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Sci-fi elements.

Gally Alita
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2011-11-30 18:42:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Gally Alita
We need god damn aliens (intelligent).
Aliens like:

1.)Poleepkwa -like
Sexy tentacles
3.)Arachnids -like
Sexy armor
4.)Protoss -like
Sexy voice
5.)Decepticon -like
Sexy weapons
6.)Wookiee -like
Sexy hair

Alien invasion, oh no.
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2011-11-30 18:44:57 UTC
First off, I think most of those are trademarked. Second, why?
Gally Alita
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2011-11-30 18:46:56 UTC
mxzf wrote:
First off, I think most of those are trademarked. Second, why?

I'm bored of fighting hu-man. Need advanced T4 and cross-species sex.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2011-11-30 21:21:48 UTC
Gally Alita wrote:
mxzf wrote:
First off, I think most of those are trademarked. Second, why?

I'm bored of fighting hu-man. Need advanced T4 and cross-species sex.

get off the thought.

there is plenty of lore and diversity in EvE as it is, heck, Firefly (another great sci-fi thing) was a series AND a movie and NO ONE EVER COMPLAINED there were no aliens.

EvE doesnt need aliens, but if you absolutely HAVE TO HAVE THEM, i sugest you look at slaver hounds and other pets as theya re not earth-species therefore "alien".... who woudla guessed it, THERE ARE aliens in eve, just none intelligent.

but in all seriousness, we havent even fleshed out T3's real well, there is no need for T4's, and supposing there IS aliens, what logical reason woudl tehy have for enteringa region where EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER is a demi-god cyborg with enough firepower to wipeout a solar system? the onlyr eason they WOULOD is if they ahd the firepower to curb stomp anything and everything in it.

logically or lore wise, wahtever you wanna call it, the only reason there is even any reason for the empires themselevs to fight is ebcause theya re contained togetehr, there woudl be no logical or lore-based reason to rbing aliens into new eden.
Venus Rinah
Arcanum Industry
#5 - 2011-11-30 22:15:02 UTC
Suggestion to OP.

Petition or add a post here with the new idea to introduce SETI listening stations?

I would like the question of wether we are alone to be answered.

I'm sure this concept hasn't escaped CCP and certainly wouldn't need player intervention to encourage it's use. Can you imagine the disapointment caused if CCP decided to expose the playerbase to either a benevolent or malevolent alien race and events didn't unroll as a complete suprise? It would so annoy the hell out of me if I knew what was going to happen about it in advance.
Nestara Aldent
#6 - 2011-12-01 00:16:00 UTC
You want intra-species sex? You find that attractive?

Just unsub, for the sake of good God the Lord, and leave us for something like Star Trek Online or Star Wars:TOR.

That's the worst, and most repulsive thing added to these two science fiction franchises.
Rina Asanari
#7 - 2011-12-01 07:29:02 UTC
Nestara Aldent wrote:
You want intra-species sex? You find that attractive?

Just unsub, for the sake of good God the Lord, and leave us for something like Star Trek Online or Star Wars:TOR.

That's the worst, and most repulsive thing added to these two science fiction franchises.

Exactly my sentiment.

EvE doesn't need aliens. In a way, the Jove are 'alien' enough for that case, although they're of human descent.... though they would see the other four races similar to we look at apes nowadays.

I've read in another posting about aliens in sci-fi. The main thesis was that the alien races depicted there are a reflection of a certain human trait, like competetive marketing in Star Trek's Ferengi, aggression in Klingons, guile/subversion in Romulans. The list goes on and on.

I want to extend on that thought, that by projecting several traits outward it would make humanity as a whole a lot less. Like less aggressive, less subversive, and so on. And that makes humanity a less colourful (no pun intended) species as they are now.

