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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Returning Vet [~74m SP pure combat pilot]

#1 - 2014-04-27 21:26:17 UTC
eveboard Skillsheet

Hi! I'm a 22 year old college student about to graduate, haven't played EVE seriously in the past 2 years or so but I've been playing on and off since 2008 doing pretty much everything in the books. I've never really settled into a home here in EVE, mostly drifting around lowsec solo and messing with carebears in hisec. I've supported myself through missioning and trading and the occasional scam or two. It's been a good while since I've really gotten into EVE, and I'm interested in throwing my towel back into the arena. I'm not looking for anything in particular, just a friendly active corp that has a plan of some sort! Drop me a message here or in-game if you think I'd be a good fit for you. :)
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2014-04-27 21:36:50 UTC
Hello Dyaven, hope your search is going well. Have a look at our Corp, perhaps we could be a good fit.

The Crimson Permenant Assurance Co. is a lowsec PvP corporation that operates primarily in lowsec space with our alliance, Easilly Excited: a closely bound but rising lowsec power. We are looking for experienced pilots who are good at both working in small teams and larger fleets to join our ranks, and to have fun killing indiscriminately with us! We have recently formed from another corporation, so although the corporation might look new, we have been flying together for quite some time. If you're looking for a relaxed but legitimate group with frequent PvP opportunities, this is it.

What we can offer you, in convenient bullet point form:
~>NBSI: we kill everything and everyone we can indiscriminately
~>A tight, loyal group of friends to pvp with
~>A strong, up-and-coming alliance culture: plenty of blues for ops and plenty of reds for slaughtering
~>Frequent lowsec PvP opportunities
~>Small gang PvP
~>Alliance/small fleet PvP
~>Covert Operations
~>Corporate SRP
~>Corp/alliance moving and shipping service; we can supply you here in low

What we require of all applicants:
~>8 Million Sp. minimum, experience in low/nullsec a plus
~>Loyalty. We have many enemies and people who do not like us; if you cant pick a side and be part of the team you have no place here
~>The ability to live with a -10 sec status in lowsec
~>Activity. We have no interest in dead weight
~>A team attitude
~>A mic/TS3
~>Ability to make your own isk, although the corp will help supply pilots; no one should be left out due to lack of isk
~>Ability to fly armor ships is recommended
~>A thorough understanding of the art of Accountant Piracy

Interested? Join our recruitment channel, "Crimson Recruitment" to talk to a recruiter! Hope to see you in channel!

Corporate KB:
Alliance KB:

For more information:

We are US TZ with a smattering of EU as well.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2014-04-28 16:51:55 UTC
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