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The fallacy of long term w-space habitation as stated by CCP

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Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-12-02 16:21:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Kidd
CCP Greyscal wrote:

- I appreciate that this changes the status quo for wormhole towers, but running long-term towers in wormholes has never been a "supported feature", in the sense that we haven't explicitly designed for it in either positive or negative ways. The existence of long-term occupation of WH systems by players is an emergent behavior of the system, that we very much applaud, but don't have an explicit design policy for. Until we sit down and decide how to properly "balance" this aspect of gameplay, we're generally tending towards not explicitly designing with wormhole towers in mind, and assuming that the player ingenuity that got these towers up and running in the first place will deal with any minor curveballs we throw at it. Insofaras we have even a proto-policy about settled wormholes, I'd say "it's not supposed to be easy" is near the top of the non-list Smile

The statement above has been made several times over the past couple of years. I think it's complete BS and CCP should stop insulting its customers' intelligence. More importantly CCP needs to stop using it as a reason to continually nerf w-space in an incremental fashion as they have been since w-space's deployment.

There are currently 2,500 w-space systems (if memory serves me correct), much of it accessible only through random wormhole connections effectively requiring one to traverse ever changing corridors in a maze in order to reach them and conversely return to k-space. That's an awful lot of territory which is difficult to access purely for day trippers. The difficulties in farming C4's and up require team work with sizable fleets. The logistics required for all this, of course, is not something one superfluously commits to the void. You're literally talking about moving in billions of isk in materials and equipment. Setting up POS's properly requires the better part of a day with people working around the clock (or it has before the changes to anchoring), or several days for just one person. These are not tasks that lend themselves to frequent movement aka short term habitation. My BS meter approaches the red zone just thinking about CCP's statements.

Cap escalations in sleeper sites are the surest sign that w-space, from its conception, was intended for long term habitation. I mean, who the **** is going to day trip in caps? If you've ever been in a C5 or C6 you'll know that most of them static to other c5's or c6's. You can literally spend hours trying to find your way out of them, if at all until your luck changes. Are you going to commit a cap fleet to such uncertainty? I think not. The BS meter just pegged out in the red.

The click fest that is PI. Noone in their right mind is going to setup and dismantle PI on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, nor are they going to commit +1 billion in floating, undefended assets in PCO's that they intend to leave. My BS meter just drowned in BS.

So, CCP, stop telling us w-space was never intended for long term habitation. Stop using this BS excuse to continually justify either nerfs to our space that are obviously intended to buff nullsec or that are used to excuse poorly implemented mechanics when you guys are too lazy to consider w-space. For many of us w-space is our end game. This is where we want to be. We don't require a lot. We just don't want you to screw up what we've got going for us.

For instance, your nerfing api calls on recent jumps while leaving api calls for recent NPC kills...flat out spiteful. We're used to a lack of intel out here, see "no local". This change has effectively made inhabitants MORE vulnerable. API intel was never perfect but at least one could tell if a fleet had jumped into system, even if they're cloaky. But, again, as with the increase in ship scanner range and the lingering of anomalies up to 30 minutes after they have despawned, you just keep finding ways to give aggressors ever increasing chances to succeed as if not knowing they were their in the first place wasn't enough. It's not the lack of intel that irks me here. It's the imbalance of intel in favor of an attacker(s). If it had been applied to the whole of the game, FINE, COOL, GREAT. But no, you applied it to w-space only? Please remove all API intel for w-space. That I can live with. W-space being a complete black hole for intel suits me just fine. But, placing a dinner bell at every new WH that opens up to alert the hounds just beyond...IDK...pretty lame of you CCP. I mean, hell, when is that no local in null going to happen? Hmm?

So, stop using this BS excuse of short term w-space habitation as justification to continually f.uck us, mmm'kay?

Don't ban me, bro!

Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#2 - 2011-12-02 16:32:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Slade Trillgon
Your arguments are sound and I feel for you and all of your WH brethren.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#3 - 2011-12-02 16:37:32 UTC
I am not trying to be "Conan the Contrarian" here, but I stopped reading at this point in your post:

That's an awful lot of territory which is difficult to access purely for day trippers. The difficulties in farming C4's and up require team work with sizable fleets.

