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Faction Standing / Tags

Tricia McMillan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2011-12-02 23:45:45 UTC

i heard that i can get my faction standing a bit higher with some tags?

could someone explain please, its annoying to join space and get "hunted"...
#2 - 2011-12-02 23:53:51 UTC
Google "datacenter"
Tricia McMillan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2011-12-03 00:20:28 UTC
#4 - 2011-12-03 04:15:44 UTC
Or even...This

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Tricia McMillan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-12-03 10:03:03 UTC
the problem is, when i go to there, still npc's chasing me... i mean how could i be able by myself to get higher faction standing when everywhere i go the stupid npcs are comming and chasing me..
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-12-03 13:06:49 UTC
Do COSMOS. You get some very nice BPCs with them. I did them all on an alt in about a week. He has over a 6.0 faction standing now. (( was around 1.0 when I started doing them).
Tricia McMillan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2011-12-03 13:15:11 UTC
cos... mos...??
explain please, do you mean anomalies?
Hungry Ghost
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2011-12-03 13:32:03 UTC
Tricia McMillan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2011-12-03 16:47:12 UTC

its a nice page thanks but i still don't get it, maybe i just missed it by reading but the problem is still, at the point i enter the region of the fraction, i get hunted, npcs spawning behind my ass and are shooting me, so i can't do missions there at all, i mean how?

accepting missions, going to missions -> npcs spawn of the fraction and are trying to kill me off... so... how to solve the problem?
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#10 - 2011-12-03 18:04:36 UTC
Tricia McMillan wrote:
accepting missions, going to missions -> npcs spawn of the fraction and are trying to kill me off... so... how to solve the problem?

Don't do them in the sovereign space where you're hunted. There are plenty of -- for example -- Caldari agents in Gallente space.
Tricia McMillan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2011-12-03 19:13:06 UTC
Zhilia Mann wrote:
Tricia McMillan wrote:
accepting missions, going to missions -> npcs spawn of the fraction and are trying to kill me off... so... how to solve the problem?

Don't do them in the sovereign space where you're hunted. There are plenty of -- for example -- Caldari agents in Gallente space.

question is... do i really get _Faction_ standing with missions or only with storylines ?
Eru GoEller
State War Academy
Caldari State
#12 - 2011-12-03 20:06:47 UTC
Any faction standing increase comes from doing storyline mission, afaik. Do you have the skill Diplomacy trained?
If it's not at level 5 yet that alone could help you reach a point where the faction stops shooting at you.
Tricia McMillan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2011-12-03 20:55:06 UTC
currently learning it to lvl 4 but don't want to spend so many trainingtime to level 5...
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2011-12-03 21:34:27 UTC
Tricia McMillan wrote:

its a nice page thanks but i still don't get it, maybe i just missed it by reading but the problem is still, at the point i enter the region of the fraction, i get hunted, npcs spawning behind my ass and are shooting me, so i can't do missions there at all, i mean how?

accepting missions, going to missions -> npcs spawn of the fraction and are trying to kill me off... so... how to solve the problem?

Hello Tricia,

Hungry Ghost linked a 'Questions and Comments' thread for the 'Faction Standing Repair Plan' listed in the Evelopedia. That thread was created specifically so that all Community members may benefit from any additional info pertaining to the 'Plan'.

The 'Plan' has proven itself to be extremely good at repairing negative Faction standings in a very short time. Please list your current Faction standings (modified by Social skills). That info is needed to see which route needs to be taken to repair your Faction standings.

Tricia McMillan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2011-12-04 00:21:03 UTC
lvl4 finished now so standings:

amarr 7.82
caldari 7.43
minmatar -3.64
gallente -5.82
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#16 - 2011-12-04 01:15:40 UTC
Tricia McMillan wrote:
question is... do i really get _Faction_ standing with missions or only with storylines ?

Storylines, but if you are deep in friendly space you'll get storylines in friendly space too.
Eru GoEller
State War Academy
Caldari State
#17 - 2011-12-04 08:20:27 UTC
Tricia McMillan wrote:
lvl4 finished now so standings:

amarr 7.82
caldari 7.43
minmatar -3.64
gallente -5.82

If you don't like to train Diplomacy to 5, i guess your best option currently is to run mission for Sisters of EVE.
They are escecially good for mending Gallente and Minmatar standings ( why aren't there a similar
solution for Amarr/Caldari ? I'm sure the lore could handle something similar ).

So, have your pick and see if it's enough doing 1 storyline or not:

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2011-12-04 09:11:27 UTC
Tricia McMillan wrote:
lvl4 finished now so standings:

amarr 7.82
caldari 7.43
minmatar -3.64
gallente -5.82

Since Minmatar is your highest 'Unfriendly' Faction at -3.64 standing, you can start working the Minmatar Event Agents listed in the 'Plan'. That will give derived Faction standing increase to Gallente.

After a while Gallente Faction standing will rise and when Gallente get's above -5.00 Faction standing, you can then enter Gallente space safely without being attacked by Navy NPC's and work the Gallente Event Agents.

Or you can do the SoE Lv 1 Epic Arc after Gallente Faction is above -5.00 standing. That arc gives you option to choose 1 of the 4 major Factions to complete it for Faction standing increase with no derived standings, positive or negative, towards the other Factions. All Epic Arcs can be completed every 3 months.

All the Event Agents listed in the 'Plan' give Faction standing increase. Only the Epic Arcs give Faction standing increase with little to no derived standings towards the other Factions.

Good luck
Celgar Thurn
Department 10
#19 - 2011-12-04 11:26:44 UTC
I did twenty bronze tags with the Minmatar data center recently and was disappointed with the amount of Minmatar Republic standing given. I personally wouldn't recommend going past doing the courier mission and copper tags with the data centers but it's up to you.

Doing all or some of the Minmatar COSMOS missions in Minmatar space around the Nakugard system will give you a hefty amount of Minmatar & Gallente standings. I am well above 8.00 effective standing now with both Min. & Gall. thanks to doing all the Minmatar COSMOS missions. Doing Gallente COSMOS now but they do not seem to be so good i terms of standing and they have fewer agents/more lower level agents.

Storyline missions are good too. One given per sixteen missions on the same lvl agent -doesn't have to be all missions for the same one agentLol . Just look for some quick missions to complete and away you go. If you have R&D agents working for you do their agents missions as well. Very quick to do with just xxxx amount of tritinium or a short corier mission to complete.

I would recommend training to lvl 5 in Diplomacy if you want to get the job done quick in one fail swoop though.Smile