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-05-18 02:23:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Raphael Celestine wrote:
Trouble is, that training time and ISK isn't being spent 'to beat nullified ships' - a large chunk of it is just the minimum necessary to use bubble generators at all. 'Beating the ship specifically designed to beat you' isn't an appropriate advantage simply for upgrading to the T2 variant. Even a script is questionable - it still boils down to allowing the defender to beat interdiction-nullified ships by doubling-down on the strategy that nullifiers were designed to counter in the first place.

I'm not necessarily opposed to giving people a way to beat interceptors, but doing it with dictors is the wrong way to go about it.

That is a fair point but I mirror the that point in favor for my argument, Why does the training time(less I might add) and isk (which as stated the fits are equally as costly) being spent justify the ability to defeat bubbles of all kinds currently in game simply because its t2/t3?

I understand the interdiction nullification was designed to defeat generalized bubbles, but now there is NOTHING other than a lucky point or decloak + point to counter this mechanic. In my mind this is very much like when cloaks and warp core stabs had no negative affects on combat.

I'll expand on what i'm willing to sacrifice as a pilot in order to be able to defend my space against this broken mechanic.

I wouldn't find it unreasonable if it took a special script which imposed further nerfs on the hictor, be it speed, lock range, hp, capacitor debuffs, hell even nerf the bubble size to 15km.

I wouldn't find it unreasonable if it took two hictors with t2 generators, one to disrupt the nullification and one to bubble the ship.

I don't find what I am asking to be unreasonable request in order to defend the space I live in and generate content.
Raphael Celestine
Celestine Inc.
#7 - 2014-05-18 02:47:17 UTC
Habris wrote:
That is a fair point but I mirror the that point in favor for my argument, Why does the training time(less I might add) and isk (which as stated the fits are equally as costly) being spent justify the ability to defeat bubbles of all kinds currently in game simply because its t2/t3?

Typically, specialists get a more powerful payoff than generalists (at their particular specialisation). A HIC pilot has spent their training time and ISK on being able to catch almost any ship in the game; an inty/T3 pilot has spent their time/ISK for, among other things, the ability to specifically counter one ship type: HICs.

The difference between a T1 bubble and a T2 bubble is ~17 days training and ~500k ISK, which I'd say isn't enough to justify being able to catch the ships specifically designed to beat you.

I understand the interdiction nullification was designed to defeat generalized bubbles, but now there is NOTHING other than a lucky point or decloak + point to counter this mechanic. In my mind this is very much like when cloaks and warp core stabs had no negative affects on combat.

I'll expand on what i'm willing to sacrifice as a pilot in order to be able to defend my space against this broken mechanic.

I wouldn't find it unreasonable if it took a special script which imposed further nerfs on the hictor, be it speed, lock range, hp, capacitor debuffs, hell even nerf the bubble size to 15km.

I wouldn't find it unreasonable if it took two hictors with t2 generators, one to disrupt the nullification and one to bubble the ship.

I don't find what I am asking to be unreasonable request in order to defend the space I live in and generate content.

As I said above, I have no inherent objection to giving people a better way to catch nullified ships, I just think that upgraded HIC bubbles - even at the cost of heavy nerfs - isn't the way to do it.

My position is very straight-forward: the counter to a HIC is a nullified ship. The counter to a nullified ship should be something that is not a HIC.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2014-05-18 02:57:32 UTC
Habris wrote:

If you want a special script that further nerfs the dictor? OK fine, but I want a mechanic that will allow me defend my damn space and give me content. Ceptor fleets are fun to fly in but quite the opposite to defend against because any force put together to defend against them and they just run away. I'm all for hit and run tactics, but this is still pretty broken. Rise looking at you dude...

Driving them off is a successful defense of your space is it not?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2014-05-18 03:02:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Raphael Celestine wrote:
Habris wrote:
That is a fair point but I mirror the that point in favor for my argument, Why does the training time(less I might add) and isk (which as stated the fits are equally as costly) being spent justify the ability to defeat bubbles of all kinds currently in game simply because its t2/t3?

Typically, specialists get a more powerful payoff than generalists (at their particular specialisation). A HIC pilot has spent their training time and ISK on being able to catch almost any ship in the game; an inty/T3 pilot has spent their time/ISK for, among other things, the ability to specifically counter one ship type: HICs.

The difference between a T1 bubble and a T2 bubble is ~17 days training and ~500k ISK, which I'd say isn't enough to justify being able to catch the ships specifically designed to beat you.

I understand the interdiction nullification was designed to defeat generalized bubbles, but now there is NOTHING other than a lucky point or decloak + point to counter this mechanic. In my mind this is very much like when cloaks and warp core stabs had no negative affects on combat.

I'll expand on what i'm willing to sacrifice as a pilot in order to be able to defend my space against this broken mechanic.

