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disabling clouds in missions

Terra Matera
#1 - 2011-12-01 13:00:10 UTC

Is there any way to disable these clouds u sometimes get in missions? The graphics are really nice, but the clouds tend to drag my small laptop into a burning rage of fire.

Any ideas?
Dyskord Aumer
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2011-12-01 19:34:55 UTC
Try lowering the texture-setting.
Helped me a little bit on my old machine..
All in all, the in-battle performance since the patch is crap, even with mostly low settings, no shadows etc.
Dropping below 10 fps, before the patch i could set textures to medium, and the game still ran smoothly during missions.

Also, i would prefer a particle setting or something like it, specifically for the clouds. And a fix for that performance drop :/
Terra Matera
#3 - 2011-12-02 01:00:45 UTC
the thing is, that its only the clouds thats the problem. Everything else runs like butter on ****! But these clouds man, these clouds...
Dyskord Aumer
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2011-12-02 04:13:13 UTC
Already fiddled with the texture settings?
Also, thinking about it: burning rage of fire, as in, the machine gets hot?
Might be totally unrelated, but a person i know had extreme heating problems on his intel i5 cpu laptop with minecraft, because the nvidia optimus drivers used the wrong graphics card (the one included into the cpu on sandybridge stuff or something like that, not the secondary nvidia card that was built in).
As i said, might be unrelated, but if it is indeed a heat problem, and you have that sort of cpu / graphics combo, you might try googling on how to use the nvidia card only, or wait for updated drivers for that optimus stuff from nvidia.
Bayushi Tamago
Sect of the Crimson Eisa
#5 - 2011-12-02 04:18:23 UTC
The clouds have always been a problem for me. I find turning hdr off does help a lot, but I would severly approve of the (optional) removal of clouds in mission sites. I would say completely, however, ladar sites...
Tsukihime Costkiller
Chorus Abyssum
#6 - 2011-12-02 06:36:10 UTC
Indeed, overall performances since Crucible deployed fall dramatically even on high end configuration, Expecting patch to enhance this issue !

I didn't feel this problem of performance when testing on SISI, what going on TQ ????
Terra Matera
#7 - 2011-12-02 15:36:18 UTC
Dyskord Aumer wrote:
Already fiddled with the texture settings?
Also, thinking about it: burning rage of fire, as in, the machine gets hot?
Might be totally unrelated, but a person i know had extreme heating problems on his intel i5 cpu laptop with minecraft, because the nvidia optimus drivers used the wrong graphics card (the one included into the cpu on sandybridge stuff or something like that, not the secondary nvidia card that was built in).
As i said, might be unrelated, but if it is indeed a heat problem, and you have that sort of cpu / graphics combo, you might try googling on how to use the nvidia card only, or wait for updated drivers for that optimus stuff from nvidia.

just a figure of speech. It dosnt get overheated, just not someone who wanna work for you. Lets hope we are lucky and CCP sees this post :)
Dyskord Aumer
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2011-12-02 19:13:39 UTC
Ah, okay, then sorry for that not so helpful answer :)
Terra Matera
#9 - 2011-12-02 21:11:55 UTC
Dyskord Aumer wrote:
Ah, okay, then sorry for that not so helpful answer :)

Nothing to be sorry about my friend. You tried to help Big smile
Davan Sarn
Chasm City Syndicate
#10 - 2012-02-03 17:03:19 UTC
Yeah, I just noticed this happening last night, very painful. Hard to enjoy missions when my framerate (normally around 60 in space with high settings) drops down to 10 Shocked