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Dev Blog: Tiptoe Through the Tooltips

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Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#461 - 2014-05-14 22:30:41 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:

Did you test this new feature under fleet-type conditions?

If they did, I wonder where they hid the bodies.

Because FC'ing through this nightmare would make anyone want to kill themselves.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#462 - 2014-05-14 22:32:29 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Doc Fury wrote:

Did you test this new feature under fleet-type conditions?

If they did, I wonder where they hid the bodies.

Because FC'ing through this nightmare would make anyone want to kill themselves.

We should go shout at the sisi crowd.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#463 - 2014-05-14 22:56:37 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
We should go shout at the sisi crowd.

Half of them never got the new tooltips.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Josie solo
Singular Motives
#464 - 2014-05-14 22:57:32 UTC
Whats really jarring is the big opaque black box the information is shown in, and it gets worse the more information thats shown. EVE is a pretty game and this just detracts from it.

Oraac Ensor
#465 - 2014-05-14 23:15:57 UTC
Dramaticus wrote:
Yall are the biggest babies

Really? I've never heard of them. Who are they and what connection do they have with this thread?
Ivan Taredi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#466 - 2014-05-14 23:18:29 UTC
Shall we gather at Jita tomorrow and shoot the monument?
Ereptile Maulerant
Un4seen Development
Goonswarm Federation
#467 - 2014-05-14 23:23:24 UTC
As mentioned many times already, please add an option to remove the tooltips. They are nothing but a hindrance to some players as they obscure real estate and slow down the ability to do certain things in space. One glaring example is relic and data sites.
German Order of Independence
#468 - 2014-05-14 23:25:29 UTC
Thank you for the improved mouse movement in the menus it's great!

As a noob I do like that the tooltips show the shortcuts (I am currently learning them)

I do a lot of these data / relict sites. I noticed that with the new tooltips it's harder to collect all the cans which are ejected after successfully hacking.

I don't like that the tooltip has an mouseover effect and stays there when the mouse is over the tooltip and not over the cannister anymore. Maybe it should starting fading out after the mouse leaves the cannister .
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#469 - 2014-05-14 23:33:54 UTC
Ivan Taredi wrote:
Shall we gather at Jita tomorrow and shoot the monument?

Couldn't see it to target it even if we did.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Eurynome Mangeiri
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#470 - 2014-05-14 23:51:32 UTC
Ivan Taredi wrote:
Shall we gather at Jita tomorrow and shoot the monument?

pretty sure said monument will have hard time if CCP doesn't get their fingers out their rear and come with a solution before this weekend
Jihada Omanid
Control Alt Delve
Goonswarm Federation
#471 - 2014-05-15 01:23:39 UTC
[bug] When I hack a site and the cans scatter. The balloon tips, when hoovering over a can and which tell what kind of can it is, prevent me of clicking on the can which is behind it. Since speed is of the essence. This wasnt an issue before.

The balloontips themselves remain to long and are slow in appearing
Sven Viko VIkolander
In space we are briefly free
#472 - 2014-05-15 02:35:34 UTC
Something strange happened earlier with the tooltips. I was no longer getting any pop up tooltips on one of my accounts. I would hover my cursor over objects from ships to celestial and I got nothing--no new tooltips blocking my view, thankfully, but also none of the old info pop ups. I re-logged and the tooltips were back. Not sure what happened. It was wonderful to no longer see the tooltips! But also not great to get no pop up information whatsoever. (Just what these terrible changes need--instability in functioning as well!)
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#473 - 2014-05-15 03:20:11 UTC
Need the info popups to not appear on relic/data spews. Getting in the way of my loot clicking
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#474 - 2014-05-15 03:42:38 UTC

Overall I really enjoy the tooltips and putting a UI/UX hat on, I know they're going to be positive for the game overall despite what some people are saying.

Tooltips are everywhere in software and every major operating system has guidelines for when to use them and not use them.

I will state that, in general, players shouldn't be receiving less information from updated tooltips than from the original tooltips. Or if that's happening it should be done with forethought.

