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why are people saying Fraction warfare is broken?

First post
Andre Vauban
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#101 - 2014-04-22 19:35:53 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:

The Gallente however by all appearances are going very strong. I see the same faces in threads at least. If they can't get fights from Caldari then who are they fighting? I can only speculate that the null sec connections bring challenges and targets.

Pirates, lot and lots of high quality pirates to fight. AFAIK, Gallente overall haven't done well against the pirates since the heyday of SOTF, but they set a very high bar.


Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#102 - 2014-04-22 19:41:15 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
I can speak for the Amarr front. It doesn't support large fleets. If you show up with more then 20 guys there is a high probability of being blue balled. I can recall Annah Kitheran with his HAC / Guardian Fleets or Almity and his Navy Aug / Aug fleets - most nights they had trouble finding a fight. Alot of milita on both sides have gone pirate, gone to Null, or have simply stopped logging in. Both sides are really pale shadows of what they were even a year ago.

The Gallente however by all appearances are going very strong. I see the same faces in threads at least. If they can't get fights from Caldari then who are they fighting? I can only speculate that the null sec connections bring challenges and targets.

Ah, gotcha. It's not the nullsec connections that bring challenges.

Hauling random 20-40 man fleets around the warzone will generally get you blueballed, of course. We're lucky that we have several neutrals in the area that are pretty willing to step up - SWIGG, Dead Jesters, Snuffbox, BALEX, to name a few. Not as familiar with the Ostingele area crews, but they bring solid comps as well. So long as you don't ridiculously overcomp the available opposition, someone generally takes a shot at handing you your head.

Running those same 40 man fleets in a plex in a CalMil home system... fights all day, er'ryday, with thousands of kills per day until your bloodlust has been slaked. There's a lot of CalMil corps that step up - Templis, Bloc, Old Man Gang, The Church of Awesome, etc - and who won't just let you blob and steamroll them.

You hit it on the head though - Cal/Gal warzone is fundamentally different from the Min/Amarr warzone. It's definitely a cultural thing, though how it developed and how to improve it is something I'm not qualified to do more than speculate about. I'd point to the number of PvP focused corps in GalMil, our attitutde that we're always outnumbered but never outgunned, and our fierce commitment to basing out of lowsec warzone stations. Commit to a system, make it home, and make the bastids bleed for every inch they try and take from you. Force your opponents to play the same way by pressuring their homes, and taking them if they can't step up. Eventually, some will sack up and make a stand - those are the ones worth fighting against, and keeping around (even if you shove them off into a corner in Hykanima for a while).

Eventually, you get a good mix of corps on both sides who will ignore the BS mechanics of FW that happen to be broken and exploitable. That's when things get fun.

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#103 - 2014-04-22 19:42:53 UTC
Andre Vauban wrote:
Zarnak Wulf wrote:

The Gallente however by all appearances are going very strong. I see the same faces in threads at least. If they can't get fights from Caldari then who are they fighting? I can only speculate that the null sec connections bring challenges and targets.

Pirates, lot and lots of high quality pirates to fight. AFAIK, Gallente overall haven't done well against the pirates since the heyday of SOTF, but they set a very high bar.

Very true, and it gives us something to use to grow. Structure fights, gate fights, and station games are all fundamentally different than the plex warfare we've been focused on through occupancy warfare.

Looking forward to the challenge once I get back from FanFest.

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

Small Focused Memes
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#104 - 2014-04-22 20:18:20 UTC
Andre Vauban wrote:
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
One gets the feeling after reading multiple threads similar to this one that the Gal/Cal war front is a success story whereas the Min/Amarr front is not. I suspect that the former's multiple connections to nullsec allow more targets and support larger fleets.

It has been like this for a long time. I think the root cause is that Gallente/Caldari is a lot larger and offers a better gate layout. Until the Egmar/Gulmorogod and Isbrabata/Kumiainen gates were added, the Minmatar/Amarr warzone layout was horrible and had a pretty massive single chokepoint. That horrible layout caused people to not spread out and the history/culture created by that still linger in spite of CCP fixing the topology. Minmatar/Amarr also has some good centralized non-FW lowsec systems to base from, where the Gallente/Caldari really doesn't have any non-FW lowsec stations that aren't in the middle of nowhere.

I don't think the nullsec entry points has much to do with the health of the Gallente/Caldari theater. The presence of large pirate organizations certainly does though. As to why there are more pirate organizations in Gallente/Caldari, I'm not sure. Maybe the healthier Gallente/Caldari FW system leads to a larger supply of prey for the pirates or there could be another external factor. The creation of black rise specifically for FW may have something to do with it as well as Black Rise having the best moons in all of lowsec.

i really dont go along with the whole system layout is the problem. i go with its the mentality of each militias. having served on both fronts i can remember WAY more good fights on the gal/cal side than on the min/amarr side. it honestly seems like the gal/cal side want fights so they will do their best not to spoil one when it comes around (IE overshiping etc etc).

where as here on the amarr/mini front people are just in it to win and dont care about having a adrenaline filled fight. over in amarr/min zone having every system in the warzone in jump range from each other really make it impossible to set out in a 20 man bc fleet without getting batphoned by neutral entities. happens everytime.

we have a nullsec entrance within what is it like 4 jumps from kamela? or go to the opposide end of metro and there's a nullsec within 2 or 3 jumps from what i remember. but there isnt usually any 0.0 entities around

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#105 - 2014-04-23 00:27:06 UTC
Veskrashen wrote:

In my opinion, the counter to your rebuttal is contained within your reply. Counters exist - fitting multiple scrams, etc etc etc - however they require you to make sacrifices in order to ensure you have the counter for the prey you're hunting. Banning WCS doesn't impact isk/hr, and that was never the argument. The point I and others try to make is that the farmers are using a specific fit designed to enable them to evade PvP. That is in fact valid gameplay, and shouldn't be discouraged simply to make it easier for you to use a single fitting style (generic PvP fit) to engage them. The counters exist, and like in so many cases, if your ship isn't suited to the target available you don't bother engaging it. Same goes for stabbed farmers - your ship is not equipped to counter them, so either reship to something that can or stop whining when they get away.

Part of the issue, in my mind at least, isn't the evasion aspect - people on the ball watching D-scan can always evade a fight if so desired - it's the AFK nullbear alt syndrome. They can be doing something else entirely while earning LP in a plex, and yet you have to commit time and energy - and the opportunity cost of spinning a button without getting decent fights - and they just find another plex to run.

One solution is just to make sure you've got your own alts out deplexing - stabbed farmers won't warp in on them after all - and use your main to do more interesting things. Sure, your alt will lose a lot of ships and pods, but that's essentially an irrelevant loss as you've pointed out.

I would love to see some change that would require more active attention while capturing a plex, but banning WCS ain't it.

A couple things. I pointed out that when a ships fitting and/or capability clashes with the ability of people to counter it is determined by CCP. And when the effort required to counter them is determined to much they have been nerfed by CCP. This has happened several times over recent years. Tracking Titans? Determined too difficult to counter. Nerfed, Drakes? Hurricanes? Too overpowered when compared to other ships and were significantly nerfed in the rebalance. Nanofibers without stacking penalties? This was before my time but DAMN that must have been ridiculous.

I believe that WCS effect the Warzone far to much. Clash with the purpose of FW. And the effort to counter them requires far to much time and effort on the part of the player. Mainly because to counter them we first have to find them, refit to something un usable for regular PvP. And then hunt them down while avoiding anyone else on fear of meeting an actual PvPer and being killed.

AND the system which was developed by CCP was meant to provide PvPers with ISK. Not Provide AFKers with ISK. Which is what its doing. It is far more rewarding to fit for WCS's then PvP. That breaks the system and needs to be fixed. Every time someone brings up an overpowered game feature(which is a difficult term to use for WCS but it still applies) the person using that feature or even some well meaning person like yourself decries people for being elitist or warns them against it. If something provides a net negative for the game, which I believe WCS does, then it should be brought to balance, even if that means stepping on a few toes.

Your solution to AFK-Plexing is to AFK-Plex more? That may be a counter to the people plexing against me, but it doesn't fix the system itself.


The issue with farmers pushing up the contested percentage has far more to do with AFK alts and the stupid amount of income (with respect to at the keyboard effort) they provide rather than anything else. But those same mechanics are how a number of "legit" PvP focused FW pilots make their isk, so nerfing that income can have unintended consequences. In addition, the plexing mechanic and it's impact on system vulnerability is part of what makes FW so different from nullsec sov warfare - the requirement for consistent effort to impact control of a system or area.