I bolded the word there.

Were wormholes meant to be so heavily farmed and occupied with these "carebear deathstars"? We see the spawn rates of sites drop significantly when they are farmed, already an indication that making house in wormholes is not entirely the intention. There is a reason why these are unknown systems in the first place.

The colonization of WH systems - and the appearance of customs offices there - are as intention and immersion breaking to the concept of wormholes as Incursion grinding is to the concept of incursions. Both equal huge ISK faucets. Wormholes were great ideas of no-mans land full of chance and mystery, but now you find POSes all over the place and occasionally bubbles too. It's like finding a new frontier and in a year there are strip malls everywhere.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2011-12-02 16:41:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
Around Apocrypha release CCP did promote the idea of wormholes catering to a more nomadic playstyle compared to the entrenched kingdoms/fiefdoms of 0.0.

Maybe they have missed that design goal but their message has stayed pretty consistent over time and the general game-design seems to support that, too (e.g. sites depleting, theoretically forcing you to move on).

The initial motivation for cap escalations may very well have been to discourage you from steamrolling the sites with capitals - would not be the first time that CCP has severely underestimated how easily players beat "challenging" mechanics beyond the first few weeks.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#5 - 2011-12-02 16:42:21 UTC
lol @ API-whiners

It was a stupid meta-game tool that should have never existed, good riddance. Wormholes don't register jumps, they are not man-built stargates.

Read again

"it's not supposed to be easy"

and again until you understand.

And then once more.

- Roime


Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-12-02 16:43:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Sadayiel
I think CCP real intention it's to finally make W-holes dwellers to be a kind of ragtag wanderers living as a single fleet roaming the systems instead living in a fixed one as it happens now.

The cap escalation was designed with the single purpouse to harden the *easy* cap farming other uses in the sanctums in 0.0 space.

Crap florenstan beat me into it Big smile
Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2011-12-02 16:44:55 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
I am not trying to be "Conan the Contrarian" here, but I stopped reading at this point in your post:

That's an awful lot of territory which is difficult to access purely for day trippers. The difficulties in farming C4's and up require team work with sizable fleets.

I bolded the word there.

Were wormholes meant to be so heavily farmed and occupied with these "carebear deathstars"? We see the spawn rates of sites drop significantly when they are farmed, already an indication that making house in wormholes is not entirely the intention. There is a reason why these are unknown systems in the first place.

The colonization of WH systems - and the appearance of customs offices there - are as intention and immersion breaking to the concept of wormholes as Incursion grinding is to the concept of incursions. Both equal huge ISK faucets. Wormholes were great ideas of no-mans land full of chance and mystery, but now you find POSes all over the place and occasionally bubbles too. It's like finding a new frontier and in a year there are strip malls everywhere.

W-space is not a carebear environment. If it is then null is Disney World. Does not nullsec inhabitants farm rats, farm complexes, farm moon goo?

There is a quantifiable imbalance of intel available for w-space. If you can't/won't recognize that, then who gives a crap about your opinion?

Don't ban me, bro!

Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2011-12-02 16:50:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Kidd
Roime wrote:
lol @ API-whiners

It was a stupid meta-game tool that should have never existed, good riddance. Wormholes don't register jumps, they are not man-built stargates.

Read again

"it's not supposed to be easy"

and again until you understand.

And then once more.

- Roime

I advocate a complete removal of API intel from w-space. Read it again. As it stands now, API intel for w-space is a dinner bell as it shows NPC kills but not jumps. In essence, someone with a connecting wh to a system could sit on their ass doing whatever they want making periodic API calls to find out when a WH goes active and the active members are vulnerable. This is outright unacceptable.

Don't ban me, bro!

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#9 - 2011-12-02 17:03:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Ingvar Angst
The thing is... even though the original intent may not have been to have wormholes have permanent inhabitants, the fact of the matter is that they do now, and if you really step back and look at it it's an amazingly wonderful aspect of Eve gameplay, and vitally needed in a game where the "other" end game is the mega-alliance cotrolled and dominated world of empire null space. Where null is the mega-cities of Eve, wormholes are the frontier regions that a certain few throughout the history of our species dared to venture into and colonize. Wormholes are the "out of Africa" of our ancient ancestors. They're the "New World" Columbus accidentally bumped into. They're the unsettled west, the gold rush to California. Not all things happen by intent, but by our very nature.

