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[Kronos] Pirate Faction Battleships

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Last Wolf
Umbra Wing
#821 - 2014-04-18 15:38:10 UTC
Nerf Burger wrote:
Ashley Animus wrote:
Won't the rattlesnake perform much nicer if it had more damage coming out of the drones and less out of the missiles?

That way you actually gain something from being limited to 2 heavy drones. Which currently perform exactly the same as 5 normally bonused heavy drones. Even the combined hitpoints of all drones in space remains the same.

And than make it so that the missiles replace the role that the light drones used to have. It has a nice bonus to every missile launcher in the game so the versatility is very high. But people generally don't like depending so much on missiles unless they are bonused for projection of any sort.

Still as it is the ship seems nice and powerfull in a way but it doesn't feel like it is continuing the power that the worm and gila have.

True. It is better to have 5 drones. When you have to pull one drone back or a drone gets webbed, that is 50% of your drone dps.

These changes gimp the Rattlesnake severely. Why does CCP think it is okay to **** people over like this? The pirate faction battleships take a very long time to fully train for. The strength of Guristas was their versatility and now the devs apparently want to drastically change them and give them a niche application and gimp them by taking away their large drone bay and missile velocity bonus. Disgusting way to treat your long time customers.

It would be neat to have some ships with super drones but Guristas shouldn't be so drastically changed to do that. Build onto the Guristas strenght, their versatility. All that need change on a Rattlesnake is an extra mid or low slot with that extra high.

On-paper DPS centric thinking is destroying Guristas.

Fabulous Rod must be your alt.

That awkward moment at the Gentlemen's Club when you see your sister on the stage....and you're not sure where to put the money....

Caldari State
#822 - 2014-04-18 16:56:53 UTC
Back to the key points.
1 Rattlesnakes were BAD . Like 400mils vs 800mils bad compared to the other pirate BS's . Badder than a Navy raven (no prob with the supply for those too ) .
2 They got a half hearted buff . Yes , the paper DPS was increased . The real dps ... not by much . Those furies will not hit for full damage if the rigs are for drones (it's not the case in a raven). If you then use vanilla ammo all you got is some slow coming 200 dps.Almost 20 seconds slow , it's an eternity , arties are going to almost cycle twice before the first salvo arrives . Also longer flight time = lost dps in salvo counts , defenders and stuff . Other kind of dps was taken - the now unbonused light drones are dps lost on drone system which was supposed to cover the defficiencies of the missile sys . Because of the MISSING HIGHSLOT you will not have a healthy chance to snipe frigs at range so you will have to ditch the bonused sentries and wait for the standard drones to chew at the frigs in you pirate BS that just becomed a worse raven (not even navy) .
3 Short range or long range unlike a raven the thing must be stationary or be inferior .
4 This ship will not be MJD friendly

So , are you still wondering why a CNR is priced over a rattlesnake ATM ?
Stein Backstabber
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#823 - 2014-04-18 17:26:29 UTC
So, a solid 1400+ (easily, I'm lowballing) DPS out passed 80km, sufficient mids to get much of the damage down and still a tank like a brick wall.

What will it take to make you happy? What more can you give this thing?
Caldari State
#824 - 2014-04-18 17:40:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Ahernar
Make those "80km" 100
Stein Backstabber
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#825 - 2014-04-18 18:24:28 UTC
And you cant see a problem with blaster damage at 100km? Hell, at 80km it's madness.
Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#826 - 2014-04-18 18:28:46 UTC
Ahernar wrote:
Back to the key points.
1 Rattlesnakes were BAD . Like 400mils vs 800mils bad compared to the other pirate BS's . Badder than a Navy raven (no prob with the supply for those too ) .
2 They got a half hearted buff . Yes , the paper DPS was increased . The real dps ... not by much . Those furies will not hit for full damage if the rigs are for drones (it's not the case in a raven). If you then use vanilla ammo all you got is some slow coming 200 dps.Almost 20 seconds slow , it's an eternity , arties are going to almost cycle twice before the first salvo arrives . Also longer flight time = lost dps in salvo counts , defenders and stuff . Other kind of dps was taken - the now unbonused light drones are dps lost on drone system which was supposed to cover the defficiencies of the missile sys . Because of the MISSING HIGHSLOT you will not have a healthy chance to snipe frigs at range so you will have to ditch the bonused sentries and wait for the standard drones to chew at the frigs in you pirate BS that just becomed a worse raven (not even navy) .
3 Short range or long range unlike a raven the thing must be stationary or be inferior .
4 This ship will not be MJD friendly

So , are you still wondering why a CNR is priced over a rattlesnake ATM ?

