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[Kronos] Phoenix and Citadel Missiles

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School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#121 - 2014-05-08 02:06:33 UTC
so.....this means i have to finally train citadel missiles instead of using rapid lights?

Alexander McKeon
Caldari State
#122 - 2014-05-08 02:08:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Alexander McKeon
Iam Widdershins wrote:

The way I see it, the quandary here is that in the struggle to keep Citadel missiles from 1-shotting subcaps, you're finding that capital ships here may indeed have sigs that are TOO SMALL for their damage and EHP.
I agree that this is an issue, and the extremely high alpha associated with citadel missiles makes this a valid concern.

Has there been any consideration of cutting the size / damage of each individual missile in half? Half the damage per missile, twice the rate of fire, half the production cost. This would make the alpha less dangerous & easier to handle with RR, allowing Phoenixes & gun dreads to be a roughly equivalent threat to subcaps. So long as capitals can support sub-caps (Triage), it's also reasonable for dreads to threaten sub-caps when supported properly.

Fozzie, if your intent is to make the Phoenix an anti-capital platform primarily, that's all well and good, but so long as it doesn't exceed some proportion of a Moros / Nag's anti-subcap capability, there's no need to compromise it's anti-capital damage application.
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#123 - 2014-05-08 02:51:22 UTC  |  Edited by: TheMercenaryKing
Alexander McKeon wrote:
Iam Widdershins wrote:

The way I see it, the quandary here is that in the struggle to keep Citadel missiles from 1-shotting subcaps, you're finding that capital ships here may indeed have sigs that are TOO SMALL for their damage and EHP.
I agree that this is an issue, and the extremely high alpha associated with citadel missiles makes this a valid concern.

Has there been any consideration of cutting the size / damage of each individual missile in half? Half the damage per missile, twice the rate of fire, half the production cost. This would make the alpha less dangerous & easier to handle with RR, allowing Phoenixes & gun dreads to be a roughly equivalent threat to subcaps. So long as capitals can support sub-caps (Triage), it's also reasonable for dreads to threaten sub-caps when supported properly.

Fozzie, if your intent is to make the Phoenix an anti-capital platform primarily, that's all well and good, but so long as it doesn't exceed some proportion of a Moros / Nag's anti-subcap capability, there's no need to compromise it's anti-capital damage application.

As i stated before, the new and old specs of the missiles with lvl 0 skills

C. Torp
DRF: 5.5 (1 after the math is done)
Radius: 2000m || 3000m (-5% level GMP, 1500 || 2250)
Ex. Vel.: 20m/s || 35m/s (+10% level TNP, 30 || 52.5)

C. Cruise
DRF: 4.5 (0.88 after the math is done)
Radius: 1750m || 2000m (-5% level GMP, 1312.5 || 1500)
Ex. Vel.: 29m/s || 40m/s (+10% level TNP, 45 || 60)

Sig: 380
Velocity: 153 (All level 5)

Base Damage * [ (Target signature / explosion radius) * (explosion velocity / Target Velocity) ] ^ [ ln(drf) / ln(5.5)]

New Torp || Cruise (level 5)

BD * (380 / 2250 || 1500) * (52.5 || 60 / 153)^(1 || 0.88)
BD * (0.17 || 0.25) * (0.34 || 0.44)
BD * (0.057 || 0.11)

If the radius remained the same, but explosion velocity only changed:

BD * (380 / 1500 || 1312.5) * (52.5 || 60 / 153)^(1 || 0.88)
BD * (0.25 || 0.29) * (0.34 || 0.44)
BD * (0.085 || 0.127)

Really not much of a change in damage vs a battleship. Granted there can be much larger sigs (shield tanked), but the slight reduction in speed should not be much for armor ships.
Paynus Maiassus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#124 - 2014-05-08 04:41:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Paynus Maiassus
I'm totally thrilled this ship is getting a look. I actually unlocked the Phoenix recently and am currently training navigation skills and whatnot to get it battle ready. So I can fly it but haven't used it yet. So the timing of this adjustment is wonderful for me. While I have no direct experience with the ship yet I have been thinking hard about it, reading, doing math, etc.

