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[Kronos] Pirate Faction Battleships

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Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2701 - 2014-05-17 08:35:56 UTC
Chicken Exroofer wrote:
I seem to remember drone interfacing being reduced from 20% per level to 10% per level in summer patch.

That would make for a very significant reduction if that is in the current sisi build.

And makes me sad. Since I already have that one at 5.

Drone damage stays roughly the same, they buff the base damage to compensate, ofc there are tweaks here and there (warden buffed slightly, garde nerfed).
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2702 - 2014-05-17 08:51:23 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
KaDa en Bauldry wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Stoic, so despite being inferior in combat, the Machariel maintains an edge in isk/hr from warp speed alone?

Not sure if that's sad, hilarious, or some combination of both.

That is why baltec1 is in love with the warp speed rigs btw, so no big surprise there...

This is true.

I am still working on a rhml raven in level 3s to beat stoics' 50 mil/hr ishtar.

They are actually really hard to fit on a Mach without significant pimp and downsizing the SB
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#2703 - 2014-05-17 09:07:18 UTC
afkalt wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
KaDa en Bauldry wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Stoic, so despite being inferior in combat, the Machariel maintains an edge in isk/hr from warp speed alone?

Not sure if that's sad, hilarious, or some combination of both.

That is why baltec1 is in love with the warp speed rigs btw, so no big surprise there...

This is true.

I am still working on a rhml raven in level 3s to beat stoics' 50 mil/hr ishtar.

They are actually really hard to fit on a Mach without significant pimp and downsizing the SB

The mackh can get away with none to be fair, its around cruiser speed right out the box so in truth you only need the implants to get crazy speed out of it.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2704 - 2014-05-17 09:36:41 UTC
This is true, but there's still an irritating legnth of time spent watching space flick by.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#2705 - 2014-05-17 09:45:11 UTC
afkalt wrote:
This is true, but there's still an irritating legnth of time spent watching space flick by.

Well my level 3 raven and my harpy mega warp faster than assault frigsBig smile
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2706 - 2014-05-17 10:13:54 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
Actually, wouldn't a super fast Mach rival the raven or Ishtar for L3 work? It pops little stuff so damned fast.

Heck, I'm actually wondering about a RHML geddon (not made a fit yet, CPU might hurt) Edit: Made a fit, somewhat pricey to proveit can be done but posible to use a poverty style fit. It's not bad. 3.44 AU (before new stacking hit).

That said, I'm still thinking a properly travel fit Mach is going to be up there - the warp speed and the ability to split the guns into so many groups, I rather suspect targetting speed might be the real bottleneck there.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#2707 - 2014-05-17 10:31:39 UTC
afkalt wrote:
Actually, wouldn't a super fast Mach rival the raven or Ishtar for L3 work? It pops little stuff so damned fast.

Heck, I'm actually wondering about a RHML geddon (not made a fit yet, CPU might hurt) Edit: Made a fit, somewhat pricey to proveit can be done but posible to use a poverty style fit. It's not bad. 3.44 AU (before new stacking hit).

That said, I'm still thinking a properly travel fit Mach is going to be up there - the warp speed and the ability to split the guns into so many groups, I rather suspect targetting speed might be the real bottleneck there.

Most likely, the only reason I am using the raven is due to both lack of skills and wanting a golem for level 4s eventually.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#2708 - 2014-05-17 10:40:52 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
KaDa en Bauldry wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Stoic, so despite being inferior in combat, the Machariel maintains an edge in isk/hr from warp speed alone?

Not sure if that's sad, hilarious, or some combination of both.

That is why baltec1 is in love with the warp speed rigs btw, so no big surprise there...

This is true.

I am still working on a rhml raven in level 3s to beat stoics' 50 mil/hr ishtar.

Isn't a Raven just a bit "overkill" for level 3's ?
Now if you could somehow get a Drake to compete with the commonly seen ISKtar.
I would be impressed.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

KaDa en Bauldry
Gallente Federation
#2709 - 2014-05-17 12:01:07 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
I am still working on a rhml raven in level 3s to beat stoics' 50 mil/hr ishtar.

Isn't a Raven just a bit "overkill" for level 3's ?

There is no overkill, just "Open fire!" and "I need to reload!".

