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EVE Online: Crucible Feedback thread

First post
Azgard Majik
Ilium Skies
#261 - 2011-12-01 14:59:17 UTC
Love the fonts as they make it easier to read when you need to hurry.
Ford Chicago
Ziz Zag Ziggurat
#262 - 2011-12-01 15:12:49 UTC
The skill requirements for the Omnidirectional Tracking Link II are the same as for the T1 version, Drones V and Drone Sharpshooting I.

The skill requirements for the T2 version should be at least Drone Sharpshooting IV, if not V.
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#263 - 2011-12-01 15:13:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Cygnet Lythanea
PI taxes as stand are likely to cause a large, long term, undesirable effect on the player economy.

And, sadly, I say this while making a fortune on it, I want that to stop, because I can see where this is going to go badly for the game in general.

This new system effectively ends PI in high and low sec. Consider: the profit on a given, refined, PI item is approx 25%, assuming you bought the materials. Current taxes on these are now 22% to 50% of the market value. This means that at current time, you're looking at a 3% profit to a 25% loss. Even if you produce all your items on one planet, you're talking a 50% hit, and then another 10% or so sales tax and you see where this is going.

This means that PI in high sec is no longer profitable in any meaningful way. Even if you turn a profit in the long run, most of your isk becomes tied up in merchandise rather then as funds.

The fact that the new POCOs are destructible AND extremely expensive for what they do virtually guarantees that low sec griefers will make them priority targets (several groups are already recruiting for just this) particularly since they do not shoot back.

While it's nice to see WH and nullsec boosted, again, this is going to have a wide spread and long lasting destabilizing effect on the T2 market. And, by destabilizing, I mean 'Do you remember when HACs were 250m to half a billion each? and a T2 cargo expander was 100m? Welcome back.'

I mean, seriously, they told me you guys had an economist on staff. What, was he on vacation during the planning of this?

The best part is that the rate is tied to a possibly fluctuating number. This means that passing the cost along to the customer is counter productive, as rising prices will also increase the taxes you pay on it. Effectively, it fixes a percentage of profit you will be allowed to make. Hardly 'sandbox' there CCP.

Tier 3 battlecruisers:

I ran the numbers on the Oracle and compared it to the Armageddon, a personal favorite of mine, and compared them. Before anyone freaks out, I know that one is a BC and one a BB. The reason I did so is that the geddon was the closest in cost to produce to the Oracle.

DPS: Armageddon (marginally without drones)
Cost to produce: Armageddon is cheaper, despite the Oracle not requiring nox
Survivability: Armageddon has vastly better tank
Speed: Oracle without any fitting. Armageddon fitted.
Agility: Oracle.

So, I have to ask now, what's the point of these things? As snipers they're totally eclipsed by the Tier 3 battleships. Against other cruisers or battlecruisers they're eaten alive, even by non-damage boosted ships like the Prophecy. I suppose with the cap ship HP nerf they might work, but I'm not going to bet the farm on it, they use a heavy alpha strike, meaning the Amarr ships with heavy resist bonuses will shrug it off.

Other then looking good, I really don't see their role. They're unappealing to PvP compared with other BCs or BBs, due to cost to produce and fragility, and they don't have much of a role for mission runners or ratters due to their poor survivability.
SpArtA Kus
Gallente Federation
#264 - 2011-12-01 15:29:17 UTC
Roime wrote:

I got that impression from your post.

On a side note, I've been doing solo PI on my max-skilled alt in lowsec. I welcome this change, it was always way too easy ISK in terms of risk/reward. If someone now shoots the Interbus COs I'm using and builds their own, it's good for them. I need to rethink my PI and most probably will leave RvB and join a real corp for a change.

My specialty is not useless, I need to adapt. This is not a game like chess with a certain set of rules. New Eden is a living universe, constantly evolving. Those who adapt, prosper.

You got wrong impression :)
Of course it's normal that playing in group bring more values (and the group is more than the sum of solo). It's also normal that some area of the game are not available if you play solo. But it's not normal that an area that was available to solo since more than 1 year (if I correctly remember), where players have put money, efforts and time is now just unavailable any more.
And for which reason ? Just because they put very high taxes. Why so high ? For me it's not necessary. Lower taxes will reduce the difference between poco and interbus/concord, which mean it may be still valuable also for solo players.

But you say it yourself : after this change, you'll probably stop solo PI.
So this patch just removed a complete way of playing Eve to solo player. It's like playing chess game with a set of rules that changes in the middle of the game.
Neok Skywalker
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#265 - 2011-12-01 15:38:11 UTC
Its not only PI which has changed a LOT.

The Drone Region got a real badly nerf. Doing Drone Hordes AGAIN was heavily nerfed, which cuts my income from those more then triple.
What i now do is adapt and go away from completly doing this and find something else.

This is not a small balance issue. Its really changed doing them with a income factor of 3 to 5.

I dont think someone will fight for them anymore. I am pretty sure lots of people will hate drone region now and better go somewhere else.

There is no instant isk. Loot is heavily reduced and you have the problem to convert drone loot into isk. And its not only the isk income in general, but people are leaving and i feel lonesome.
#266 - 2011-12-01 18:19:04 UTC
HEY CCP,....

I got to ***** about this, and ive made mention to this before but common guys just this one time do something bou tit, its such a minor thing but it really ticks me off.

OK,...your in a mission,..
and you got the Mission music goin,...
Your blood is pumpin
the Adrenlin is going
your stoked
you start blasting away at the rats,...really working the groups
The rats are dropping faster than you really expected all because of the UBER UPDATE THAT CCP DID THIS TIME AROUND!!!!!!


then the music changes
its no longer good heart pumping,..adrenlin flowing music
and you loose your edge,...
the rats are chewing you up!

CCP,..please put a music repete button on the player so that the mission music plays and dosent go into the regular stuff,....Thats totally anoying!,...atleast have it play till you tell it to stop or jump to the next room or finish the mission.....

Just a suggestion.

BESIDES THAT,...this has been the best update to date!

OK im done ranting

you can go about the rest of your day
Fly safe
Cold Moon Destruction.
#267 - 2011-12-01 18:27:03 UTC
CCP, thank for for making the last-minute fix and having all ships jumping out going in the same direction. It's a little change but has a huge impact on immersion.
Marcus Aurelijus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#268 - 2011-12-01 19:04:35 UTC
Since MY thread was closed (i did NOT make mutliple topics, perhaps you want to adapt your text to properly reflect what you mean) . The reason I didn't post to this thread it is usually filled with either whining or fanboi-ism - I thought I'd make an actual contructive post instead - which gets locked. CCP has a hard time learning things don't they?

* - original message - *

Hello CCP,

I've seen an improvement on the way you deal with things and hope in this thread to make good on a promise of better resposne to feedback.

First off:
I think this patch fixed or improved a great many things. A loot all button brilliant; training times indication for a ship you see but cant fly yet, well done. New nebulas look nice too (and persistent 3d positioning of em - impressive). Finally some love for hybrid gun users. all great stuff.

Just to make sure people understand that this is not a whine thread. There are a few misses too however (in my opinion, mind you)

This thread is for listing them and hoping you pick up on t them. If you got any question or want elaboration - contact me and ill add.

Wreck loot window size
- The loot button is great, but why does the size of the loot window keep resetting? Please make it so that the game remembers the preferred "wreck cargo windows size" please. Sometime you DO want to choose by hand. it annoying to have to resize the window every time.

Gallente retextures
- No accounting for taste obviously but most of the gallente retextures dont really work. why?
1 lore reason:
Gallente are supposed to be the artistic heart and soul of the eve universe. They now fly the drabbest colored ships around. Doesnt feel gallente at all. I'm sure its possible to come up with a slightly 'darker' theme without taking it this far.

more important - gameplay reason:
It looks ok enough in hangar but out in space i can hardly see my ship anymore. Thats annoying. I'm missing visual clues.
Its to dark to make out details. Even in the "sunny side" you can hardly see stuff. The bright new nebulas make this even worse,

both things make me a bit sorry for the obvious work that went into it - but it needs a rethink. I dont mind the actual new looks, but please a little more color saturation and/or reflection would go a long way.

fleet window disppears
havent been able to reproduce but my fleet window disappears occasionally.

I dont mind the new font nearly as much ans many other people, but i wouldn;t call it an improvement. Its too "thin" by lack of a better word. Makes it harder on the eyes to read it.
Im sure its possible to come up with something that scales but is easier on the eyes


Galaxy Map
not a very big gripe - but is the map really supposed to take that long to load?
we are taking 15+ seconds here.
#269 - 2011-12-01 19:40:30 UTC
[quote=Marcus Aurelijus]Since MY thread was closed (i did NOT make mutliple topics, perhaps you want to adapt your text to properly reflect what you mean) . The reason I didn't post to this thread it is usually filled with either whining or fanboi-ism - I thought I'd make an actual contructive post instead - which gets locked. CCP has a hard time learning things don't they?

