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Gallente, Minmitar and Amarr battleships for missions !

IamDA bomb Shaishi
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2011-09-08 22:30:17 UTC
So I am just coming back into the game and my character can fly Amarr, Gallente and minmitar battleships / commandships.

I am going to do some level 4 missions to get my Isk up.

Any tips on best ship for this in these races and fittings probably against guristas.

Thanks !
Lady Zarrina
New Eden Browncoats
#2 - 2011-09-08 23:09:45 UTC
Tengu , raven, drake.... Oh wait, you didn't mention Caldari.

Probably anything that can do decent damage against the battle ships and can equip drones for the small stuff.

EVE: All about Flying Frisky and Making Iskie

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2011-09-09 00:15:05 UTC
Seeing as you have Gal and Mini, I would suggest a Mach. Steer clear of the marauders as their low sensor strength will just leave you jammed against Guristas.
Atrament Inc.
#4 - 2011-09-09 00:35:33 UTC
I'm fond of the Navy Dominix. I got it as a collector’s item, but it actually is a nice ship. You can shield or armor tank it effectively against Guristas, and the drones keep shooting even if you can't. The extra HP is nice, and so is the extra CPU/PG. It can fit 6 x 425RGs if you enhance the PG.

There is a down side: you can't fit two sentry rigs like a normal Dominix.
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2011-09-11 15:29:17 UTC
Guristas are best shot at with Kin/Therm, but EM works nicely too - which means you want anything except Explosive damage pretty much.

Mach, Nightmare, Abaddon, Navypoc, Dominix. Personally I'd look at Nightmare and Mach first, others second.
Cadre Noir
#6 - 2011-09-11 17:07:20 UTC
I can't speak for other races, as I only fly Minmatar, but I do quite well with a Maelstrom.

I agree with a previous poster that since you have Min and Gal, why not shoot for the Machariel.
#7 - 2011-09-11 17:11:10 UTC
syphurous wrote:
Seeing as you have Gal and Mini, I would suggest a Mach. Steer clear of the marauders as their low sensor strength will just leave you jammed against Guristas.

It is my understanding that your sensor strength has nothing to do with whether or not an NPC will jam you. I live in Guristas space and have noticed this to be consistent with my experiences with Guristas jamming, too.

Then again, this is just my understanding, not my 100% quality assured knowledge of the situation.
Harbinger Kyr
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2011-09-11 17:44:04 UTC
step 1. Which space are you in?
Step 2. pick Bship based on race.
Step 3. you need to give more information when you are asking a broad question.... like... hey, I don't want to use drones... or I hate lasers, but, bla bla bla. We can't answer your question with such a vague bit of information.

Also, I can't actually be clear as to what I'm trying to say because these forums aren't friendly to people with internet access at work ><

We are recruiting like-minded individuals. PvP in low sec with eyes set to null. Visit our public channel for inquiries, or message me. Looking forward to it. Public Channel: Psycho Tech Pub

Harbinger Kyr
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2011-09-11 17:50:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Harbinger Kyr
Edit: CCP needs to make this **** browser friendly to simple browswwers. sorry for the multi-post.

We are recruiting like-minded individuals. PvP in low sec with eyes set to null. Visit our public channel for inquiries, or message me. Looking forward to it. Public Channel: Psycho Tech Pub

Caldari State
#10 - 2011-09-11 18:00:04 UTC
Time to xtrain caldari, OP.
Harbinger Kyr
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2011-09-11 18:02:01 UTC
step 1. Which space are you in?
Step 2. pick Bship based on race.
Step 3. you need to give more information when you are asking a broad question.... like... hey, I don't want to use drones... or I hate lasers, but, bla bla bla. We can't answer your question with such a vague bit of information.

Also, I can't actually be clear as to what I'm trying to say because these forums aren't friendly to people with internet access at work ><

We are recruiting like-minded individuals. PvP in low sec with eyes set to null. Visit our public channel for inquiries, or message me. Looking forward to it. Public Channel: Psycho Tech Pub

Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#12 - 2011-09-11 18:19:34 UTC
Kesshisan wrote:

It is my understanding that your sensor strength has nothing to do with whether or not an NPC will jam you. I live in Guristas space and have noticed this to be consistent with my experiences with Guristas jamming, too.