So... No. We don't need aliens in here. The Sleepers and the Jove are (or are supposed to be) of human descent or made by humans and serve even more as a hint of what can be done and what shouldn't be done.
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2011-12-01 08:28:37 UTC
I have an idea. Quit playing EVE
Destination SkillQueue
#9 - 2011-12-01 09:03:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Destination SkillQueue
No intelligent aliens species please. EVE is all about various human races and their shananigans. Even the rogue drones and sleeper drones are just extensions of that. There are also very alien type societies already even among the human factions, but unsurpisingly it doesn't really come accross well, since all we see are their spaceships and the lore is so separated from the gameplay that it's almost imposible to know without using out of game resources. Point being a new alien race wouldn't actually bring anything of real value to the game, that you can't achieve by creating a new human faction/race. It could change the nature of the game for the worse though, since it can easily turn things to us vs them when it's supposed to be a morally questionable cesspool where humans screw over each other and struggle for dominance.
Gally Alita
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2011-12-02 21:15:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Gally Alita
I was looking for amusing comments.. You guys are too serious. I can understand the why without intelligent aliens is a good thing, but for the future expansion, adding new contents into the game like new races and gameplays is always a good topic to discuss of. Fine to me if you're into the whole "human is the only intelligent lifeform" belief, but I rather think more logically. This might not apply to the many of you, but I think it is more logical to have other native intelligent life in new eden. I'm just giving out my suggestion that's all. I was actually looking forward on amusing comments, not the dead fishes I've been receiving.
Gally Alita
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2011-12-02 21:19:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Gally Alita
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
No intelligent aliens species please. EVE is all about various human races and their shananigans. Even the rogue drones and sleeper drones are just extensions of that. There are also very alien type societies already even among the human factions, but unsurpisingly it doesn't really come accross well, since all we see are their spaceships and the lore is so separated from the gameplay that it's almost imposible to know without using out of game resources. Point being a new alien race wouldn't actually bring anything of real value to the game, that you can't achieve by creating a new human faction/race. It could change the nature of the game for the worse though, since it can easily turn things to us vs them when it's supposed to be a morally questionable cesspool where humans screw over each other and struggle for dominance.

New threat will bring us all closer to each other, just as the Sansha and (forgot name) did. I focus a lot on the story and I personally think EVE has a lot of good tales. Alien might not change the gameplay a whole lot, but will have dramatic impact on the story. I find this very exciting.
Nestara Aldent
#12 - 2011-12-02 21:31:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Nestara Aldent
This is a sandbox. If you want a tale, you have rp corporations out there, and make your own story. Many people like this game just because it's a sandbox, me included, and weill unsub if themepark elements became very present, let's say more than epic arcs today which are long repeating quests.

Bringing us more together is a bad idea. If Gallente and Caldari, and too Minmatar and Amarr were killing themselves for generations, adding great threat to unite them all just reeks of "I don't know how to make a better story", because conflict between Empires is even better backdrop for the storytelling.

And the game is about human conflict, and personal conflict in humans itself. Aliens would water it down severely. Too, conflict is focused on player corporations, and Empires through FW, not humans versus aliens.

It's not even Sansha vs. everybody else, nor it had been, because you can do missions for Sansha and gain rep and LP from them. You wan't to make a game of vast personal choice to something so simple as good guys vs. the bad guys. Except in reality is seldom completely clear what is black and what is white.
Gally Alita
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#13 - 2011-12-02 21:46:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Gally Alita
Nestara Aldent wrote:
This is a sandbox. If you want a tale, you have rp corporations out there, and make your own story. Many people like this game just because it's a sandbox, me included, and weill unsub if themepark elements became very present, let's say more than epic arcs today which are long repeating quests.

Bringing us more together is a bad idea. If Gallente and Caldari, and too Minmatar and Amarr were killing themselves for generations, adding great threat to unite them all just reeks of "I don't know how to make a better story", because conflict between Empires is even better backdrop for the storytelling.

And the game is about human conflict, and personal conflict in humans itself. Aliens would water it down severely. Too, conflict is focused on player corporations, and Empires through FW, not humans versus aliens.