Many good points, it seems, were brought up about certain tooltips getting in the way of clicking on things or seeing things -- and those need to be addressed. But, please, CCP, please do not listen to the players who are simply stating that tooltips are useless just because they don't use them. Or that they feel like you're insulting them because you're, e.g. adding a tooltip to the close button. This is standard practice and many studies have shown that this is important for new users of software.

I would, however, use the tooltips as places to put additional relevant information and not just a repeat of what's there. I think you had some great mockups in place at Fanfest.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#475 - 2014-05-15 03:49:07 UTC
Additional tooltip ideas:

Currently the map only allows a single variable to be compared between systems. It would be awesome if in addition to a primary attribute (used for star color) we could add additional items to the tooltip. Basically, put in agile parlance:

As a user, I want to be able to see multiple user-selectable attributes for a star system for quick analysis and comparison.

Additionally it would be nice if the tooltips for the overview were also similarly customizable to an extent. While I don't want to get crazy with customization because that brings additional problems, it would be nice to be able to use that space more effectively. It seems to get the information I need for proper gunnery and missile skills I need to overload my overview. Tooltips could provide an interim solution until any other major overhaul of the overview is solved.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#476 - 2014-05-15 04:03:46 UTC
Penny Ernaga wrote:
Quintessen wrote:
Good work overall on the tool tips. I'm hoping there will be continued iteration on this each release. Please, please, please continue with this.

I'm hoping we see the some of the ideas presented at Fanfest in the next few months.

Some further ideas for information at a glance:

- For items in the NEOCOM that blink for notifications, please put what made them blink in the tool tip.
- For stations in the overview please list their services and owning corp and faction.
- For the sun, please list the numbers of celestial objects in that system (or could be done in an info panel). Specifically ice belts, ore belts, planets and moons.
- For asteroids and ice in space that we've scanned please place the last scanned amount (and m3 for that amount) in a tool tip.

Quintessen, no offense, just a quick clarifying question. Are you:

A. a person whose sarcasm is as dry as the Sahara in summer?

B. the alt of the guy at CCP who is responsible for this mess?

C. someone who never ever undocks / the alt used for running a mining bot?

...fingers crossed it is answer "A." P

D. (though wishing I was funny enough to be A). Someone who figured the common combat cases would be covered by the majority of other responses and decided to cover lesser used stuff.

Look, I think mining is, generally, as boring as the next person. And I'd love to see it replaced with something better, but in the mean time we can at least make it a little less annoying.

As for the other things, they're just little quality of life issues. Save me a click by not forcing me to open up the wallet. The notifications system will make it all better, but that's probably a year away. For the stations, that's just another click saver.
Yellow Flamingo
#477 - 2014-05-15 05:11:35 UTC
Thanks for the hard work and great idea, now how do I turn this crap off?
Josef Djugashvilis
#478 - 2014-05-15 05:36:22 UTC
Somebody from CCP should fly a mission and try to target individual ships (not using the overview) within a group by using ctrl and the mouse.

Let us know how it goes.

New tool-tips will be altered - removed pretty much immediately.

This is not a signature.

Iq Cadaen
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#479 - 2014-05-15 05:44:01 UTC
The tooltips in UI windows are annoying and badly implemented. The tooltip should always follow the mouse horizontally. The always-centered method is bad and interferes with the use of several windows where it blocks important information.
Commie Bunny Pirates
#480 - 2014-05-15 05:58:33 UTC
Salpun wrote:
ViRtUoZone wrote:
Kaddan wrote:
Please give us a disable option for the tooltip bar popup above ships when clicking on ships in space .
Multiple targets in combat and in general are a nightmare to deal with when you have these stupid bars appearing and reducing the amount of screen you can see and the damn delay is awful too.
They obscure the view to a degree that its becoming a game breaker for me.

Also.. please stop adding stuff without first checking with us. your destroying our game with this kinda crap.

The last quote summarizes it all. Don't forget that the game exists because of the players, the goal should be to make them happy with your product. It's our game too in a way.

Now that they are getting feed back that people would not take the time to do on the test server give them a couple days and it will be tweaked closer to what the players want.

From what I understand this was never on the test server.