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[Kronos] Pirate Faction Battleships

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Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#901 - 2014-04-19 18:49:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
Tempban Darkfall wrote:
There is a reason why the snake was only going for 400 mil when the other pirate faction battleships were going for more than twice as much.

Guristas space is thoroughly occupied by Goons and others of the CFC, who hunt, farm, massacre, destroy and otherwise burn down everything that so much as smells like a Guristas site. This means that there's a larger supply of Guristas stuff, compared to other pirate factions.

If the Guristas ships were farmed at the same level as the Machariel, Nightmare and Vindicator, rather than orders of magnitude more than those ships, I very strongly suspect the price for the Rattlesnake would be closer to 700m.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#902 - 2014-04-19 18:50:07 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Doggy Dogwoofwoof wrote:
Why should the rattlesnake Not have to sacrifice.

If you make the Rattlesnake sacrifice, then something or other about twisted, horrific, stunted trees and totalitarian governments of people wearing grey clothes. At least, that's what he said before.

Cannot take disagreement with your "values"? Did I touch a nerve, best hope people don't actually read the posts,
Must be hard being the only right person in the world, even though I certainly would not wish to live in a world with your values?

Ah well, just to make it easy Comment on balance searching forums is hard.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#903 - 2014-04-19 18:54:29 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Tempban Darkfall wrote:
There is a reason why the snake was only going for 400 mil when the other pirate faction battleships were going for more than twice as much.

Guristas space is thoroughly occupied by Goons and the others of the CFC, who hunt, farm, massacre, destroy and otherwise burn down everything that so much as smells like a Guristas site. This means that there's a larger supply of Guristas stuff, compared to other pirate factions.

If the Guristas ships were farmed at the same level as the Machariel, Nightmare and Vindicator, rather than orders of magnitude more than those ships, I very strongly suspect the price for the Rattlesnake would be closer to 700m.

If there was a demand for them because they were good there would be no problem with them being over 700m they could not farm enough to satisfy demand.

Update:- just looked at the price Shocked Wow how many Hundreds of million has it dropped now between the dev rumors and people actually looking at what they actually got, another day or 2 and it will be even cheaper that it started.

Way to go! People obviously LOVE your vision where for every gain given, you have to have a broken leg, just because, you know balance stuff. Screw making things better.

No wait.......

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#904 - 2014-04-19 19:16:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
Yeah, um... no. Learn to use the market tools that CCP gives you. The price for Rattlesnakes has been climbing for the last ten days, with a sharper upturn in price once the changes were announced. The 5-day average shows the price spiking briefly and now coming down slightly, either because supply has increased or the initial demand has been satisfied. In either case, both the 5-day and 20-day averages are showing that Rattlesnakes are now 500~530m, which is definitely more than the 400~450m they've spent the last six months at.

It hasn't "dropped by hundreds of millions" at all. Stop drinking antifreeze.
Drake Doe
88Th Tax Haven
#905 - 2014-04-19 19:19:16 UTC
Even fitting two dlas you're still doing tons more dps than the current rattler at the cost of range for weapons that did laughable amounts of damage in reasonable setups. This really shouldn't be a big deal, but some people won't stop begging until they can afk blitz missions with a range tank.

"The homogenization of EVE began when Gallente and Caldari started sharing a weapon system."---Vermaak Doe-- "Ohh squabbles ohh I love my dust trolls like watching an episode of Maury with less " Is he my Dad " but more of " My Neighbor took a dump on my lawn " good episode! pops more corn" ---Evernub--

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#906 - 2014-04-19 19:22:46 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Yeah, um... no. Learn to use the market tools that CCP gives you. The price for Rattlesnakes has been climbing for the last ten days, with a sharper upturn in price once the changes were announced. The 5-day average shows the price spiking briefly and now coming down slightly, either because supply has increased or the initial demand has been satisfied. In either case, both the 5-day and 20-day averages are showing that Rattlesnakes are now 500~530m, which is definitely more than the 400~450m they've spent the last six months at.

It hasn't "dropped by hundreds of millions" at all. Stop drinking antifreeze.

