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dual-boxing after patch

Krystel Amkalai
Rogue Clones
#1 - 2011-12-02 20:05:56 UTC
For months I have been running dual clients on the box using a symbolic link (mklink -D eve_copy_dir eve_original_dir) without issue. Has always run like a champ with nary an issue.

After the patch the second client will not work. It launches, get the icon in the task bar but no game window. Clicking the icon and selecting restore shows a zooming effect to the upper left of the main monitor where it disappears. Selecting Minimize shows the same thing in reverse.

Deleted the linked folder and copied the main folder into a new name thus running two wholly separate clients. Same thing. Deleted that and redid the symbolic link. Same thing.

Running an i5 w/4G on an Asus board, nVidia GTX550-ti w/2G and nothing has changed since the last time it worked (the night before the patch).


The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-12-03 04:28:24 UTC
I dual- or triple-box every day without anything fancy like that. I just open the shortcut twice, it opens 2 separate instances of the game on its own.
Daisai Investments.
#3 - 2011-12-03 14:19:31 UTC
I think the OP plays them at the same time.
So controls both clients with 1 action so no need to alttab.

If this is not the case then yes setting something up like that is pretty useless.
Krystel Amkalai
Rogue Clones
#4 - 2011-12-06 21:04:56 UTC
First, fixed the problem by updating the video driver and rebooting. I shoulda thought of that before posting.

Second.. the point of running dualbox from either two separate folders or forking them with a symbolic link is to avoid file collisions which impacts performance. So, yes, Daisai, there is indeed a point and it is not at all useless.