Conceptually the changes are excellent. Removing the attachment to kinetic damage gives this ship what the Caldari are known for - damage type selection. Great move. The tank helps. Another good move.

As for the maths, by my reckoning, the explosion radius nerf is too extreme. Considering what some have said here and elsewhere that to actually affect a change in blap cap doctrines just being able to hit battleships pretty hard is not enough to make a dread a sub cap blapper (cruisers are the aim). In my view, the explosion radius increase isn't needed at all. One poster suggested something like 2400. This might be ok. But frankly, I just don't see how leaving the current explosion radius untouched with the other changes going into effect will make the Phoenix overpowered.

Also, an extreme update on citadel hit points is needed. Won't make the ship OP. Just remove one of the counters to it.

I'm like everyone else here. The explosion radius nerf is a problem. Everything else is fantastic. You could increase their effectiveness with a few more changes, foremost on my mind are the missile hit points.

Bottom line, get this thing on Sisi and see what people say. I imagine the explosion radius nerf will need to be reduced or removed. In any event, thanks for giving attention to what I hope will be my favorite ship.
Lord Salty
The Classy Gentlemans Corporation
#125 - 2014-05-08 04:46:04 UTC
As a Caldari enthusiast i greatly approve of this :D

Im not sure if its been said yet or not but are you also considering a bit more cpu for the phoenix?
The last time i tried to fit a serious one i continued to run into cpu issues to the extent where i believe i had 2 dread guristas co processors.
Bearing Srl.
#126 - 2014-05-08 07:31:36 UTC
How about give the torpedos a great(~50%) increase in dps so the torpedo phoenix become the nr 1 structure killer out there, while not being able to apply that entire dps on another caps?(tweak the numbers some more if needed to)
it will have a role now and make structure shooting a bit less time consuming for small/med corp/alliances;
leave the cruise as they are right now,

oh and one more thing: can we get a decrease in size on the capitals mods? they where increased because ppl used them for mineral compression but now withe the reprocessing nerf there is no need for the mods to remain that big
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#127 - 2014-05-08 07:40:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Lelob
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey guys, we have a pass on the Phoenix and Citadel Missiles for your feedback. The goals are to significantly improve the Phoenix for use against other caps (especially moving caps) and structures while avoiding turning it into some kind of subcap blapping monster.

Let me know what you think.

It already sucks against subcaps. Nobody wants to fly a crap-mobile that cannot even hope to kill subcaps. Every other dread can happily blap subcaps off the field, but your idea of balance is to make it even more worthless by relegating it to structure grinds (95% of people flying it will be using it for this) and the occasional cap kill. Even for structure grinds, the phoenix will still do less dps then a moros so why would I want a dread that is inferior in pretty much everything vs moros except for tank and capless guns? The simple answer is I wouldn't and people will continue to skill for moros>nag after such a worthless change.

edit: If you want to balance them properly, then let them be able to kill subcaps, like every other dread in the game.
probag Bear
Xiong Offices
#128 - 2014-05-08 07:54:28 UTC  |  Edited by: probag Bear
As an EFT-warrior with too much money and too many accounts (two of which may or may not be training capital missiles), quick numbers on the blap Phoenix for context. Please correct me on things I will inevitably get wrong.


  • Phoenix is blap-fit: 4 CN BCUs, meta torp launchers, faction ammo (it's cheap), max Warhead Rigor Catalyst rigs. GP-806, TN-906 implants plugged in.
  • Target is standard fit Guardian (from my understanding of standard): 1600mm Steel II, 3 active hardener, EANM, AB. Transversal is maximized (not hard against siege).
  • A maxed Info Warfare - Electronic Superiority link is used. A max armor resist link is also used for the Loki/Rapier EHP numbers, but that's less important.
  • Webs are non-bonused Fed Navy and TPs are Domination.
  • All V skills.
  • Guardian AB is taken to be T2. Even with the buff, triple non-bonused webs are not going to make a Guardian go slower than exp velocity. Which simplifies things, since you can just divide the damage figures by a simple factor to get numbers for higher meta ABs. Same goes for Halo implants: they are assumed unplugged, if you want the plugged figure it's just one multiplication away.
  • Loki is assumed to be 3-web/2-paint. ~325k omni-EHP w/o Slaves.
  • Rapier is assumed to be 3-web/3-paint. ~100k omni-EHP w/o Slaves, with 1.2bil in Bailey plates.