Lol if anyone believes that when they can see for themselves then I have a Nestor to sell them......

Love it, 20 day average! ShockedBig smile that is just classicLolLolLol

Ps when you are a price, and falling off a cliff, it is a bit silly to say "ok so far ok so far" as the bottom rushes up at you.

But hey never let evidence get in the way of a good opinion.What?

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#907 - 2014-04-19 19:30:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
I'm curious to see this "evidence" that the price of the Rattlesnake has "dropped by hundreds of millions". Please produce said evidence presently or cease your Chicken-Little prattling nonsense.

Accepted formats include: .jpg .gif .png .bmp
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#908 - 2014-04-19 19:33:01 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Drake Doe wrote:
Even fitting two dlas you're still doing tons more dps than the current rattler at the cost of range for weapons that did laughable amounts of damage in reasonable setups. This really shouldn't be a big deal, but some people won't stop begging until they can afk blitz missions with a range tank.

No one cares about the loss of missile range, you may have missed the discussion, understandable really as there's almost 50 pages.

Oh you believe that 85km drone control range (note not drone damage range) is overpowered??

Wow able to shoot 80 km wow that's so much!!! No wait ......Theres a lot of ships that would laugh at that.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#909 - 2014-04-19 19:38:57 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
I'm curious to see this "evidence" that the price of the Rattlesnake has "dropped by hundreds of millions". Please produce said evidence presently or cease your Chicken-Little prattling nonsense.

Accepted formats include: .jpg .gif .png .bmp

Try looking at todays price in Jita and last mondays price in Jita. Too hard? If you can't do it, I am sure someone who cares will help you.

Wow rattlesnake is so popular it is up to 800m now ! Oh sorry that is someone trying to catch the suckers.

Buy price dodixie down to 460m and falling like a stone, (or going down like a lead balloon)

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#910 - 2014-04-19 19:41:07 UTC
Nope. 597m in Dodixie, even more expensive than in Jita. Try again.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#911 - 2014-04-19 19:42:35 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Nope. 597m in Dodixie, even more expensive than in Jita. Try again.

Try buy price or prices actually achieved, much better indicator of demand, Or do you always buy to sell orders? Must remember that....
Sell price Jita 529,999,899.97 isk 3 minutes ago. But if the buy price in jita is over 70m more than the sell price, then someone is not good with figures, or honesty, or something.

Wow that is so ..... wow. Even worse than I thought.

Pretty clearly say that the market has spoken.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Doggy Dogwoofwoof
New Eden Corporation 98713347
Brotherhood of Spacers
#912 - 2014-04-19 19:45:34 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Nope. 597m in Dodixie, even more expensive than in Jita. Try again.

Try buy price or prices actually achieved, much better indicator of demand, Or do you always buy to sell orders? Must remember that....

Average Buying price for Snakes are 500 Mil At the moment
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#913 - 2014-04-19 19:52:39 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Doggy Dogwoofwoof wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Nope. 597m in Dodixie, even more expensive than in Jita. Try again.

Try buy price or prices actually achieved, much better indicator of demand, Or do you always buy to sell orders? Must remember that....

Average Buying price for Snakes are 500 Mil At the moment

Hmm average, is that the one where there is no world hunger and everyone has a $250,000 dollar salary?
Average means nothing, how much were they fetching when they were announced, how much now, what is the trend.

Hint:- through the floor

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#914 - 2014-04-19 19:56:37 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Doggy Dogwoofwoof wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Nope. 597m in Dodixie, even more expensive than in Jita. Try again.

Try buy price or prices actually achieved, much better indicator of demand, Or do you always buy to sell orders? Must remember that....

Average Buying price for Snakes are 500 Mil At the moment

Hmm average, is that the one where there is no world hunger and everyone has a $250,000 dollar salary?
Average means nothing, how much were they fetching when they were announced, how much now, what is the trend.

Hint:- through the floor

If you trained Market Proficiency to something other than II, you might actually have a clue what you're talking about and not have to resort to theatrics and avoiding the subject.
Cassandra Aurilien
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#915 - 2014-04-19 19:59:08 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Doggy Dogwoofwoof wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Nope. 597m in Dodixie, even more expensive than in Jita. Try again.

