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[Kronos] Phoenix and Citadel Missiles

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Pubbie Spy
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#301 - 2014-05-14 16:04:02 UTC
So... due to the explosion radius changes a triaged Carrier will be able to sig tank a Phoenix. Anyone else see a problem with this?
The Northerners
Pandemic Horde
#302 - 2014-05-14 16:28:28 UTC
Burneddi wrote:
ZecsMarquis wrote:
Obviously they are worried about the citadel missiles being too strong and want some sort of compromise.

Kagura Nikon wrote:
that is to ensure that battleships even painted will not be blapped easily. Remember missiles do not MISS so they can NEVER do full damage to a lower sized target.

I would like to take this moment to remind you gentlemen about the practicalities of these changes. Since this is like the fifth time I post a very similar reply in this thread, excuse my resorting to bullet points.

  • The nerfed Explosion Radius means that the Phoenix will become flat out 50% worse at hitting anything that's either stationary or webbed enough to effectively be considered stationary by the equation, and has a signature below its Explosion Radius. The maximum speed for "webbed enough" is targetSigRadius / missileExplosionRadius * missileExplosionVelocity.

  • The buffed Explosion Velocity means that the Phoenix will become about 25% better at hitting anything that is moving above the minimum speed you got from the equation above, assuming they aren't several times larger in Signature Radius than the new Explosion Radius of the Phoenix is (because small Explosion Radius makes up for small Explosion Velocity, see point 2 here). In practice this means that the Phoenix becomes a little better at hitting everything as small or smaller than a Carrier that is moving at its top speed while not being webbed/painted. However, since triaged Carriers and Dreads aren't moving and can't be target painted, the Phoenix applies worse to them.

  • The above means that the Phoenix becomes universally better at blapping (moving) cruisers, and better at hitting not-quad webbed battleships. However, if you have enough webs on a battleship to reduce its speed below the minimum tanking speed, the Phoenix becomes comparably worse at applying to it.

  • Also, because Stasis Webifiers are more effective than Target Painters, the more Target Painters and Stasis Webifiers you apply on a target, the closer to 0% the "25% buff" becomes, turning into the negatives (becoming a nerf) if you have "enough" (again, see the equation) webs.

  • Note that this doesn't translate to "less webs = better". It translates to "less webs doesn't hurt you as much, and more webs or 90% webs won't give you as much benefit".

Here's a post with two practical examples against armor+afterburner subcaps. As you can see, the Phoenix applies comparably better to the Proteus than the Abaddon, but overall the difference in subcap application isn't very significant.

I've read every post, did you read my proposed change? It does not contradict your points.
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#303 - 2014-05-14 17:00:40 UTC
Burneddi wrote:
TheMercenaryKing wrote:
New Torp, old radius, Abaddon:
BD * [(1122/1500)*(52.5/35)]
BD * [(0.75)*(1.5)]
BD * 1.12 = 1

New Torp, old radius, Proteus:
BD * [(598/1500)*(52.5/53)]
BD * [(0.40)*(.1)]
BD * 0.40

These actually become 0.748 damage modifier for the Abaddon and 0.395 damage modifier (as opposed to your ~0.399) for the Proteus. The reason for this being, if stationary damage would be lower than moving damage, the formula uses the stationary damage.

TheMercenaryKing wrote:
So the question is, Does a battleship with 4 ship bonus-ed painters and 4 webs on it deserved to be blapped, I say yes.

Probably yeah. The difference is that these changes make the Phoenix comparably worse at blapping that battleship than the old Phoenix, and comparably better at blapping a Proteus. I really don't see why it should be so.

I forgot about the portion, so against an abaddon it would do .75 times base damage and not 1.

I admit, i did a quite a bit of rounding to keep things farily simple and not give 4 decimal places, but all results should be ±1%
Hole Control
#304 - 2014-05-14 17:34:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Burneddi
ZecsMarquis wrote:
I've read every post, did you read my proposed change? It does not contradict your points.

Yeah, I did. It would certainly fix the issue with hitting caps, but it doesn't really make these changes any better since without the changes, that issue would never exist in the first place. My post was to point out that these changes certainly aren't making the Phoenix significantly worse at hitting subcapitals than it used to be, which is why I only quoted that one sentence in your post.

But anyway, I doubt that their actual intentions are to nerf the blap Phoenix too significantly. From the way these changes to application interact with hitting subcaps I can only imagine they didn't really think them all the way through. A much better change to application would've been for instance to increase explosion velocity by 20% and leave explosion radius alone -- the net buff would've remained roughly the same, we could've avoided having to increase the signature radius of POSes, dreads and hopefully also carriers, and the effects on subcap application would've been essentially the same.

I hereby propose the 20% Buffed Explosion Velocity But Otherwise Vanilla -torpedo change. Its base stats would be 2000m Explosion Radius and 24m/s Explosion Velocity (and of course the buffs to travel speed, which don't affect application). With all 5, its stats would become 1500m Explosion Radius and 36m/s Explosion Velocity. Its application would be almost completely identical (we're talking about a 2.8% difference in favour of my suggestion, they would be identical for moving targets if the explosion velocity was 23⅓m/s but I'm not sure how the system likes fractionals).

For instance, on an Abaddon with a signature of 470m and top speed of 111m/s:

FOZZIE TORP (2250 Explosion Radius, 52.5 Explosion Velocity):
Damage multiplier: 0.0987987988
Stationary damage: 0.2088888889
Moving damage: 0.0987987988
Minimum tanking speed 10.96666667

BEVBOV (1500 Explosion Radius, 36 Explosion Velocity):
Damage multiplier: 0.1016216216
Stationary damage: 0.3133333333
Moving damage: 0.1016216216
Minimum tanking speed 11.28

Or the webbed and painted and linked Proteus I already used in another example, signature 598m and top speed of 53m/s:

Damage multiplier: 0.2632704403
Stationary damage: 0.2657777778
Moving damage: 0.2632704403
Minimum tanking speed 13.95333333

Damage multiplier: 0.2707924528
Stationary damage: 0.3986666667
Moving damage: 0.2707924528
Minimum tanking speed 14.352

Or, say, a linked untriaged Archon moving at its top speed (essentially a slowcat I guess), with a signature of 1956m and a top speed of 88m/s:

Damage multiplier: 0.5186363636
Stationary damage: 0.8693333333
Moving damage: 0.5186363636
Minimum tanking speed 45.64

Damage multiplier: 0.5334545455
Stationary damage: 1.304
Moving damage: 0.5334545455
Minimum tanking speed 46.944

As you can see, my BEVBOV suggestion is almost identical as far as application on moving targets is concerned, but doesn't suffer from the completely ridicilous issue of being unable to apply to stationary Archons etc.

EDIT: Revised my suggestion, making it closer to Fozzie's original draft.
The Northerners
Pandemic Horde
#305 - 2014-05-14 19:54:16 UTC
Burneddi wrote:
ZecsMarquis wrote:
I've read every post, did you read my proposed change? It does not contradict your points.

Yeah, I did. It would certainly fix the issue with hitting caps, but it doesn't really make these changes any better since without the changes, that issue would never exist in the first place. My post was to point out that these changes certainly aren't making the Phoenix significantly worse at hitting subcapitals than it used to be, which is why I only quoted that one sentence in your post.

Fancy maths to further improve my points and ideas.

Sounds good to me. It's obvious they will neither do your suggestion nor mine but I would at least like to here the reasoning for leaving as is currently proposed if anything.
Standard Corp 123
#306 - 2014-05-14 19:55:34 UTC
Xavier Thorm wrote:
Hagika wrote:
So as often the devs ignore posts and what the far more learned player base knows and spends their waking hours on this game and more so than the devs, then they push through a ridiculous change that everyone knows is wrong and the devs basically say they do not care, and you dont expect people to be frustrated or mad because they were blown off ?

Surely that wouldnt cause people to respond harshly at all would it?

Think of it in terms of you being a coccain addict and your dealer is charging you the same price for the drugs but they are cutting it with baking powder. Make sense yet?

If you cut all the posts that consist primarily of unsupported opining or reactionary anger from every thread in this forum, you'd be left with a mostly seamless and intelligent discussion, with the side benefit of it being a lot easier to see what the informed members of the community are saying.

So basically, if you actually want game devs to listen to you, make a real argument and stop wasting their time by being dicks to them.

Now just as you say that, we go back to the original point that you have been ignoring from the start which is why people are mad..
The devs DON'T listen.
Standard Corp 123
#307 - 2014-05-14 20:01:09 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Hagika, stop ranting and make a real argument.

I have made real arguments, the responding to the other guy was about the devs not listening and pushing changes that are bad. Something you agreed with me from earlier and now you are butting into this conversation between me and the Test guy because he is somehow foolish enough to think that if we beg,plead and kiss dev butt, which has been done for years with little to no results.

It was not your conversation to get involved in.
Mario Putzo
#308 - 2014-05-14 21:33:23 UTC
Fixing a ship by changing 4 hulls and a structure... CCP 2014.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#309 - 2014-05-14 22:50:17 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
Fixing a ship by changing 4 hulls and a structure... CCP 2014.

more like buff and nerf a Caldari ship(calling it over all buff) while changing 4 ship hulls and a few pos structures...
are they even trying? when was the last time anyone seen changes to a ship hull THAT HAD TO HAVE changes made to other ships just to compliment it?

CCP Fozz, I've been waiting for literally YEARS to see some sort of change but seems like all you do is give us token feedback.
Hole Control
#310 - 2014-05-14 23:29:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Burneddi
Hey, I revised the idea I posted a few messages up a little. It's now less than 3% off of Fozzie's original draft in the opening post as far as application on moving targets is concerned, and getting it to a 100% match would simply be a matter of lowering the explosion velocity by 0.66666...m/s and make it a fractional.

This suggestion has the exact same application on anything that's moving, but isn't gimped against stationary targets unlike the original suggestion. It doesn't suffer from any of that "not being able to hit triaged carriers for full damage" nonsense, and if it was used we could avoid increasing the sig of carriers, dreads and POS modules while the Phoenix's application on subcaps would remain essentially unchanged.

Pls respond Fozziem8
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#311 - 2014-05-15 01:07:09 UTC
Burneddi wrote:
Hey, I revised the idea I posted a few messages up a little. It's now less than 3% off of Fozzie's original draft in the opening post as far as application on moving targets is concerned, and getting it to a 100% match would simply be a matter of lowering the explosion velocity by 0.66666...m/s and make it a fractional.

This suggestion has the exact same application on anything that's moving, but isn't gimped against stationary targets unlike the original suggestion. It doesn't suffer from any of that "not being able to hit triaged carriers for full damage" nonsense, and if it was used we could avoid increasing the sig of carriers, dreads and POS modules while the Phoenix's application on subcaps would remain essentially unchanged.

Pls respond Fozziem8

hmmmmm. I always thought playing around with POS sig radius and now dreads themselves was just a messy way to deal with a problem that wasn't there in the first place - I'm half expecting carriers to get their sig radius inflated too as another compensation soon. They're not exactly..elegant solutions, considering they'll have (albeit very slight) consequences for probing and whatnot which isn't intentional

+1 for your simpler solution, much better. Fozzie must see this..
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#312 - 2014-05-15 02:31:27 UTC
I have a suspicion this change is merely a stopgap until the full capital rebalance coming in a later expansion. The mere fact we got a phoenix improvement in kronos shows ccp is aware how broken the ship is. Continue pointing out the problems and be patient Smile

"Wow, that internet argument completely changed my fundamental belief system," said no one, ever.

The Northerners
Pandemic Horde
#313 - 2014-05-15 03:17:46 UTC
Galphii wrote:
I have a suspicion this change is merely a stopgap until the full capital rebalance coming in a later expansion. The mere fact we got a phoenix improvement in kronos shows ccp is aware how broken the ship is. Continue pointing out the problems and be patient Smile

Too much faith in the devs lol.
Ines Tegator
Serious Business Inc. Ltd. LLC. etc.
#314 - 2014-05-15 04:25:28 UTC
Galphii wrote:
I have a suspicion this change is merely a stopgap until the full capital rebalance coming in a later expansion. The mere fact we got a phoenix improvement in kronos shows ccp is aware how broken the ship is. Continue pointing out the problems and be patient Smile

If it's a stopgap they shouldn't be changing all POS towers and the entire Dreadnought class to go with it. It's reckless design and they need to go back to the drawing board.
Duchess Starbuckington
#315 - 2014-05-15 15:03:39 UTC
I for one am still in favour of just giving the Phoenix hybrids.