If you believe the Warzone is what you say it is you should be just as annoyed as me by AFK farming. (Which you seem to be and that is something that is confusing me).I don't understand how you can be against AFK-plexers, and say how "legit" FW pilots earn their income via plexing. "legit" FW players don't use WCS fits, or only do so because the plexing mechanic is so boring, they are forced to do it to maintain there sanity.

AFKing is facilitated by Warp Core Stabs. That is their only purpose for being in Plexes. If you don't have WCS's, that means people can no longer AFK plex effectively. They can still be AFK, but they will certainly die a lot more or will have to pay attention. Their isk for effort goes down as a result. Their effect on the war zone goes down. Some might even be forced to PvP and find they enjoy it, although it would only be a small >Fraction< of them.

I cannot find any reason even in your post, for NOT banning WCS. They break the system, and provide no benefit to it whatsoever. You yourself said that the system itself is used to provide money for "legit" FW players so changing the ISK factor could be, and probably WOULD be disastrous. Not only that such a drastic effort is not needed, when simply banning WCS will probably drop the amount of Farmers significantly.

Even if "legit" Faction Warfare people plex using stabs, they do not have to. They can refit for PvP and join the fun if WCS are banned from plexes. But if you want to eliminate Null Sec Alts using our system as a farming ground to fund their supercaps. WCS need to go, and go now.

Barring all that, can you give me a legitimate reason why WCS should not be banned from plexes, or what benefit the bring to Faction Warfare?

Member, Fighter and FC for The Great Harmon Institute of Technology 

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#106 - 2014-04-23 01:04:06 UTC
The reason I'm not opposed to WCS in plexes is that no other module is banned in plexes. Essentially, I feel that it is totally legitimate to fit for survival and evasion, and that style of gameplay shouldn't be invalidated just because someone is in FW. Noone complains about MWD/Cloak mission running boats, or doing them in cloaky T3s. Noone complains when someone bails from a mission because they had an eye on D-scan. Noone complains when someone successfully evades a gank because they're on the ball. People complain about bubbles in nullsec, and other people tell them to HTFU and get nullified T3s. I'm basically saying HTFU and bring more scrams.

I am indeed annoyed by AFK plexers. I just don't stress about it as much because my focus is essentially on 2-3 systems, and I don't let perfection be the enemy of good enough. If Eha and Vlillirier are under 20% contested and there's no major pushes going on from your side of the house, I'm happy. I really don't care about Oicx so much, unless ya'll are trying to flip it again to base out of, in which case I'll do my best to delay the inevitable then get to work crushing your will and grinding your fleets to space wreckage for Necromesis to salvage. Then flip the system and relax for a few weeks.

I completely agree that AFK gameplay, and AFK plexing by extension, is a bad game mechanics. Banning WCS doesn't change the equation - so long as the AFK gamer is willing to accept the loss of their ship, noone complains. Noone complains about the empty ships and empty pods they get killmails for. It's the fact that you do everything right - and at the last minute someone slips away anyways, because they had stabs and you didn't have enough scrams. Again, HTFU. Get a list of known plexing alts, and when you see them grab your double/triple scram boats and ruin their day. Know your targets, fit accordingly - we do it against every other entity. Ya'll know when we show up that 3000 Derptrons are coming your way, ain't really much different is it?

I do indeed plex, in PvP fits, and in fleets. We do it all the time in JUSTK, because it's a great way to troll for fights and earn iskies at the same time. That's valid gameplay, and the folks we kill and the ships we lose are totally legit in everyone's eyes... even if they whine because we can Voltron up like noone else. We need to be able to preserve that, IMO, because it's an important source of income for us poor bastids stuck at Tier 1 all the time.

The main problem, IMO, is that the nature of plexes (and defensive plexing) encourages AFK gameplay. There's no additional input required from the time the rat is dead until the timer's down, unless you get bounced. If you're defensive plexing, you don't even have to worry about killing a rat, which means you can literally fly unfitted boats in a free clone and accomplish the same thing as running around in a faction frigate. And - probably more than anything - when you're spinning buttons to run up or down a system's contested percentage, YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D RATHER BE DOING. But you HAVE to defensive plex in order to keep the systems you've got. Asymmetric timer requirements just make it worse.

How do you change that? Good question. Natural contested decay? Timer resets, dual timers, natural timer decay? Harder rats won't necessarily change things... just means you'd need to clear a system with your main before parking your alt in there. Respawning rats? That might work, but again it just means you need to warp out until your main can clear the rats again. And of course you do still have to remember the impact on the ability of newer players to fly and earn in FW, which is a legitimate concern - even if it lowers the fitting / SP bar for farming.

What about making the rats more complex, so that they need PvP style fittings to deal with? Now that'd be an interesting compromise. Rats that MWD, for instance, would be able to keep out of lock range of most stabbed frigates... and if you make them responsive to scrams and webs, well then PvP fitted ships would still be able to take care of business. Doesn't fix the main clear / alt run issue, or the defensive plexing issue, but that would be a really difficult problem to tackle overall. Combine it with a natural contested % decay and natural timer decays, and I think you've got some interesting mechanics to play with. Whether that's achievable or advisable under the current mechanics I leave to the few remaining greater minds than mine.

TL/DR: I hate AFK plexers too, but I don't see WCS as invalid gameplay. I'd rather remove the incentive to AFK plex at all, but that's a complex issue to solve. I'd also love for FW to not be a nullbear alt LP ATM, but that's an even harder problem to solve.

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#107 - 2014-04-23 04:56:03 UTC
Veskrashen wrote:
Complex and thoughtful post with words and good points and such that I cannot quote directly and get any sort of decent reply in because of word count limits

I agree with your point that WCS will not completely stop AFK plexing. I do however disagree that most people will continue to just AFK plex without them. Losing ships is not just about the ISK value. It is about the time and effort it takes to buy and build these ships, and then fly them to an area you can plex in. As stated before ISK/effort becomes much more unfeasible when you have to actually pay attention to the game. This is what attracts all the alts from Null Sec. They ability for them to keep playing their game elsewhere while detrimentally impacting ours and earning money for it.

My argument isn't against AFK play, my argument is against AFK play without consequence. WCS allow AFK players to run Plexes without making them vulnerable to other players, or limits/decreases their isk-making. I have no problem with people warping off. It annoys me occasionally sure, especially if they are in something that I believe could roundly stomp me. But they have to be at the keyboard to do so. And if they are not, then they pay for it. Just because AFK gameplay is encouraged by the plex mechanics doesn't mean that there should be no consequences for it.

MWD/Cloak Running boats, Cloaky T3's Nullified T3's, Warping Off, all have some things in common which separates them completely from AFK plexing. To be safe, you have to be at your keyboard and/or when you ARE safe you are not earning money. AFK plexers have the ability to be safe while not playing the game. The quite literally have more safety then High Sec miners. Fitting stabs hurts a miners efficiency, not a farmers. A miner can't warp off when tackled, a farmer can. Miners have to at least open their clients every few minutes to see if a rock has been fully mined. A plex farmer can set a stopwatch and watch Internet Cat Videos and eat Cheetos until it goes of f or they hear themselves being locked.

I also disagree completely when you say that fitting stabs in a plex is legitimate gameplay. Just because something can be accomplished through game mechanics does not make it balanced, or legitimate. In fact, I could even term it as an exploit. Rooks and Kings Wormhole video described a perfect situation where game mechanics were changed because they were far to game breaking to be left in. Remember how an AB rep Incursus without guns could run Large Plexes in the first iteration of the Inferno patch? CCP realized that kind of "legitimate" gameplay isn't what they wanted plexes to be about so they tried to fix it. They didn't fail necessarily, but there actions did lessen the impact of Farmers. Not by much because farmers just went to AFK-STAB Transformation mode, but they effected it.

There are many more myriad examples of things deemed "legitimate" by others and then nerfed by CCP. And not only that, but there ARE limitations to enter certain Mission plexes. I cannot remember if its DED plexes in Highsec or something else, but they prevent anything from above a certain ship size to enter. These are high sec Exploration Complexes, that CCP is putting ship restrictions on. The only logical reason to do that is because they deemed that ships up to a certain size made it to easy to complete the mission. If they restricted people from completing High Sec plexes to easily, do you really think CCP can not justify banning WCS from plexes?

Warp Core Stabs give massive penalties so that the only thing they are used for is safety of travel I do not believe CCP ever intended for WCS to be a money making module. Unintended consequences also do not equal legitimate gameplay.

