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Factional Warfare Farmers - Warp Core Stab & similar

#1 - 2014-05-07 01:59:11 UTC  |  Edited by: CheesusCrust
Hello folks,

this post will mainly propose an idea to change the Warp Core Stabilizer module.

The reason for this proposal is the relative safety of farmers in factional warfare.
Factional warfare should primarily be about small scale and solo pvp opportunities, but also currently offers the possibility to afk farm fw plexes for a huge amount of LP in nearly worthless ships without pvp intended fittings.

I know this can of beans has been opened many times, but I've had the chance to talk this over with a lot of people and I will try and make this as reasonable as possible.

First of all, the upcoming changes (respawning plex rats and cloak prevention in a 30km radius) is a great step forward to prevent non-pvp focused LP farming.
I think I speak for many of my fellow devoted militia pilots out there when I say a big 'Thank You' to everyone who heard our pleas and made this possible.
But since this is EVE, a few concerns about these changes will be listed at the end of the post.

Main Proposal: Add a negative damage modifier to the Warp Core Stabilizer module.

In my opinion, this would be the the most elegant solution to the problem. It would have the following positive effects to the current farming situation:

  • Punishes the use of the module in a pvp environment for safety of escape.
  • Combined with the upcoming npc respawns, this would deny or lengthen the time to complete fw complexes in a stabbed ship drastically.
  • Likewise it would not punish new players with poor skills, as a buff to npc rats would.
  • This would not meddle with the sandbox as much as a 'warp core stab'-ban in plexes would. You may still use them for safety, but at the cost of a higher time-consumption and thus less income.

Of course, the first thing we have to consider are the details and consequences:

  • I'm not too good with Math so the damage modifier should be openly discussed.
  • All ways to apply damage should be effected to make this work. Guns, missiles, drones, (smartbombs). I have no idea how much work this would be to implement. I will have to rely on the Devs to comment on that.
  • I've already heard that apparently some pilots doing Incursions are using stabbs on their (multi-billion-ISK) ships and could possibly be affected by this change. Please comment, if you know more about this.
  • To my knowledge, I don't see this interfering with any other play style, as transport & hauling ships usually don't have to put out damage. Please comment, if this would nerf your experience in any way outside of factional warfare.

Please reply to this post, if you want to support and/or further discuss this proposal.
I've had a lot of positive feedback coming from the militia, but I'd like to get a broader view of the community on how this would effect your experience.

Also, some things to consider about the upcoming factional warfare changes:

  • The Astero was great for hunting cloaky and/or stabbed farmers with it's cov ops cloak & multiple scrams fitted. With the upcoming changes, this will no longer be possible. Any ways to keep our new favourite toy viable for this job?

  • And the big one that people are worried about: An even frig or dessi fight inside a medium plex might just be turned by a spawning cruiser npc. Are there ways to prevent this?

Last but not least, a big 'Thank You' to CCP Fozzie:
Comedic Relief
In contrast to what you might get from this pic, he openly listened to my proposal live at Fanfest this year. Cool
Plus, an apology. My slightly drunk corp CEO apparently liked this idea so much, he spammed him with it after the Party at the Top of the World. P

Thanks for your time,

tl;dr: It's EVE, dude. This game has a built-in calculator. Read the post.
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#2 - 2014-05-07 02:30:45 UTC
timer rollbacks and stabs/cloaks become no longer relevant

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#3 - 2014-05-07 03:41:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Rinn
That CCP is now denying the opportunity of camping plexes in cloaked combat ships just goes to show what side they're taking in this argument.

Edited to add: if the plex farmers are actually AFK, you have ample time to blow them up before they can escape. Also, just because someone isn't making themselves easy prey for you doesn't mean the rules need to be changed.
Zan Shiro
#4 - 2014-05-07 04:07:52 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
. Also, just because someone isn't making themselves easy prey for you doesn't mean the rules need to be changed.

Gonna say this. Not sure where this mindset for pvp came from. I was taught if looking real bad and you get that lucky break and get a shot to gtfo....gtfo. Old boy stomping your ass blows his orbit hard and breaks tackle, best you use those few seconds and clear out if you can. But that's me, dying like an idiot is not pvp. Its dying like an idiot.

Well that and not seeing the issue. 0.0 and WH has been dealing with people in pve mode avoiding roam attacks for years. Sometimes you have to get creative to catch them. I know from 0.0 there is one rule good to follow: don't pvp in pve ships, bad things can happen. I never faulted a ratter for clearing out if he could. Did the same thing when I ratted.
zen zubon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-05-07 04:33:01 UTC
with warp core stabs fit the acceleration gates so go nope sorry just like they do with rookie ships, If i can't fly T2 fit rookie ships in FW plexs for fun warp core stabs shouldn't get in either.
Snuffed Out
#6 - 2014-05-07 04:35:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Jureka
Don't forget the Venture! No Punishmet with build-in Stabs :) and cheap as other T1 Frigs.
Joffy Aulx-Gao
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#7 - 2014-05-07 05:16:16 UTC
I support this it's goddamn annoying to scram a ship, get it to hull and then it runs..

I'm a lowsec pirate and diplo of A Band Apart.

Gigan Amilupar
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2014-05-07 06:04:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Gigan Amilupar
Yeah I don't have a particularly good feeling about the incoming changes. Removing the ability to cloak prevents setting up a trap for wary FW players, and respawning NPC's are going to get in the way of fights. It seems to me that stabs are the problem(1) in this situation. I would like to see CCP seriously re-evaluate the purpose of stabs and figure out what they want them to do:

--Are they for industrials, freighters, DST's, JF's ect. to help them move/haul stuff around?

--Are they (with a redesign) for hit-and-run tactics? If so, does the present use of stabs in FW fall into the category of hit-and-run tactics, or exploitation of the system?

--Are they for general use to help facilitate travel? If so, should they be available to all ships or just some (perhaps nothing smaller then a cruiser)?

--Would we be better off removing stabs altogether and baking a warp-core strength bonus into certain ships (like the venture)?

I have the impression that stabs were a concept CCP wanted to place in game with a strong trade off (hence their heavy drawbacks making them rather useless on combat ships). But the drawbacks applied limit their uses to running around rather then anything dynamic. Obviously resistance to tackle is a very powerful bonus and would need to be considered heavily if we want to bring it into the PvP meta, but it may be a better use of stabs to redesign them out of their "you can only run away" foundation and perhaps try and swing them more towards niche skirmishing. To this end, I am unsure as to whether I agree with the OPs suggestion. All it seems to do is lengthen the period required to farm rather then address stabs as a rather half-baked module.

Counter Proposal: Let's limit stabs to 1 stab equipped per fit (like a damage control) and change the detriment to a reduction in warp speed. We should also add small and large versions. The small version means that dual long-points or a scram can still tackle most ships, but allow kiting ships to more easily pick and choose fights. This however allows skillful pilots to try and "catch up" to a target that is attempting to flee from combat. The large version would have high fitting requirements and a stronger warp-core strength bonus, but could only be equipped to relevant industrial and transport ships. This seems like a more interesting concept for a module to me then what we presently have.

(1) It's not so much that using a stabs in FW is a "problem" exactly since it's using stabs for what they were clearly designed for...running away. The issue lies that doing so in FW is rather against the spirit of the concept as using them allows for relatively risk-free farming. It's a weakness in the design more then it is an exploit. However I do agree that it definitely needs to be properly addressed.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#9 - 2014-05-07 06:45:30 UTC
Gigan Amilupar wrote:
(1) It's not so much that using a stabs in FW is a "problem" exactly since it's using stabs for what they were clearly designed for...running away. The issue lies that doing so in FW is rather against the spirit of the concept as using them allows for relatively risk-free farming. It's a weakness in the design more then it is an exploit. However I do agree that it definitely needs to be properly addressed.

There is plenty of risk in farming with a stabbed plex runner: the risk is that you fail to make bank. You driving the plexer away is engaging in PvP. You are directly interfering with their ISK-making.

What is the spirit of Faction Warfare, and why is using warp core stabilisers going against that spirit?
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#10 - 2014-05-07 06:55:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Schmata Bastanold
I have no problems with stabbed farmers - if I hunt them intentionally I have 2 scrams fitted, if I just happen to see them i will go in hoping I can alpha them before they warp away. And even if they warp away I can happily sit in plex and talk with my corpies while he hangs at safe raging about his ISK/h ration going down the drains.

With that being said I still think FW should be more about "war" and less about "fare". Also: timer rollbacks.

Invalid signature format

Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-05-07 06:59:51 UTC
I don't see the issue of someone wasting a low slot on something that makes the plex farming that much more awkward.

Most of them are easy to chase off and thats how you hurt them by not letting them farm, if you chase them out of ever plex they get emo make a rage post on the forums/reddit and log off for the day.

The catching of these 10-20 mill ships is not a priority, the inference of their income is.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#12 - 2014-05-07 07:15:01 UTC
The best part about stabbed FW plex farming is the taste of the tears, honestly (and I don't even AFK farm plexes or use WCS in my fits).


If this was miners complaining that a single catalyst can gank their yield-optimised hulk, you'd be laying on the ridicule in layers so thick it would collapse under its own gravity.

But no, it's "elite PvPers" complaining that some targets are hard to catch. If CCP caves in to nerfing stabbed plex farmers, next it will be MWD+cloak industrials, then it will be Prowlers, then it will be all the blockade runners, then it will be interdiction nullified T3s, then it will be everyone using covops cloaks, and then it will be everyone who shoots back.

Okay, maybe I'm heading into histrionics of my own.

One moment you were shooting a target, the next you weren't. Bring more/better WCS, or more DPS to explode the target before they wake up and escape.
Gigan Amilupar
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2014-05-07 07:15:22 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Gigan Amilupar wrote:
(1) It's not so much that using a stabs in FW is a "problem" exactly since it's using stabs for what they were clearly designed for...running away. The issue lies that doing so in FW is rather against the spirit of the concept as using them allows for relatively risk-free farming. It's a weakness in the design more then it is an exploit. However I do agree that it definitely needs to be properly addressed.

There is plenty of risk in farming with a stabbed plex runner: the risk is that you fail to make bank. You driving the plexer away is engaging in PvP. You are directly interfering with their ISK-making.

What is the spirit of Faction Warfare, and why is using warp core stabilisers going against that spirit?

Everything in EvE is PvP. But the ability to pick and choose fights with near impunity and being able to retreat in a manner that only costs some time that could be spent making isk isn't really "risk" when compared to the asset loss associated with combat (regardless of the degree of loss, as loss < no net gain). Moreso it fosters an attitude of farming sites as opposed to an attitude of meaningful conflict, that is the "war" part of "faction warfare". So while you technically are correct in your statement, it's more the fact that the perspective of "risk" should shifted more towards the "risk of being exploded" rather then the "risk of maybe not making as much money as you could have". Especially considering that the venue for said revenue generation is an area of violent conflict.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2014-05-07 08:21:56 UTC
Agree with OP: negative damage modifier is the most elegant solution. Other solutions proposed feel contrived and unnecessarily complicated.

30km decloak from button killing the occasional Astero fit doesn’t hold up as an argument against the feature – the problem is just infinitely bigger that concern for individual fits.

NPC’s ruining fights might very well be a necessary evil. But just as it may ruin some fights (and indeed solo kills) it might be considered the natural part of the landscape due to faction control of the system. For me the jury’s still out on this one.

Most of all: people are missing the point.

It’s not what problems YOU have with the farmers as an individual – it’s what farming as a concept does to the game. The fact of the matter is that ALL farming is bad. The very definition of farming is doing something repetitive, non-engaging and with close to zero content value for the participant or their fellow gamers. FW is supposed to be about fighting and having a good time, Killing is Just a Means of Communication™ after all ;). Farming is the exact opposite of that and in fact just a means to do something else – no more. As such it represents a failure of the system.

Ideally killing and having fun should also be the primary source of reward in FW. We’re not there yet, but taking strong steps to stamp out farming is a good first step.
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#15 - 2014-05-07 08:41:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
Do we need a thread that collects all the "Fix Warps stabs in factional warfare" Threads? Or at least "fix plex farming in factional warfare"...

Because one of those seems to spawn every other day...

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2014-05-07 08:46:53 UTC
Except this OP took the trouble to go to FF and talk to CCP about it directly. I have also pointed our two new lowsec CSM representatives over here.
Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2014-05-07 09:49:40 UTC
Niden wrote:
It’s not what problems YOU have with the farmers as an individual – it’s what farming as a concept does to the game. The fact of the matter is that ALL farming is bad. The very definition of farming is doing something repetitive, non-engaging and with close to zero content value for the participant or their fellow gamers. FW is supposed to be about fighting and having a good time, Killing is Just a Means of Communication™ after all ;). Farming is the exact opposite of that and in fact just a means to do something else – no more. As such it represents a failure of the system.

^^ this.

Also, farmers strongly affect warzone control, that most people think that should be affected only or primarily by combat pilots. You will notice that nobody's complaining that stealth bombers blitzing FW missions are hard to catch, because they don't affect warzone control.

By the way, FW vets know fully well how to manipulate farmer hoards for warzone control, using the Tier system. They're smart and have adapted. But they still think the current system is a bit silly and can be improved upon.

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#18 - 2014-05-07 10:10:30 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Well two in one day, that's unusual.Roll

lazy, so cutting and pasting from the other one.

There are Plenty of ways to catch them. A few stabs do not make them impossible to catch and kill.
A challenge? yes. Easy? No.

It is a game of cat and mouse.
They are being good mice.

A cat should not complain and ask that the mouse should have one foot nailed to the ground, and blow a trumpet so it can be found.because, you know, it is just not Fair!Roll

So not a good idea. Risk reward you say?
Why should the mouse be a victim for your cheap risk free kills, and prevented from being a good mouse? Fight back you say? Mice make poor cats you know.


Be a better cat.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2014-05-07 10:20:32 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Well two in one day, that's unusual.Roll

lazy, so cutting and pasting from the other one.

There are Plenty of ways to catch them. A few stabs do not make them impossible to catch and kill.
A challenge? yes. Easy? No.

It is a game of cat and mouse.
They are being good mice.

A cat should not complain and ask that the mouse should have one foot nailed to the ground, and blow a trumpet so it can be found.because, you know, it is just not Fair!Roll

So not a good idea. Risk reward you say?
Why should the mouse be a victim for your cheap risk free kills, and prevented from being a good mouse? Fight back you say? Mice make poor cats you know.


Be a better cat.

Except that we don't really care about catching them.

What we're asking for, is mechanics that would make farming much less easy and thus less profitable. For example, timer rollbacks.

Because less farmers = more pvp for warzone control and also more ISK/LP for the PVPers - to spend on more ships to blow up = more fun content.

Hope it's clear.

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Gawain Edmond
Khanid Bureau of Industry
#20 - 2014-05-07 11:02:06 UTC
well how about instead of nerfing something that people other than fw farmers use how about we get rid of button orbiting as the only method of warzone control and add pvp as the primary factor and keep the buttons for systems that people don't live in or defen. Something along the lines of once you warp into a plex if you warp out while an opposing faction is on grid with either the gate or inside the plex it moves slightly in favour of the opposing faction killing another member of the opposing faction move it more into your control (the bigger the kill the more it moves it).

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