Probably because sovscrubs have been grinding guristast LP for an eternity about now.

Rattler before this change is great, after this change is better.

It doesn't have a place in a lot of doctrines, doesn't make it bad.

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Last Wolf
Umbra Wing
#827 - 2014-04-18 18:31:26 UTC
Ahernar wrote:
Make those "80km" 100

If you want 100km then fit the second DLA.

No other ship can come even close to that kind of dps at 80km, much less 100km.
If you want more range for your drones, you'll have to give up some missile DPS.

There is really nothing more to say. You can't have everything you want with no downsides in a single ship.

I would LOVE for my paladin to hit 1400 dps at 100km

That awkward moment at the Gentlemen's Club when you see your sister on the stage....and you're not sure where to put the money....

Ashley Animus
7th Temporal Lounge
#828 - 2014-04-18 19:07:03 UTC
Last Wolf wrote:
Ahernar wrote:
Make those "80km" 100

If you want 100km then fit the second DLA.

No other ship can come even close to that kind of dps at 80km, much less 100km.
If you want more range for your drones, you'll have to give up some missile DPS.

There is really nothing more to say. You can't have everything you want with no downsides in a single ship.

I would LOVE for my paladin to hit 1400 dps at 100km

Don't forget that all that dps is raw dps. The drones don't hit as good as a domi and the missiles don't hit as good as a navy raven or even typhoon. This kind of dps sounds like a brawling type of ship like the navy domi or fleet typhoon. Lots of dps but bad at applying it.
Silvetica Dian
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#829 - 2014-04-18 19:28:49 UTC
Stein Backstabber wrote:
So, a solid 1400+ (easily, I'm lowballing) DPS out passed 80km, sufficient mids to get much of the damage down and still a tank like a brick wall.

What will it take to make you happy? What more can you give this thing?


Money at its root is a form of rationing. When the richest 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion (50% of humanity) it is clear where the source of poverty is.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#830 - 2014-04-18 20:42:37 UTC
Ashley Animus wrote:
Last Wolf wrote:
Ahernar wrote:
Make those "80km" 100

If you want 100km then fit the second DLA.

No other ship can come even close to that kind of dps at 80km, much less 100km.
If you want more range for your drones, you'll have to give up some missile DPS.

There is really nothing more to say. You can't have everything you want with no downsides in a single ship.

I would LOVE for my paladin to hit 1400 dps at 100km

Don't forget that all that dps is raw dps. The drones don't hit as good as a domi and the missiles don't hit as good as a navy raven or even typhoon. This kind of dps sounds like a brawling type of ship like the navy domi or fleet typhoon. Lots of dps but bad at applying it.

How unfortunate that there aren't ships in game that could accompany you that are specifically designed to help you (and everyone else with you) to apply full DPS...

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Ashley Animus
7th Temporal Lounge
#831 - 2014-04-18 20:45:08 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Ashley Animus wrote:
Last Wolf wrote:
Ahernar wrote:
Make those "80km" 100

If you want 100km then fit the second DLA.

No other ship can come even close to that kind of dps at 80km, much less 100km.
If you want more range for your drones, you'll have to give up some missile DPS.

There is really nothing more to say. You can't have everything you want with no downsides in a single ship.

I would LOVE for my paladin to hit 1400 dps at 100km

Don't forget that all that dps is raw dps. The drones don't hit as good as a domi and the missiles don't hit as good as a navy raven or even typhoon. This kind of dps sounds like a brawling type of ship like the navy domi or fleet typhoon. Lots of dps but bad at applying it.

How unfortunate that there aren't ships in game that could accompany you that are specifically designed to help you (and everyone else with you) to apply full DPS...

So if they would like to delete all projection bonuses from all ships since they are useless that would be great.
Shadowbane Syndicate
#832 - 2014-04-18 21:02:38 UTC
To all the pilots who want their light drones to be boosted by snakes boni keep in mind that if I fit small guns on my Abbadon they are not covered by the +5% damage from the ship's bonus. You will need to deploy different tactics to handle different situations just like all the rest of us. Same goes for the extra control range as well. It honestly just boils down to you guys wanting your cake and eating too.

Oderint Dum Metuant

Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#833 - 2014-04-18 21:38:56 UTC
Aralieus wrote:
To all the pilots who want their light drones to be boosted by snakes boni keep in mind that if I fit small guns on my Abbadon they are not covered by the +5% damage from the ship's bonus. You will need to deploy different tactics to handle different situations just like all the rest of us. Same goes for the extra control range as well. It honestly just boils down to you guys wanting your cake and eating too.

You have a point... But thats part of the benefit of using drones that gets paid for by the unequaled price of a mod slot and destructible weapons.

You may not be able to fit fully bonused small lasers, but should you decide to fit them you may use them knowing no one will shoot them out of space.
Amarr Empire
#834 - 2014-04-18 21:42:29 UTC
Aralieus wrote:
To all the pilots who want their light drones to be boosted by snakes boni keep in mind that if I fit small guns on my Abbadon they are not covered by the +5% damage from the ship's bonus. You will need to deploy different tactics to handle different situations just like all the rest of us. Same goes for the extra control range as well. It honestly just boils down to you guys wanting your cake and eating too.

I guess the devs should get a headstart on that and just remove it from all the ships in the game as well since there is no reason the Gallente line should be any different. Just completely screw drones use up to the point that no one would want to use them at all. We need to see more hybrid turrets on the potbelly pig Domi anyways because who needs drones when you have 6 high slots and 6 turret locations.
Doggy Dogwoofwoof
New Eden Corporation 98713347
Brotherhood of Spacers
#835 - 2014-04-18 22:04:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Doggy Dogwoofwoof
Last Wolf wrote:
Doggy Dogwoofwoof wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:

Sorry but where are you getting the 700+ missile Dps from?
It is supposed to be a drone boat, if your going to fit it for missile damage - why fly a Snake, there are far better options for missiles.

From messing around in EHQ, with 3 BCUs on each, the New snake has 832 DPS with Fury cruise, 6 DPS less than the raven with fury missiles

Snake number seem right. Raven should get more than 838dps with the same setup. My Golem can hit 1k with 5% impants and faction BCU's Raven has the same base damage as a Golem.

Well last night it seems i added a 4th BCU to the snakes fit. Correct DPS is 785 from missiles for the snake, VS the ravens 838 dps with 3 BCUS. Still a lot of damage, But their is a diffrence now. Also, with all lvl 5 skills the snake will do 1500 DPS with cruise and sentrys with a 3bcu 3 dda fit
Shadowbane Syndicate
#836 - 2014-04-18 22:09:53 UTC
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Aralieus wrote:
To all the pilots who want their light drones to be boosted by snakes boni keep in mind that if I fit small guns on my Abbadon they are not covered by the +5% damage from the ship's bonus. You will need to deploy different tactics to handle different situations just like all the rest of us. Same goes for the extra control range as well. It honestly just boils down to you guys wanting your cake and eating too.

You have a point... But thats part of the benefit of using drones that gets paid for by the unequaled price of a mod slot and destructible weapons.

You may not be able to fit fully bonused small lasers, but should you decide to fit them you may use them knowing no one will shoot them out of space.

Yes they can be destroyed however they do have major upsides. If your ship gets jammed they keep on firing, they require no ammo and not one GJ of cap to use, bonus from the new snake will make shooting at them very impracticable, if your ship gets SD into nothing your drones will continue to fire. Eve is all about decisions that carry weight so if you want drones then you have to take all the good and the bad that comes along with that decision. Not to mention the Warriors on a Snake with 3 DDA's will pump out 200 DPS and go 6300 meters a second...that's sufficient to handle a inty. It's not like you won't have some defense against them, more so than most BS's for that matter.

