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[Kronos] Phoenix and Citadel Missiles

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State War Academy
Caldari State
#81 - 2014-05-07 18:35:00 UTC
Nice efforts in the right direction, but in your concern for not bringing the phoenix anywhere near the blapping capabilities of the moros and others, which are able to effectively hit cruisers, let alone battleships, you have made the explosion radius on citadel torps too large, to the point where the ship cannot even perform its intended role properly, to kill other capitals. The base explosion radius nerf wasn't needed, but if you are going to, go for 2400 or 2500, not 3k, that way they can at least hit all capitals for full damage, not the silliness that will ensue with 3k base.
Catherine Laartii
#82 - 2014-05-07 18:47:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Catherine Laartii
Womyn Power wrote:
I dont normally log in to post but this is by far the worst change I've seen in the past few blunders you've put out.

It's too much to expect a phoenix can 1 shot bc's with torps with webs and 3 rigs entirely devoted to bringing down radius?


50% radius increase is a ******* joke, velocity means jack anyway when dealing with these numbers - why nerf one of the already most niche dreads?

ps thanks lord servant for making fozzie/rise aware of what can be done with the game cus they apparently had no idea XD

Is this a joke or do you seriously not understand how explosion radius works? Unline turrets, the relative radius of a missile in relation to its target works AGAINST its maximum dps. The BS your spouting is in fact, BS because it means that the nerf to sig radius makes it HARDER to hit subcapital targets.

For instance: A few months ago, I was sitting outside the Asakai station in my Pilgrim with two of my friends after cynoing in their phoenixes. We were talking about how capital missiles are balanced, and jokingly I challenged them to shoot off some unsieged citadel torpedos.

They barely did any damage to my shields, and I was armor tanked. As well as sitting completely still.

Any of your worry about instablapping bcs and battleships is only applicable if they have their mwd going and a bunch of webs on them, so they're almost standing still with a mountain-sized sig radius bloom from the mwd. Or they're sitting still and have a buttload of target painters on them.
Catherine Laartii
#83 - 2014-05-07 18:49:43 UTC
Anyway, these phoenix changes are excellent. I'll be training into my first capital ship in about two weeks, and I'll be ecstatic about flying the phoenix after this; not only will it be extremely powerful against whatever structure or capital it tries to hit, it will be INCREDIBLY tough with that resist bonus.
Bernie Nator
Seal Club Six
Plug N Play
#84 - 2014-05-07 18:52:14 UTC
So you mean to say the Phoenix does more than scan?

Stop. My election can only get so large.
Slow Match
#85 - 2014-05-07 18:55:21 UTC
Will these changes apply to complex structures shooting citadel missiles/torpedos?
Miss Everest
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#86 - 2014-05-07 19:09:15 UTC
I like the new Phoenix changes! It has needed them for a very long time!

Also happy CCP is now looking at caps and working on them!

Any thought on fixing the Thanatos and Niddhoger as well? Would only require a pretty small change to bring them in line with the others.
Komodo Askold
Strategic Exploration and Development Corp
Silent Company
#87 - 2014-05-07 19:33:11 UTC
After all the suggestions about how to improve the Phoenix and its XL missiles that have passed through these forums, you've come up with quite an elegant solution!I like these changes; we'll have to wait for feedback but looks very good. Applause! +1
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#88 - 2014-05-07 19:47:15 UTC
The Moros still does way more dps than a torp Phoenix at most torpedo ranges. Citadel cruise missiles still do just as much dps as torpedoes do to unwebbed/painted carrier/dreads and smaller ships. Paper dps with torps will be about 6.7% more than before. Cruise will stay the same. But that is with any damage type, which is great. No more kinetic-only crap.

However, now with the nerf to Explosion Radius, you will actually do less dps to smaller targets than before when using torps, even to a webbed carrier or dread if it is also skirmish linked. I think this oddity is also why some POS structures were given a larger signature radius. This tells me that the increases to explosion radius were far in excess of what was needed.

The original base ExpRad was 2000, and could be improved to 1500 with perfect skills. Now it is 3000 and can be improved to 2250, more than 250 greater than a linked carrier or dread. So even if that Archon is at a dead stop, it will still get a damage reduction of about 10%, which is 10% more than it was getting before.

All of this is can be mitigated by using Standard (or better) Crash Booster, a single unbonused target painter, or a single Rigor Rig. Anything that gets you a 15% expRad reduction or a 10% target signature radius increase will do it.

However, it is not helpful to introduce nerfs when you're trying to buff something.

Subcaps are also going to take slightly less damage than before, again because of the over-nerfing of explosion radius.

I would like to see the explosion radius nerfs dialed back just a bit. Torpedo base ExpRad of 2750 and cruise at 1750 would preserve roughly the same applied dps as pre-nerf to subcaps, and slightly improve applied dps to dreads and carriers. Applied dps to supers and titans would remain unchanged.

The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#89 - 2014-05-07 19:53:39 UTC
Soldarius wrote:
The Moros still does way more dps than a torp Phoenix at most torpedo ranges. Citadel cruise missiles still do just as much dps as torpedoes do to unwebbed/painted carrier/dreads and smaller ships. Paper dps with torps will be about 6.7% more than before.

This is more to do with the Moros' ridiculously overpowered range than anything inherently wrong with the other dreads. When you can do 8k dps at 70km with antimatter, there's really no reason to use anything else.

The DPS on the moros is fine where it is with balance, but it completely negates the advantages of other dreads in terms of range.

Why use a Rev when you can use a Moros to get better DPS at better ranges?

The best thing CCP could do to boost the never-not moros problem, is nerf XL blaster range into oblivion where it should be. I get it that they want you to hit pos's with AM for full damage, but that arbitrary point means pushing the ranges to absurd and silly levels.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#90 - 2014-05-07 19:54:39 UTC
Querns wrote:
Okay, time to eat some humble pie. I can't remember, for the life of me -- did Guided Missile Precision get changed to affect torpedoes, HAMs, and rockets? Checking leads me to believe this is the case, since all missiles have the "aimedLaunch" property at 1, but I can't find any indication from Google that this was changed.

If Guided Missile Precision affects capital torps, then the 50% increase in explosion radius isn't quite as bad as it looks.

Yes, GNP now applies to Citadel torps.

Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#91 - 2014-05-07 20:02:21 UTC
when is subcap 'blapping' getting fixed?
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#92 - 2014-05-07 20:03:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Querns
TrouserDeagle wrote:
when is subcap 'blapping' getting fixed?

It's hard to say, but at least it's an easy fix; just apply the same restriction that titan guns have to prevent "blapping" to dreads as well.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Catherine Laartii
#93 - 2014-05-07 20:16:53 UTC
As alarmed as I am at the sig radius nerf, I don't actually see this being too much of an issue as long as there are TPs on field lighting up the primary.
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#94 - 2014-05-07 20:53:22 UTC
Fozzie, alongside other posters in this thread I have serious concerns about what signature radius, but they've already voiced them so I don't need to.

What I'm concerned with is that citadel missiles are still a completely broken and underpowered weapon system and even if you've significantly boosted the Phoenix's tank and possibly somewhat boosted its damage output, the Phoenix is still the least powerful and least desireable dreadnought, which gives it the least return for the considerable investment of ISK and training time required to skill into, purchase and equip a dreadnought. I cannot fly any dreadnoughts and am not planning to train to for them in the near future, but despite the fact that training into any race of dreadnought would represent an absolutely equal amount of ISK and time investment for me the two clear standouts are the Moros and the Revelation, and I feel that if all other things being equal there's very clear "right answers" to "which race of X ship class should I train?" something is very wrong with your balancing.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Dunkle Lars
Amarr Empire
#95 - 2014-05-07 21:02:38 UTC
The problem is the missiles themselves, not the dreadnought, as far as I see it.

Wouldn't the solution be to remove the velocity factor from the equation on citadel sized missiles?

Any other dread will hit a stationary target, regardless of size ( even shuttles ) for near full damage. A citadel cruise/torp will hit a stationary shuttle for like 0.1 damage because of the sig radius factor.
If people are stupid enough to be sitting at 0 m/s ( sub-cap ) shouldn't they deserve the same punishment any other dread can dish out?

Secondly, multiply the missiles velocity by 10 or something.. If a Phoenix and a Moros decide to start fighting each other at 50 km, the Moros will hit the Phoenix twice before the first salvo of missiles hit.. That way the Phoenix is always going to loose. Delayed damage is bad m'kay..
Also because missiles are expensive.. You cannot stop shooting before your target explode and that means at least 1 wasted flight of missiles.. ISK right out of the pilots pocket.. A problem other dreads don't have.

And as so many other have already mentioned, TP's don't work on a sieged dread/carrier because of e-war immunity so reduce the sig radius factor a little
Hole Control
#96 - 2014-05-07 21:03:34 UTC
Alexander McKeon wrote:
Edit: Can we please also get a look at missile HP? If phoenixes are going to become usable in fleets, you can be sure someone will remember how to setup firewalls. No other dread can have it's damage negated by a few well-placed battleships, that shouldn't be true for the phoenix either.

This has to be done for missiles of all sizes, not just citadel missiles. Subcap missiles have 70 hp which is an absolute joke and can be popped by a frigate fitted with smartbombs.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#97 - 2014-05-07 21:31:04 UTC
GMP has affected citadel missiles for ages, ever since it was applied to unguided missiles too. If you look carefully you can find a thread quote from Fozzie saying specifically that it wouldn't apply to citadel missiles, but this was omitted in the subsequent patch notes. I always wondered if it was accidental. P

In general, the changes will make the Phoenix the undisputed small-gang capital killer. It will munch Naglfars. The price of this is the difficulty in blapping with it. This is the only really sensible direction in whih to take the Phoenix. The blap Phoenix isn't something that LS just discovered, it's an obvious consequence of the missile damage formula, and Fozzie himself alluded to it in a thread about the Phoenix last year. But with linked, bonused painters and the other support items, you can still start laying down crushing volleys. Actually, I haven't run the numbers yet but I suspect that the increase in raw cruise damage roughly makes up for the reduced precision...

Regarding the problems of damage application to linked capitals, the problem here isn't the missiles, it's the Evasive Manoeuvres link being massively overpowered.
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#98 - 2014-05-07 21:32:29 UTC
Dunkle Lars wrote:
The problem is the missiles themselves, not the dreadnought, as far as I see it.

Wouldn't the solution be to remove the velocity factor from the equation on citadel sized missiles?

Any other dread will hit a stationary target, regardless of size ( even shuttles ) for near full damage. A citadel cruise/torp will hit a stationary shuttle for like 0.1 damage because of the sig radius factor.
If people are stupid enough to be sitting at 0 m/s ( sub-cap ) shouldn't they deserve the same punishment any other dread can dish out?

Secondly, multiply the missiles velocity by 10 or something.. If a Phoenix and a Moros decide to start fighting each other at 50 km, the Moros will hit the Phoenix twice before the first salvo of missiles hit.. That way the Phoenix is always going to loose. Delayed damage is bad m'kay..
Also because missiles are expensive.. You cannot stop shooting before your target explode and that means at least 1 wasted flight of missiles.. ISK right out of the pilots pocket.. A problem other dreads don't have.

And as so many other have already mentioned, TP's don't work on a sieged dread/carrier because of e-war immunity so reduce the sig radius factor a little

yeah or remove the ewar immunity for TPs and tackle
Hole Control
#99 - 2014-05-07 21:36:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Burneddi
Catherine Laartii wrote:
As alarmed as I am at the sig radius nerf, I don't actually see this being too much of an issue as long as there are TPs on field lighting up the primary.

You can't target paint sieged dreads or triaged carriers, and these changes make damage to subcaps worse across the board no matter how many TPs and webs you have.

Catherine Laartii wrote:
Is this a joke or do you seriously not understand how explosion radius works? Unline turrets, the relative radius of a missile in relation to its target works AGAINST its maximum dps. The BS your spouting is in fact, BS because it means that the nerf to sig radius makes it HARDER to hit subcapital targets.

I'm not sure if you understood his post correctly, because what he was saying was that this isn't actually a buff to application but a nerf.

With the current Phoenix, by stacking Rigors you can get your explosion radius down to 816 with Citadel Torpedoes. This is essentially what Lord's Servant does with his somewhat famous blap Phoenix, and it also means that if you have a paint and a web or two on a battleship you will hit it for full damage (ie. 136k something volley, which is pretty nuts). There's a couple of reasons for this that you need to understand to really understand what makes missiles, especially capital missiles, either good or bad:

1) It's easier to reduce the velocity of something than it is to increase its signature. In other words, velocity-reducing stuff is more effective than signature-increasing stuff as far as missiles are concerned.
-- In the light of above, low Explosion Radius is generally more important than high Explosion Velocity by a large margin. This means that Rigor rigs are much better than Flares, and it also means that trading Explosion Radius to gain Explosion Velocity in the base stats isn't worth it, even if you gain percentually more than you lose (assuming the current ratio).

2) In the missile damage formula, the Explosion Radius and Explosion Velocity are multiplied together. For example, imagine you're shooting a missile with 100 Explosion Radius and 50 Explosion Velocity at a target with a signature of 200 and speed of 100. (200/100)*(50/100) = 1, which means that you will hit him for full damage even though he "should be" speed tanking your missiles. A lot of people don't understand this properly.

Point 2 means that the best ways to hit something you "shouldn't be" able to hit are, from most effective to least effective, 90% webs, stacking rigors, regular webs, paints, using flare rigs. If you had to choose two, you would thus choose webs and Rigors: Rigors are the most effective way of rectifying your sigradius handicap, and webs are the most effective way of fixing the speed tanking issue.

These two points together mean that the changes to the missiles aren't actually buffing anything, they're an almost universal nerf to Phoenix when it's shooting at anything that isn't a supercapital or a structure. The shield resist thing and the ROF change are nice, though, but the application changes as currently proposed will do more harm than good.
Catherine Laartii
#100 - 2014-05-07 21:38:17 UTC
Catherine Laartii wrote:
As alarmed as I am at the sig radius nerf, I don't actually see this being too much of an issue as long as there are TPs on field lighting up the primary.

That being said, I see no reason why the sig radius nerf in question was necessary, considering its shortcomings in relation to other weapon systems. If we're talking about worrying that it could apply damage to subcaps too well, that's a completely bogus concern since ALL the other dreadnaughts can do that with their guns already. And while we're on the topic of XL guns, EVERY capital-sized weapon system that is not a fighter drone or doomsday device has a sig radius of exactly 2000m.

There is NO reason to single out the phoenix specifically for a nerf this way, despite the buff. It is shoddy logic at best, and unnecessarily spiteful at worst.