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why are people saying Fraction warfare is broken?

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Small Focused Memes
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#141 - 2014-05-08 02:27:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Flyinghotpocket
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Taoist Dragon wrote:
...there are a lot of the 'old' system that were much better mechanics

Like what?

I was against docking restrictions, but there is no denying that this change has been the sole driver of more conflict than any other mechanic in FW low-sec history.

more conflict? try less. we used to have daily bc brawls even multiple times a day against certain groups of minmatar LNA. all it is now it is 1 month out of every 4 is racked with massive amounts of pvp (cuz somebody is sieging a home system) then the rest are desolate.

it used to be undock 9 bc's go have a fight with 9 other minmatar bc's and rinse and repeat 2x a day. sometimes they outclassed us sometimes we outclassed them but we always fought, EVERY DAY.

with the release of cheap as f*** logi the amount of reps being put out is ridiculous and nobody wants to fight if they arnt going to get kills period. the old system there was no logi or if you did use guardians they were EXPENSIVE, and alot of the time they died because dual neut hurricane FOTY (and op as f*** ec-300's).

Combine the 'not getting kills guaranteed' anymore with huge pockets of isk that all fw players have lined them selves with and your left in the station saying 'why should i risk this 600mil ship if we arnt gonna get any kills?'

THE chief motivator for pvp back in the day was getting kills in fights. people always died. but now, cheap logi (that is way to effective) and free isk FW, dont count on people willing to undock or even stay subbed.

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#142 - 2014-05-08 04:05:04 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Taoist Dragon wrote:
...there are a lot of the 'old' system that were much better mechanics

Like what?

I was against docking restrictions, but there is no denying that this change has been the sole driver of more conflict than any other mechanic in FW low-sec history.

Ok my breakdown of FW mechanics and my opinion on them.

Docking restrictions: I like that you have to fight over your 'home' why should I be able to dock in enemy held territory. This could be expanded upon slightly by always having the ability to dock in your own militia stations regardless of who 'owns' the system.

LP for plex capping/kills: I like this you should be rewarded for doing good work. However I think it is way too high and I would drop it down to about 10% of it's current level for plex capping. Pvp kills seems fine imo.

Plex NPC's: The current single NPC is completely bloody useless at anything in it's current format. The only time Farmers were not present in inferno FW was when we had NPC's waves that stopped the timer. I would bring back multiple waves(2 or 3 waves after the initia spawn) of 2-3 npc's. These NPC's would be sufficient threat that you would have to bring a combat fitted ship of the right size to a plex (i.e. a cruiser to kill the cruiser npc's in the plex). They would stop the timer until they were all killed. FW is a place that has hybrid pve/pvp content so utilise this potential and give aspect of both to the players. A solo cruiser pilot would be able to pretty easily kill the npc's but a solo T1 frig would take too long etc. And for the naysays whining about FW being apvp only playground - grow up and realise that FW DOES NOT have the player base to be a pvp only mechanic without being hopelessly broken!

Stabs/cloaks and other farmer/alt stuff: HTFU you lot! These are valid combat avoidance mechanics/tactics. You are NOT special snowflakes that deserve to get kills handed to you on a silver plate.

These idea above IMO would stop a lot of the farmers we have now but still allow decent income generation to support active pvp'ers hell if they brought the tags back in decent numbers you would probably be able to fully faction fit out your ships with tags/LP and that's something I'd like to see more of.

Ultimately FW is better now than it was before IMO. But not all that was implemented was good. Most however had the designed effect of being an isk sink for the rest of EVE. I don't think CCP will be doing any major changes to FW for some time and IMO is working ok in it's current form.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#143 - 2014-05-08 08:34:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Flyinghotpocket wrote:

it used to be undock 9 bc's go have a fight with 9 other minmatar bc's and rinse and repeat 2x a day. sometimes they outclassed us sometimes we outclassed them but we always fought, EVERY DAY.

Yep, used to be a blobby roam most nights and very little else. Now there is potential for pvp all day every day. The amount of pvp now far exceeds back then.