Rubicon Phoenix + Loki: 1,011 / 13,172 DPS/alpha

Rubicon Phoenix + Loki + Strong Crash: 1,445 / 18,817 DPS/alpha

Rubicon Phoenix + Rapier: 2,044 / 26,616 DPS/alpha

Rubicon Phoenix + Rapier + Strong Crash: 2,919 / 38,023 DPS/alpha

Kronos Phoenix + Loki: 944 / 9,220 DPS/alpha

Kronos Phoenix + Loki + Strong Crash: 1,348 / 13,172 DPS/alpha

Kronos Phoenix + Rapier: 1,907 / 18,631 DPS/alpha

Kronos Phoenix + Rapier + Strong Crash: 2,725 / 26,616 DPS/alpha

So the dreaded 4/5-boxed dual-Phoenix + 2bil full-Slave Rapier fleet that can run C5/6 escalations and also alpha Guardians off the field is well gone.

That said, to echo a lot of people in this thread: why not let it do full damage to all triage/siege carriers/dreads, like the rest of the dreads can do? You only need to slightly shift the torp sig radius nerf from 50% to 45% and at least it can hit Archons for full damage. Shift it to 43% or a prettier 40% and it can hit Nids for full damage too. Hell, in my opinion, the alpha nerf alone is almost enough to keep the cruiser-blapping Phoenix a gimmick rather than let it become an actual thing.
Catherine Laartii
#129 - 2014-05-08 08:03:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Catherine Laartii
Iam Widdershins wrote:
I'm gonna chime in on the side of most of the dissenting voices here.

Yes, this is overall a buff to the Phoenix. Yes, I'm glad to be seeing this happen, and universal damage is long overdue on this lame duck of dreadnoughts.

However, the tweaks to Citadel explosion velocity vs. explosion radius do seem marginally unfavorable: Skirmish links will provide an 11.4% reduction to damage taken by a sieged Moros, while a Ragnarok will provide closer to 15%. For the other three dreads fit with armor the situation is even a bit worse. Maxed out, a Ragnarok can get down to a 1205m sig radius, smaller than a microwarping battleship. Certainly futzing around with making your caps speed tank each other is a cool mechanic to leave open for the player base to experiment with, but allowing a dread that is sitting still to take less damage from Phoenixes only, just because you are buffing up your sig with Halos and links, is a bad precedent.

The way I see it, the quandary here is that in the struggle to keep Citadel missiles from 1-shotting subcaps, you're finding that capital ships here may indeed have sigs that are TOO SMALL for their damage and EHP. I urge you to consider the following:

* Leave the Citadel missile changes as they are. 2250m explosion radius for citadel torps is probably fine.
* Increase all Dreadnought signature radius and sensor strength by 50%


* Increase all Carrier signature radius by 50%
* Increase all Carrier signature radius by 25% and increase signature radius while in Triage by 20% (for a total of 50%)

The main difficulty here is clearly not with Dreadnoughts; while increasing sig radius the ship becomes easier to probe; increasing sensor strength to compensate on a dreadnought is unimportant because they can't do much of use when they are actually jammable. Carriers are a different problem; one must be willing to either make them a bit easier to probe, or risk making them nigh impossible to jam with ECM. Nonetheless, I believe these changes should solve the issue, allowing capital weapons and ships to exist on a more consummate scale with their power while providing only a minor side effect in making Carriers slightly easier to find with combat probes.

I would be in favor of a dreadnaught sig increase due to the actually large size and mass difference between them and carriers, assuming it's an offset to the coming dread buff which would include (but not be limited to) the following:
-Moros and Naglfar get respective bonuses to armor and shield repair
-All including Rev get a 10% damage bonus per level
-Rev turns into alt version of phoenix with 4% resists per level
-All see buffs to capacitor, sensor strength, sig res
-All see slight nerf to overall hp, but buff more towards their respective hp tank type
-Ammo capacity inceased, especially on missiles, to ensure magazine lasts all the way through siege
probag Bear
Xiong Offices
#130 - 2014-05-08 08:14:04 UTC  |  Edited by: probag Bear
Lelob wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey guys, we have a pass on the Phoenix and Citadel Missiles for your feedback. The goals are to significantly improve the Phoenix for use against other caps (especially moving caps) and structures while avoiding turning it into some kind of subcap blapping monster.

Let me know what you think.

It already sucks against subcaps. Nobody wants to fly a crap-mobile that cannot even hope to kill subcaps. Every other dread can happily blap subcaps off the field, but your idea of balance is to make it even more worthless by relegating it to structure grinds (95% of people flying it will be using it for this) and the occasional cap kill. Even for structure grinds, the phoenix will still do less dps then a moros so why would I want a dread that is inferior in pretty much everything vs moros except for tank and capless guns? The simple answer is I wouldn't and people will continue to skill for moros>nag after such a worthless change.

edit: If you want to balance them properly, then let them be able to kill subcaps, like every other dread in the game.

The main problem is that the Phoenix is the only dread in the game whose damage-application rigs have no stacking penalty and stack "subtractively" rather than "additively". I forget the correct word for that second part, but the gist of the matter is that 3 rigs on a Phoenix give a 84% boost to 'tracking', while 3 rigs on any other dread only give 50% boost to tracking. For comparison, your standard blap-fit Moros (1 TE, 2 speed-scripted TC, 2 optimal-scripted TC) gets a 72% tracking boost when T2-fit and a 86% boost when faction-fit.

One could argue that to fix blap Phoenixes, you'd just have to bring their 'tracking' rigs in line with other dreadnoughts.

Edit: Edited my edit out, as it was a stupid edit.
Futune Circinus
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#131 - 2014-05-08 09:01:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Futune Circinus
Missile damage application is Trad/Exprad for stationary targets or (Trad/Exprad)*(Expvel/Tvel) for moving targets. (The exponent of the last formula is conveniently 1 for citadel torps). It defaults to 1 if these values are greater than 1, but let's not kid ourselves, that will not happen for a phoenix.

With the proposed changes, the last formula will be multiplied by 1.75/1.5 = all cases where it is used. This will be combined with the loss of the damage bonus and increase in RoF which yields a bonus of (1/1.25)*(1/0.75). The total change will be a compound

1.75/(1.5*1.25*0.75) = 1.24444...

Or a 24% increase in the worst case scenario. In the best case of a stationary target the dps will receive a factor of 1/(1.5*1.25*0.75)=0.71111..., which is a 29% loss.

So that's the verdict folks, your maximum dps is cut by 29% and minimum dps is increased by 24%.

I'm very underwhelmed with these changes. Please fix the Phoenix.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#132 - 2014-05-08 10:01:26 UTC
I have a cruise battleship that can 1 shot a Tristan off the field when said Tristan is MWDing about (and that wasn't even using Novas!). It's all in the rigs.

LordServant showed that in a limited type of engagement, which only really works because the Phoenix is so terrible and everyone knows it, the Phoenix can double-shot BS's and blap HACs.

In fact, a Citadel Cruise fit Phoenix isn't as bad as thought when it comes to C5/6 escalations, as DPS is flat across the range of engagement. If you control the range of engagement, it can apply a good proportion of the 6,000 paper DPS.

So, assuming that Fozzie's numbers stack up you now have 7,500 DPS to see frittered away by something being nudged up to the astounding velocity of 0.1m/s.

This is still 70% of the raw paper DPS of a Moros.

However, lets take a typical Foxcat, sig 370, velocity 132. Actual applied DPS is currently 775 for a Phoenix. This will go up 38% from the explosion velocity buff to about 1050. Add another 18% for the buff to explosion radius, and it's 1200 applied DPS (without TPs, rigs, etc.).