I am wary about making plexes more engaging because I am not sure there is a way to make plex rats more engaging without either turning it into a PvE situation, or making it so that only a few fits can be used to run plexes. IE What if I am in a lightly tanked condor? Or a slow AB Incursus? I do not think CCP would have the capability or time or the inclination to devote their time to doing so. Unless their going to revamp ALL the rats. Which I think we both know, is going to be a long way off if its ever going to occur at all.

Also their is a reason why plexes are the way they are. To prevent systems from flipping to fast. IE the Inferno expansion where systems could be flipped in 6 hours. And to prevent people with certain fits (gunless fits for Inferno 1.0) from being able to plex to easily. The system works fairly well as it is now.

I like the ideas of having the contest status of a system effected with out actually having to devote time to a plex. But natural decontestation doesn't do it for me. I think something should be sacrificed in exchange for time, and that something needs to able to be neutralized directly by the opposing faction. Otherwise I think it becomes far to hard to capture systems because your fighting the enemy AND the permanent natural decontest.

An Idea I have had is a structure added as an addition to the bunker, people can warp to it like always and "buy" plexes with LP, timers in the plexes are run down. When a plex is capped in the system, but only if the plex has remained unoccupied for a certain amount of time, the plex is subtracted from the plex total. Same thing happens when an enemy runs it down. ALSO an enemy fleet can go directly to the bunker and bust the structure holding the LP amount. The HP scaled correctly so that it would take a significant fleet commitment to kill, but not enough to require that Capitals be dropped. Also, the LP costs would need to be scaled correctly so that no net LP is gained from capturing the plexes. IE I put 50,000 LP into the plexes, capturing those plexes would give me 50,000 LP back. But thats just a spit balling Idea.


Member, Fighter and FC for The Great Harmon Institute of Technology 

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#108 - 2014-04-23 04:57:52 UTC

What would happen if both of us didn't have to refit purely to scrams to catch farmers?

What If you didn't have to spend what must be a significant amount of your time maintaining a list and other meta data regarding farmers?

How much time have you and I wasted deplexing? Literally Days? Weeks? How much content did you, me, and a hundred other legitimate PvPers miss because of it? Or even worse, how much did we miss creating? How much of that was because of the swarm of AFK Plexers that falls upon us any time some one goes up from Tier 1?

WCS in plexes allow for to much reward for to little risk. The provide no positive gameplay, and indeed prevent others from doing having fun gameplay. There is no legitimate reason to allow them in plexes. If the mechanics allow it, the mechanics should be changed. If people are doing it, I will say what CCP has said to every other person who complains when "legitimate gameplay" mechanics are changed. The current gameplay does not fit the views of what I want EVE to be, so I want it changed for the betterment of EVE Online as a whole.

I understand why you think that WCS are just a result of the AFK necessity of Deplexing. And any effort to either make plexes more engaging, or make it so that we do not need to Deplex as much without breaking the system, I will wholeheartedly support.

WCS are a symptom of an underlying cause yes. But when the symptom is as easily treatable as simply banning WCS from plexes. And has no other downside then AFK-Plexers will have to go elsewhere. Then you treat that symptom first. And then move on to the underlying cause.

Member, Fighter and FC for The Great Harmon Institute of Technology 

Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#109 - 2014-04-23 05:15:06 UTC
tbh the one thing I actually miss from pre-inferno FW is the npc waves that occurred while running a plex.

But the whiney 'bitter-vet' "it's not pvp so should be in FW" argument go way too much press IMO and the rats were changed to a single (occasionally 2) npc that lets face it is a cakewalk basically becasue people didn't want the npc's to be a deciding factor in a pvp fight.

Load of bollocks I say! When being a pirate I have to way up the NPC's in a belt/mission/site that my potential target is running. If I pick too squishy a ship the npc can actually kill me! there fore it is a factor in almost every other area of eve where we are trying to force and engagement.

I Personally would like to see the waves of npc's to be brought back AND keep the timer paused while they are still on field. You then physically can't afk in a plex and still run it. You would have to keep your main on standby to come in and kill them before running the timer down. Well bugger it you might as well just plex with your main!

The npc's should be though enough that you can't stomp them with too small a ship but could still kill them given enough time. But not too hard that you need specialised pve fits to do so. This would mean that you can go out in your cruiser and still run mediums pretty quickly with a pvp fit but would take a bit more effort (or a specialised pve fit) to run a large for example.

This would also bring militia tags back as a money maker for LP item swaps. Make less LP cos plexs require more time/effort but also have tags as another potential isk source in FW. I used tags a lot as extra isk before inferno. bring em back. This simple change would also encourage more up shipping to run larger plex's and get some more cruiser sized action going on.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#110 - 2014-04-23 11:12:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Zarnak Wulf
Quite a few of the farmers these days are bots based around dscan. If they see something on short they cloak. A WCS ban won't catch those nor does it address the underlying problem - isk vs reward. A comprehensive fix could involve:

A) Much harder plexes
B) Plex upgrades via LP IHub donations.
C) Kill the tier system entirely and pay everyone at a flat, constant rate. (Tier 2?). Farmers and swings would still exist but they would respond to market scarcities rather then tier levels. i.e- Amarr loses for three months in a row. Their ships jump in price due to scarcity. People migrate to the Amarr militia to take advantage. This system would be less volatile.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#111 - 2014-04-23 11:18:40 UTC
Simyaldee wrote:
More stuff.

Might have to agree to disagree here.

I get where you're coming from, I truly do. I don't see the loss of a ship as a major impediment, because when they run under 2mil a pop you can replace them with ease - even if they're kitted up with guns, rigs, and prop mod in addition to a full rack of WCS. Farmers have the same access to JFs and the like that we do, and there's no reason they couldn't use them to. Just get a stack of boats shipped to the nearest medical station, and voila. Instant reship and back in action.

WCS are a legitimate module to allow a player to avoid combat. Moreover, there is no value in my opinion in forcing a player into PvP, nor has CCP created one that I can see (one that can't be avoided, I mean). There are PvE aspects to FW, missions for one a great example of it, and we have to recognize that those are an intended part of the design.

IMO the need for constant work to control an area is exactly what makes FW special. It's the fact that you can't just sit back and let a flag on a map due to an IHUB bash define your area of influence. That takes work, and it sucks, but that's what makes it different - and better! - than nullsec.

CCP has already given us the tools we need to counter stabbed farmers. A Crucifier has more than enough mids and DPS to kill any stabbed frigate, as does a Merlin. If you want to disrupt their income, run the plexes yourselves. Nisuwa is constantly close to stable due to the hard work of the folks who live there. They've earned that status, and they deserve it - because they use all the tools at their disposal to counter the farmers that try their hand at plexing there.

You want to make it hard to run plexes with WCS, I'm all for it. Banning a mechanic (WCS and the ability to evade combat) because of the fact it forces us to do more work to keep our homes isn't a good reason to do so. If you want there to be more than a lock time penalty, then lobby for it. Having a DPS hit for each WCS - to include for drones - would make it a lot harder to kill the rats while not invalidating the tactic entirely. They'd have to compromise their fits to compensate.

Of course that wouldn't stop them from coming in with a full combat fit, killing the rat, and refitting to stabs when they were done via a mobile depot. Which is why I think we need to do something else to change the incentives for them to be here in the first place.

TL;DR: We agree it's an issue, I don't think we'll agree on a solution. My feeling is that banning WCS won't fix it, we'll just see more cheap hulls getting ganked while AFK. Better to change the incentive structure.

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#112 - 2014-04-23 11:26:21 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
Quite a few of the farmers these days are bots based around dscan. If they see something on short they cloak. A WCS ban won't catch those nor does it address the underlying problem - isk vs reward. A comprehensive fix could involve:

A) Much harder plexes
B) Plex upgrades via LP IHub donations.
C) Kill the tier system entirely and pay everyone at a flat, constant rate. (Tier 2?). Farmers and swings would still exist but they would respond to market scarcities rather then tier levels. i.e- Amarr loses for three months in a row. Their ships jump in price due to scarcity. People migrate to the Amarr militia to take advantage. This system would be less volatile.

I like the cut of your jib.

I would be ok with fixing plex income at Tier 1, honestly, since that's still about 26k LP/hour at Tier 1. Still viable income, but not the same level as before by any means. Set defensive plexing at a fixed percentage of offensive plexing so that people aren't penalized for keeping their systems stable. Adding in timer resets / decay / etc mechanics to fix the disparity in time commitment and I think you've gone a long way to balance the offense/defense incentives.

