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Dev Blog: Tiptoe Through the Tooltips

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Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#661 - 2014-05-16 11:36:27 UTC
Just tried some quick stuff on the new version that was released just now.

Have to say it seems MUCH better.

Will post feedback after some testing.

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#662 - 2014-05-16 11:49:24 UTC
We do keep an eye on things.

And when there's dev active in a thread, it makes sense to let them deal with things, rather than sticking our oar in? (as long as they are responsive, which Delegate Zero appears to have been.)

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Colman Dietmar
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#663 - 2014-05-16 11:49:38 UTC
Ok, now with this update it got better, the old-style mouseover info on brackets is back.

However, now, since the new system does not rearrange existing brackets into a list, when you mouse over a pack of brackets it's hard to point at the right one, as they are still all close together. This is made worse by the fact that each time you jump from one bracket to another, the new tooltip-style list gets redrawn. In practice this leads to you hovering over a swarm of brackets, then moving mouse over to the list of objects to pick the exact one you need. However, as you move your mouse, you pass over some other bracket, and the list gets redrawn, reappearing slightly higher now (as if it was running away from the cursor) and often contains a slightly different selection of brackets in it. This can quickly happen several times during just one attempt to interact with the list.

I think the best solution to this problem would be to, instead of replacing the old system, upgrade the old system so that the bracket lists generated by it can be of any length and are scrollable, like the lists in new system. This way we would retain the advantages of the old system, while solving the problem that it had with clustered brackets.

Other problems that still aren't addressed:
- Item tooltips in inventory still cover the inventory window they are summoned from
- On Starmap it's still impossible to center on a star by clicking on it, if that star has an active tooltip

Also, the patchnotes say that when you hover over an object's name in the overview, the tooltip shows the object's full name. However, for stations it shows station type instead of its full name.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#664 - 2014-05-16 11:50:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin

Also , try scrolling at a reasonable pace through the skills to the left of the skill que (be forewarned if you have photosensitive epilepsy, they strobe)
Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#665 - 2014-05-16 11:52:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Michael Harari
The neocom tool tips are fine.
The overview tools tips are almost entirely contentless.
The in space tooltips have potential, but should be disabled immediately as they are terrible for actually playing the game. Reenable them when they are fixed. The overview already says this, I just have the name column small. Why is the tooltip for something blocking off the actual overview? It would be nice if I could lock up this blue so I could rep him before he dies to drones.

The overview tooltips should just expand the cell you are hovering over, or give additional, useful, information. Not "Here is the name of the station that you already see

Also, why would a noob think that the tooltip for the icon on the overview gives different information than the tooltip anywhere else on the line? Thats not intuitive. vs Why is a tooltip that contains non-column dependent information, column-dependent in being displayed?

My dream for the tooltips would be to allow us XML markup to decide what information to display, much like the overview.
Darin Vanar
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#666 - 2014-05-16 12:00:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Darin Vanar
Colman Dietmar wrote:

Also, the patchnotes say that when you hover over an object's name in the overview, the tooltip shows the object's full name. However, for stations it shows station type instead of its full name.

Hmm, I'm not getting any tooltips show up on my overview, either for players, stations, or stargates. Not that I'm complaining!

I'm just alerting to a possible bug. There might be some overview settings that bypass something in the code.

EDIT: Nvm, I do get them while mousing over the icons. Nothing else... Hello, "Station is Station", we meet again...
CCP Engineering Corp
#667 - 2014-05-16 12:01:32 UTC
Hello everyone,

A patch was just deployed which should address a number of issues raised in this thread. For details please read here:

You can expect future updates which continue to tweak and fix the tooltips based on your feedback.

Feel free to poke me on: Twitter

Colman Dietmar
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#668 - 2014-05-16 12:01:57 UTC
Michael Harari wrote:
The overview already says this, I just have the name column small.

And it's nice to be able to see the full name without resizing the column or opening the info window. :)

It should, however, appear outside the window you're working with.
Zero Fun Allowed
#669 - 2014-05-16 12:02:13 UTC
the in space list box being a bit transperant is better but it still covers a large area and i cant click on things behind it like ships or doubleclicking in space to manual pilot. The old version had a list too but there it was totally transperant and i had to click on the icon of a item to interact with it, so there was a lot less space being taken up. I understand that you made this box solid and black to help players looking at things towards the sun, but i would still like to make that choice myself by controlling the transperancy.
Colman Dietmar
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#670 - 2014-05-16 12:07:54 UTC
Darin Vanar wrote:
Hmm, I'm not getting any tooltips show up on my overview, either for players, stations, or stargates.

It's shown when you point exactly at the object's name in the name column on the overview.

