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What about my standing?

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Rogan Fox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-04-18 16:25:11 UTC
CCP is about to remove the the standing that is needed to have a PoS in highsec.

Allow Starbases to be anchored anywhere in high-security space and without standing requirements (minus some protected solar systems, like Jita or new player starting systems of course).

so CCP... what do i get from you for my standing?

i got 2 accs with 5 chars for T2 industry for Jita. It took me about 1,5 years to grind the corp standing up to 7.0 to caldari with 4 of my 5 chars, so 2 of them can still go anywhere in highsec, but 2 of them are banned from minmatar and gallente for their life.

why do you now make it my problem that most other players are not abel to select one side and play for them?

isnt it easy enoth that you can fly any ship in FW without having to stick to your empire, so you dont have to balance the ships?
isnt it easy enoth that my dust char gets killed with a caldari railgun from gallente OP armour suits, because shilds cant hold a 1on1, because armour gives more effektive HP and you dont give bonuses to guns on stuits?
isnt it easy enoth for you to say "scams are legal", because you are to lazy to fight scams that only hit noobs anyway?

srsly i grinded for the standing the last 18 month of my eve time and now you will remove it instead of buffing the epic arc or create more COSMOS missions or what so ever..
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#2 - 2014-04-18 16:27:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Fury

You are suppose to praise/complain in the official feedback thread.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#3 - 2014-04-18 16:27:51 UTC
Rogan Fox wrote:
CCP is about to remove the the standing that is needed to have a PoS in highsec.

Allow Starbases to be anchored anywhere in high-security space and without standing requirements (minus some protected solar systems, like Jita or new player starting systems of course).

so CCP... what do i get from you for my standing?

i got 2 accs with 5 chars for T2 industry for Jita. It took me about 1,5 years to grind the corp standing up to 7.0 to caldari with 4 of my 5 chars

Good grief, what were you doing, level 1 courier missions?

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#4 - 2014-04-18 16:28:52 UTC
Rogan Fox wrote:

what is this word?

It is not in my pokedex and you use it several times

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-04-18 16:31:14 UTC
The other kids shouldnt get a balloon cuz I had a balloon first and its not fair! ;-;

BoBwins Law: As a discussion/war between two large nullsec entities grows longer, the probability of one comparing the other to BoB aproaches near certainty.

Joshua Foiritain
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#6 - 2014-04-18 16:32:08 UTC
Rogan Fox wrote:
CCP is about to remove the the standing that is needed to have a PoS in highsec.

Allow Starbases to be anchored anywhere in high-security space and without standing requirements (minus some protected solar systems, like Jita or new player starting systems of course).

so CCP... what do i get from you for my standing?

The ability to unsubscribe and gtfo out so you can go cry about it in RL Bear

The Coreli Corporation is recruiting.

Rogan Fox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-04-18 16:50:20 UTC
Joshua Foiritain wrote:
Rogan Fox wrote:
CCP is about to remove the the standing that is needed to have a PoS in highsec.

Allow Starbases to be anchored anywhere in high-security space and without standing requirements (minus some protected solar systems, like Jita or new player starting systems of course).

so CCP... what do i get from you for my standing?

The ability to unsubscribe and gtfo out so you can go cry about it in RL Bear

the ironie is.. i was about to do it anyway.
sad thing is.. its related to this.

at the beginning of the year i got sick with a throat and couldnt speak for about 1,5-2 month.
in this time all i did was playing dust and eve, because i couldnt go outside, because if i would do it i would run into the risk of getting fired.

the sad part of it is that my girlfriend got so bored of me that after 2 month she left me, because she told me that i should had read and study in that time and not play those stupid games all the time.

so i told a person in my corp that i will take a break from eve (that was 2 weeks ago) and this week he took down the corp pos and stole my fresh delivered datacores and the T2 BPC's that i droped into the PoS the night before, because i wanted to move them the next day.

long story short:
stading grind for the last 1,5 years
finished it when i was sick and lost my girlfriend that i had for 1,2 years and was lifing with for 4month
corp member stole 1bil from me (its not about the low ISK its about the fakt that the second person that i trusted ****** me in 2 weeks)

and now CCP removes the need for the standing.

from my side i have to say that this april was the worst month in my whole entire life.
the fakt that i'm the one who has to pay for the big appartment alone now and that i will only get a 70% payout for the last month, because i was sick for more then 2 month, because of a wrong diagnosis from the doctor also doesn't make me smile.

i know that some people think its awesome to troll and write **** about this right now, but i think those are people who never had a girlfriend anyway.. so yea.. go on. i dont think that it can get much worse.

maybe the next level would be that the house with my stuff in it burnes down, while the company that i work for gets into trubble and cant pay anything andmore and on the way home i get hit by a bus. or my grandmother dies...

i wouldn't even wonder if this would be what happens next week..
Sunshine and Lollipops
#8 - 2014-04-18 16:52:33 UTC
Rogan Fox wrote:
so CCP... what do i get from you for my standing?
The same thing you always got and a head start on the land rush. You also get a much better game with this mind-numbing nonsense gone.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#9 - 2014-04-18 16:56:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Fury
Rogan Fox wrote:

Sad story

Sorry man, I don't have a sad tuba sound.

I guess we could all go watch a Sarah McLachlan PSA, those are pretty sad and could set the tone.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Cassandra Aurilien
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2014-04-18 17:03:02 UTC

But on a serious note, assuming all of that is true... RL should come first. I had friends which started playing EVE back in beta... They told me about the game, and I knew how much of my life it was likely to eat, so I put off playing until 2012, when I had the time to enjoy it, without it becoming an issue. Because of that, I missed the Golden age of EVE & the first Great War, etc. (Though I got to hear all about it... Sad ) Choices.

Priorities = Real Life > Game. Always.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-04-18 17:07:04 UTC
Well if your silly sob story is true then you should THANK CCP for making the game unapealing to you so you can quit and get your life back on track! :D

BoBwins Law: As a discussion/war between two large nullsec entities grows longer, the probability of one comparing the other to BoB aproaches near certainty.

Karen Avioras
The Raging Raccoons
#12 - 2014-04-18 17:13:02 UTC
If it took you 1.5 years you did it wrong.
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2014-04-18 17:13:50 UTC
Well, looks like you've got lots more to worry about than a really bad spaceship game. Get it sorted out, Eve will still be here...

Dying as usual...
Rogan Fox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2014-04-18 17:16:24 UTC
KuroVolt wrote:
Well if your silly sob story is true then you should THANK CCP for making the game unapealing to you so you can quit and get your life back on track! :D

i was trying to tell myself: "well, she wasnt the one then anyway", because its not like i didnt cook for her or do other stuff in that time. i just couldn't talk that much and since i cant talk to her i went to watch TV or grind some standing.

its not my fault that i got sick and can't go out my law...

but i was happy about "reaching a milestone" after a long time (by the way.. if i'm not sick i dont play that much.. )
not that i got it CCP takes it away. and i dont think that i'm the only person who gets owned by CCP taking away the standing for the PoS without adding something that saves personal BPO's.

now all moons will be taken and i can't use my BPO's in a big player corp, because if i drop my capital BPO's in the PoS someone can steal them -> well done
#15 - 2014-04-18 17:18:21 UTC
God, speaking through Matthew, says that the OP needs to HTFU:
...they murmured against the Devs of CCP, Saying, These newbs have ground but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and tedium of the standings grind. But CCP answered one of them, and said, Player, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me to grind for the ability to anchor a POS? Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee. Is it not within the EULA for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine heart jealous, because I am generous?

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Rogan Fox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2014-04-18 17:19:01 UTC
Karen Avioras wrote:
If it took you 1.5 years you did it wrong.

it took so long because i didnt play that much. over all i would say that i needed 2 month per char with cosmos missions and L3 transports, but i didnt do it every day and it was a milestone for me that i reached after 1,5 years
#17 - 2014-04-18 17:25:18 UTC
Rogan Fox wrote:
Karen Avioras wrote:
If it took you 1.5 years you did it wrong.

it took so long because i didnt play that much. over all i would say that i needed 2 month per char with cosmos missions and L3 transports, but i didnt do it every day and it was a milestone for me that i reached after 1,5 years

Translation: it's a very bad gameplay element, and I'm ecstatic that CCP is finally removing a pointless grind that unlocks a core economic/industrial gameplay tenet in a sandbox game.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Rogan Fox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2014-04-18 17:31:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Rogan Fox
stoicfaux wrote:
Rogan Fox wrote:
Karen Avioras wrote:
If it took you 1.5 years you did it wrong.

it took so long because i didnt play that much. over all i would say that i needed 2 month per char with cosmos missions and L3 transports, but i didnt do it every day and it was a milestone for me that i reached after 1,5 years

Translation: it's a very bad gameplay element, and I'm ecstatic that CCP is finally removing a pointless grind that unlocks a core economic/industrial gameplay tenet in a sandbox game.

in eve you become the person for the things that you did.

you fight gallente? they hate you
you do stuff for caldari? caldari will love you

i would make it so that killing the enemy in FW would give you standing to caldari or add more missions that you can do to just grind your standing (like 10% of the navy reward counts for standing).

its not only about that anyone can now take a moon.. its also about the fakt that my standing to other faktions is now down.
and the fakt that doing it with 4 chars over 1,5 years is bad in the eyes of others, then it cant be that bad if you really want to do it!
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#19 - 2014-04-18 17:32:00 UTC
there's a comfy settee in your CQ

Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#20 - 2014-04-18 18:05:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Inxentas Ultramar
Rogan Fox wrote:
so CCP... what do i get from you for my standing?

Rogan Fox wrote:
i got 2 accs with 5 chars for T2 industry for Jita. It took me about 1,5 years to grind the corp standing up to 7.0 to caldari with 4 of my 5 chars, so 2 of them can still go anywhere in highsec, but 2 of them are banned from minmatar and gallente for their life. why do you now make it my problem that most other players are not abel to select one side and play for them?
No, the problems those players had are removed. You are just bitter that other people do not have to go through that grind. You think of it as an accomplishment while in truth grind is just that: grind. And grind is bad mmmkay?

Rogan Fox wrote:
srsly i grinded for the standing the last 18 month of my eve time and now you will remove it instead of buffing the epic arc or create more COSMOS missions or what so ever..
You are just angry because you never said to yourself "that's themepark MMO idiocy, I'm not going to do that". You bought something for full price last year while it's on sale right now.

Sorry you spend a lot of time on something that got nerfed. It happens to all of us.
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