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[Kronos] Pirate Faction Battleships

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epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1381 - 2014-04-25 12:31:03 UTC
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Daichi Yamato wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Has it ever happened where once something has hit the test server that the rebalance has been re-evaluated?

Or is it that once it hits the test server, only very minor variations take place, leaving things in the majority unchanged?

The impression I am getting is that once it reaches that stage, it is pretty set in stone.

Either way, I hope CCP rise will respond soon, and take the differing views into account. Before we reach that late stage.

i remember player feedback on the test server has lead to changes. on what exactly i cant remember.

IIRC, the heavy missile nerf last year. It was waaaaaay worse on the first iteration.

Ok thanks for that, I am glad there is some account taken and changes implemented.
Hopefully there are better examples and greater notice is taken, as the hammering they took is still pretty depressing.
Is anyone actually happy where heavy missiles are at the moment? Or are there plans (i hope) to have another look at them?

Back to the rattlesnake it would be a good idea though for CCP rise to respond to peoples concerns, before it gets to such a late stage.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#1382 - 2014-04-25 12:38:30 UTC
plenty of ppl are unhappy where heavies are, but ppl still use them.
plenty of ppl are unhappy about the BC nerf, but ppl still use drakes and canes.

The rattler has shifted from countering everything, to smashing larger targets. but it is still as powerful as any other battleship at hitting frigs. No it doesnt get the same benefit from e-war and the likes, thats just not what its for anymore. but dont worry, u can still use a domi.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1383 - 2014-04-25 12:44:45 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Daichi Yamato wrote:
plenty of ppl are unhappy where heavies are, but ppl still use them.
plenty of ppl are unhappy about the BC nerf, but ppl still use drakes and canes.

The rattler has shifted from countering everything, to smashing larger targets. but it is still as powerful as any other battleship at hitting frigs. No it doesnt get the same benefit from e-war and the likes, thats just not what its for anymore. but dont worry, u can still use a domi.

After the Heavy missile changes, people switched en mass to rapid lights as the only alternative to them.
CCP then had to massively reduce their power, as they were the only choice for almost every player.
People now still use heavies because there is no practical alternative in most scenarios.

I personally believe that the rattlesnake is suffering from things being overlooked in the phase before it reached user discussion.
You may be right, that it is a ship that has had it's roles restricted to be excellent in a very few scenarios than are available to it currently. i do not know, CCP rise did not say this, but you may be right in your assumption.

While it is still up in the air, and until CCP rise confirms your beliefs, It is probably a good idea that others point out the issues we see and potential resolutions. As the dominix is really quite a different ship. We would probably just be better off forgetting drones and fly a navy missile ship unless we want a showpiece for rapid missiles. We do not want to get into the same situation that we are in now, where we are waiting two years for things to be corrected.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#1384 - 2014-04-25 12:47:22 UTC
It's not that lights and mediums are unbalanced.

Clearly they are not. However, on this particular ship, with it's universal missile bonus and monster tank, it would be very OP.

So far as I know the only lower weight ships capable of fielding anything near 15 weapons in space are some of the Battlecruisers and Destroyers, the best of which have slightly over 9 equivalent weapons, and fairly weak tanks.

Even using unbonused drones, the ship is capable of fielding 12.5 weapons of any size with excellent application at pretty much any range inside of 60km without any further mods. Likely 80km with the most likely use of the utility high. Other than lock time this absolutely eclipses every function of a destroyer, and it's not looking good for Battlecruisers like the hurricane either. That with a tank that the lower ship classes cannot even dream of.

The beauty of that is unlike missiles, drones can be brought in and re-deployed on the fly, which means you can switch between unbonused drones to larger bonused ones near instantly. The reverse bonus situation is just as bad on paper, but if you shipped out with unbonused launchers you were stuck with them until you docked again. Either way you can fit to engage smaller targets with absolutely murderous intent, but the way the bonuses are set up now you retain more flexibility for doing so since Fury Missiles tend to be intended for the next weight class up and not great on targets your own size.

All they need do is fix the poor scaling of the superdrone bonus to the battleship weight class, and the ship will be amazing.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1385 - 2014-04-25 12:53:44 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Mike Voidstar wrote:
It's not that lights and mediums are unbalanced.