CCP don't have a clue how they want capital missiles to work (as shown by the schizophrenic approach to "balancing" them in this very thread) and frankly vast amounts of the game would need an overhaul to make missiles viable at that level. Once the Phoenix has guns, it'll be a viable dread and they can take all the time they need if they want to reintroduce missiles into capital-scale combat.
Totally Abstract
#316 - 2014-05-15 15:25:41 UTC
Duchess Starbuckington wrote:
I for one am still in favour of just giving the Phoenix hybrids.

CCP don't have a clue how they want capital missiles to work (as shown by the schizophrenic approach to "balancing" them in this very thread) and frankly vast amounts of the game would need an overhaul to make missiles viable at that level. Once the Phoenix has guns, it'll be a viable dread and they can take all the time they need if they want to reintroduce missiles into capital-scale combat.

Once it gets guns though, it will be just like the Naga in that any proposal to change it to missiles will be met with flames.

I think it would be easier to fix missile code than to try and switch/balance a hybrid Phoenix. Besides, we really do need missile code to be fixed, and even updated.
Alexander McKeon
Caldari State
#317 - 2014-05-15 18:09:30 UTC
Burneddi, what sort of damage application does your suggestion give against a shield battleship affected by linked, hull-bonused painters (~100% sig bloom) slowed by a 90% web (~20 m/s)? I think you'll find the damage application to be rather high in such a case.
Hole Control
#318 - 2014-05-15 18:35:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Burneddi
Alexander McKeon wrote:
Burneddi, what sort of damage application does your suggestion give against a shield battleship affected by linked, hull-bonused painters (~100% sig bloom) slowed by a 90% web (~20 m/s)? I think you'll find the damage application to be rather high in such a case.

The exact same application the current Tranquility Phoenix would have. For this example, let's assume a Raven being painted by a Hyena (1x paint) and webbed by a Vindicator (1x 90% web), top speed: 14m/s, signature radius: 1085m.

Current Phoenix (1500 Explosion Radius, 30 Explosion Velocity):
Damage multiplier: 0.7233333333
Stationary damage: 0.7233333333
Moving damage: 1.55
Minimum tanking speed 21.7

My suggestion: (1500 Explosion Radius, 36 Explosion Velocity):
Damage multiplier: 0.7233333333
Stationary damage: 0.7233333333
Moving damage: 1.86
Minimum tanking speed 26.04

For comparison's sake, here's Fozzie's draft from the OP:
Damage multiplier: 0.4822222222
Stationary damage: 0.4822222222
Moving damage: 1.808333333
Minimum tanking speed 25.31666667
(As you can see it applies significantly worse, which is because the raven is essentially stationary as far as the formula is concerned, and that particular missile has, when compared to the old missile, trouble hitting stationary targets.)

I don't think this is really an issue, as gun dreads wouldn't have any issues hitting that target either. A Naglfar with no tracking computers, tracking enhancers or tracking rigs would apply almost full damage at 20km and upwards, as would a Moros. The Phoenix, even after these changes, thus applies comparably worse to this target. Here are the DPS graphs from EFT, although the Phoenix used here has the old torpedo stats (which have the same application as my suggestion). Even with the ROF bonus, the Phoenix will do far less damage to this target than gun dreads, although admittedly its alpha will be a little better (in the ballpark of 50-60k compared to the 35-45k of the gun dreads, assuming no modules fitted).

Keep in mind the Phoenix is losing the hull damage bonus and having that damage transferred into RoF, which means that it'll do a little less (25% less) alpha.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#319 - 2014-05-15 19:01:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Soldarius
Alexander McKeon wrote:
Burneddi, what sort of damage application does your suggestion give against a shield battleship affected by linked, hull-bonused painters (~100% sig bloom) slowed by a 90% web (~20 m/s)? I think you'll find the damage application to be rather high in such a case.

I don't even have to do the math to say that this is a ridiculous example. Any weapon will apply 100% damage under those circumstances.

Your typical Vigil will be fitted with at least 2 if not 3 or 4 painters.

Hole Control
#320 - 2014-05-15 19:10:14 UTC
Soldarius wrote:
Any weapon will apply 100% damage under those circumstances.

Well, this is true to an extent. A Moros with 3x Tracking Computers with Tracking Speed Scripts would easily apply all of its DPS to that target at ranges above 10-15km. A Phoenix would require 2x Rigors to apply all of its damage here. However, I think using rigs for application instead of mid/lowslots is a nice niche for the Phoenix.