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Ban all Code Players

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aSafehisec 4everyone
#1 - 2014-05-01 01:32:16 UTC

Last night I was autopiloting transporting my stuff on my freighter, and I jumped through Isanamo and was blown up for no reason. No warning nothing and they said good fight which it wasnt.

I lost nearly 2-3 bil worth of materials that I was consolidating. The people that did it is in the code alliance and the corp the conference elite.

i checked out there killboard and they are even killing freighters that are empty why do people do that to other people in game
i worked hard for my items and now it is all gone it will take me a few months

i am hoping that a ccp person will see this and ban everyone in the code alliance and the corp the conference as it was offensive to say good fight when fighting my freighter

Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2014-05-01 01:35:35 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#3 - 2014-05-01 01:36:30 UTC
Don't autopilot, it's basically asking to be blown up. Especially if you have more than about 1.4 billion worth of stuff in it.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Mr Trust
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-05-01 01:38:54 UTC
The troll is strong with this one. On a side note: Good fight.
kiser horgan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-05-01 01:42:08 UTC
Awh tears
Nodu Ellecon
#6 - 2014-05-01 01:54:40 UTC
Okay, now let's see here:

1. Auto piloting, you were either auto piloting because you were either AFK, or lazy. I think you were both at the time.
2. Welcome to EVE, a spaceship-shooting MMO sandbox game. You should have gotten the message on your first month of EVE.
3. Don't fly what you're not prepared to lose, including your freighter. You should have already kissed that freighter goodbye before you undocked it for the first time/
4. The New Order are doing us all a favor that benefits us all: destroying carebears like you that are tainting the game with your complaints, wish to make EVE a PVP free game, and inflating the market.
5. If you are leaving, can I have your stuff?

In the end, man up, dust yourself off, and get used to it. Otherwise, there is a door behind you. Better use it instead of crying.
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2014-05-01 02:06:11 UTC
Obvious troll 0/10

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Shederov Blood
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
#8 - 2014-05-01 02:09:35 UTC
Ban all shiptoasting CODE forum alts.

Who put the goat in there?

Dsparil Mal
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2014-05-01 03:09:32 UTC
aSafehisec 4everyone wrote:

Last night I was autopiloting transporting my stuff on my freighter, and I jumped through Isanamo and was blown up for no reason. No warning nothing and they said good fight which it wasnt.

I lost nearly 2-3 bil worth of materials that I was consolidating. The people that did it is in the code alliance and the corp the conference elite.

i checked out there killboard and they are even killing freighters that are empty why do people do that to other people in game
i worked hard for my items and now it is all gone it will take me a few months

i am hoping that a ccp person will see this and ban everyone in the code alliance and the corp the conference as it was offensive to say good fight when fighting my freighter

Good fight. Hahahahahaha

Erotica 1 for CSM 9!

Subject 4927
Kenshin Shogunate.
#10 - 2014-05-01 03:43:59 UTC

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-05-01 03:49:40 UTC
Horrible troll is horrible.

“Die trying” is the proudest human thing.

#12 - 2014-05-01 04:31:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Abrei-Kaii
Mistake 1 Using auto-pilot, never do that. It puts a sign on your freighter that says gank me.

Mistake 2 Never put more then a billion isk in your freighter. It puts a sign on your freighter that says gank me.

aSafehisec 4everyone wrote:
i checked out there killboard and they are even killing freighters that are empty why do people do that to other people in game i worked hard for my items and now it is all gone it will take me a few months

People suicide gank to pad their killboards, others do it for profit... It doesn't really matter why you got ganked, its still a legit game mechanic. High Sec does not equate to safe. Anything you undock with should be considered lost, and if you make it back to station consider it a bonus. Never fly what you can't afford to lose. This includes cargo.

aSafehisec 4everyone wrote:

i am hoping that a ccp person will see this and ban everyone in the code alliance and the corp the conference as it was offensive to say good fight when fighting my freighter

It is customary in this game to throw out a "gf" after a fight by both sides of the engagement. They weren't attempting to be offensive.
Michael Ruckert
Hohere Kavallerie-Kommando
#13 - 2014-05-01 05:29:22 UTC

i worked hard for my items and now it is all gone it will take me a few months

Work smarter not harder.

"No matter how well you perform there's always somebody of intelligent opinion who thinks it's lousy." - Laurence Olivier

Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2014-05-01 06:35:16 UTC
They surely meant 'good freight!'. As in, nice loot you dropped.

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

B Raan
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2014-05-01 06:41:34 UTC
I don't think the Code pilots should have said "good fight". It was a bit premature seeing as how the OP is still kicking and screaming.
Tarojan Corporation
#16 - 2014-05-01 07:02:42 UTC
but...but..but the carebears! OMG WONT SOMEONE THINK OF THE CAREBEARS!!!1

Will gank for food

#17 - 2014-05-01 07:38:10 UTC
The whole point to being ganked with 3b in your freighter is to put you behind the curve compared to someone who bothered to split their loads between freighter and blockade runner, and who bothered to fly both safely.

Its a shame the game doesn't do it, but at least CODE picks up some of the slack in that regard.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#18 - 2014-05-01 09:42:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
People who haul "professionally" have a value limit for a reason, looks like OP just discovered it.

There's no need for CCP to fix industrial ganking, common sense combined with all of the tools and mechanics already in place are more than adequate for people to mitigate the risks associated with hauling.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Jack Lennox
Grove Street Families
#19 - 2014-05-01 10:00:35 UTC

Your troll is too obvious.

Hope you said GF in local

-Erotica 1 did nothing wrong

Been ganked? Robbed? Space feelings hurt?  Now there's something you can do! Fill out a Customer Service Comment Card!  EIther that or contact everyone's favorite Space Detective for an instant ban!

New Eden Tank Testing Services
#20 - 2014-05-01 11:25:47 UTC
Hoping for a tankable mid-range freighter this time round. I have HEAPS of Expanded Cargohold II in stock.

You just know it would be the default fitting.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

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