It's high time that folks at CCP at least do nothing more than acknowledge that they, and to hell with anyone that disagrees with me on this, they got wormholes RIGHT! They frakking nailed it, at least for the population looking for that frontier style of staking your own claim and MAKING IT STICK!. We all don't want to kiss the ring of the Godfathers of Null, regardless of what incentives or punishments are imposed on us. We LIKE the challenges there are with the limited and varying accesses, the different groups you'll run into on a daily basis, the lack of local and free intel. Acknoledge this CCP! You ******* did it right, and it's beautiful! Acknowledge you did it so well that we HAVE to live here permanently! Gods, if I didn't have to go to Empire for materials and fuels and to sell things I'd probably never go, you did it so well!

I hope Mr. Kidd will forgive me with a bit of disagreement with him on the removal of API jump data... I kind of like it. It adds to wormholes by subtraction. Adds a little more frontier, a little more danger. With this particular change, we'll be fine I think.

But C'mon CCP... embrace what you've created and what it's turned to. This is the best damned part of the game. Tell us you see this, you recognize it, and you'll respect at least our rights and abilities to stay and make it work through the challenges the rest of the game does have or need to face.

Tell us you see this, and you understand and accept it. That's all I ask. Keep it in mind with future decisions. We don't want it softened, nerfed, made easier... just respected as our way of life in Eve.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Dietrich III
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#10 - 2011-12-02 17:05:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Dietrich III
I don't know the context of the CCP quote you have in your OP, and I don't have any real issues with removing jump intel from the API. Sure, it makes wormholes more scary, but that's the risk you take when you live in a wormhole (which I do), risk vs. reward. I'd like to see NPC kills removed from API calls from wormhole systems but I'm not as adamant about it as you are.

Is showing NPC kills really that big of a disadvantage? Warping around and mashing dscan (like you already should be doing) when entering a new wormhole system will tell you pretty quickly if someone is running sites, and more importantly it will tell you where they're running sites which the API doesn't tell you, and without delays in updating.

Now, if the context of the quote you're showing is about POS fuel pellets, then again I don't see any serious issues with wormhole dwellers. We accepted the logistical challenge and wormhole life requires people who can quickly adapt. You've got nearly two weeks to acquire blueprints for fuel blocks, an assembly array (ammunition assembly arrays don't require much PG/CPU) and there you go: you can make all the fuel you need using the stockpiles of PI and ice goods you should already have.

As for the Interbus customs office taxes in wormholes: I'm on CCP's side here too. I got complacent getting excessive amounts of PI goods to fuel multiple towers for very little expense and time, once everything was planned out and set up. The high tax rate of the FREE customs office you're given is acceptable. You should be trying to replace it as soon as possible.

Oh and pro tip: if you do enter a WH system with a mixture of Interbus and player-owned customs offices, you already have a good idea where the PI haulers are going.
Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#11 - 2011-12-02 17:07:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Ingvar Angst
Mr Kidd wrote:
Roime wrote:
lol @ API-whiners

It was a stupid meta-game tool that should have never existed, good riddance. Wormholes don't register jumps, they are not man-built stargates.

Read again

"it's not supposed to be easy"

and again until you understand.

And then once more.

- Roime

I advocate a complete removal of API intel from w-space. Read it again. As it stands now, API intel for w-space is a dinner bell as it shows NPC kills but not jumps. In essence, someone with a connecting wh to a system could sit on their ass doing whatever they want making periodic API calls to find out when a WH goes active and the active members are vulnerable. This is outright unacceptable.

All the kills show you is when someone went in and killed Sleepers. More often than not that means someone else had a connection to that system and their people went in and ran the sites as opposed to their own. We always tend to keep our holes clean (many of us at least...) simply because it keeps out the temptation of outsiders coming in and running them for us. We get a juicy static, that's a money hole. You'll see the spike in kills in their system, not ours, and it's usually when they're asleep, not when they're active keeping us out.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2011-12-02 17:14:41 UTC
Ingvar Angst wrote:
Mr Kidd wrote:
Roime wrote:
lol @ API-whiners

It was a stupid meta-game tool that should have never existed, good riddance. Wormholes don't register jumps, they are not man-built stargates.