Try buy price or prices actually achieved, much better indicator of demand, Or do you always buy to sell orders? Must remember that....

Average Buying price for Snakes are 500 Mil At the moment

Hmm average, is that the one where there is no world hunger and everyone has a $250,000 dollar salary?
Average means nothing, how much were they fetching when they were announced, how much now, what is the trend.

Hint:- through the floor

Personally, I prefer the new Rattler. As it stands, the only reason I've ever recommended a Rattler to someone was as a "Well, if you must buy a faction battleship as a 2 month old player & fly it, buy a Rattler. It's easy to overtank, cheap, and almost impossible to mess up, if you fit conservatively." Now I can actually think of reasons to use the thing.
Arthur Aihaken
#916 - 2014-04-19 19:59:10 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Hi Arthur, the issue is that in creating the superdrones, they have neglected to take account on the effects of the changes to the whole overall drone weapons system, there is no issue with missile range, the Gila suffers from the loss of 3.5 effective drones, and with the other effects, sentries on the rattlesnake become a medium range weapon, absolute drone control maximum range is reduced to 80-85km.

I can't disagree with the assessment that the Rattlesnake is now a medium-range platform, and I alluded to as much in one of my earlier posts. It's interesting to note that we've now redesigned or at least geared an entire ship towards a particular weapon system. It's also worth mentioning (again) that the Nestor will become the only Pirate drone sniping platform with these changes. All hail Alcan...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#917 - 2014-04-19 20:00:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
Since April 13th, there has not been a single Rattlesnake sold in Dodixie for less than 500m ISK. Jita and Amarr reflect the same. /topic

@ Arthur: You at least own a Nestor, right?
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#918 - 2014-04-19 20:00:44 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Doggy Dogwoofwoof wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Nope. 597m in Dodixie, even more expensive than in Jita. Try again.

Try buy price or prices actually achieved, much better indicator of demand, Or do you always buy to sell orders? Must remember that....

Average Buying price for Snakes are 500 Mil At the moment

Hmm average, is that the one where there is no world hunger and everyone has a $250,000 dollar salary?
Average means nothing, how much were they fetching when they were announced, how much now, what is the trend.

Hint:- through the floor

If you trained Market Proficiency to something other than II, you might actually have a clue what you're talking about and not have to resort to theatrics and avoiding the subject.

Every little thing is an argument,
I point out an omission with the ship,
I point out the price is falling .

I take it the evidence of your own eyes and evidence in front of you is insufficient?

You still have to argue?

You must be fun at parties......

Very well, the rattlesnake is the most desirable ship imaginable now, everyone wants it and are queuing at Jita 4-4 filling freighters full of them, hoping to make a fortune on their amazing demand..

Prices are rising so fast the traders on the Jita exchange are being allowed Amarr drugs to keep up!

Does that make you satisfied?

... Sorry I am lying, but it would have been nice if it had been true.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#919 - 2014-04-19 20:05:48 UTC
On the contrary, the evidence in front of my own eyes is telling me the complete and total opposite of everything you're saying.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#920 - 2014-04-19 20:08:48 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
On the contrary, the evidence in front of my own eyes is telling me the complete and total opposite of everything you're saying.

Well if you. Live in a parallel universe, that I guess is a plus.

Enjoy your 800m rattlesnakes.
And whatever other illusions you have.
Reality is really not your thing is it?

Prices are dropping, Hard, and in your eyes the market is rising.
People MUST love the rebalance. Anything else is heresy.
There are reports of issues with the ship and in your eyes, everything good must be paid for in pain..

People say they have real issues with certain aspects, and you believe they are all silly people who do not understand and must be told to "get EvE" " your concerns do not matter, I say it is right and proper so suffer"

Whatever the facts, whatever the reality, you shape it and trim it to fit your opinion, that might be satisfying for you, so I imagine for you that is all that matters.

See a connection here?

Have you had enough argument now that we are permitted to raise our issues with CCP without being spammed over? Had enough attention?

If I pretend to agree with you can we move on and we be allowed to write to CCP rise?

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE