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Warfare & Tactics

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#1 - 2011-11-30 06:45:23 UTC
Ok so it does not exacaly just roll off the tongue but I wonder who will be first to get a KM for one and if will turn into organised roaming gangs blowing them up to control the PI market for their overlord masters or even into mercenary work for the defense of them?

Post the KM links here for POCOs and associated kills like haulers trying to get there PI products from your lowsec system without paying a safe passage fee.

Ascendant Operations
#2 - 2011-11-30 07:37:19 UTC
I think shooting at customs offices (if not killing them) could be the new ship spinning for EVE's less scrupulous crowd.

Some people just want to watch the market burn.
Rall Mekin
#3 - 2011-11-30 17:03:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Rall Mekin
Well, I would consider this:

Many, many of those players who would want to "watch the market burn," are going to want their own shiny POS somewhere that will require the fuels made from PI to run. Unless they are care-bearing and doing PI themselves, they are not going to want the price of Planetary Interaction materials to go up, or that shiny POS will begin to cost them out the rear to run every month. However, even if they do want the price of PI materials to go up, if they are doing PI themselves, then they would not want to encourage ganking P.O.C.O's. Honestly, ganking these things are just going to be bad for everyone.

I see the main P.O.C.O. targets being folks that charge the maximum export tax. Honestly, most people would be wise to set up their P.O.C.O.'s and charge very little tax in nullsec and low sec, as a higher tax will be likely to get you investment ganked long before a roaming gang would most likely take it out, as a very, very large majority of the EVE community is somewhat tied to fueling a POS somewhere.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#4 - 2011-12-01 05:29:34 UTC
You are ignoring the fact that people are now able to get 800% damage bonus T2 siege mods on Dreads which have 5 minute timers. You will see, soon enough, nullsec alliances like PL, TEST, Goons, et al. farming whole regions of lowsec of POCOs, replacing them with their own, charging 100% tax, and choking the lowsec PI supply in favor of monopolising the market from their own much more efficient nullsec systems.

To a large organisation like, say, Goons, which can drop dozens of dreads and caps, a 10M HP Interbus or player CO is a small diversion. The investment in their own POCO is reasonable (c. 100M ISk break-even) but given Goons subsidies of suiciding Gallente ice miners recently they clearly are not lacking the kind of resources capable of saturating an entire lowsec region with POCOs.

There will be an equilibrium, of course, because the more POCOs you have the more you will get pinged by people like us, and have to choose to defend or sacrifice POCOs. However, you can make a choice to lock down every plasma, barren and temperate planet in a region fairly easily and reduce your list of vulnerable assets significantly, and still effectively blockade a lot of the higher-end PI materials.

Wormhole space, this will become a terrible bore for people. With 17% tax rates for export in w-space, you basically have no choice but to farm the Interbus for kills and go corp-owned. Cue roaming gangs of a-holes and lolmails as they ping your stuff for laughs.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#5 - 2011-12-01 18:00:34 UTC
Trinkets friend wrote:
You are ignoring the fact that people are now able to get 800% damage bonus T2 siege mods on Dreads which have 5 minute timers. You will see, soon enough, nullsec alliances like PL, TEST, Goons, et al. farming whole regions of lowsec of POCOs, replacing them with their own, charging 100% tax, and choking the lowsec PI supply in favor of monopolising the market from their own much more efficient nullsec systems.

To a large organisation like, say, Goons, which can drop dozens of dreads and caps, a 10M HP Interbus or player CO is a small diversion. The investment in their own POCO is reasonable (c. 100M ISk break-even) but given Goons subsidies of suiciding Gallente ice miners recently they clearly are not lacking the kind of resources capable of saturating an entire lowsec region with POCOs.

There will be an equilibrium, of course, because the more POCOs you have the more you will get pinged by people like us, and have to choose to defend or sacrifice POCOs. However, you can make a choice to lock down every plasma, barren and temperate planet in a region fairly easily and reduce your list of vulnerable assets significantly, and still effectively blockade a lot of the higher-end PI materials.