It's not even Sansha vs. everybody else, nor it had been, because you can do missions for Sansha and gain rep and LP from them. You wan't to make a game of vast personal choice to something so simple as good guys vs. the bad guys. Except in reality is seldom completely clear what is black and what is white.

I don't mean bringing players close together, I just say that to the NPC empires. Maybe you are right, sand box is the best aspect of this game, but adding aliens in it won't be that bad, thus it might actually attract more new players to this game. I love the EVE background story and tales. You missed the point. I'm just saying to feature intelligent alien, not human versus aliens. The aliens could be on our side. Imagine new hairy big foot as member of the Caldari state, horned ram man praying along side with the Amarr, and a goat footed skinny dude drinking quafe with a human fellow.
Nestara Aldent
#14 - 2011-12-02 21:54:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Nestara Aldent
Gally Alita wrote:
Nestara Aldent wrote:
This is a sandbox. If you want a tale, you have rp corporations out there, and make your own story. Many people like this game just because it's a sandbox, me included, and weill unsub if themepark elements became very present, let's say more than epic arcs today which are long repeating quests.

Bringing us more together is a bad idea. If Gallente and Caldari, and too Minmatar and Amarr were killing themselves for generations, adding great threat to unite them all just reeks of "I don't know how to make a better story", because conflict between Empires is even better backdrop for the storytelling.

And the game is about human conflict, and personal conflict in humans itself. Aliens would water it down severely. Too, conflict is focused on player corporations, and Empires through FW, not humans versus aliens.

It's not even Sansha vs. everybody else, nor it had been, because you can do missions for Sansha and gain rep and LP from them. You wan't to make a game of vast personal choice to something so simple as good guys vs. the bad guys. Except in reality is seldom completely clear what is black and what is white.

I don't mean bringing players close together, I just say that to the NPC empires. Maybe you are right, sand box is the best aspect of this game, but adding aliens in it won't be that bad, thus it might actually attract more new players to this game. I love the EVE background story and tales. You missed the point. I'm just saying to feature intelligent alien, not human versus aliens. The aliens could be on our side. Imagine new hairy big foot as member of the Caldari state, horned ram man praying along side with the Amarr, and a goat footed skinny dude drinking quafe with a human fellow.

And I had in mind NPC empires too. You know, bringing an unknown, dire threat to unite those that killed themselves for centuries, you know, we had such threats in every WoW expansion so far. How is copying mediocre WoW story of a badass villain that will destroy everything if not stopped that they use for every expansion good storytelling?
Gally Alita
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#15 - 2011-12-02 21:57:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Gally Alita
Nestara Aldent wrote:
Gally Alita wrote:
Nestara Aldent wrote:
This is a sandbox. If you want a tale, you have rp corporations out there, and make your own story. Many people like this game just because it's a sandbox, me included, and weill unsub if themepark elements became very present, let's say more than epic arcs today which are long repeating quests.

Bringing us more together is a bad idea. If Gallente and Caldari, and too Minmatar and Amarr were killing themselves for generations, adding great threat to unite them all just reeks of "I don't know how to make a better story", because conflict between Empires is even better backdrop for the storytelling.

And the game is about human conflict, and personal conflict in humans itself. Aliens would water it down severely. Too, conflict is focused on player corporations, and Empires through FW, not humans versus aliens.

It's not even Sansha vs. everybody else, nor it had been, because you can do missions for Sansha and gain rep and LP from them. You wan't to make a game of vast personal choice to something so simple as good guys vs. the bad guys. Except in reality is seldom completely clear what is black and what is white.

I don't mean bringing players close together, I just say that to the NPC empires. Maybe you are right, sand box is the best aspect of this game, but adding aliens in it won't be that bad, thus it might actually attract more new players to this game. I love the EVE background story and tales. You missed the point. I'm just saying to feature intelligent alien, not human versus aliens. The aliens could be on our side. Imagine new hairy big foot as member of the Caldari state, horned ram man praying along side with the Amarr, and a goat footed skinny dude drinking quafe with a human fellow.