* - original message - *

1 lore reason:
Gallente are supposed to be the artistic heart and soul of the eve universe. They now fly the drabbest colored ships around. Doesnt feel gallente at all. I'm sure its possible to come up with a slightly 'darker' theme without taking it this far.




more important - gameplay reason:
It looks ok enough in hangar but out in space i can hardly see my ship anymore. Thats annoying. I'm missing visual clues.
Its to dark to make out details. Even in the "sunny side" you can hardly see stuff. The bright new nebulas make this even worse,


CCP, seriously could turn the brightness down just a touch on the new nebulas,...It is a bit hard to distinguish things while in flight. Besides that i love the new art work

Fly safe
#270 - 2011-12-01 19:43:04 UTC
CCP,...asides from all the flamers,...honestly, this has been the absolutely best update yet, gratitude to you all,..

Thank you for a winter patch that will be honored for all times.

#271 - 2011-12-01 19:43:34 UTC
CCP,...asides from all the flamers,...honestly, this has been the absolutely best update yet, gratitude to you all,..

Thank you for a winter patch that will be honored for all times.

Harshmage Technology
#272 - 2011-12-01 21:18:12 UTC
Captains' Quarters: I have to look at the mirror! I must! Please turn me around to look at the most shiny reflective surface of them all! If you don't, I'll just turn my head towards it, and hold there until you move me!

That's my first bug of the day. My characters have to be staring at the mirror at all times. I got around it by either sitting on the couch, or by standing in a corner. Of course, ship hangar is still an option, but I do enjoy the news feed.

The good part? I just got a BPC for a Talos, and completed construction in just under four hours. Bad part? I have to finish Battlecrusiers 3, AND get up to Large Hybrid Weapons. 5 days away from flying with any kind of fitting.

1) Shoot lasers at space rocks 2) Browse reddit 3) ??? 4) Profit

Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#273 - 2011-12-01 22:26:08 UTC
I wonder if anyone else has run the actual numbers yet on a POCO.

at 300k isk profit per plant per day average, it would take 2 years to pay it off.

I see a lot of players whining about rising prices very soon.
Liquid Shock
Quantum Shenanigans
#274 - 2011-12-01 23:20:46 UTC
I've been seeing this in logs lately:

"23:15:41 Notify {[character]}: You have foolishly engaged in criminal activity within sight of sentry guns and must suffer the consequences."

Looks like a bug.
Gallente Federation
#275 - 2011-12-01 23:56:27 UTC  |  Edited by: NereSky
As much as ii like all the new pretty colours and nebula, great job btw, but I am beginning to suspect (albeit I maybe wrong) that the differant racial space is actually colour co-ordinated, ie brown for Amarr, blue for caldari and i think minmatar is a reddish colour.

Am I right?

Because Im beginning to feel as though I am in a board game lol
Sandman Plc
#276 - 2011-12-02 00:01:55 UTC
The session change timer has been changed from 30 seconds to 20 seconds

This is not true its still 30 second comeon ccp fix it ................
Drahcir Nasom
Independent Manufacturers
#277 - 2011-12-02 00:20:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Drahcir Nasom
Severely dislike that I can no longer right click a station in my assets or the corp office list and set the waypoint to be the system rather than the station itself. Please can we have the option of setting either the station OR the system.

Also, can we have back the option to right click a gate in the system and set the current system as a waypoint please.

Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#278 - 2011-12-02 00:24:30 UTC
Anyone else get a good giggle that the PI change is so bad that CCP has actually been getting flooded by Petitions that it's broken? I think a lot of people just logged int to discover that they've been shafted.
Vigoth Ritic
Frozen Corpse Inc.
#279 - 2011-12-02 00:57:29 UTC
Dear CCP

Fix the PI tax ( as in reduce it) or face a major problem.

1. we could unsub

2. we could stop making PI :)

3. we can continue to complain till you give up.

4. I heard new MMO are coming out....

5. We complain outside Eve on public forums, pass the bad word around CCP does not care about it players.

6. pass the cost to Eve members, ( this is what you want) all you want to do is sell GTC/Plex, so if you increase tax, you force ppl to buy plex for isk. ( rob from the poor)

Time to shoot the jita statue again....
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#280 - 2011-12-02 02:28:44 UTC
When i use a Maintenance array it is very laggy. Sometimes my client freezes, but this is only when it has been running for awhile and then i go to a maintenance array to fit.

I relogged, which fixes the problem temporarily, but then i noticed that when i equipped modules, they would still appear in my cargo hold.