Wormhole space, this will become a terrible bore for people. With 17% tax rates for export in w-space, you basically have no choice but to farm the Interbus for kills and go corp-owned. Cue roaming gangs of a-holes and lolmails as they ping your stuff for laughs.

Dear Chicken Little:

First off, 17% is a significant amount, but its not impossible to deal with. Producers need to re-optimize their productions to limit import/export, PI prices will significantly rise, but this won't destroy the market. I might not be able to make 6-800m a month with PI, like I did, but I can still make 3-500m a month.... Who knows, it might be back up to 800m once the prices reach a new equillibrium. A changing market creates new opportunities for those with foresight, and its generally good for the game.

Second, POCO's are not cheap. Additionally, they need to be used to gain a benefit. PL, Test, Goons, et. al. might destroy all POCO's in a low sec, but they certainly wont put up their own. Only alliances that have a solid PI industry base will make much profit on setting up a POCO's, and I seriously doubt the listed alliances will bother. The only fear you need is the loss of all CO's, but that's the risk you have in setting up a lowsec/nullsec PI. Remember, people can always get goods off-planet through planetary launches, and that might become profitable.

Next, POCO's in WH space are very secure due to the RF timer. To destroy these takes a reasonable amount of firepower, and I highly doubt most roaming WH gangs will bother to shoot them. To actually destroy them, they have to come BACK and finish it off.... IMO, POCO's will provide an excellent flashpoint for territorial wars between WH residence. This is again, a very good thing!!!!

Now... on to the thread topic....

What happens when you blow up a Hi-sec Customs Office? Would it respawn, and how many suicide ships would it take? I doubt it would be profitable, but if it doesn't respawn, it could bring a new awesome POCO-geddon. I wonder if there are any high profile targets worth hitting?
Rall Mekin
#6 - 2011-12-01 19:53:54 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

Now... on to the thread topic....

What happens when you blow up a Hi-sec Customs Office? Would it respawn, and how many suicide ships would it take? I doubt it would be profitable, but if it doesn't respawn, it could bring a new awesome POCO-geddon. I wonder if there are any high profile targets worth hitting?

My name is Rall Mekin, and I support this Idea.
Tora Oni
Legendary Sidekicks in Space
#7 - 2011-12-01 21:28:27 UTC
No idea about the poco, but the old custom offices you cant add to BC..... we tried Blink
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2011-12-03 02:02:52 UTC
Rall Mekin wrote:
Well, I would consider this:

Many, many of those players who would want to "watch the market burn," are going to want their own shiny POS somewhere that will require the fuels made from PI to run. Unless they are care-bearing and doing PI themselves, they are not going to want the price of Planetary Interaction materials to go up, or that shiny POS will begin to cost them out the rear to run every month. However, even if they do want the price of PI materials to go up, if they are doing PI themselves, then they would not want to encourage ganking P.O.C.O's. Honestly, ganking these things are just going to be bad for everyone.

I see the main P.O.C.O. targets being folks that charge the maximum export tax. Honestly, most people would be wise to set up their P.O.C.O.'s and charge very little tax in nullsec and low sec, as a higher tax will be likely to get you investment ganked long before a roaming gang would most likely take it out, as a very, very large majority of the EVE community is somewhat tied to fueling a POS somewhere.

blah blah we have moons, POSes fuel themselves blah blah

I'm going to reinforce one and set the tax to 50% for free cash money
#9 - 2011-12-03 04:56:28 UTC
But those aren't in concorden space! That stuff is dangerous! We all know that hulk gankers are 1337 pvpers who stay in highsec at all times.Cool
Helicity Boson
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#10 - 2011-12-03 12:03:12 UTC
Goose99 wrote:
But those aren't in concorden space! That stuff is dangerous! We all know that hulk gankers are 1337 pvpers who stay in highsec at all times.Cool

it's true, I literally spend 99% of my time in highsec not pvping.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#11 - 2011-12-07 02:39:29 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

idiotic blather

Dear Maths-illiterate buffoon. 17% tax seems OK, until you have to import and export several components for a P3 or P4 from several planets. Lets take an ideal Robotics Plasma, which is about the highest level of P3 you can do in one place. 17% of 65K is still 17%, so you cannot compete with hisec or player owned nullsec/w-space people even if all you do is make robotics on a plasma. Most people don't have plasma planets, ergo, to produce robotics they must export their lower end mats from their other planets (at 17% tax) and mport to a barren or temperate, and export again, at 17% of 65K.

Get a calculator or your mother to figure this out for you.

Second, you presume I am hysterial about the idea of a possible POCOgeddon or nullsec mega-conglomerates farming lowsec for valuable planets and monopolising supply. Do you see me on the "zomg tech moons r ghey" posts? No you do not. Hence, I am happy to see the sky fall on lowsec PI, which is kind of like not worrying about the sumatran tiger. Its practically extinct, lets stop bitching, and get on with the tiger penis soups, IMO.

You, however, are also laughably ignorant of the mechanics of w-space warfare if you think that a POCO is safe from roaming gangs. Yes, they are essentially mega-Drakes with stupidly insane shield regen, but there is no better way of trolling fights than to attack and reinforce some dudes structures and wait for him to turn up to save it. Just because all you do in w-space (if you even visit) is pull your todger and suck your thumb in a forcefield doesn't mean you know jack.

Though, to be honest, the best way of trolling people is to leave the Interbus structures in place.
I likegirls
Turnur Pound
#12 - 2011-12-07 02:55:30 UTC
Berendas wrote:
I think shooting at customs offices (if not killing them) could be the new ship spinning for EVE's less scrupulous crowd.

Some people just want to watch the market burn.

But can I get to over 9,000 with the killing of customs offices?
Thomas Orca
Broski is ded
#13 - 2011-12-07 03:27:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Thomas Orca
Tora Oni wrote:
No idea about the poco, but the old custom offices you cant add to BC..... we tried Blink

All POS mods, POS towers, and Customs Office killmails are broken and only show 1 person doing 0 damage , assuming this hasn't been fixed in the most recent patch.

Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

What happens when you blow up a Hi-sec Customs Office? Would it respawn, and how many suicide ships would it take? I doubt it would be profitable, but if it doesn't respawn, it could bring a new awesome POCO-geddon. I wonder if there are any high profile targets worth hitting?

Assuming they have similar HP to Interbus custom offices and can even be damaged, it would take about 1000 T2 Maelstroms to Alpha.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2011-12-07 07:45:17 UTC
Rall Mekin wrote:
Well, I would consider this:

Many, many of those players who would want to "watch the market burn," are going to want their own shiny POS somewhere that will require the fuels made from PI to run. Unless they are care-bearing and doing PI themselves, they are not going to want the price of Planetary Interaction materials to go up, or that shiny POS will begin to cost them out the rear to run every month. However, even if they do want the price of PI materials to go up, if they are doing PI themselves, then they would not want to encourage ganking P.O.C.O's. Honestly, ganking these things are just going to be bad for everyone.

I see the main P.O.C.O. targets being folks that charge the maximum export tax. Honestly, most people would be wise to set up their P.O.C.O.'s and charge very little tax in nullsec and low sec, as a higher tax will be likely to get you investment ganked long before a roaming gang would most likely take it out, as a very, very large majority of the EVE community is somewhat tied to fueling a POS somewhere.

Tragedy of the commons.

"Reinforcing just one POCO isn't going to affect the market" multiplied by a thousand.

That being said, POCO-ageddon is essentially getting a gang together to SHOOT A STRUCTURE. Come on, this is already universally accepted as one of the most boring activities in EVE - second only to mining. ANd even if you shoot a structure, you have to come back after the RF timer to finish the job. I just can't see people deciding that it will be fun to shoot at inanimate objects all day long, then set their alarm clock so that they can do it again all day tomorrow.

The only thing that could convince people to do such mind numbingly boring tasks is POCO owners provide enough "tears" to power such an event.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#15 - 2011-12-07 21:47:53 UTC
Trinkets friend wrote:

17% tax seems OK, until you have to import and export several components for a P3 or P4 from several planets. Lets take an ideal Robotics Plasma, which is about the highest level of P3 you can do in one place. 17% of 65K is still 17%, so you cannot compete with hisec or player owned nullsec/w-space people even if all you do is make robotics on a plasma. Most people don't have plasma planets, ergo, to produce robotics they must export their lower end mats from their other planets (at 17% tax) and mport to a barren or temperate, and export again, at 17% of 65K.

To address your falacies:

1.) "you cannot compete with hisec" -- Bull****!!!! Hisec might have a 10% rather than a 17% tax, but the resources they produce on a planet are pretty low compared to low/null. What you lose in profit per unit you can easily make up in quantity!!!

2.) "you cannot compete with player owned nullsec/w-space" -- OMG, you mean if they spend 1b isk setting up and risking a bunch of destructable POCO's, that they can produce PI products at a greater profit margin than you.... So what, this is how its supposed to be!!!

I do PI in NPC nullsec, where I made robotics. I realized, exporting and importing materials from planets is rather expensive (and time consuming), so I took the 20 minutes to reorient my PI production to produce 3x P2 products on each planet. That way, I only pay 1-time export cost, and still make an assload of isk for little effort. FYI: It's even easier now, because i don't have interplanetary logistics. Additionally, if someone blows up the CO, I can always use PL's to get my goods off planet.

Trinkets friend wrote:

You, however, are also laughably ignorant of the mechanics of w-space warfare if you think that a POCO is safe from roaming gangs. Yes, they are essentially mega-Drakes with stupidly insane shield regen, but there is no better way of trolling fights than to attack and reinforce some dudes structures and wait for him to turn up to save it.

lol.... A POCO has 12,000,000+ EHP. To destroy this in 20 minutes requires 10k dps, or about 20 HAC's/BC's. In my time in EvE, roaming gangs of ships don't stop for 20 minutes to randomnly shoot a structure. If they do so, they do it with a purpose: "there is no better way of trolling fights than to attack and reinforce some dudes structures and wait for him to turn up to save it." Hence, I suspect this will become common in low/nullsec, however the WH time and mass limits make doing this in W-space rare for casual hunters, and an excellent tool for space invaders.
3 R Corporation
#16 - 2011-12-12 01:47:13 UTC
Trinkets friend wrote:

Wormhole space, this will become a terrible bore for people. With 17% tax rates for export in w-space, you basically have no choice but to farm the Interbus for kills and go corp-owned. Cue roaming gangs of a-holes and lolmails as they ping your stuff for laughs.

Nope. No one is going to stick around and wait out a reinforcement timer in a wormhole just to be a ****, and risk having their exit collapse on them. The timer is what will save w space POCOs
Sparkle Motion.
#17 - 2011-12-12 13:03:46 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
Trinkets friend wrote:

Wormhole space, this will become a terrible bore for people. With 17% tax rates for export in w-space, you basically have no choice but to farm the Interbus for kills and go corp-owned. Cue roaming gangs of a-holes and lolmails as they ping your stuff for laughs.

Nope. No one is going to stick around and wait out a reinforcement timer in a wormhole just to be a ****, and risk having their exit collapse on them. The timer is what will save w space POCOs

Confirming my scan alt is incapable of finding a new connection to Kspace to let the fleet back in.

NO, seriously. You can only ever make one trip into a wormhole!

"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally." -Soviet infantry manual,

3 R Corporation
#18 - 2011-12-12 23:19:18 UTC
Khanh'rhh wrote:

NO, seriously. You can only ever make one trip into a wormhole!

Seriously, you're going to drag your fleet all across New Eden to go take out those POCOs because wormhole PI is so important to you? It would be much easier to gank POCOs in a low/nullsec system that doesn't move every day. What you describe can be done, but such a PITA that I doubt it's worth it.