Joke aside, you have a specific aim when you do L3s, and trying to get the best means for the task... Seems reasonable.

I run L3s in a Talos now, just because it's more fun.
Priority shift I suppose, drones and missiles don't have the same effect on me.

Don't forget about ship insurance before undocking. Don't forget about copy-paste saving before posting.

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#2710 - 2014-05-17 18:23:06 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
I have removed some rule breaking posts and those quoting them. As always I let some edge cases stay.
Please people, keep it on topic and above all civil!

The Rules:
3. Ranting is prohibited.

A rant is a post that is often filled with angry and counterproductive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and is helpful in development of the game and community. Rants are disruptive, and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise and clear manner while avoiding going off on rambling tangents.

4. Personal attacks are prohibited.

Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another forum user. Posts of this nature are not beneficial to the community spirit that CCP promote and as such they will not be tolerated.

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The discussion of EVE Online forum moderation actions generally leads to flaming, trolling and baiting of our ISD CCL moderators. As such, this type of discussion is strictly prohibited under the forum rules. If you have questions regarding the actions of a moderator, please file a petition under the Community & Forums Category.

12. Spamming is prohibited.

Spam is defined as the repetitive posting of the same topic or nonsensical post that has no substance and is often designed to annoy other forum users. This can include the words “first”, “go back to (insert other game name)” and other such posts that contribute no value to forum discussion. Spamming also includes the posting of ASCII art within a forum post.

26. Off-topic posting is prohibited.

Off-topic posting is permitted within reason, as sometimes a single comment may color or lighten the tone of discussion. However, excessive posting of off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail a thread may result in the thread being locked, or a forum warning being issued.

Thread reopened.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Boon Odd Ducks Bath Toys
#2711 - 2014-05-18 01:02:16 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Stoic, so despite being inferior in combat, the Machariel maintains an edge in isk/hr from warp speed alone?

Tentatively, yes. Especially, if you're blitzing.

I would give it a strong-ish "yes" against missile boats, since gunships have the advantage due to torp/cruise damage and warp speed implants sharing slot six, and because missile boats need/require missile rigs, whereas the gunship is free to fit warp speed rigs.

OTOH the 6.2% advantage the 5.7 AU Mach has over the 3.5 AU Vargur may be equalized out by the Vargur's ability to loot and salvage.

Not sure if that's sad, hilarious, or some combination of both.

For additional laughs, don't forget that the other pirate battleships (such as the Rattlesnake) warp at 2 AU/sec, so the level 4 Rattlesnake's DPS buff is undermined by its slooooooooow warp speed.

I strongly disagree with you stoicfaux, your demonstration is only based on assumptions .You have removed the parameters from your calculations who would have proved otherwise .
-Comparing two different prop mod
-No cost comparison between the two fits
-you took for granted than a 3 warp speed rigs Machariel would be viable
-You didn't took Ewar immunity as a factor .
-Same mission time for the two hulls

Please if you want to prove your point give us a machariel fit to compare with , you 'll soon realize the issues
KaDa en Bauldry
Gallente Federation
#2712 - 2014-05-18 01:24:25 UTC
Myrthiis wrote:
I strongly disagree with you stoicfaux, your demonstration is only based on assumptions .You have removed the parameters from your calculations who would have proved otherwise .
-Comparing two different prop mod
-No cost comparison between the two fits
-you took for granted than a 3 warp speed rigs Machariel would be viable
-You didn't took Ewar immunity as a factor .
-Same mission time for the two hulls

Please if you want to prove your point give us a machariel fit to compare with , you 'll soon realize the issues

Interesting points.
- Prop mod difference is not that relevant imho, silly to compare a Nightmare a Mach and a Paladin with the same prop.
- Cost comparison is quite relevant short-term, decreases long term unles your ship gets blown up. Should NOT.
- I see nothing wrong with a 2+ warp rig Mach, though it would lose the Burst Areator, for Blitz that is possibly agreeable.
- EWAR immunity... Are we talking about Marauders now? FoF missiles?
- Mission time is probably going to be different, aye. But how?
For Blitzable missions, an ASB or HCB+Gist-XL Mach does work well.