Clearly they are not. However, on this particular ship, with it's universal missile bonus and monster tank, it would be very OP.

So far as I know the only lower weight ships capable of fielding anything near 15 weapons in space are some of the Battlecruisers and Destroyers, the best of which have slightly over 9 equivalent weapons, and fairly weak tanks.

Even using unbonused drones, the ship is capable of fielding 12.5 weapons of any size with excellent application at pretty much any range inside of 60km without any further mods. Likely 80km with the most likely use of the utility high. Other than lock time this absolutely eclipses every function of a destroyer, and it's not looking good for Battlecruisers like the hurricane either. That with a tank that the lower ship classes cannot even dream of.

The beauty of that is unlike missiles, drones can be brought in and re-deployed on the fly, which means you can switch between unbonused drones to larger bonused ones near instantly. The reverse bonus situation is just as bad on paper, but if you shipped out with unbonused launchers you were stuck with them until you docked again. Either way you can fit to engage smaller targets with absolutely murderous intent, but the way the bonuses are set up now you retain more flexibility for doing so since Fury Missiles tend to be intended for the next weight class up and not great on targets your own size.

All they need do is fix the poor scaling of the superdrone bonus to the battleship weight class, and the ship will be amazing.

You are of course correct, in that if they fix the scaling issue, the ship will be amazing.
I still have concerns that the "lighter" side of the balance on large ships is wildly out of balance, and I of course do see that if the superdrone concept is implemented to retain it's balance then the ship may be out of balance in both real terms as well as on paper.

I contend that the actual lack of balance is on the rapid missile side, and that drone users should not be punished so thoroughly, to keep that absolutely unchanged.

Can we live with it? Sure, will it benefit the widest number of users? Not very likely.

If the ship was balanced where either cruise or drones were each valid, and one could switch between them according to fitting, then I think everyone would have found that balanced, not saying people would not have argued for their own individual playstyle, but it would have kept the concept of the rattlesnake while bringing it up to date. Superdrones could have fitted into that.

But to all of a sudden to make it a ship that wildly benefits from rapids? Strange in the extreme, theres no reason for there not to be a ship like that, but such a ship would need very careful balance work.
Trying to take an existing ship, with it's own issues and adding that is going to make any acceptable balance really difficult. evin if such a balance could be achieved it will cause great upset to a great number of users, even without introducing superdrones at all.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#1386 - 2014-04-25 13:15:12 UTC
It has nothing to do with Rapid Missile Launchers.

While range would be an issue, fitting just T2 Rocket Launchers would make this ship an executioner for anything trying to tackle it. The bonus allows for that, and it's a drop in the bucket for fitting resources.

Regardless of Rapid Launchers, this thing puts out 12.5 effective weapons if you launch unbonused mediums and fit 5 Heavy Assault launchers.

At either tier, if range is a consideration you can simply fit standard Light or Heavy launchers. It's still 12.5 weapons in space delivered as if from a ship of a smaller size but with a tank notable even among battleships.

The only thing you get from adding Rapid Launchers is more effective killing power on smaller hulls. You get plenty just from standard launchers and unbonused drones.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1387 - 2014-04-25 13:20:51 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Mike Voidstar wrote:
It has nothing to do with Rapid Missile Launchers.

While range would be an issue, fitting just T2 Rocket Launchers would make this ship an executioner for anything trying to tackle it. The bonus allows for that, and it's a drop in the bucket for fitting resources.

Regardless of Rapid Launchers, this thing puts out 12.5 effective weapons if you launch unbonused mediums and fit 5 Heavy Assault launchers.

At either tier, if range is a consideration you can simply fit standard Light or Heavy launchers. It's still 12.5 weapons in space delivered as if from a ship of a smaller size but with a tank notable even among battleships.

The only thing you get from adding Rapid Launchers is more effective killing power on smaller hulls. You get plenty just from standard launchers and unbonused drones.

Sorry mike, I should be more clear.
I see the core issue in that instead of the ship being equally capable as a drone ship as it is a missile ship, It is more heavily bonused towards missiles.

