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[Kronos] Phoenix and Citadel Missiles

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Hole Control
#141 - 2014-05-08 13:36:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Burneddi
Rab See wrote:
Missiles always hit, they auto track their targets. Applying damage with missiles requires webs and painters. These are your friends.

Webs and painters also help with turret tracking to a roughly equal degree. They aren't exclusive to missiles, and as such the point still stands, the only local ways to improve missile application are Rigor and Flare rigs, and Flares are really bad.

probag Bear wrote:
Like others in this thread, I'm currently at the opinion that you balance the blap Phoenix by reducing its alpha. From my perspective, the only scary thing about blap Phoenixes is the possibility of point-blank alpha-ing competent Guardians in WH engagements (where you can't just bring extra cap support). Currently that's only possible if you bring a Rapier, which dies very quickly if it's not storyline-fit, with armor links, and a Slave set on top of it all. I feel that's far from overpowering.

Yeah, I suppose that's the best way to go about it. As for the application, I think the missiles are in a fairly good spot as they are in the current Tranquility Phoenix, ie. if I had to choose between not changing the Explosion Radius/Velocity and changing them as proposed I'd not change them. At least that way you could fit a couple of Rigors on your Phoenix to completely alleviate any issues with hitting capitals that you might have, and get away with it thanks to the shield resist bonus. The lack fo buffer tank you normally gain from rigs would hurt for eg. tanking Doomsdays, but I suppose that's a tradeoff you have to make.

Gypsio III wrote:
A possible alternative to nerfing alpha is to nerf the DRF instead. That will reduce damage against small stuff, enabling the torp explosion radius nerf to be dialled back to avoid the Evasive Manoeuvres problem of reduced damage against stationary capitals.

The DRF for Citadel Torpedoes is already as crappy as it can be, really. If you make it any worse the formula will start behaving pretty erratically, I think.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#142 - 2014-05-08 14:34:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Soldarius
All DRF does is to determine how fast the damage falls off due to velocity. At 5.5, velocity reductions are linear. Below that, they falloff faster. Increasing DRF above 5.5 is ineffective.

The Phoenix right now will do 130k alpha with kinetic ammo. That bonus is being removed. Maximum volley damage without BCSs should be about 85305. With 3x BCS II it will be 107810, which is exactly as it is now using anything but kinetic ammo.

Now add the reduced cycle time on the new launchers.

Applied Damage to linked, triaged Archon:

  • Previous (kinetic only): alpha: 134760, dps: 11088.
  • Previous (all other): alpha: 107810, dps: 8031.
  • New (all types): alpha: 91852, dps: 10077.

Applied Damage to a 400m 100m/s BS:

  • Previous (kinetic): alpha: 10780, dps: 887.
  • Previous (other): alpha: 8624, dps: 709.
  • New (all): alpha: 10062, dps: 1103.

These stats reflect the lesser application and increased RoF changes. Just like vs carrier/dreads, if you web the target (in this case it requires 67% reduction in velocity or 2 webs), you will do less damage than with the current stats. But at least in this case you can apply a TP and do significantly better damage.

In the case of a single 37% TP on the 100m/s, 400m BS...

  • Previous (kinetic): alpha: 14769, dps: 1215.
  • Previous (other): alpha: 11815, dps: 972.
  • New (all): alpha: 13785, dps: 1512.

Honestly, I can understand why Fozzie is being so cautious. Now try it with a bonused TP from say a Vigil, Hyena, Rapier, or Huginn. One of these linked using a Domination TP overheated, you can get a 99.87% sigRad bonus per module. Now stack 3 of those. The bonus gets pretty insane. That 400m turns into 2350, and suddenly he will take a ****-tonne of damage.

Target painters are much more effective than they used to be, especially for blapping. But that doesn't fix the issue of reduced damage to linked carrier and dreads, and them being immune to EWAR when sieged/triaged.

Silent Scourge
#143 - 2014-05-08 15:28:58 UTC
Forgive my squirrely ignorance, I've heard most of the terms used in Eve so far. But what exactly is DRF? Thats never come up before this thread. At least in anything I was reading.
Numba2 Special
State War Academy
Caldari State
#144 - 2014-05-08 16:43:48 UTC
Linkxsc162534 wrote:
Forgive my squirrely ignorance, I've heard most of the terms used in Eve so far. But what exactly is DRF? Thats never come up before this thread. At least in anything I was reading.

Damage Reduction Factor. It's an attribute on missiles that affects their applied damage if the target is speed tanking. Normally it lessens the effect of speed tanking, moreso as the DRF gets smaller. A DRF of 5.5, such as on Citadel Torpedoes, has no effect at all and target speed has a linear effect on applied damage. A DRF larger than 5.5 wouldn't cause anything strange, it would simply mean that target speed would have a superlinear effect on reducing applied damage.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#145 - 2014-05-08 16:49:01 UTC
It's "damage reduction factor". It controls the shape of the reduction in applied damage when a target is mitigating damage via speed.

Damage = Base_Damage * MIN(MIN(sig/Er,1) , (Ev/Er * sig/vel)^(log(drf) / log(5.5))

I don't understand Soldarius's comment that DRF is already maxed, I don't see how it works mathematically. Just editing the DRF value on my spreadsheet to more than 5.5 causes damage to a subcapital to be reduced.

The problem with increasing DRF is that it does nothing to reduce damage to a small target that been properly webbed down - only sig matters in that case. But I also think we shouldn't get too worried about the blap Phoenix. Yes the alpha is scary, but it requires specific fits and support, and you can get very similar results with similar fits and support on the turret dreads, particularly when more than one is involved. Put a few Moroses/Nags 40 km apart with webs and linked, bonused painting support and you get a similar result.
probag Bear
Xiong Offices
#146 - 2014-05-08 18:57:07 UTC  |  Edited by: probag Bear
Soldarius wrote:
Honestly, I can understand why Fozzie is being so cautious. Now try it with a bonused TP from say a Vigil, Hyena, Rapier, or Huginn. One of these linked using a Domination TP overheated, you can get a 99.87% sigRad bonus per module. Now stack 3 of those. The bonus gets pretty insane. That 400m turns into 2350, and suddenly he will take a ****-tonne of damage.

Target painters are much more effective than they used to be, especially for blapping. But that doesn't fix the issue of reduced damage to linked carrier and dreads, and them being immune to EWAR when sieged/triaged.

So what you're saying is that, for a Phoenix trying to hit subcaps, a 37% TP boosts applied DPS by 37%, and a 99.87% TP boosts applied DPS by 99.87%. Yes, that's completely true. Well, mostly true.

Using your same target on a blap-fit Moros, a 37% TP boosts applied DPS by 63% at 40km. A 99.87% TP boosts applied DPS by 119% at 40km.

TPs have always been strong when you're trying to hit targets you shouldn't be able to hit.

Gypsio III wrote:
But I also think we shouldn't get too worried about the blap Phoenix. Yes the alpha is scary, but it requires specific fits and support, and you can get very similar results with similar fits and support on the turret dreads, particularly when more than one is involved. Put a few Moroses/Nags 40 km apart with webs and linked, bonused painting support and you get a similar result.

Actually, you don't, and in my opinion that's the only problem. Using the fits that I already have pulled up. Assuming perfect Electronic Superiority Link and cold TPs, because they do burn out fast.

Standard, faction/T2rig-fit, faction Scourge, blap Phoenix alpha:

  • Against Sleepless Guardian, with Rapier support: 147,517 at any distance within range.
  • Against Sleepless Guardian with Loki support: 147,517 at any distance within range.
  • Against T2 AB Guardian with Rapier support: 26,567 at any distance within range.
  • Against T2 AB Guardian with Loki support: 13,174 at any distance within range.

Standard, faction-fit, faction Antimatter, blap Moros alpha at the peak of the damage curve:

  • Against Sleepless Guardian, with Rapier support: 64,420 on average, 93,006 maximum w/o wrecking shots, 187,262 on wrecking shots, 32,210 minimum. Peak is at ~22.3km, 95% of peak alpha extends between ~9.3km and ~34.2km.
  • Against Sleepless Guardian with Loki support: 60,568 on average, 90,247 maximum w/o wrecking shots, 181,705 on wrecking shots, 30,284 minimum. Peak is at ~24.9km, 95% of peak alpha extends between ~15.4km and ~36.3km.
  • Against T2 AB Guardian with Rapier support: 24,007 on average, 35,770 maximum w/o wrecking shots, 72,021 on wrecking shots 12,004 minimum. Peak is at ~57.1km, 95% of peak alpha extends between ~49.6km and ~66.4km.
  • Against T2 AB Guardian with Loki support: 8,753 on average, 13,042 maximum w/o wrecking shots, 26,259 on wrecking shots, 13,129 minimum. Peak is at ~78.5km, 95% of peak alpha extends between 70km and 88.4km.

Of course a Moros with blasters out-DPSes a Phoenix quite heavily, at effective range. But the Phoenix puts out the same reliable, high, alpha at any range, be it at 500m or 50km.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#147 - 2014-05-08 18:57:52 UTC
The explosion radius changes are pretty ********.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Alexis Nightwish
#148 - 2014-05-08 19:19:14 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:

Let me know what you think.

First, let me thank you for asking our opinions rather than just shoving a change down our throats like with the reprocessing nerf.

I think the goal of fixing capital missiles is good, but you take one step forward and one back. In this case you increase the ExVel so the missiles aren't so easily speed tanked, but then you cripple the ExRad so they cannot do full damage even to ships of their size class.

If you're worried about cap missiles doing huge damage to subcaps, don't. A moving BS takes trivial damage from citadels and still would even without the concomitant ExRad nerf. The only way he could get blapped is if he was webbed, painted, and MWDing, and in that situation he's WEBBED, PAINTED, AND MWDING! If a webbed, painted, MWDing cruiser gets chunked by a BS torp it's okay, so why is it that if a BS in the same situation taking citadel torp fire and meets the same fate it's a problem?

CCP approaches problems in one of two ways: nudge or cludge

EVE Online's "I win!" Button

Fixing bombs, not the bombers

State War Academy
Caldari State
#149 - 2014-05-08 20:07:49 UTC
Catherine Laartii wrote:
As alarmed as I am at the sig radius nerf, I don't actually see this being too much of an issue as long as there are TPs on field lighting up the primary.

many of the primaries are target painter immune.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#150 - 2014-05-08 20:25:25 UTC
probag Bear wrote:

Problem here is that you're assuming perfect transversal at all times against multiple Moroses, which is impossible, and that nobody's bothered bringing any 90% webs.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#151 - 2014-05-08 21:22:11 UTC
It concerns me that missiles are balanced in such a way that ships in their intended target class are able to take significantly reduced damage BEFORE Links & Prop mods are factored into account.

If I was going to design a weapon system to shoot at Capitals, I would design it in order to hit normal capital ships for full damage. That means that the explosion velocity should match the top speed of a carrier or dread. The Explosion radius should be no larger than the smallest Carrier or dread.

This then makes skills make the difference as well as fits & links. Rather than the current silliness where a Carrier without prop mod or links can nearly halve the damage of a weapon system made to shoot at carriers.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#152 - 2014-05-08 21:34:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Bagehi
Burneddi wrote:
A triage Archon with links will have 1956m sig radius, and move at 0ms.

Just want to take this opportunity to point out that dreads and carriers very rarely are at 0 m/s in an ongoing fleet fight. Last capital fight I was involved in, my Moros was sieged and doing almost 100 m/s from a post-jump-and-siege bump. So, in an actual game situation, a phoenix would be doing a pretty horrible percentage of full damage to that Moros before these changes and after.

Caps jumping into a large fight are going to be moving. Dreads are bouncing all over the place after they enter siege. Supers will be aligned at full speed (which is more than exp velocity both before and after this change). Carriers (with sentry carriers soon to be a thing of the past) will likely also be moving as well.

There is something fundamentally wrong with the damage calculation for missiles which has led to this situation where a Phoenix is far better at blapping undocking subcaps than it can be in a fleet fight. This change will slightly nerf their ability to undock camp, no doubt. It will not be a functional capital ship in a fleet fight.

These changes remind me of PL's ill-fated attempt at making Ravens a fleet comp. "They're really good on paper..." was repeated every time the comp lost to a more traditional comp. The changes to the Raven were heralded in the same fashion as the changes to the Phoenix are being heralded right now. Eve trailers aside, Phoenixes and Ravens aren't going to be fleet comps, because of the underlying missile damage mechanics, without horribly unbalancing them in specialized settings. Unfortunately, there isn't much demand for mission running dreads so keep an eye out on the station undock.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#153 - 2014-05-08 22:06:54 UTC
Bagehi wrote:
Burneddi wrote:
A triage Archon with links will have 1956m sig radius, and move at 0ms.

Just want to take this opportunity to point out that dreads and carriers very rarely are at 0 m/s in an ongoing fleet fight. Last capital fight I was involved in, my Moros was sieged and doing almost 100 m/s from a post-jump-and-siege bump. So, in an actual game situation, a phoenix would be doing a pretty horrible percentage of full damage to that Moros before these changes and after.

Caps jumping into a large fight are going to be moving. Dreads are bouncing all over the place after they enter siege. Supers will be aligned at full speed (which is more than exp velocity both before and after this change). Carriers (with sentry carriers soon to be a thing of the past) will likely also be moving as well.

There is something fundamentally wrong with the damage calculation for missiles which has led to this situation where a Phoenix is far better at blapping undocking subcaps than it can be in a fleet fight. This change will slightly nerf their ability to undock camp, no doubt. It will not be a functional capital ship in a fleet fight.

These changes remind me of PL's ill-fated attempt at making Ravens a fleet comp. "They're really good on paper..." was repeated every time the comp lost to a more traditional comp. The changes to the Raven were heralded in the same fashion as the changes to the Phoenix are being heralded right now. Eve trailers aside, Phoenixes and Ravens aren't going to be fleet comps, because of the underlying missile damage mechanics, without horribly unbalancing them in specialized settings. Unfortunately, there isn't much demand for mission running dreads so keep an eye out on the station undock.

i completely agree and i doubt CCP would rewrite the missile mechanics any time soon. to be honest i just wish missiles would be taken off as primary hardpoints and used as secondary/auxiliary weapons system(s) that can do massive damage but very limited.
imagine if a cruiser class had its normal weapon systems but can mount 4 torps to use vs larger targets like BC's and BS's.

but as it stands, missiles mechanics are rather off and needs serious work on.
Blodhgarm Dethahal
8 Sins of Man
Stray Dogs.
#154 - 2014-05-08 23:20:31 UTC
This needs more likes!


Maxemus Payne
#155 - 2014-05-09 00:41:56 UTC
I got a better idea. Lets change the mechanics of the weapon systems instead. I recommend giving them a much higher rate of fire but only enough capacity to hold about...20 or so rounds. In addition to that we can institute a 40 second reload time to create a new kind of burst damage weapon that is exclusive to these launchers. Maybe a slight PG increase is in order too. Lets not even test it and put it in the game. I know overheating is already in the game to provide a "burst" mechanic...but whatevers.

Alexander McKeon
Caldari State
#156 - 2014-05-09 03:02:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Alexander McKeon
We do come across a broader problem: there is significant overlap between the speeds at which an Archon (which should take full damage) and a fully webbed subcap (which perhaps should not) move. If the missiles do full damage to the archon, they will mess up subcaps something fierce, assuming equal signature size. Unfortunately, linked & bonused target painters can very reasonably double the signature size of a target, taking a Rokh to 1.3k signautre. Non-bonused webs can easily take an afterburning battleship to below the speeds of an unwebbed Archon, and with that 1.3k signature from painters, all I can say is "Blap". (~75% damage application for the curious)

It might be appropriate to examine the introduction of non-linear scaling with regards to signature radius in the missile damage equation, perhaps varying according to the DRF to allow missiles to be 'tuned' against a certain minimum target size, but that's a topic for another day. An alternative would be for target painters to increase the target's signature in a non-linear manner, approaching a max sig size per class. i.e. a Battleship with MWD off could not be boosted about a 1k signature radius. This could help address issues with blap dreads in general.

I'd argue that the best middle ground would be to scale the explosion velocity up a bit to ~90 m/s and either keep the explosion radius as-is, or set it so that full dps application with max skills (but no e-war support) occurs at ~1.9k signature radius. In terms of trying to blap webbed sub-caps, the practical difference between 50 m/s and 90 m/s is minimal in a world of 90% webs, but that extra velocity will make a world of difference in applying damage to capitals.

Applying a 25% signature bloom to Siege / Triage should also be considered, since the signature will be larger (Supers / Titans) or the target will be vulnerable to painting (Carriers, Rorquals) in other cases when trying to apply damage to caps.
Mr Hyde113
#157 - 2014-05-09 04:55:34 UTC
Daily reminder that the Rev should get this Resistance + Damage boost
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#158 - 2014-05-09 10:21:59 UTC
Mr Hyde113 wrote:
Daily reminder that the Rev should get this Resistance + Damage boost

Both might be too much. Actually, I don't think the Rev's problem is damage, I think it's range. GIving it more damage just further homogenises the turret dreads' DPS. The Rev's focus should be damage projection, but currently the Moros is greatly superior at this. Boost Rev optimal, nerf Moros/Naglfar optimal and falloff. Then see where we are.
Gosti Kahanid
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#159 - 2014-05-09 10:53:00 UTC
In the last big Titan-Nerf CCP made it so that Titans can´t aply their full damage to subcaptials, even when they are webbed and target painted to the extreme.
Wouldn´t it be possible to do the opposite? Give the Phoenix a Damage-Bonus against other Capitals(25%) and even a bigger one against Supercapitals (100%). Let it be a Dread spezialised in attacking Supercaps and effektive against other Caps, but absolutely weak against any Subcapital.
Iam Widdershins
Project Nemesis
#160 - 2014-05-09 10:59:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Iam Widdershins
Catherine Laartii wrote:
I would be in favor of a dreadnaught sig increase due to the actually large size and mass difference between them and carriers, assuming it's an offset to the coming dread buff which would include (but not be limited to) the following:
-Moros and Naglfar get respective bonuses to armor and shield repair
-All including Rev get a 10% damage bonus per level
-Rev turns into alt version of phoenix with 4% resists per level
-All see buffs to capacitor, sensor strength, sig res
-All see slight nerf to overall hp, but buff more towards their respective hp tank type
-Ammo capacity inceased, especially on missiles, to ensure magazine lasts all the way through siege

I see absolutely no reason for a change to the EHP, tank stats, or damage amounts of Capitals to go along with changes in signature radius.

1. EHP and tank don't matter: the idea is, basically everything in range can always hit capitals with 100% damage all the time except in special circumstances. If you increased Dreadnought and Carrier signature radius to 1 million kilometers, you wouldn't notice a huge difference in the amount of damage they take... so just because you're increasing the sig radius of capitals doesn't mean there's any kind of good excuse to change the raw stats of these ships.

2. Changing the amount of damage capitals deal is even more dangerous territory. It affects the balance in usefulness between subcapitals and capitals when shooting structures, the amount of time it takes to kill structures with capitals, the difficulty of killing capitals with other capitals, and of course the amount of damage you can do to subcapitals with capital ships. There is no good reason to mess with all this right now.

Lobbying for your right to delete your signature