And I had in mind NPC empires too. You know, bring an unknown, dire threat to unite those that killed themselves for centuries... You know, we had such threats in every WoW expansion so far. How is copying mediocre WoW story of a badass villain that will destroy everything if not stopped that they use for every expansion good storytelling?

Did I said something about fighting alien? Maybe I did. But I also mentioned about hanging out with them and throw a party together. Oh well. By the way, I don't play WOW.
Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2011-12-02 22:27:53 UTC
Gally Alita wrote:
I was looking for amusing comments.. You guys are too serious. I can understand the why without intelligent aliens is a good thing, but for the future expansion, adding new contents into the game like new races and gameplays is always a good topic to discuss of. Fine to me if you're into the whole "human is the only intelligent lifeform" belief, but I rather think more logically. This might not apply to the many of you, but I think it is more logical to have other native intelligent life in new eden. I'm just giving out my suggestion that's all. I was actually looking forward on amusing comments, not the dead fishes I've been receiving.

Well, boo hoo, if people aren't allowed their own opinion. That after all is what a debate is about. Or is the thread really about pandering to your ideals to make you feel good. I'll just get some salt and vinegar to go with the fish, just need to add that huge chip on your shoulder.

As to aliens, personally I don't care now, this thread has lost any appeal due to the OP's prescriptive judgements. But if they were introduced aslong as they didnt become fluff pets or just "sidekick" potential and actually had some challenging moral and ethical backstory to it to engage people further it might be worth it.

There doesn't neccesarily have to be sentient interaction, e.g. evolved energy beings that are simply chaotic in nature like olden day wisps could add some random elements into daily activities if made slightly obscure, maybe interfering with ships and gates etc to deactivate things temporarily and so on. Space "flies" if you will, end up with people trying to harvest them for production purposes whilst others wanting to protect the species. Hell you could make them more sinister and be dark matter beings that end up using anti-matter to erode and consume things, were their interaction could have serious potential with players needing to control any possibility of them reaching epidemic proportions. But then people would likely simply cry about fairness dependant on their interaction as has been mentioned.

It doesn't neccesarily have to mean the advent of Tech 4 accross the whole of new eden, which would be the obvious popular choice for purely "gimme gear" reasons.

At the end of the day however, I don't see anything at present to suggest that the absence of a significant alien theme is detrimental to EvE. [sarcastic]Hope this doesnt mean I'm also shark food now, I'd be so very upset. blub[/sarcastic]
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2011-12-03 00:08:24 UTC
Nestara Aldent wrote:
You want intra-species sex? You find that attractive?

Yes, I do. And I'm almost sure you do as well. Unless of course you meant "inter-species."
Nestara Aldent
#18 - 2011-12-03 00:22:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Nestara Aldent
Mfume Apocal wrote:
Nestara Aldent wrote:
You want intra-species sex? You find that attractive?

Yes, I do. And I'm almost sure you do as well. Unless of course you meant "inter-species."

You're right I Googled it now. Lol

Inter-species - between the species
Intra-species - within the species
Nestara Aldent
#19 - 2011-12-03 00:22:16 UTC
Double post!
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2011-12-03 00:27:07 UTC  |  Edited by: LeHarfang
As much as i would like aliens to be present (personnal taste and curiosity, really), it does'nt make the fact that we dont find any aliens in the New Eden Region illogical.

Finding a region of a galaxy that's empty of any intelligent animals (except ourselves) is quite possible, in fact.

PS: Some people do find inter-specie sex interresting, even though, most of the time, the "other specie" looks a lot like a normal human with a couple modifed things on it. Think the "Asaris" from Mass Effect, for example or even to some extend, the "Quarians".

PS2: Even in real life, there have been traces of inter-species sex in humanity. Why do you think we share so much genes with the chimpanzies?
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