If one by choosing fittings could make it so the real dps applied could be the same for either platform, then that would be balanced and give players a valid choice to fit for either missiles or drones, or a valid dual fit that still did similar damage.

However by bonusing all missiles that went completely out of the window. How can one possibly balance such a wide range of capability with drones too? It is completely the wrong ship for such an experiment. If that was even the intention.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Cassandra Aurilien
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1388 - 2014-04-25 13:31:25 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:

Sorry mike, I should be more clear.
I see the core issue in that instead of the ship being equally capable as a drone ship as it is a missile ship, It is more heavily bonused towards missiles.

If one by choosing fittings could make it so the real dps applied could be the same for either platform, then that would be balanced and give players a valid choice to fit for either missiles or drones, or a valid dual fit that still did similar damage.

However by bonusing all missiles that went completely out of the window. How can one possibly balance such a wide range of capability with drones too?

The issue with that is the same reason that the Typhoon Fleet Issue doesn't have any drone bonus, but is often fitted with 3 DDA's. While fitting one to fully use it's weapon systems is difficult (2-3 slot tanks are common on some TFI fits), when done, the thing is a monster, even without a drone bonus.

Personally, I'm content to wait until it's available on the test server. If your concerns prove valid, I'm sure plenty of people will be complaining, as there are more than enough people interested in it.
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#1389 - 2014-04-25 13:37:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Voidstar
I don't look at it in terms of DPS. Each weapon system has drawbacks and benefits, and DPS is among those factors. A light drone has excellent delivery of it's DPS to the edge of your drone control range (60km with just skills, much further than most frigates can lock), while a Small Blaster delivers hardly any of it's DPS past about 3KM, and was suffering significant falloff before that, but the actual DPS potential was much higher.

That's why I look at things from the perspective of effective weapons. On the Rattlesnake, it is indeed putting out 7.5 weapons of each type. I only argue for a boost to the drone system because the nature of the Superdrone bonus actually harms the system if left at that break even point. While the actual DPS isn't harmed, other benefits of drones as a weapon system are reduced and additional vulnerabilities are added, warranting compensation to the system to bring it back on par with it's previous balanced state. Left at the break even point the drones are far too vulnerable to disruption and destruction compared to a standard bonus.

To me, this puts it on a sliding scale, where I feel 10 effective drones is balanced against the standard drone bonus if it's just a straight 400% superdrone bonus, but can drop down as low as 8 effective drone DPS so long as a full 12 effective drone HP bonus is then applied, making the drones a very bad choice to mess with as opposed to just attacking the ship itself.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1390 - 2014-04-25 13:39:39 UTC
Cassandra Aurilien wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:

Sorry mike, I should be more clear.
I see the core issue in that instead of the ship being equally capable as a drone ship as it is a missile ship, It is more heavily bonused towards missiles.

If one by choosing fittings could make it so the real dps applied could be the same for either platform, then that would be balanced and give players a valid choice to fit for either missiles or drones, or a valid dual fit that still did similar damage.

However by bonusing all missiles that went completely out of the window. How can one possibly balance such a wide range of capability with drones too?

The issue with that is the same reason that the Typhoon Fleet Issue doesn't have any drone bonus, but is often fitted with 3 DDA's. While fitting one to fully use it's weapon systems is difficult (2-3 slot tanks are common on some TFI fits), when done, the thing is a monster, even without a drone bonus.

Personally, I'm content to wait until it's available on the test server. If your concerns prove valid, I'm sure plenty of people will be complaining, as there are more than enough people interested in it.

I was not aware of the issues on the Typhoon Fleet issue,
But I see how balance concerns could be there.
But this is the Rattlesnake, a ship whose primary system is drones, that has had them downgraded to a secondary system.
We can assume that is the intention, but that may not be correct.
We do not need the ship to appear on the test system to realise that the missile side of the equation is far more capable than the drone side.
So we are hoping to raise the issue before it gets to such a late stage.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1391 - 2014-04-25 13:43:12 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Mike Voidstar wrote:
I don't look at it in terms of DPS. Each weapon system has drawbacks and benefits, and DPS is among those factors. A light drone has excellent delivery of it's DPS to the edge of your drone control range (60km with just skills, much further than most frigates can lock), while a Small Blaster delivers hardly any of it's DPS past about 3KM, and was suffering significant falloff before that, but the actual DPS potential was much higher.