They used to ignore your sensor strength, now they take it into account
#13 - 2011-09-11 18:32:59 UTC
Destoya wrote:
They used to ignore your sensor strength, now they take it into account

Not that I'm calling you a liar, but where did you acquire this information from? I'd like to do the research myself.
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#14 - 2011-09-11 18:50:21 UTC
Dominix you deploy drones and do **** and alt-tab. Lol

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Caldari State
#15 - 2011-09-11 19:02:36 UTC
Kesshisan wrote:

Not that I'm calling you a liar, but where did you acquire this information from? I'd like to do the research myself.

For what it's worth, 2 of my own little personal experiences:

I went into a mission in my Drake last month, a guristas mission, and was pretty much permajammed, or at least jammed often enough where I could never get past the shield boosting of any of the rats, it was pretty awful. So I went and bought 2 ECCM in a nearby system came back and hardly got jammed at all (I still got jammed, but only a couple times over a long period, never back to back and constant like before.)

Generally I do exploration sites rather than missions for carebearing, combat and radar. There is a specific radar site in gurrista space where a couple Moa always spawn and they do ECM. I've tried to do the site in a rifter, but ended up permajammed, I could kill them if I could target them, but target them I could not, I tried more than one of these sites in my rifter and warped out a few times and back in on one where they spawned before I looted the first can. Then I tried it in a hawk (8str --> 16str going from rifter to hawk) and found myself jammed significantly less.

Anecdotal, but there it is.
#16 - 2011-09-11 20:51:45 UTC  |  Edited by: stoicfaux
Kesshisan wrote:
Destoya wrote:
They used to ignore your sensor strength, now they take it into account

Not that I'm calling you a liar, but where did you acquire this information from? I'd like to do the research myself.

It's been tested and shown that sensor strength affects jamming. Here's the thread:

edit: eve-search link for when old forums die:

edit: The History Lesson
It looks like NPC ECM has always been sensor based, however, there was a bug that caused the NPCs to stop jamming (or to have large intervals between jamming attempts) which made NPC jamming just a nuisance. Then one patch day CCP fixed the bug, and Guristas were on fixed 20 second intervals between jam attempts. Suddenly there were a lot of forum posts about being perma-jammed by Guristas. IIRC, a few of the missions or mission rates were tweaked to tone down the perm-jamming.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2011-09-11 23:36:10 UTC
Yeah the sensor strength change ( fix ) was at the same time all the Guristas missions doing perma-jamming popped up. You can see in the old forums just how many complaints there where if you want a "time" when this started. It pretty much made all the Marauders useless against Guristas due to their horrid sensor strength, the same reason no one PvPs in them. You can just get a t1 frig with a single racial ECM and perma jam them.

The Pirate BS however have the same / more fire power and if you really must salvage, the Noctis is far, far more efficient.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2011-09-11 23:45:30 UTC
Alright, why is there not single recommendation for an Amarrian ship?
I myself fly an apoc and it does fantastic against the gurista, espescially considering the lasers. Also, unless I am forgetting something glaringly obvious, an apoc/napoc can do similar to what a raven does.
The abaddon also has a fantastic tank and rapes npc face when fitted with tachs/mega pulses.
I dont think Amarrian bs are too bad...Blink
Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#19 - 2011-09-12 03:30:03 UTC
Gallente / Minmatar skills get you into Machariel, which is a very nice mission runner for most anything except some of the nastier amarr lvl4 encounter storylines. Machariel is fast and has heaps of DPS output, but not nearly the uber-tank many mission runners seek.

Doing some Caldari (and possibly missile) cross-training will get you into arguably better mission runners like the rattlesnake (gallente / caldari) and tengu (T3 caldari ... relatively easy-to-achieve skillset). These guys don't have the DPS output of the Machariel, but they can throw up a way better shield tank. The Caldari BSs are also decent mission runners, but I'd not really place them higher than the Machariel for someone with Gallente / Minmatar skills.

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Decaying Rocky Odious Non Evil Stupid Inane Nobody
Rogue Drone Recovery Syndicate
#20 - 2011-09-12 06:41:01 UTC
Missions ships listed

Megathron Navy Issue
Domi Navy Issue

Apoc Navy Issue

Maelstrom - is a good starting mission ship for minnie pilots.
Tempest Fleet Issue

Altho flying the domi. you need decent drone skills such as T2 Sentrys and such.
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