Read again

"it's not supposed to be easy"

and again until you understand.

And then once more.

- Roime

I advocate a complete removal of API intel from w-space. Read it again. As it stands now, API intel for w-space is a dinner bell as it shows NPC kills but not jumps. In essence, someone with a connecting wh to a system could sit on their ass doing whatever they want making periodic API calls to find out when a WH goes active and the active members are vulnerable. This is outright unacceptable.

All the kills show you is when someone went in and killed Sleepers. More often than not that means someone else had a connection to that system and their people went in and ran the sites as opposed to their own. We always tend to keep our holes clean (many of us at least...) simply because it keeps out the temptation of outsiders coming in and running them for us. We get a juicy static, that's a money hole. You'll see the spike in kills in their system, not ours, and it's usually when they're asleep, not when they're active keeping us out.

Look, I've got no problems with someone actively hunting me. None at all. The operative term being "active". But as it stands now, without the jump data, the NPC kill data is nothing more than a dinner bell for anyone, even several systems away doing something completely different as long as they have a route. If you can't see how imbalanced that is then I'm sorry for you, my friend. And this is not purely limited to the system being inhabited. Remove all API intel from w-space, or apply the change equally to the rest of the game and I'm good with it.

Don't ban me, bro!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2011-12-02 17:14:55 UTC
Seriously CCP has to do this.

A new capital ship, able to cloak, refit and refuel ships, as well as provide basic cloning support.

Ship remains vulnerable when it operates, but can stay cloaked in other case. This ship should serve as mobile warp base.

Not strong or solid like pos, but large enough to have ships docked to it outside. It should make the life of colonists possible, make logistics simpler.

One can change ammo, run ammunition assembly, refit, repair, recharge cap, produce nano-paste. Can have corporate storage and system wide scanning. Cloaks if in danger.

This Capital must be below POS in price to buy one, running costs should be minimized. It should offer habitation for pilots and harbor for flleet. Have very basic recycling and ammunition/drone assembly.

Pls, also make motherships able to produce fighters on board. At increased costs.

This post sums up why the 'best' work with DCM inc.

WARP DRIVE makes eve boring

really - add warping align time 300% on gun aggression and eve becomes great again

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#14 - 2011-12-02 17:19:11 UTC
Mr Kidd wrote:
Ingvar Angst wrote:
All the kills show you is when someone went in and killed Sleepers. More often than not that means someone else had a connection to that system and their people went in and ran the sites as opposed to their own. We always tend to keep our holes clean (many of us at least...) simply because it keeps out the temptation of outsiders coming in and running them for us. We get a juicy static, that's a money hole. You'll see the spike in kills in their system, not ours, and it's usually when they're asleep, not when they're active keeping us out.

Look, I've got no problems with someone actively hunting me. None at all. The operative term being "active". But as it stands now, without the jump data, the NPC kill data is nothing more than a dinner bell for anyone, even several systems away doing something completely different as long as they have a route. If you can't see how imbalanced that is then I'm sorry for you, my friend. And this is not purely limited to the system being inhabited. Remove all API intel from w-space, or apply the change equally to the rest of the game and I'm good with it.

Meh... I have to admit, I could live without it as well. But the killboards... THINK ABOUT THE KILLBOARDS!

At least... I wonder if that's a reason they'd never remove at least information relating to ship and pod kills...

NPC kill data... hmm, I think it's the same as the jump data. We're used to it, it doesn't feel right on first instinct to lose it, but ultimately we'd be fine without it.

Heh... isn't it funny how wormhole folk argue to have free intel removed while the empire null people want more free intel? Completely different mindset of people.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

John DaiSho
LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#15 - 2011-12-02 17:20:22 UTC
Ingvar Angst wrote:
The thing is... even though the original intent may not have been to have wormholes have permanent inhabitants, the fact of the matter is that they do now, and if you really step back and look at it it's an amazingly wonder aspect of Eve gameplay, and vitally needed in a game where the "other" end game is the mega-alliance cotrolled and dominated world of empire null space. Where null is the mega-cities of Eve, wormholes are the frontier regions that a certain few throughout the history of our species dared to centure into and colonize. Wormholes are the "out of Africa" of our ancient ancestors. They're the "New World" Columbus accidentally bumped into. They're the unsettled west, the gold rush to California. Not all things happen by intent, but by our very nature.