That's why I look at things from the perspective of effective weapons. On the Rattlesnake, it is indeed putting out 7.5 weapons of each type. I only argue for a boost to the drone system because the nature of the Superdrone bonus actually harms the system if left at that break even point. While the actual DPS isn't harmed, other benefits of drones as a weapon system are reduced and additional vulnerabilities are added, warranting compensation to the system to bring it back on par with it's previous balanced state. Left at the break even point the drones are far too vulnerable to disruption and destruction compared to a standard bonus.

To me, this puts it on a sliding scale, where I feel 10 effective drones is balanced against the standard drone bonus if it's just a straight 400% superdrone bonus, but can drop down as low as 8 effective drone DPS so long as a full 12 effective drone HP bonus is then applied, making the drones a very bad choice to mess with as opposed to just attacking the ship itself.

Certainly Mike, pure DPS is meaningless, I am discussing practical, Applied DPS.

Your arguments on superdrone improvements have great merit, and make a great deal of sense.

I am uncomfortable however with HAVING to rely on suitable fixed missile systems to deal with close range small/fast ships. Where drones previously undertook that role, A choice to do so should one want an exceptional frigate killer is however fine. Just not a necessity.
I do see this ship exclusively fitted with heavies (rapid assault or otherwise) with precisions and furies (or ham alternatives). With all low slot and spare mediums allocated to missile damage and application.

The only option available would be to fit a less effective platform. So the drone side will be far less relevant.

If this is CCP rises desire, then we desperately need your improvements to have some use at all of the drone side.
But would not balancing the ship for even missile and drone applied damage,- with your improvements, - lead to a better, more balanced ship, giving more player choices and then be the best alternative?

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#1392 - 2014-04-25 14:28:59 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Yes, the effects of the change to heavy drones and superdrones is not automatically bad, but it seems that the disadvantages are not balanced out.
One can argue that they do not need more than a bonus to equal 5 drones or argue that unbonused lights and mediums are just not "needed" and losing 25km of control range is unimportant and people should fit a MWD as well as a LMJD if they do not want to wait around, And HTFU, Rollbut what are superdrones for then? What benefit do they bring?

I see the point in reducing drones to reduce server load under certain conditions, but the rattlesnake is meant to be the flagship application of this new concept, but it is the least balanced and worst implementation of it.

Your ideas on balancing them a little better are good, I still feel that eliminating the effectiveness of smaller drones with a severe reduction in bay size and complete removal of bonuses, wildly unbalances them, and guarantees that the bigger the ship the worse the balance? Your idea does work though if there is some reason to cripple light and medium drones, and would bring benefits even without correcting that.

I know some people are arguing against correcting the change of drone systems balance, but anything where an implementation hurts the larger class more is more likely to be accidental than deliberate.

I do not remember a wide outcry that light and medium drones were vastly overpowered, so why is there a need to completely nerf them into insignificance.

If they somehow make the ship wildly overpowered, it is likely that they are not the problem, just showing up the imbalance of something else.

Restoring the balance to light and medium drones, and implementing your superdrone amendments, will help things immensely, and any suggestion of restoring an overpowered system should look at what, if anything, is causing that. And amending that system to restore whatever powerlevel and balance is required.

Nerfing the innocent system, and ignoring the real issue will not end well, no matter who it might please in the short term, it will result in a ship that limps along for another couple of years until it is done right eventually.

IMO, Sentries were only added to the Snake to try and placate those who have until now used it as a sniping Pve Drone boat.
Heavy drones are in most cases completely unsuitable for Pve and it is yet to be seen if the Gila with its medium drones remains capable of current roles it is used in. This is highly unlikely as many used Sentries for sniping with the Gila.

Personally I would gladly sacrifice part of the new missile bonus on both Gila and Snake for 5 m bandwidth on Gila, 25 m to Drone bay on Snake.
Drop 1 Launcher, keep 10% bonus to missiles - 50% Role bonus to Lights for Gila and Snake.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Arthur Aihaken
#1393 - 2014-04-25 14:32:14 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Personally I would gladly sacrifice part of the new missile bonus on both Gila and Snake for 5 m bandwidth on Gila, 25 m to Drone bay on Snake. Drop 1 Launcher, keep 10% bonus to missiles - 50% Role bonus to Lights for Gila and Snake.