Also, if you want a bc roam just form one, theres noting stopping you. And t1 logi is fine, if you want a fight just make sure you dont bring more logi than your target has ships. Pretty obvious stuff.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#144 - 2014-05-08 08:47:54 UTC
Taoist Dragon wrote:

Plex NPC's: The current single NPC is completely bloody useless at anything in it's current format. The only time Farmers were not present in inferno FW was when we had NPC's waves that stopped the timer.

thing why there was no plexers back then was that it took so long to complete plex even with high skilled pilot with proper ship that with tier 1 it was so bad lp that highsec level 4 missions were better income.

so putting back those spawns and requiring to kill those will end FW once again.

I like to remind that current system is working only because of farmers. Farmers are not bad thing if those are not bots.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#145 - 2014-05-08 08:54:41 UTC
Taoist Dragon wrote:

Stabs/cloaks and other farmer/alt stuff: HTFU you lot! These are valid combat avoidance mechanics/tactics. You are NOT special snowflakes that deserve to get kills handed to you on a silver plate.

Evasion is too effective and requires far too much time and isk to counter a 3m isk punisher farming bot. I have no problems with cloaks and stabs, but it should not be optimal to use them in low sec farming. If the timer simply didnt count for ships that had stabs and cloaks fitted farmers would have a much harder time without impacting on anyone elses gameplay.

Perhaps gave a system upgrade that does this.

Taoist Dragon wrote:

...working ok in it's current form.

Yep, better than ever.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#146 - 2014-05-08 09:02:52 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Taoist Dragon wrote:
...there are a lot of the 'old' system that were much better mechanics

Like what?

I was against docking restrictions, but there is no denying that this change has been the sole driver of more conflict than any other mechanic in FW low-sec history.

1st version of FW was enough to make fights on plexes, only thing that broke it was plex denial mechanics that prevented plexes from spawning on certain systems and limited pvp even people were willing to fight for plexes in those systems. constantly spawning outpost fixed that and we saw after that change spike on pvp and those were not killed stabbed farmers those were actual pvpers.

CCP listened players and did lot of changes that was not really good, but after incarna CCP had that 'listen players phase' and they did lot of bad long term decision.

Current FW is working fine, there is lot of plexers, lot of pvp and systems change owners and no one is dominant and people change side to loser side. There is nothing more you can ask.

Most of problems listed here are fixed if complainers leave FW and go play 0.0 games, there is all you ask for, no need to defend plex, just pvp when needed.

Docking denial should be removed, it made FW non casual. only thing that makes it some how working is that you can use alts or leave militia to get access to your assets. If you can not lock assest for ever why to deny docking ? Atleast personally i do not care if some takes my home system, i just move to another or go to camp villore, i have assets around fw area anyway from the past now i have not much reason to spread assets anywhere.
Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#147 - 2014-05-08 10:48:15 UTC
Taoist Dragon wrote:
LP for plex capping/kills: I like this you should be rewarded for doing good work. However I think it is way too high and I would drop it down to about 10% of it's current level for plex capping. Pvp kills seems fine imo.

This alone would most certainly eliminate plex farmers, but it would also eliminate the fresh blood Crosi (I believe) was talking about.

I have better sources of ISK now (trade/industry alts), but as a 1-month old single-account player, I wouldn't have been able to enthusiastically throw 120 frigate/dessy losses into FW PVP without plexing with Gallente in Tier 2.

Bad Messenger wrote:
Current FW is working fine, there is lot of plexers, lot of pvp and systems change owners and no one is dominant and people change side to loser side. There is nothing more you can ask.

Tbh, I can't fully disagree with this, even though I would like to have timer rollbacks and for some reason I enjoy posting about it often. Smile

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#148 - 2014-05-08 11:54:37 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
Taoist Dragon wrote:

Plex NPC's: The current single NPC is completely bloody useless at anything in it's current format. The only time Farmers were not present in inferno FW was when we had NPC's waves that stopped the timer.

thing why there was no plexers back then was that it took so long to complete plex even with high skilled pilot with proper ship that with tier 1 it was so bad lp that highsec level 4 missions were better income.

so putting back those spawns and requiring to kill those will end FW once again.

I like to remind that current system is working only because of farmers. Farmers are not bad thing if those are not bots.