I wouldn't find it unreasonable if it took a special script which imposed further nerfs on the hictor, be it speed, lock range, hp, capacitor debuffs, hell even nerf the bubble size to 15km.

I wouldn't find it unreasonable if it took two hictors with t2 generators, one to disrupt the nullification and one to bubble the ship.

I don't find what I am asking to be unreasonable request in order to defend the space I live in and generate content.

As I said above, I have no inherent objection to giving people a better way to catch nullified ships, I just think that upgraded HIC bubbles - even at the cost of heavy nerfs - isn't the way to do it.

My position is very straight-forward: the counter to a HIC is a nullified ship. The counter to a nullified ship should be something that is not a HIC.

Then what should it be? I really would like an answer instead of a generalized "No, but yes". I get and could agree the point of T2 generators isk+training time "not being worthy of the ability catch nullied ships", but doesn't change the fact that its a broken mechanic with no real defense against. Hictors should be the answer because A.) the training time is actually about a third longer at the base level than a t3 cruiser and B.) Its an expensive asset, that once a bubble is up is pretty stationary target that has the DPS of a wet pool noodle.

Addendum; I like how you don't classify a Hictor as a specialized ship but do for a T3. My only guess as to this thought process is because you think the subsystems, which is hilarious o.o
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2014-05-18 03:07:01 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Habris wrote:

If you want a special script that further nerfs the dictor? OK fine, but I want a mechanic that will allow me defend my damn space and give me content. Ceptor fleets are fun to fly in but quite the opposite to defend against because any force put together to defend against them and they just run away. I'm all for hit and run tactics, but this is still pretty broken. Rise looking at you dude...

Driving them off is a successful defense of your space is it not?

About as successful as scaring away a pack of wolves set on killing its prey.
Raphael Celestine
Celestine Inc.
#11 - 2014-05-18 03:43:10 UTC
Habris wrote:
Then what should it be? I really would like an answer instead of a generalized "No, but yes". I get and could agree the point of T2 generators isk+training time "not being worthy of the ability catch nullied ships", but doesn't change the fact that its a broken mechanic with no real defense against. Hictors should be the answer because A.) the training time is actually about a third longer at the base level than a t3 cruiser and B.) Its an expensive asset, that once a bubble is up is pretty stationary target that has the DPS of a wet pool noodle.

My objection to it being HICs is that balance should be rock < paper < scissors < rock, not rock < paper < better rock. It's not a question of HICs being unbalanced in the sense of being over- or under-powered, it's that allowing them to beat what was supposed to be their counter is bad game design regardless of how powerful they are otherwise.

Based on that logic, the counter to an interdiction-nullified ship should use targeted warp jammers - the 'lucky point' you mentioned earlier. If interceptors are too hard to stop at the moment, then the solution is to change something so that the defender doesn't need to be as lucky to land a point on them.

If I understand the mechanics correctly, one of the biggest problems is that you always need at least one server tick to lock on and then a second tick to activate the point (even if the point is supposedly preactivated) and interceptors can get as low as a two-second align time. It might be too difficult to implement, but perhaps the best solution would be to redo the code so that preactivated modules will trigger immediately on a lock-on, not one second later. If that's not practical (or not enough), then maybe interceptors need to have their agility or sig nerfed.

Or, as Derath implied, maybe players just need to get used to the idea that they can't completely lock down 'their' space and that scaring off the wolves without getting eaten counts as a victory in-and-of-itself even if all the wolves are still alive.

Addendum; I like how you don't classify a Hictor as a specialized ship but do for a T3. My only guess as to this thought process is because you think the subsystems, which is hilarious o.o

It's definitely a specialised ship in the abstract sense, but it's job is 'catch everything', while nullified ship's job is 'beat a HIC'. When being compared to this particular target it is the less specialised of the two combatants.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#12 - 2014-05-18 07:14:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Firstly to fix the issue of server ticks is a rather serious undertaking to say the least, so while it would be the best way to enforce the current mechanics it's pretty unfeasible. Also the ceptor changes made it so a full combat ceptor took longer than 2 seconds to align and warp. With the mods its quite easy to get a sub 2 second align time.

Like with the interceptors after they first were given interdiction nullification I don't believe CCP realized (or perhaps they did Evil...) what nigh uncatchable cloaky t3's have done for nullsec. This isn't about making rock 2.0, it's about giving the players a sp and isk intensive way to counter something that is pretty broken. I think a script reducing the range of the bubble and debuffing scan res or max lock range would be a solid answer for this problem. I'm pretty sure making said script only effect interdiction nullified hulls whilst allowing other ships through would be a pain to code as well, but would also be acceptable in addition to the proposed new script.

Again I must point out other than a lucky point or decloak on t3 there is little one can do to catch interdiction nullified ships and that is a problem. Nothing should be able to operate with such impunity.
Domanique Altares
#13 - 2014-05-18 08:45:37 UTC
Habris wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Habris wrote:

If you want a special script that further nerfs the dictor? OK fine, but I want a mechanic that will allow me defend my damn space and give me content. Ceptor fleets are fun to fly in but quite the opposite to defend against because any force put together to defend against them and they just run away. I'm all for hit and run tactics, but this is still pretty broken. Rise looking at you dude...

Driving them off is a successful defense of your space is it not?

About as successful as scaring away a pack of wolves set on killing its prey.

So 100% successful then. If they're gone, they're gone, regardless of what they're set on doing.
A Big Enough Lever
#14 - 2014-05-18 10:02:15 UTC
I do feel that the upgrade from T1 to T2 isn't much on hictor bubbles..... but getting interdiction nullified vessels? no - not that - and I think the infini-point can already be applied to anything, can't it?

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#15 - 2014-05-18 12:31:52 UTC
Is the primary purpose of the Hic bubble to trap people and keep them on grid? Or to alter their warp path? What if you had a ship/structure that had no inherent warp disruptino effect, and had a min dist to bubbles but dragged everyone to it, inc nullified vessels? To avoid is just beating ceptors it's sphere of influence couldnt overlap with warp disruption perhaps?

just brainstorming so maybe its a poor idea but I see it was a interesting tactic, would help catch those annoying cov ops t3s.

Event Organizer of EVE North East

State War Academy
Caldari State
#16 - 2014-05-18 17:44:32 UTC
Domanique Altares wrote:

So 100% successful then. If they're gone, they're gone, regardless of what they're set on doing.

Ok since you're a little confused as to what I'm talking about, No it's not successful. Ceptors just bust through any effort to put up a fight and just rapidly travel 4 or 6 jumps away. Just like pack hunters trying to take down larger prey, they nip and back off to a safe distance. There is no catching or holding them down. As you live in empire and lowsec I don't expect you to understand this at all. Thanks for the bump though....

Xe'Cara'eos wrote:
I do feel that the upgrade from T1 to T2 isn't much on hictor bubbles..... but getting interdiction nullified vessels? no - not that - and I think the infini-point can already be applied to anything, can't it?

I can agree that point since apparently the extra training time isn't enough incentive to support such a change. If it's coupled with a new script or specialized rig would that not be sufficient? The infini point has a limited range and requires a lock first, which is the whole point of asking for this change since it's damn near impossible to catch a small gang of ceptors with even or greater numbers. In the space I inhabit we threw together a fleet comp of 3 keres and 10 wolves with an onyx and max links and still ceptors and t3's come and go as they please. Interdiction nullification should not be allowed such impunity, as you might catch one or two interceptors and even less if they're cloaky t3's.

I don't care what it takes but hictors should be able to stop interdiction nullification ships. It's an expensive ship that at a bare minimum takes 143 days and about 275-300m isk to field, and if a new script or specialized rig are introduced I can't see the "no" argument holding water.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#17 - 2014-05-18 18:30:25 UTC
Fully supported.

Nullification should continue to work against deployable bubbles and regular Interdictor bubbles, but if I am willing to put my very skilled, expensive ship on the gate, I should at least have the opportunity to decloak and catch you before you burn out of my bubble.

The other solution would be to make it so that you cannot make a T3 that combines warping cloaked with Interdiction Nullification.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#18 - 2014-05-18 18:33:24 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
The other solution would be to make it so that you cannot make a T3 that combines warping cloaked with Interdiction Nullification.

Not within the scope of this thread, but not a bad idea in the least.
Domanique Altares
#19 - 2014-05-18 18:41:59 UTC
Habris wrote:

As you live in empire and lowsec I don't expect you to understand this at all. Thanks for the bump though....

You're welcome. As you live in nullsec, I don't expect you to understand how to catch ships without using bubbles.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2014-05-18 18:49:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Habris
Domanique Altares wrote:
Habris wrote:

As you live in empire and lowsec I don't expect you to understand this at all. Thanks for the bump though....

You're welcome. As you live in nullsec, I don't expect you to understand how to catch ships without using bubbles.

Lol I wasn't trying to put you down with the comment but truly if you do no live in nullsec or have not since these ships/changes were introduced I do not expect you to understand. I want to defend my space currently the methods of attack that I have experienced are most often with little to no exception are interceptors,t3's, and blops (bombers). Very rarely is there a small gang that comes in with something that can't just blow through any defense because they finally run into a force the counter them. If I'm willing to field over a billion in assets requiring multiple pilots to combat a half billion worth of interceptors, why should my risk v reward be skewed because of a mechanic that currently has counter with a paltry success rate.

I am all for hit and run guerrilla style tactics, but the current state of things is just ridiculous.
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