Perish the thought! What we need is another missile launcher and another low slot, give it 100% missile velocity and screw the drone bonuses.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#1394 - 2014-04-25 14:43:20 UTC
gascanu wrote:
atm i carry 2 sets of sentrys(heavys) and that leave me with 150 m3 of free that you can use for 2 sets of meds 1 set of lights 1 set of ecm; or 1 set of meds, 1 set of med ecm 2 sets of light; or any other combination of med/light bonused drones
on the "rebalaced" version, after 2 flights of heavy/sentrys you are left with 75 m3: that's 1 set of meds and 1 set of lights(or ecm) or 3 sets of lights/ecm all of them unbonused
so, 400 m3 is better than 17m3, it give you much more flexibility, not to mention increase hp and dps on the lights/mediums

This just refers back to the superdrone thing and the lack of damage bonuses on meds and small. Superdrones aren't going away so I don't think it's worth talking about. Anyway, the original point was made about heavy/sentry capacity, and that isn't changing - indeed, since you talk only of taking a flight of heavies and a flight of sentries, it's increasing. I'm entirely happy with a bigger drone bonus to make up for the loss of flexibility, although for anything more than eight effective drones it'll almost certainly ahve to be compensated by the loss of a launcher.

gascanu wrote:
you keep saying that, but it's really not that simple: like i saiyng earlier, you cannot dictate range in a rattlesnake;
so assuming you have a tackler landing at 20 km from you, you drop sentyrs, he will close range so your sentrys won't be able to track him; you need to scoop sentry, deploy heavys them but if he can just take range, your heavy drone will folow; that's the moment when he's stopping taking dmg from your drones, and from here he can do allot of things: kill your drones, or ignore them. or... you can recall them ofc, but that will take time and if they not die by time you scoop them and have sentrys out, it's the same story again

it's easy to say "Don't use heavies against fast, untackled targets capable of burning away from you. Use sentries" but you ignore that a fast hac ca be both of that in just 5-10" ; he can be under your sentrys tracking right now, and out of your scrambler several moments latter; to be abble to tackle something in a rattlesnake, you need to have a scrambler and a web fitted. or this it's not a comon fit on a rattle excepting baitting ones; atm you use your drone flexibility to get you out of trouble, after the rebalance, you get pointed, you have to pray that your ecm drone will get a jam( if you have them), or you will have to fit a scrambler/web for "defensive needs", on an already "cramped " ship

edit: in fact, against " fast, untackled targets capable of burning away from you" the best solution in most cases it's not sentry drones, it's light or medium drones; yea, those drones that are getting the nerf hammer in the new rattlesnake

Yes, it really is that simple. Of course you can dictate range - because of course you or a gangmate has web and scramble - otherwise, what are you doing thinking about PVPing using heavy drones from an immobile BS?

I think you've got this all backwards, you seem to be only talking from a victim's perspective, and it's entirely unsurprising that PVE fits don't work in PVP. Fitting a MJD will force your target to come into hard tackle range. If the HAC that you refer to burns up close to scramble you, you hard tackle it, neut it and deploy your heavies... and hope that your support is better than his support. Big smile

If it doesn't let itself get hard tackled, then you never deploy the heavies in the first place - you carry on with sentries and MJD the hell outa there whenever you like.
Cassandra Aurilien
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1395 - 2014-04-25 15:03:36 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:

I was not aware of the issues on the Typhoon Fleet issue,
But I see how balance concerns could be there.
But this is the Rattlesnake, a ship whose primary system is drones, that has had them downgraded to a secondary system.
We can assume that is the intention, but that may not be correct.
We do not need the ship to appear on the test system to realise that the missile side of the equation is far more capable than the drone side.
So we are hoping to raise the issue before it gets to such a late stage.

The TFI, with unbonused drones, is capable of 2200+ DPS before implants. (Highest DPS for a BS in the game, as far as I'm aware. There are plenty of fits for it which apply 1500+ DPS to most targets within 30 KM.

Drones are probably the hardest weapon system to balance, when paired with another functional system.

If the TFI had a drone bonus, rather than two weapon bonuses (one of which is forced to apply to either 2 turrets, or 2 launchers, normally with no weapon upgrades applied), it would be an absolutely unequalled ship. (Though it does have the pain of managing 3 different weapon systems at once, and requires an expensive tank for solo work.)

The TFI has a similar balance point on it's effective launchers, having 8.25 effective launchers, 2.75 effective turrets (or 8.25 turrets/2.75 launchers) & 5 sentries or heavies. Normally for max DPS, it is fitted for 4 BCS (or gyros) & 3 DDA's.

I'm pretty sure that is what they are trying to avoid with the current balancing, attempting to give some flexibility on the missile system, rather than the drone system, creating a unique role, without making it into a monstrous ship. (With full bonuses to the drone system & 7.5 effective launchers, even with traditional cruise/torp only bonuses, you are getting close to a ship with no weak points, only strengths.)

Also, for PVE purposes, I suspect that the much greater DPS the launchers put out may draw sufficient agro that heavies may become much attractive than they are currently. (Coupled with the MWD speed increase on heavies.) I won't be able to confirm that until the test server is available, however. It's quite possible that I'm wrong on that count.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1396 - 2014-04-25 15:05:13 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Personally I would gladly sacrifice part of the new missile bonus on both Gila and Snake for 5 m bandwidth on Gila, 25 m to Drone bay on Snake. Drop 1 Launcher, keep 10% bonus to missiles - 50% Role bonus to Lights for Gila and Snake.

Perish the thought! What we need is another missile launcher and another low slot, give it 100% missile velocity and screw the drone bonuses.

Arthur, I would be happy with a great missile boat or a great drone boat. I would be most happy with a boat that could be either and do both roles well depending on fitting choices. As it stands? This sort of wierd mishmash is not so appealing though.. Maybe i'm not doing it rightLol

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Arthur Aihaken
#1397 - 2014-04-25 15:25:54 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Arthur, I would be happy with a great missile boat or a great drone boat. I would be most happy with a boat that could be either and do both roles well depending on fitting choices. As it stands? This sort of wierd mishmash is not so appealing though.. Maybe i'm not doing it rightLol

I would say it's leaning more towards a good missile boat, and an average drone boat. It's lost most of its sniping and long-range capability, although it's entirely possible the "super" drones have some application outside of PvE use.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#1398 - 2014-04-25 15:30:22 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
I am uncomfortable however with HAVING to rely on suitable fixed missile systems to deal with close range small/fast ships. Where drones previously undertook that role, A choice to do so should one want an exceptional frigate killer is however fine. Just not a necessity.
I do see this ship exclusively fitted with heavies (rapid advanced or otherwise) with precisions and furies. With all low slot and spare mediums allocated to missile damage and application.

The only option available would be to fit a less effective platform. So the drone side will be far less relevant.

I disagree on a number of points.

First, there is the damage of unbonused light drones. Few frigates that are not assault or faction ships put 5 weapons in space, in fact few match that at all. While you will be capable of dealing with a huge array of enemies, it's not like a full rack of drones is weak for dealing with frigate class targets in any case. LMJD and drone control range can't be ignored here either. No matter what, you are not forced to use undersized launchers to deal significant damage to smaller targets, though if the superdrone bonus is left as it is that decision will be significantly reinforced to the detriment of the hull as a whole.

Second, there are few ways to improve drones, and of the methods available most either don't work or are really not needed by smaller drones. There is little point to Omni's when fielding light drones, and not much more on mediums. The primary use of the Omni is for sentries, with an honorable mention to frigate blapping heavies lucky enough to catch their target. There is little point in the Drone Navigation computer for lights (in fact it hurts in a few ways, sometimes I have a hard time recalling warriors because of it), and again mediums don't really need them. Only with heavies do DNC make any real impact, and not much then. Rigs are not much better, with only sentries benefitting from the damage rig, and only sentries getting any real benefit from the range and tracking rigs. The new DDA's, and of course the Link Augmentors are the real boosts.