I never said I would prefer the old system. I am well aware of the issue most of the 'vets' have with farmers and TBH if you went back they would just complain that FW died again.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Cori Halcyon
#149 - 2014-05-08 12:10:58 UTC
No right answer on how to 'fix' FW as different strokes for different folks.
For me, the FW LPs for PVP kills should be hugely increased, and the plex farming LP correspondingly reduced. It should be structured in a similar fashion to how bounties are now resolved to try and mitigate alt-killing for LP; that is to say the LPs awarded are tied into the value of your kill(s) in the opposing militia.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#150 - 2014-05-08 13:30:29 UTC
Cori Halcyon wrote:
No right answer on how to 'fix' FW as different strokes for different folks.
For me, the FW LPs for PVP kills should be hugely increased, and the plex farming LP correspondingly reduced. It should be structured in a similar fashion to how bounties are now resolved to try and mitigate alt-killing for LP; that is to say the LPs awarded are tied into the value of your kill(s) in the opposing militia.

Small Focused Memes
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#151 - 2014-05-08 14:17:26 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

Also, if you want a bc roam just form one, theres noting stopping you.

And t1 logi is fine, if you want a fight just make sure you dont bring more logi than your target has ships. Pretty obvious stuff.

There is no reason to undock a bc ever. the last time we did a bc roam a cyno appeared. and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that. Or an equal size gang came at us in battleships and marauders. THERE IS NO REASON TO UNDOCK A BC EVER IN FW. Not when there is a bridge waiting for you in EVERY SYSTEM.

thx for the words of wisdom on 'how to get a fight 101' ill remember it next time im fc'ing

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#152 - 2014-05-08 14:31:52 UTC
Flyinghotpocket wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

Also, if you want a bc roam just form one, theres noting stopping you.

And t1 logi is fine, if you want a fight just make sure you dont bring more logi than your target has ships. Pretty obvious stuff.

There is no reason to undock a bc ever. the last time we did a bc roam a cyno appeared. and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that. Or an equal size gang came at us in battleships and marauders. THERE IS NO REASON TO UNDOCK A BC EVER IN FW. Not when there is a bridge waiting for you in EVERY SYSTEM.

thx for the words of wisdom on 'how to get a fight 101' ill remember it next time im fc'ing

There never was a reason to undock a bc. Or anything else back then. You should probably get eyes on the local titans tho.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#153 - 2014-05-08 14:40:54 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Gully Alex Foyle wrote:
Taoist Dragon wrote:
LP for plex capping/kills: I like this you should be rewarded for doing good work. However I think it is way too high and I would drop it down to about 10% of it's current level for plex capping. Pvp kills seems fine imo.

This alone would most certainly eliminate plex farmers, but it would also eliminate the fresh blood Crosi (I believe) was talking about.
People would necessarily have to spend more time purely PvE'ing and less time being available for PvP (while collecting LP in a plex) - which would lead to a less active warzone.
Small Focused Memes
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#154 - 2014-05-08 14:46:11 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Flyinghotpocket wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

Also, if you want a bc roam just form one, theres noting stopping you.

And t1 logi is fine, if you want a fight just make sure you dont bring more logi than your target has ships. Pretty obvious stuff.

There is no reason to undock a bc ever. the last time we did a bc roam a cyno appeared. and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that. Or an equal size gang came at us in battleships and marauders. THERE IS NO REASON TO UNDOCK A BC EVER IN FW. Not when there is a bridge waiting for you in EVERY SYSTEM.

thx for the words of wisdom on 'how to get a fight 101' ill remember it next time im fc'ing

There never was a reason to undock a bc. Or anything else back then. You should probably get eyes on the local titans tho.

um yes there was. there was bc plexs. which caused thousands of bc fights. why would we waste our time? all local titan groups have 24/7 coverage theres no point in getting 'eyes' on em. your going to get hot dropped in this warzone and there isnt anything you can do about it.

there was more reasons to undock back then, then there is now.

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

#155 - 2014-05-08 20:45:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Rahelis
double post
#156 - 2014-05-08 20:51:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Rahelis
Pockets is right,

all vets remember the multi-wave BC fights we had in BC-plexes. Those definatly where my best times in eve.

We did BS fights too - but those mostly where at gates or outside plexes.

These are gone now - totally - CCP made that decision to make FW small ship small gang combat. So they removed the big plexes and introduced the novice plex - the novice plex is nice, but removing the big plexes killed the BS fights.

This was a huge mistake - a plex is nothing but a content filter to keep crap like titan bridges out. The titan bridge was a big mistake in itself, violating the risk to gain equation.

As we where at the end of being active in fw a pirate gang moved to our hq system. Those guys were old school eve pirates that did nothing but station camping - the most lame thing that is in eve. They did not even dare a gate camp and were sticking to our station all day.