Add triple T2 flare cat rigs, and it's 1760.

A Moros vs a Foxcat outperforms if the Foxcat has any form of transversal. No TP's are neccessarily needed.

Doubling sig radius for the new phoenix will simply double the applied DPS, but it will never come close to that of the Moros. It simply cannot, due to the fact the Moros has about 50% more raw DPS.

And, note, that this is the pimpingest Phoenix imaginable, a meagre 5.4B.

The buff is a move in the right direction, and I can see why you want to be cautious. As I've said, I've cracked how to make a BS into a missile instablapper for frigs and dessies, with a stupid 90km+++ engagement envelope. Turning the Phoenix into this isn't even threatened to be happening from these changes.

So, let's at least get the explosion radius down to the 600 level before rigs (50% or less of what it is now) because you can then rig it down to the 350-450 area, giving good damage application vs stationary battleships. The explosion velocity buff could then stay as it is, allowing ships to move fast enough (excepting ofc 90% webs) to mitigate 75% of the DPS.

In short, niche PVPers and theorycraft grand wizards can make this OP in limited circumstances. But it's never going to be the new Slowdrake doctrine.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#133 - 2014-05-08 10:55:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Gypsio III
Iam Widdershins wrote:

The way I see it, the quandary here is that in the struggle to keep Citadel missiles from 1-shotting subcaps, you're finding that capital ships here may indeed have sigs that are TOO SMALL for their damage and EHP. .

Essentially this, which is at least a simpler alternative to nerfing the Evasive Manoeuvres link. It's absurd to be able to get into a situation where a stationary sieged capital is mitigating meaningful amounts of damage from missiles but not guns, it just demonstrates a fundamental flaw in mechanics.

This new Phoenix is supposed to have advantages at killing capitals commensurate with its disadvantages at blapping (yes it's possible, but it's also harder to set up, requiring specific fits and support and a suitably stupid opponent, don't take too much from the example of LS blapping idiots). So it's silly to have torps with 2250 m explosion radius when capitals can easily have ~1790 m sigs, giving them 20% damage mitigation even before speed.

TBF, that 1790 m is using a Ragnorak. With just the link it's ~1875 m, but that's still 17% mitigation. And everybody has links these days, because people aren't stupid and they're far too powerful to not use. I appreciate that you can mitigate this with Crash, but Crash should not be the "default" requirement, it should be a counter to X-Instinct.
Glory Run
The Explorers Club
#134 - 2014-05-08 11:11:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Glory Run
Phoenix to nobody necessary museum piece! I was such and such remains. These changes will give nothing. Phoenix won't buy. The reason in that that, Moros and Naglfar are universal. The phoenix such doesn't become.
While the Phoenix won't cause a loss so much how many Moros and Naglfar... On the same purposes... it won't be necessary. Because Moros and Naglfar well replace it.
Wulfy Johnson
NorCorp Security
#135 - 2014-05-08 11:32:23 UTC
You know Fozzie, when smarter men reinvented the wheel, they put rubber on it. Currently you are choosing between concrete and steel..

Anything should hit a mwd blooming battleship, and a capital ship sieging (standing still) IS impossible to miss..
Hole Control
#136 - 2014-05-08 12:06:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Burneddi
probag Bear wrote:
The main problem is that the Phoenix is the only dread in the game whose damage-application rigs have no stacking penalty and stack "subtractively" rather than "additively". I forget the correct word for that second part, but the gist of the matter is that 3 rigs on a Phoenix give a 84% boost to 'tracking', while 3 rigs on any other dread only give 50% boost to tracking. For comparison, your standard blap-fit Moros (1 TE, 2 speed-scripted TC, 2 optimal-scripted TC) gets a 72% tracking boost when T2-fit and a 86% boost when faction-fit.

One could argue that to fix blap Phoenixes, you'd just have to bring their 'tracking' rigs in line with other dreadnoughts.

Edit: Edited my edit out, as it was a stupid edit.