Similarly, there is not much in the way that boosts missiles beyond Ballistic Controls either. Missiles at all sizes do benefit from rigs, and while the benefit is not as great as an Omni, mid-slot competition is cut down because Target Painters are effective for both Drones and Missiles.

Where drones will lose out on little benefit from skipping rigs, missiles do benefit so there is little conflict there. I suspect both damage rigs will fit, though that decision may have to be weighed with the benefit of some Rigors and Flares. That decision is hard, because sentries are so useful over heavies, but ultimately lies with the preferences of the pilot as drone tracking and range is a consideration for sentries as well. A balanced approach may wind up being 2 each of Missile damage, Drone Damage, and Drone Tracking (or one drone tracking and a Damage Control) in the lows, with the rigs devoted to missile application.

There is no reason the two systems cannot be balanced in their use and contribute equally to the offensive capability of the ship. There is also the option of focusing on the ship's shields for some absolutely silly tank ability and just using the natural excellence of the two best applying weapon systems in the game to get the job done.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#1399 - 2014-04-25 15:34:32 UTC
Cassandra Aurilien wrote:
TFI Stuff

Confirming the TFI is a monster, even without the guns. DNI gets close on paper but is more unweildy in practice.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1400 - 2014-04-25 15:47:19 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Mike Voidstar wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
I am uncomfortable however with HAVING to rely on suitable fixed missile systems to deal with close range small/fast ships. Where drones previously undertook that role, A choice to do so should one want an exceptional frigate killer is however fine. Just not a necessity.
I do see this ship exclusively fitted with heavies (rapid advanced or otherwise) with precisions and furies. With all low slot and spare mediums allocated to missile damage and application.

The only option available would be to fit a less effective platform. So the drone side will be far less relevant.

I disagree on a number of points.

First, there is the damage of unbonused light drones. Few frigates that are not assault or faction ships put 5 weapons in space, in fact few match that at all. While you will be capable of dealing with a huge array of enemies, it's not like a full rack of drones is weak for dealing with frigate class targets in any case. LMJD and drone control range can't be ignored here either. No matter what, you are not forced to use undersized launchers to deal significant damage to smaller targets, though if the superdrone bonus is left as it is that decision will be significantly reinforced to the detriment of the hull as a whole.

Second, there are few ways to improve drones, and of the methods available most either don't work or are really not needed by smaller drones. There is little point to Omni's when fielding light drones, and not much more on mediums. The primary use of the Omni is for sentries, with an honorable mention to frigate blapping heavies lucky enough to catch their target. There is little point in the Drone Navigation computer for lights (in fact it hurts in a few ways, sometimes I have a hard time recalling warriors because of it), and again mediums don't really need them. Only with heavies do DNC make any real impact, and not much then. Rigs are not much better, with only sentries benefitting from the damage rig, and only sentries getting any real benefit from the range and tracking rigs. The new DDA's, and of course the Link Augmentors are the real boosts.

Similarly, there is not much in the way that boosts missiles beyond Ballistic Controls either. Missiles at all sizes do benefit from rigs, and while the benefit is not as great as an Omni, mid-slot competition is cut down because Target Painters are effective for both Drones and Missiles.

Where drones will lose out on little benefit from skipping rigs, missiles do benefit so there is little conflict there. I suspect both damage rigs will fit, though that decision may have to be weighed with the benefit of some Rigors and Flares. That decision is hard, because sentries are so useful over heavies, but ultimately lies with the preferences of the pilot as drone tracking and range is a consideration for sentries as well. A balanced approach may wind up being 2 each of Missile damage, Drone Damage, and Drone Tracking (or one drone tracking and a Damage Control) in the lows, with the rigs devoted to missile application.

There is no reason the two systems cannot be balanced in their use and contribute equally to the offensive capability of the ship. There is also the option of focusing on the ship's shields for some absolutely silly tank ability and just using the natural excellence of the two best applying weapon systems in the game to get the job done.

I think you have said this far far better than I did. I am in complete agreement. this is how it should be. Tiny changes as already indicated, and getting the drone side back into balance, and there is a wonderful ship that will fit in with the other pirate vessels.

I hope we can get there.

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