I like the idea of removing Tier altogether, since it does cause massive swings in farmer population.

I'm also of the opinion that fixing mission balance would go a long way to helping the issue as well. Balancing the Min / Cal / Amarr missions to require a greater investment of ships and SP to run the L4s successfully would significantly narrow the isk faucet and better balance the risk / reward. Keeping the mission rewards at a fixed rate - somewhere around Tier 2 or Tier 3, given the travel time required and the risk involved in being in FW - would also go a long way to stopping some of the volatility.

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

Orion Brandihil
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#113 - 2014-04-24 18:07:30 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
Kill the tier system entirely and pay everyone at a flat, constant rate. (Tier 2?). Farmers and swings would still exist but they would respond to market scarcities rather then tier levels. i.e- Amarr loses for three months in a row. Their ships jump in price due to scarcity. People migrate to the Amarr militia to take advantage. This system would be less volatile.

If CCP did this even at t1, and brought back lg plexes, I would be a happy camper.
Small Focused Memes
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#114 - 2014-04-24 18:49:53 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
Quite a few of the farmers these days are bots based around dscan. If they see something on short they cloak. A WCS ban won't catch those nor does it address the underlying problem - isk vs reward. A comprehensive fix could involve:

A) Much harder plexes
B) Plex upgrades via LP IHub donations.
C) Kill the tier system entirely and pay everyone at a flat, constant rate. (Tier 2?). Farmers and swings would still exist but they would respond to market scarcities rather then tier levels. i.e- Amarr loses for three months in a row. Their ships jump in price due to scarcity. People migrate to the Amarr militia to take advantage. This system would be less volatile.

Giving an actual reason to d-plex a system all the way down to 0%. this was suggested before inferno came out.
the lower the contestion gets the more npc's reinforce the position. get it? its like 0% contested essentially at low amounts of contestion would be harder for 1 man stab ship to do a plex.

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

Hasan al-Askari Mujahideen
#115 - 2014-04-25 11:41:00 UTC
IbanezLaney wrote:
RavenPaine wrote:

I also want to add: I need a golf clap or an atta boy, for resisting the urge to make 'Fraction Warfare' jokes Cool

Is this some new sort of divisive tactic to make a small percentage of us partially feel bad for making 1/2 arsed jokes?

Oh yeah - I got 4 into one line and it almost looks like a legit post.

The remainder of my post will be serious.

Big smileBig smileBig smile

LOL well i did not think this thred would blow up like this Shocked but i guess it is one of them hot topics that people argue about
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#116 - 2014-04-27 23:36:36 UTC
The market is broken?

Oh wait, faction warfare. In lowsec. Got it.

"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik

Soon Shin
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
#117 - 2014-05-06 03:46:42 UTC
Many of the complaints are silly, people who whine about WC stab farmers.

Just as you have the right to go blast people in the face, the same right exists for you the escape from the people who want to blast your face.

EHonor exists only for the players who know they will be the clear winners and call the ones who flee before them "cowards" or "disgraceful".

I am not going to get my ship blown and me killed just for someone's self-righteous pride.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#118 - 2014-05-06 10:18:50 UTC
Soon Shin wrote:
Many of the complaints are silly, people who whine about WC stab farmers.

Just as you have the right to go blast people in the face, the same right exists for you the escape from the people who want to blast your face.

EHonor exists only for the players who know they will be the clear winners and call the ones who flee before them "cowards" or "disgraceful".

I am not going to get my ship blown and me killed just for someone's self-righteous pride.

If not for station lockouts i would agree.
Miriya Zakalwe
World Wide Welp
#119 - 2014-05-07 04:39:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Miriya Zakalwe
Stabbed/cloaky farmers are the noob version of this lameness anyway. The pros realize that losing a 400k frigate hull is meaningless and just deplex in unfit t1 frigs, where they don't even need to kill the rat. Podding them helps them too as it saves them time.

I had fun for a while by fitting a SB with rockets and scrams and cloaking in plexes waiting for these guys, but really, why bother.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#120 - 2014-05-07 06:23:24 UTC
so conclusion is that CCP should revert all FW changes they made and bring the 1st version of it, only change that can stay is constantly spawning outposts.

FW people did not want all that isk/lp anyway.

I bet everyone agree.