I do agree that a direct comparison is not quite sound, but since I run missions while declining quite a few, I see a Blitz-Mach with a Tractor Beam in the utility high as quite viable.

Don't forget about ship insurance before undocking. Don't forget about copy-paste saving before posting.

Boon Odd Ducks Bath Toys
#2713 - 2014-05-18 01:54:35 UTC
-Stoicfaux was comparing mission time between a Mach and a Vargur(Mjd) to prove is point ,but anyway you'll swap between prop mods depending on the mission even with a 1 Mn Mjd reload time it s more often best to go with a Mwd .
-A Machariel with a Gist XL + a faction Mwd is over 2 B , a marauder is 1B7 for twice the tank as it needs only a Large shield booster and as 30 K more ehp with bastion mode.
-He did is maths with 3 warpspeed rigs ...
-Well yes we are comparing a mach to a vargur operating time and isk/hour ratio and yes Ewar can have a pretty big importance in operating time .
-A lot to discuss there to make it short with a GistX Xlarge Sb running + 2 hardener you have only have 3mn32s before cap depletion and only enought cargo for 16 capbooster 800 + 5000 Large ammo (no mtu),pretty short for long running missions who are often quite profitable lp/isk wise.

To finish it's a bit easy to say threw 3 warpspeed rigs to the mach and done ,especially depending the fit u've Cpu issues who need a + 5 % cpu implants who guess what goes into the + 10 % warpspeed implant he tooks for granted .No offense it's not that easy ...
KaDa en Bauldry
Gallente Federation
#2714 - 2014-05-18 02:04:45 UTC
Myrthiis wrote:
-Well yes we are comparing a mach to a vargur operating time and isk/hour ratio and yes Ewar can have a pretty big importance in operating time .

Totally self-pwned on this one, I'm too used to the Rattlesnake being THE topic, specially since someone mentioned it's 2 AU/sec.

Don't forget about ship insurance before undocking. Don't forget about copy-paste saving before posting.

#2715 - 2014-05-18 03:11:30 UTC
Myrthiis wrote:

I strongly disagree with you stoicfaux, your demonstration is only based on assumptions .You have removed the parameters from your calculations who would have proved otherwise .
-Comparing two different prop mod
-No cost comparison between the two fits
-you took for granted than a 3 warp speed rigs Machariel would be viable
-You didn't took Ewar immunity as a factor .
-Same mission time for the two hulls

Please if you want to prove your point give us a machariel fit to compare with , you 'll soon realize the issues

Good points and valid criticisms. My general frame of mind is that improved warp speed can improve level 4 running efficiency. I whitewashed/assumed many things in order to see if, all else being equal/unchanged, what potential impact would improving warp speed have. The numbers showed that warp speed could have a non-trivial impact on efficiency, so the trick as you pointed out, is how to make it work, (if it is possible/practical.)

Here's what I'm think in the context of level 4s in Minmatar space.
Guns: 918 DPS with 4km + 61km range. 0.06401 tracking. 1013 with two 5% damage implants. Berserkers add another 206 paper DPS.
Tank is 494 against Angels for 4m55s.
Warp speed is 5.1 AU/s with the rigs and a 10% warp speed implant. (It looks like the failheap EFT files didn't include the fact that warp speed rigs will be stacking penalized in the summer. *grumble*)
Speed: 1505 m/s with the MWD.
CPU is a bit tight, with 707.25 used out of 707.33.
EFT says the price is ~1.4B isk.

[Machariel, Summer Shield - Warp]
Co-Processor II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer

Pith C-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800
Gist C-Type 100MN Microwarpdrive

800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
Auto Targeting System I

Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I

Berserker II x4
Hobgoblin II x5

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

#2716 - 2014-05-18 03:20:51 UTC
afkalt wrote:
Actually, wouldn't a super fast Mach rival the raven or Ishtar for L3 work? It pops little stuff so damned fast.


5.1 AU/s on Sisi using the same agent I used for the Ishtar 50M/hour testing. Only 0.28 CPU remaining, so if you don't have Astronautics Rigging at V, you'll need to downgrade to a MARII. So far I haven't gone below 50% shields.

When (if) I get to 30 missions, I'll post the numbers.

[Machariel, Level - 3]
Gyrostabilizer II
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Signal Amplifier II
Signal Amplifier II
Large Armor Repairer II

Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
100MN Microwarpdrive II

800mm Repeating Cannon II, Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, Phased Plasma L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, Phased Plasma L
Drone Link Augmentor II

Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I

Warden II x4
Hobgoblin II x5

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Boon Odd Ducks Bath Toys
#2717 - 2014-05-18 04:20:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Myrthiis
stoicfaux wrote:
Myrthiis wrote:

I strongly disagree with you stoicfaux, your demonstration is only based on assumptions .You have removed the parameters from your calculations who would have proved otherwise .
-Comparing two different prop mod
-No cost comparison between the two fits
-you took for granted than a 3 warp speed rigs Machariel would be viable
-You didn't took Ewar immunity as a factor .
-Same mission time for the two hulls

Please if you want to prove your point give us a machariel fit to compare with , you 'll soon realize the issues

Good points and valid criticisms. My general frame of mind is that improved warp speed can improve level 4 running efficiency. I whitewashed/assumed many things in order to see if, all else being equal/unchanged, what potential impact would improving warp speed have. The numbers showed that warp speed could have a non-trivial impact on efficiency, so the trick as you pointed out, is how to make it work, (if it is possible/practical.)

Here's what I'm think in the context of level 4s in Minmatar space.
Guns: 918 DPS with 4km + 61km range. 0.06401 tracking. 1013 with two 5% damage implants. Berserkers add another 206 paper DPS.
Tank is 494 against Angels for 4m55s.
Warp speed is 5.1 AU/s with the rigs and a 10% warp speed implant. (It looks like the failheap EFT files didn't include the fact that warp speed rigs will be stacking penalized in the summer. *grumble*)
Speed: 1505 m/s with the MWD.
CPU is a bit tight, with 707.25 used out of 707.33.
EFT says the price is ~1.4B isk.

[Machariel, Summer Shield - Warp]
Co-Processor II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer

Pith C-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800
Gist C-Type 100MN Microwarpdrive

800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
800mm Repeating Cannon II, EMP L
Auto Targeting System I

Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I

Berserker II x4
Hobgoblin II x5

So now i see your point ,but honnestly this fit is way too much borderline for a few reasons:
-53 s all modules on ,only cargo for 16 cap booster 800 + 5000 large ammo meaning 6 capbooster reload
-Don't even think about accepting missions except angels one ,you won't have the tank especially on em/therm resistance meaning no scarlet for u ^^
-with your capacitor issue ,you ll probably have to slowboat a few times to save charges ,hurting your operation time even more .
-As you 'll have to refuse several missions (RNG is RNG) there is a good chance to destroy your agent standing .

To finish i do agree with you warpspeed isn't as bad as i thought but id prefer a Vargur for the ease of use (without limiting myself to angels ) and keep the possibility to plug an ascendancy set 4.05 au/s :) i think your current fit need a crystal one to be viable:)
#2718 - 2014-05-18 21:11:56 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
KaDa en Bauldry wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Stoic, so despite being inferior in combat, the Machariel maintains an edge in isk/hr from warp speed alone?

Not sure if that's sad, hilarious, or some combination of both.

That is why baltec1 is in love with the warp speed rigs btw, so no big surprise there...

This is true.

I am still working on a rhml raven in level 3s to beat stoics' 50 mil/hr ishtar.

Yeah, well while you are doing that, Machariel: King of Level 3s (86M/isk in assets/hour).

Big smile

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#2719 - 2014-05-19 08:40:55 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:

Yeah, well while you are doing that, Machariel: King of Level 3s (86M/isk in assets/hour).

Big smile

Told you a battleship could do itLol
The Legion of X
#2720 - 2014-05-19 20:26:42 UTC  |  Edited by: XMaxan
Wow my Rattlesnake just became invincible in Lvl 4's and has more than double its old DPS. I will miss the lights being 50% better though Sad.

Perhaps we could get 250% to heavy and sentries and 50% to lights? Just a suggestion. (PLEASE!!)

Edit: Just noticed the severe reduction in drone bandwidth, assuming sentries stay at 25 mbit/sec I will have significantly lower dps from sentries Evil