CCP RubberBAND wrote:
A patch was just deployed

We know, and we've already started posting feedback on it. Bear
S'No Flake
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#671 - 2014-05-16 12:30:16 UTC
Eurynome Mangeiri wrote:
CCP Delegate Zero wrote:
Penny Ernaga wrote:

P.S.: quote from CCP Delegate Zero: "...Moreover, we plan to expand and iterate on tooltips going forward." Shocked Holy cow! Is this a seriously meant threat to us players? Or just some black humor? ...Heaven beware Blink

While it may well be that people who call for the firing of others, fling abusive tosh around, or indeed issue various flavours of threat themselves, merit a threat or two in return, this wasn't a threat.

More of a promise.

sorry, but:

1- you delivered something wich to phrase it politely....only good for the dumpster
2- you "promise" to iterate on it

== threat

you shall understand that when ppl tell you, during 30 pages over 48h that a feature is BAD, and need either to be rolled back or an ON/OFF switch, something is WRONG and BAD with said feature.

i know you WILL again push that in our throat, thus YOU (understand CCP, not specifically you as a person) are the only one responsible for all the anger.

now there is one easy way to solve this: rollback to previous eve release. simple

those tooltips are deterrent to the basic game-play of EVE wich is space combat, the tooltips make this IMPOSSIBLE.

there is no negotiation here it SHALL go, put it back on SISI (although i, like apparently everyone else, didn't saw it EVER on SISI), and work on it again, THEN once the major issues are solved, go on TQ

you did this for unified inventory, odyssey exploration, jump animation, will you EVER learn from your mistakes?

when developing such things, there are 2 mandatory steps:

1- customer shall be able to enable / disable feature
2- feature shall be properly tested

you failed at BOTH.

either you are clearly lacking competences, or you did it on purpose...;don't really know which one is worst, but given the updates, i'd say it was done on purpose, wich is INSULTING your players

What is wrong with the unified inventory, jump animation or odyssey exploration?
We already have a million windows all over the place, why would you want more inventory windows open when one it's enough?
Or what is wrong with the jump animation? It's just a visual improved loading bar :)
Now, you could argue about the loot spew ... but .. because most EVE players are not as good as they believe they are i understand why they want the bacon right away...

But yes, i agree... an on/off switch or a checkbox don't display this type again for tooltips would be nice to have.
Little Chubby
#672 - 2014-05-16 12:30:43 UTC
CCP RubberBAND wrote:
Hello everyone,

A patch was just deployed which should address a number of issues raised in this thread. For details please read here:

You can expect future updates which continue to tweak and fix the tooltips based on your feedback.

Just promise that the giant scrolly block of unplayability is permanently banished and someone's being forced to listen to the entirety of the U2 back catalogue as punishment for letting it get pushed to TQ. That's all I ask.
Sougiro Seta
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#673 - 2014-05-16 12:34:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Sougiro Seta
So 40 pages later you guys, videogames professionals with long and deep experiece, don't realize there are two main problems with your new and wonderful tooltips. I'm in no way an expert in videogames but I've read this thread with interest, in a comprehensive way. I have a strong customer service background and reading this post/playing the game (things that devs seem to haven't done) drive me to two main conclussions:

-Most eve players* who undock and fly ships with weapons and blabla don't like this
-Most eve players* don't wanna see a freakin pop up saying the orbit button is the orbit button, because they know it. Why they know it? because they've been playing the game and supporting the game for years.

*Eve players: people who play the game and pay your wages/support your company this way.

If you set above your work to cusomers' opinion, you're clearly wrong. Indeed, you consider some posts in this thread aggressive or disrespectful but nothing is most disrespectful than ignoring the opinion of most of your customers, that's pure aggression. It's aggressive to everything that represent being a customer, and being asked by the people you work for x and answering z is also disrespectful=aggressive. Because, yes, you work for the players, the CEO or the Finance Director are paying your salary with people's you're ignoring money.

Your approach to this problem, problem that you generated btw, really reminds me of how the zero-class politicians we have in southern europe, and you yourselves suffered in Iceland, twist reality to never amend what they've done wrong.
Eurynome Mangeiri
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#674 - 2014-05-16 12:36:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Eurynome Mangeiri
Steve Ronuken wrote:
We do keep an eye on things.

And when there's dev active in a thread, it makes sense to let them deal with things, rather than sticking our oar in? (as long as they are responsive, which Delegate Zero appears to have been.)

i understand that it would not be productive that you (understand the CSM) overtake DEV's role in answering to the players, however, i think (and i'm not the only one), that a clear communication from the CSM regarding this topic would be very welcome.

after all, you are our "official voice" for communicating with CCP, so a clear statement that summarize that player want this to be either optional or rolled back would probably help things go forward.

because from experience, what is playing here is "deja-vu", CCP will just promise to iterate, maybe change a thing or two (50% transparency here, longer-shorter delay there etc...) WITHOUT actually making what is REALLY needed.

and in 6 month / a year, we will STILL be enduring this mistake, take a look at the scanner overlay, which still turn will it is OFF, or the jump animation get the picture... this cannot last,.

this update broke the game. plain and simple. it is not possible to lead a fleet as long as there are boxes overlapping in-space items, preventing any interaction with said items.

so the boxes need to go, one way or another.

breaking the game shall not and will not be tolerated.

this is your role to represent US, and the current situation is specifically the kind of situation where your position is meant to be useful, so please be responsible and show the players that CSM is not just a decorative thingy so that CCP can claim they listen to the players, while they clearly DON'T.
Eurynome Mangeiri
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#675 - 2014-05-16 12:45:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Eurynome Mangeiri
S'No Flake wrote:
Eurynome Mangeiri wrote:
load of text

What is wrong with the unified inventory, jump animation or odyssey exploration?
We already have a million windows all over the place, why would you want more inventory windows open when one it's enough?
Or what is wrong with the jump animation? It's just a visual improved loading bar :)
Now, you could argue about the loot spew ... but .. because most EVE players are not as good as they believe they are i understand why they want the bacon right away...

But yes, i agree... an on/off switch or a checkbox don't display this type again for tooltips would be nice to have.


unified inventory: there are still issues with some window not retaining there status and/or position
one is enought for you, i get that, but not for me, i have to manage ships, with their cargo/fuel/drones + various corp hangars section + various cargos + my own items......i used to have a good layout with all the most used one open, making it simple to drag'n'drops from one another, this is no longer possible, i need to open them individually every single time i'm back in station... this is painfull and BAD UI experience

jump animation is beautiful, but it induce dizziness, for some it even trigger epileptic events.
plus it is laggy, even when using a good computer (i have i7 2600k @ 4.2 / SSD / 16GB ram / Xfire r9 280x and it STILL does lag often on this crap animation). players just want it to be optionnal even if it is ON by default, to overcome those various issues

exploration: it's crap, and i, like many other, have now 2 toons useless with wasted month of SP
to make it worse, the overlay is STILL ******* showing even when it is set to OFF when i enter space (new system / undock etc...)

all we want are options.

when the explo overlay is OFF, it shall not show at all
give us an option for the jump animation, some like it, fine, but for some, it simply prevent them to even PLAY
tooltips: make AT LEAST the in-space one optionnal, no amount of rework will make them NOT disrupting

we just want OPTIONS, but it seems it is too much to ask....
Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#676 - 2014-05-16 12:45:31 UTC
CCP RubberBAND wrote:
Hello everyone,

A patch was just deployed which should address a number of issues raised in this thread. For details please read here:

You can expect future updates which continue to tweak and fix the tooltips based on your feedback.

All of my screen shots are post-patch
Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#677 - 2014-05-16 12:47:04 UTC
Colman Dietmar wrote:
Michael Harari wrote:
The overview already says this, I just have the name column small.

And it's nice to be able to see the full name without resizing the column or opening the info window. :)

It should, however, appear outside the window you're working with.

You can click on the overview, and you get the full name.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#678 - 2014-05-16 12:49:16 UTC
Longdrinks wrote:
the in space list box being a bit transperant is better but it still covers a large area and i cant click on things behind it like ships or doubleclicking in space to manual pilot. The old version had a list too but there it was totally transperant and i had to click on the icon of a item to interact with it, so there was a lot less space being taken up. I understand that you made this box solid and black to help players looking at things towards the sun, but i would still like to make that choice myself by controlling the transperancy.

This. Must. Happen.

This is one of my biggest complaints about the new system. The docked, fitting, and module tooltips are livable. They don't prevent you from actually playing the game.

This one does. Big time. Most of the in space ones do.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Zero Fun Allowed
#679 - 2014-05-16 12:49:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Longdrinks
Before when hovering over celestials that just overlapped, the celestial that was closest to your pointer would be closest in the list. Thereby making it faster and easier to follow someone warping away. This is a easy example since theres no no long tail of celestials to the right of planet 4 which im hovering my pointer, But if there was which there is in a lot of systems i would have no idea that im infact hovering over planet 4 and would have to click it and move my eyes to selected window to see which one it is and then move my eyes back to the list and decide if i want to warp to planet, poco or a moon.

This is directly making the game harder and less intuitive for anyone wanting to do pvp and wanting to use your new warp changes to their fullest by making split second decisions.
Eurynome Mangeiri
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#680 - 2014-05-16 12:50:47 UTC
Little Chubby wrote:
CCP RubberBAND wrote:
Hello everyone,

A patch was just deployed which should address a number of issues raised in this thread. For details please read here:

You can expect future updates which continue to tweak and fix the tooltips based on your feedback.

Just promise that the giant scrolly block of unplayability is permanently banished and someone's being forced to listen to the entirety of the U2 back catalogue as punishment for letting it get pushed to TQ. That's all I ask.

actually he U2 back catalog is not enought of a punishement, i'd go with the justin bieber's integral instead.....