It's high time that folks at CCP at least do nothing more than acknowledge that they, and to hell with anyone that disagrees with me on this, they got wormholes RIGHT! They frakking nailed it, at least for the population looking for that frontier style of staking your own claim and MAKING IT STICK!. We all don't want to kiss the ring of the Godfathers of Null, regardless of what incentives or punishments are imposed on us. We LIKE the challenges there are with the limited and varying accesses, the different groups you'll run into on a daily basis, the lack of local and free intel. Acknoledge this CCP! You ******* did it right, and it's beautiful! Acknowledge you did it so well that we HAVE to live here permanently! Gods, if I didn't have to go to Empire for materials and fuels and to sell things I'd probably never go, you did it so well!

I hope Mr. Kidd will forgive me with a bit of disagreement with him on the removal of API jump data... I kind of like it. It adds to wormholes by subtraction. Adds a little more frontier, a little more danger. With this particular change, we'll be fine I think.

But C'mon CCP... embrace what you've created and what it's turned to. This is the best damned part of the game. Tell us you see this, you recognize it, and you'll respect at least our rights and abilities to stay and make it work through the challenges the rest of the game does have or need to face.

Tell us you see this, and you understand and accept it. That's all I ask. Keep it in mind with future decisions. We don't want it softened, nerfed, made easier... just respected as our way of life in Eve.

I know that i disagree with this guy more often than not but I just have to /sign this.

o/ John
Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2011-12-02 17:34:08 UTC
Ingvar Angst wrote:
Mr Kidd wrote:
Ingvar Angst wrote:
All the kills show you is when someone went in and killed Sleepers. More often than not that means someone else had a connection to that system and their people went in and ran the sites as opposed to their own. We always tend to keep our holes clean (many of us at least...) simply because it keeps out the temptation of outsiders coming in and running them for us. We get a juicy static, that's a money hole. You'll see the spike in kills in their system, not ours, and it's usually when they're asleep, not when they're active keeping us out.

Look, I've got no problems with someone actively hunting me. None at all. The operative term being "active". But as it stands now, without the jump data, the NPC kill data is nothing more than a dinner bell for anyone, even several systems away doing something completely different as long as they have a route. If you can't see how imbalanced that is then I'm sorry for you, my friend. And this is not purely limited to the system being inhabited. Remove all API intel from w-space, or apply the change equally to the rest of the game and I'm good with it.

Meh... I have to admit, I could live without it as well. But the killboards... THINK ABOUT THE KILLBOARDS!

At least... I wonder if that's a reason they'd never remove at least information relating to ship and pod kills...

NPC kill data... hmm, I think it's the same as the jump data. We're used to it, it doesn't feel right on first instinct to lose it, but ultimately we'd be fine without it.

Heh... isn't it funny how wormhole folk argue to have free intel removed while the empire null people want more free intel? Completely different mindset of people.

Obviously, or perhaps not so, I'm not in favor of removing KB data. But then that can be handled, as it often is, through posting of KM's, is it not?

Don't ban me, bro!

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#17 - 2011-12-02 17:42:17 UTC
Mr Kidd wrote:
Ingvar Angst wrote:

Meh... I have to admit, I could live without it as well. But the killboards... THINK ABOUT THE KILLBOARDS!

At least... I wonder if that's a reason they'd never remove at least information relating to ship and pod kills...

NPC kill data... hmm, I think it's the same as the jump data. We're used to it, it doesn't feel right on first instinct to lose it, but ultimately we'd be fine without it.

Heh... isn't it funny how wormhole folk argue to have free intel removed while the empire null people want more free intel? Completely different mindset of people.

Obviously, or perhaps not so, I'm not in favor of removing KB data. But then that can be handled, as it often is, through posting of KM's, is it not?

Should be, should be... not always is though. Some major crazy ops you never know who got the final blow (and the KM) and often it's the person that was tired, just logged off and never bothered to check.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#18 - 2011-12-02 17:59:26 UTC
Mr Kidd wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
I am not trying to be "Conan the Contrarian" here, but I stopped reading at this point in your post:

That's an awful lot of territory which is difficult to access purely for day trippers. The difficulties in farming C4's and up require team work with sizable fleets.

I bolded the word there.

Were wormholes meant to be so heavily farmed and occupied with these "carebear deathstars"? We see the spawn rates of sites drop significantly when they are farmed, already an indication that making house in wormholes is not entirely the intention. There is a reason why these are unknown systems in the first place.

The colonization of WH systems - and the appearance of customs offices there - are as intention and immersion breaking to the concept of wormholes as Incursion grinding is to the concept of incursions. Both equal huge ISK faucets. Wormholes were great ideas of no-mans land full of chance and mystery, but now you find POSes all over the place and occasionally bubbles too. It's like finding a new frontier and in a year there are strip malls everywhere.

W-space is not a carebear environment. If it is then null is Disney World. Does not nullsec inhabitants farm rats, farm complexes, farm moon goo?

There is a quantifiable imbalance of intel available for w-space. If you can't/won't recognize that, then who gives a crap about your opinion?

I don't give a crap over whether or not anyone gives a crap about my opinion.

I have spent enough time using wormholes to get between empire and 0.0 and know well the differences between both. Yes, there are ISK faucets in 0.0 and the problems of 0.0 are well-addressed and well known. This is not about 0.0.

I think what this thread is on it's way to being about, is yet another example of the entitlement mentality of EvE players. Just because CCP did not think their game would be "gamed" into yet another ISK pump (Incursions and leaving the mom alone on site while grinding other sites for example - something that needs to change), does not mean that it should later become a permanent fixture just because the gamesman are used to making it their ISK pump.

The intention of wormhole space and what it was intended to be is well known, the implementation is not close to the intention. CCP has a bad habit of this. Did they not predict that people would grind incursions leaving the sansha mom alone and turn incursions into an ISK faucet?
Did they not predict that wormhole space could be gentrified and converted into an ISK faucet?
Did they not predict 0.0 space becoming a moon goo/sanctum ISK bonanza safely outside a "Ring of Gank" to keep challengers out while everybody on the outside enjoys (for the most part) a NAPfest?

These are known problems, and the players ask CCP to fix it. CCP then has the task of what? Fixing it without the hue and cry of all those players who have that sense of entitlement whereby changing anything to conform to the original intent will be taken personally by such players, as if CCP has a hard-on personally for them and is out to destroy their playstyle.

Were it up to me and most of the original explorers who were using probes back when they were harder to use (I've been using probes since 2006), it would not even be possible to anchor a POS in WH space at all.

Crucible is good evidence that CCP is taking notice that a lot of players tend to "make house" with the game mechanics and turn everything into an ISK faucet. I hope this trend continues.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Minister of Death
Colossus Enterprises
#19 - 2011-12-02 18:14:57 UTC
Mr Kidd wrote:
CCP should stop insulting its customers' intelligence.

Your general point is agreeable enough, but this line made me laugh and laugh. and laugh.

Judging from the contents of these forums in general, there isn't much intelligence to insult. That point is rather moot.
Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#20 - 2011-12-02 18:23:45 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
blah blah blah...

Were it up to me and most of the original explorers who were using probes back when they were harder to use (I've been using probes since 2006), it would not even be possible to anchor a POS in WH space at all.

Good news Sparky... it's not up to you. The game's evolving whether you like it or not. Wormholes aren't a side trip, they're a way of life in Eve for many now.

You'll notice Mr. Kidd is ultimately asking for less free intel in wormholes, not more. He's ultiamtely asking for an increase in difficulty, not a decrease. For intel to be sought out and earned, not handed to you on the back of an API.

Pretty much renders your whole babbling just that... babbling.

The original intention of wormholes is no longer valid. They've evolved into something more. They make your empire null look like Hello Kitty in Space. You've travelled through wormholes. Gee, grats. Guess you're an authority now. Looks to me like you're just another null-bunny butt-hurt that his null space isn't the ultimate endgame of Eve anymore.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

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