The pirates and us did a TS convo - the pirates were suprised to see the fw warzone empty. No fleets around, no roams. They voiced this, being back after a 2 year break, and seeing only farmers, no fleets.

They were hungry for a cruiser fight and we gave them one - that was their only engagment they could organize in 4 to 6 weeks in fw low sec.

Now they moved on, being bored to death.

We stood down from fw - there is nothing to fight in the amarr warzone but pirates.

Docking restrictions are ok - but why is evey thug allowed to dock in fw space? If the enemy milita - the emeny - is not allowed to dock - why can neutrals dock?

Imagine some null bears building an undestrucable outpost - and evey neutral char in eve is allowed to dock . . .
JAF Anders
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#157 - 2014-05-09 00:14:36 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
Docking denial should be removed, it made FW non casual.

I never thought I'd agree so much with a BM post.

The pursuit of excellence and stabbed plexing alts.

Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#158 - 2014-05-09 00:55:01 UTC
People don't like to log on to deplex their home system for hours. Current mechanics are more about time zone coverage and less about your prowess vs. your enemy's. The war zone has degenerated to massive home systems because of this. Huola, for example, has a presence around the clock. Others have simply retreated to non FW lowsec (Egghelende). The side effect of this is smaller footprints on the battlefield. The people who plex and live inside the warzone create content for everyone. Systems are within 15% of going vulnerable and WT are fighting hard! Systems need defending! Get into fleet and let's go! When people retreat to supersystems or stage outside of the warzone - those dynamics don't happen. People still log in. They form into fleets. And they can't find anyone to fight. They gate camp. They station camp. They get bored and stop logging in.

There are no silver bullets. People will have to pick their poison with whatever solution CCP comes up with. The current tweaks that are proposed will help - the extent of the relief I'm not even going to pretend to know. Extra spawns will make the plexes harder. The novices people will still tear through. The smalls I don't expect to be much of a speed bump. The mediums will be significantly more difficult though if you're flying a 100 DPS Condor. The larges - I don't expect them to be run by farmers tbh. Will CCP stretch out the plex respawn timers as they are adding a new permanently spawning large plex? If they don't then a real aggressor will flip a system much more quickly. If they do - less novices and smalls for farmers.

It begs some questions though - why aren't there mechanics to protect yourself from off time zone plexing? FW is probably one of the most harsh areas of the game because you're wide open to other time zones. Why are novices and smalls as important as mediums and larges? Why don't kills in system reduce or increase the contested %?
Miriya Zakalwe
World Wide Welp
#159 - 2014-05-09 06:36:04 UTC
Actually for Amarr/Minmatar FW zones I think the biggest problem is that the current meta is trending towards blobs, links, and douchey "IT'S A TARP!!11!!!" griffin jam-drops using alts more than anything else.

I don't think there is a problem a priori with FW being a nice ISK source. Actually, having lucrative PvE with an element of risk involved is probably very good for the lowsec ecology. And the real money isn't plexing anyway, missions are far more lucrative, and much more fun to run (and, more importantly for me, to hunt down and kill). I don't think that is broken at all.

I used to think that stabbed cloaky farming was a serious problem, but really, who cares. There's still plenty of fights in lowsec FW zones and the farmers do help stabilize the tiers as others have noted. After offensive plexing systems, it is actually to a side's advantage to have a ton of farmers move in and deplex it.

Flyinghotpocket's been around the area a long time (much longer than me) and has an interesting point about the trend of the ship fights seen. Still, I am not so sure it is an actual problem; like my whining about the current blobby meta edging out solo fights, it seems like another case of "things change over time."

What we *do* have in Amarr/Minmatar FW lowsec are some FCs getting really good experience at small gang PvP. I have some serious respect for some of the traps I have seen (and been killed by) while hunting down militia.

Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
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#160 - 2014-05-16 11:40:30 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:

Docking denial should be removed, it made FW non casual. only thing that makes it some how working is that you can use alts or leave militia to get access to your assets. If you can not lock assest for ever why to deny docking ? Atleast personally i do not care if some takes my home system, i just move to another or go to camp villore, i have assets around fw area anyway from the past now i have not much reason to spread assets anywhere.

Docking denial forces you to defend your system, it was a good change and should stay. Being able to deny the enemy of assets (at least temporarily) is a good thing.