The key difference being that guns have Tracking Computers and Tracking Enhancers, while missiles have nothing of the sort. There is literally only one viable way to locally improve missile application and that is Rigors. Fitting webs/paints isn't local, and aren't exclusive to missile damage.
Rab See
Stellar Dynamics
#137 - 2014-05-08 12:56:27 UTC
Burneddi wrote:
probag Bear wrote:
The main problem is that the Phoenix is the only dread in the game whose damage-application rigs have no stacking penalty and stack "subtractively" rather than "additively". I forget the correct word for that second part, but the gist of the matter is that 3 rigs on a Phoenix give a 84% boost to 'tracking', while 3 rigs on any other dread only give 50% boost to tracking. For comparison, your standard blap-fit Moros (1 TE, 2 speed-scripted TC, 2 optimal-scripted TC) gets a 72% tracking boost when T2-fit and a 86% boost when faction-fit.

One could argue that to fix blap Phoenixes, you'd just have to bring their 'tracking' rigs in line with other dreadnoughts.

Edit: Edited my edit out, as it was a stupid edit.

The key difference being that guns have Tracking Computers and Tracking Enhancers, while missiles have nothing of the sort. There is literally only one viable way to locally improve missile application and that is Rigors. Fitting webs/paints isn't local, and aren't exclusive to missile damage.

Missiles always hit, they auto track their targets. Applying damage with missiles requires webs and painters. These are your friends.
probag Bear
Xiong Offices
#138 - 2014-05-08 13:05:35 UTC  |  Edited by: probag Bear
Burneddi wrote:
probag Bear wrote:
The main problem is that the Phoenix is the only dread in the game whose damage-application rigs have no stacking penalty and stack "subtractively" rather than "additively". I forget the correct word for that second part, but the gist of the matter is that 3 rigs on a Phoenix give a 84% boost to 'tracking', while 3 rigs on any other dread only give 50% boost to tracking. For comparison, your standard blap-fit Moros (1 TE, 2 speed-scripted TC, 2 optimal-scripted TC) gets a 72% tracking boost when T2-fit and a 86% boost when faction-fit.

One could argue that to fix blap Phoenixes, you'd just have to bring their 'tracking' rigs in line with other dreadnoughts.

Edit: Edited my edit out, as it was a stupid edit.

The key difference being that guns have Tracking Computers and Tracking Enhancers, while missiles have nothing of the sort. There is literally only one viable way to locally improve missile application and that is Rigors. Fitting webs/paints isn't local, and aren't exclusive to missile damage.

Right, which is the reason Fozzie is ending up in a place he doesn't like:

  • You can't buff Phoenix damage-application because, when combined with its tracking rigs, the blap would be too strong.
  • You can't balance Phoenix damage-application around the blap-fit because no one is going to bother with a dread that needs tracking rigs to deal damage to other caps.
  • You can't nerf tracking rigs because, unlike for other dreads, there are no module equivalents.

Like others in this thread, I'm currently at the opinion that you balance the blap Phoenix by reducing its alpha. From my perspective, the only scary thing about blap Phoenixes is the possibility of point-blank alpha-ing competent Guardians in WH engagements (where you can't just bring extra cap support). Currently that's only possible if you bring a Rapier, which dies very quickly if it's not storyline-fit, with armor links, and a Slave set on top of it all. I feel that's far from overpowering.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#139 - 2014-05-08 13:31:54 UTC
A possible alternative to nerfing alpha is to nerf the DRF instead. That will reduce damage against small stuff, enabling the torp explosion radius nerf to be dialled back to avoid the Evasive Manoeuvres problem of reduced damage against stationary capitals.
Mike Whiite
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#140 - 2014-05-08 13:35:08 UTC
Problem is the Missile system.

We can twist and turn and maybe find a agreeable solution to the current problems, 3 updates later something else changes that indirectly effects missiles and we're back at missiles (Capitals in this matter) being either horrible OP or Horrible UP.

The lack of variables and ways to adjust the variables that are there will keep causing problems.

Although I really appreciate CCP efforts on tackling this problem through ships, it should be the system that needs to be balanced first.

Preferable from scratch to see what works and can survive changes in it's environment.