Oderint Dum Metuant

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#837 - 2014-04-18 22:20:22 UTC
Aralieus wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Aralieus wrote:
To all the pilots who want their light drones to be boosted by snakes boni keep in mind that if I fit small guns on my Abbadon they are not covered by the +5% damage from the ship's bonus. You will need to deploy different tactics to handle different situations just like all the rest of us. Same goes for the extra control range as well. It honestly just boils down to you guys wanting your cake and eating too.

You have a point... But thats part of the benefit of using drones that gets paid for by the unequaled price of a mod slot and destructible weapons.

You may not be able to fit fully bonused small lasers, but should you decide to fit them you may use them knowing no one will shoot them out of space.

Yes they can be destroyed however they do have major upsides. If your ship gets jammed they keep on firing, they require no ammo and not one GJ of cap to use, bonus from the new snake will make shooting at them very impracticable, if your ship gets SD into nothing your drones will continue to fire. Eve is all about decisions that carry weight so if you want drones then you have to take all the good and the bad that comes along with that decision. Not to mention the Warriors on a Snake with 3 DDA's will pump out 200 DPS and go 6300 meters a second...that's sufficient to handle a inty. It's not like you won't have some defense against them, more so than most BS's for that matter.

Actually bonuses on the snake will NOT help lights survive, that is the discussion.
A Bonus has been removed with NOTHING to replace the damage lost against frigates.
Range has been lost from missiles
Range has been lost from drones
Ability to field heavy ewar/ logi drones has gone.
2 drones apply damage less well than 5. Note I said apply.

So not so much having our cake and eat it, more heres some bread, sorry about the cake.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#838 - 2014-04-18 22:44:59 UTC
The actual issues, can be solved very simply without all the chest beating and epeening, that people seem to need to vent when someone points out the negatives of an issue.

Not sure why that is but hey ho.

To resolve the drone issue Gila to receive 200% bonus to light combat drones to both damage and hit points. ( 8 effective light drones, was 7.5)
To resolve the drone issue Rattlesnake to receive 50% bonus to light combat drones to both damage and hit points 7.5 effective drones-unchanged.

Rattlesnake either 25km boost to drone control range OR 25% additional damage bonus but launchers remain unchanged at 4.
( an additional High slot would have the potential to cause balance disruption)

Result for rattlesnake as follows;-
Drone control range unchanged, drones are still a practical primary weapon.
Light drone capability unchanged, light drones remain useful anti frigate weapon.
Missile damage unchanged from CCP Rises original bonus levels. NO ADDITIONAL DAMAGE ABILITY OR PROJECTION Occurs.

Missile range decreases from previous extreme levels, a reasonable exchange.
New drone mechanic gets the opportunity to show it's value on a balanced weapons platform, drones still are able to project and damage at previous levels to enable a fair comparison to be made.
Rattlesnake gets the missile bonus it has desperately needed for years to enable it to be an equal member of the pirate ship fleet.

The likelihood is that all ships will sooner or later use fewer drones and these ships are a testbed, nerfing the core drone usage, as some players seem to demand (well cripple any ship or weapon they do not use) will harm all players if not now then later.

This keeps the rattlesnake balanced, gives the bonus numbers that CCP Rise stated and resolves issues that have unintended consequences.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#839 - 2014-04-18 22:49:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Aralieus wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Aralieus wrote:
To all the pilots who want their light drones to be boosted by snakes boni keep in mind that if I fit small guns on my Abbadon they are not covered by the +5% damage from the ship's bonus. You will need to deploy different tactics to handle different situations just like all the rest of us. Same goes for the extra control range as well. It honestly just boils down to you guys wanting your cake and eating too.

You have a point... But thats part of the benefit of using drones that gets paid for by the unequaled price of a mod slot and destructible weapons.

You may not be able to fit fully bonused small lasers, but should you decide to fit them you may use them knowing no one will shoot them out of space.

Yes they can be destroyed however they do have major upsides. If your ship gets jammed they keep on firing, they require no ammo and not one GJ of cap to use, bonus from the new snake will make shooting at them very impracticable, if your ship gets SD into nothing your drones will continue to fire. Eve is all about decisions that carry weight so if you want drones then you have to take all the good and the bad that comes along with that decision. Not to mention the Warriors on a Snake with 3 DDA's will pump out 200 DPS and go 6300 meters a second...that's sufficient to handle a inty. It's not like you won't have some defense against them, more so than most BS's for that matter.

Immunity to ewar was actually reduced. Either by having lights and mediums unbonused and thus doing less damage and being more fragile, or by having DPS concentrated into fewer targets allowing a single method of disruption to have greater effect. Not to mention the inability to direct drones when jammed/damped means it's not a true get out of ewar free card.

I'm not seeing how you are getting 200 DPS from warrior 2's with 3 DDA's (assuming post changes). I get ~150 DPS when being too lazy to account for stacking penalties, so the reality should be at least notably less. And honestly, since the drones don't MWD and fire that DPS is effectively far less.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#840 - 2014-04-18 23:11:33 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Aralieus wrote:
Mike Voidstar wrote:
Aralieus wrote:
To all the pilots who want their light drones to be boosted by snakes boni keep in mind that if I fit small guns on my Abbadon they are not covered by the +5% damage from the ship's bonus. You will need to deploy different tactics to handle different situations just like all the rest of us. Same goes for the extra control range as well. It honestly just boils down to you guys wanting your cake and eating too.

You have a point... But thats part of the benefit of using drones that gets paid for by the unequaled price of a mod slot and destructible weapons.

You may not be able to fit fully bonused small lasers, but should you decide to fit them you may use them knowing no one will shoot them out of space.

Yes they can be destroyed however they do have major upsides. If your ship gets jammed they keep on firing, they require no ammo and not one GJ of cap to use, bonus from the new snake will make shooting at them very impracticable, if your ship gets SD into nothing your drones will continue to fire. Eve is all about decisions that carry weight so if you want drones then you have to take all the good and the bad that comes along with that decision. Not to mention the Warriors on a Snake with 3 DDA's will pump out 200 DPS and go 6300 meters a second...that's sufficient to handle a inty. It's not like you won't have some defense against them, more so than most BS's for that matter.

Immunity to ewar was actually reduced. Either by having lights and mediums unbonused and thus doing less damage and being more fragile, or by having DPS concentrated into fewer targets allowing a single method of disruption to have greater effect. Not to mention the inability to direct drones when jammed/damped means it's not a true get out of ewar free card.

I'm not seeing how you are getting 200 DPS from warrior 2's with 3 DDA's (assuming post changes). I get ~150 DPS when being too lazy to account for stacking penalties, so the reality should be at least notably less. And honestly, since the drones don't MWD and fire that DPS is effectively far less.

Unfortunately it is commonly the case that players who are focused on the fitting tools greatly overestimate the damage and application of drone damage, every post that discusses drones or drone ships raises the same.

No matter how much a drone user tries to explain, they are unfortunately unable to look beyond the numbers they see, so there is very little point in trying to explain.

The issues are simply resolvable, the 2 superdrone vs 5 drone testing on these ships needs a clear playing field so the true effects can be seen, my post above, tries to ensure that can happen.

Thankfully CCP are aware of the drone limitations of applying damage, so it is they who we should be assisting with discussing issues found and potential resolutions, arguing with users who do are not familiar with the weapon system or ship or simply against it , is pointless and frustrating, and just makes it harder for CCP to get reasonable feedback.

If players do not like drones, rather than trying to cripple a ship for users that do use them should form a separate "i hate drones" thread and they can argue amongst themselves there.

Both of these ships, the Gila and the rattlesnake are a hairs breadth away from being fantastic ships, they will demonstrate the new drone mechanic, and if the small but vastly important issues are addressed then they will both be class matching ships. True Pirate vessels.

Lets help CCP get the base ships right so we can see just how good the drone mechanic is.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE