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Wormhole Orca + salvager theorycrafting

I am Placeholder
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-04-28 16:44:42 UTC
I'm thinking about taking an Orca into a Wormhole on my alt and using my main to run sites, scan and salvage. I only have a 400,000m3 ship maintenance array. T3 Cruiser is 115,000m3, Covops is 23,000m3, Noctis is 270,00m3. This is 408,000m3. However, as my main will always be in a ship, the most it will have is 385,000m3.

Now, the question is, in your opinion, is the Noctis worth all that room? It takes up over half of the Orca's SMA. Now that we have the Mobile Tractor Unit the Noctis' tractor beam bonus is a lot less appealing. Other things I could put in the Orca include:

Arrow Venture - I make boosters on the side and I might get a lucky entrance into a nullsec gas constellation. As I'll be in c3 holes I don't consider the gas worth it in terms of isk/hr though.

Arrow Extra ships for my alt to fly (if I put up a POS for the day I could use him to do things like scout in another covops)

Arrow PVP ships for my main - something like an inty and a dictor, and perhaps another ship. I would have to think about potential situations I could be in and what might be useful at that time.

Arrow A blockade runner - this would require 190,000m3 so it may not be worth it, but it would allow you to pick up abandoned POS mods (Orca cargo would fill up fairly quick though, but it's still huge). It would also allow you to get the loot out in relative safety rather than warping the Orca itself directly to the wormhole out to k-space.

Of course, If I drop the Noctis I would also need another ship for salvaging.

I give you the salvaging Dragoon!

It sports 5 Salvager IIs and an improved cloak in the highs, an mwd (top speed 1400m/s) and is cap stable with all running (I'd prefer to keep the MWD on in case something uncloaks next to me. It has the same access difficulty as the Noctis (80%). Obviously the disadvantage is that it fits 2 less salvagers than a Noctis and has a slower cycle time (10s as opposed to 7.5s at all V). The advantage of the destroyer is that it is about 200m/s faster and aligns more than twice as fast. Also, in addition to a flight of salvage drones it can also carry 5 warrior IIs and 5 ECM drones. Don't forget the ship's role bonus, which will have the slow salvage drones MWDing a lot faster too. If either ship is caught it is likely going to die anyway but at least in cases where you are pointed by one target the ECM drones might just get a lucky jam off. Don't forget the destroyer is a fraction of the cost of the Noctis too. Overall though the big advantage is versatility in the ships I can bring into the wormhole with me.

I would be interested in hearing people's opinion on whether the Noctis would provide enough benefit to be worth the sacrifice. Please address the questions asked, I don't care if you think I should just put up a POS.


Orca going to be used by my alt as a wormhole base for my main
Noctis takes up more than half of Orca SMA
Noctis sucks a bit after Mobile Tractor Unit was introduced
I can fit a few other ships besides a salvaging destroyer into the SMA if I remove the Noctis
Is the Noctis worth it considering the other options on the table (you needed to read the post to know what they are)
Blodhgarm Dethahal
8 Sins of Man
Stray Dogs.
#2 - 2014-04-28 18:51:25 UTC
Salvage Destroyer is fine... just drop a MTU when you enter the site so everything is in the same place.

As for PvP Ships, I would bring an Interdictor (Sabre/Eris are my favs) for ganking light targets. For the rest just use your T3 and refit it as necessary for PvP (you can refit subsystems off an Orca right?). Proteus is probably the most versatile in this case.

And no need to warp the Orca to a hole to drop off loot at all, simply put in fleet hanger and use your covert ops to transport it, or a cloaky T3, loot and salvage is not that big. You don't find many scoopable POS modules often either in WHs, so that basically negates the need for a Blockade runner.

But looks like you got the core stuff covered, good luck.
Synth Tech
#3 - 2014-04-28 19:52:03 UTC  |  Edited by: chaosgrimm
If the bay is ur primary concern, remember that ur t3 locus subsystem gets a tractor bonus and u can use salvage drones
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2014-04-28 20:37:12 UTC
I prefer a bomber fitted for salvagers (t2) and cloak for more safety. Just have it use the MTU. As far as a pvp ship I like a good cloaky cruiser (blaster arazu, blaster or regular pilgrim or a t3).

I use to do this exact type of play for months on end, so feel free to convo me in game when you see me.
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2014-04-29 17:09:29 UTC
Noctis is bad Imo , i live in wh we have em and never use , drop tractors and use a frig or a destroyer with rigs . Lot faster cheaper and smaller .

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.