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Crucible Mac Crash Thread

First post
Peter Grayson
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2011-12-01 14:23:29 UTC
Crash and/or freeze (and forcequit) about a dozen times today… my client had become completely unplayable unfortunately :((

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2011-12-01 15:29:16 UTC

Alt-tab here too! Or the four finger swipe on trackpad to swap between desktops. I think a desktop switch is what i do quite frequently (so im never really afk!) and a desktop switch was possibly part in every EVE Crucible 'Freeze' so far. An universal thing to all applications on Lion is that it doesnt activate instantly after receiving desktop focus. Eg. i have jitonomics open on a browser. Then i switch from EVE to Browser to find out ship prices and right way start typing "providence" the browser will capture only any typing starting from the third or fourth letter ("ovidence").
Un4seen Development
Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2011-12-01 15:45:39 UTC
Are you undocking or docking? It can happen at any time. I often see it while in warp. I'll come out of warp and be dead in the water. It has also happened while accessing a customs station, and also while using the ship fitting tool.

Do you have CQ enabled or ship spinning? CQ is off. Ship is static in hangar.

Is there heavy graphical load? No. Normal operations, both in station and out.

What are your graphics settings? High, but not doing anything demanding. No battles, just me flying solo or doing PI.

Are you all using ATi Macs? Chipset Model: ATI Radeon HD 5670

What is your OSX version? OSX 10.7.2 on an iMac with 3.2 GHz Intel Core i3, 4GB Ram

No crash report was generated.

I can sometimes play for half an hour or so with no problem. But once the crashes start, they seem to come faster and faster until I can't go more than a minute without crashing.
bokemepate Solette
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2011-12-01 16:35:30 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
Please can any of you describe the circumstances when the client crashes? Your assistance will mean that i am able to give the most detail to our programmers to fix this.

Are you undocking or docking?
Do you have CQ enabled or ship spinning?
Is there heavy graphical load?
What are your graphics settings?
Are you all using ATi Macs?
What is your OSX version?

I apologize for the difficulties this issue causes and I really do want to get this resolved.

Before the crucible update it was working fine. Although 'sometimes' i had to try twice. Now with the crucible update the eve client is stuck and will not startup. Need to do a force quit.

Are you undocking or docking? None of them. I'm just starting the application and nothing happens. Need to force quit.
Do you have CQ enabled or ship spinning? None of them. I'm just starting the application and nothing happens. Need to force quit.
Is there heavy graphical load? No
What are your graphics settings? Full screen. Don't know the details because the application is not starting...
Are you all using ATi Macs? ATi iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB, ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB
What is your OSX version? 10.7.2

I can not find any crash report or dump file....
Kyra Felann
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2011-12-01 19:07:24 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
Please can any of you describe the circumstances when the client crashes? Your assistance will mean that i am able to give the most detail to our programmers to fix this.

Are you undocking or docking?
Do you have CQ enabled or ship spinning?
Is there heavy graphical load?
What are your graphics settings?
Are you all using ATi Macs?
What is your OSX version?

I apologize for the difficulties this issue causes and I really do want to get this resolved.

  • I've had it happen while docked only so far. Both before undocking and after redocking.

  • I've had it happen in both. In CQ I was about to pick a ship to undock when it locked up.

  • Just the normal station environment. Performance seems pretty bad, but I just switched to Mac, so I don't know what to expect from the Mac client yet.

  • Settings are medium to low.

  • I 'm using a 2011 Mac mini with AMD Radeon HD 6630M graphics card.

  • I'm running Lion 10.7.2
Dr Evil Reborn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2011-12-01 19:21:45 UTC
Are you undocking or docking?

Crash happened when I clicked to undock and it happened when I clicked to dock

Do you have CQ enabled or ship spinning?

It happened the first time when I clicked the button to go from CQ to ship hangar. Couldn't shift, just kept crashing. I got to ship hangar only by changing settings on exit window.

Is there heavy graphical load?

No but see next question.

What are your graphics settings?

When it was crashing they were set high, just like pre-Crucible when crashes were extremely rare. When I changed the settings to Medium the crashes have almost all stopped. However I should be able to continue to get pre-Crucible high graphics without repeated crashes.

Are you all using ATi Macs?

Don't know. I attached my System Profiler to my bug report [ID # 120276] as instructed.

What is your OSX version?: 10.6.8 I haven't upgraded to Lyon or whatever it's called.

Alisdair Tsero
State War Academy
Caldari State
#27 - 2011-12-01 22:17:18 UTC
Affects not only Macs with ATI graphics on-board.
10.7.2, 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4G Ram, nvidia geforce 320m

It can happen when at station, seems like on click on any of UI windows.
It can happen suddenly while warping or jumping at gates.
Un4seen Development
Goonswarm Federation
#28 - 2011-12-01 22:45:15 UTC
I took someone's advice and lowered my graphics settings to "performance". I got in a half hour of problem free gaming before a series of rapid freeze-ups and I quit trying.

It is not unusual for me to return to the game after a several hour break to find it working well for a half an hour to 45 minutes. But when it starts crashing they come very quickly and won't stop until I am away from the game for a long period of time.
Un4seen Development
Goonswarm Federation
#29 - 2011-12-02 03:31:31 UTC
I've noticed a pattern.

If open my Library and remove the entire EVE Online folder the game plays properly for a while. A while is around an hour. Of course, by removing the folder from the library I lose all of my overview settings and my game setting go back to default.

After an hour something in the EVE Online folder becomes corrupted and I get a cascade of freezes. If I remove the folder again (a new one is created to replace the old one when you start the game) the game plays properly.

I hope this helps. Can anyone else confirm that this is happening/works for them?
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2011-12-02 03:52:43 UTC
Yes. It may work nicely for a while - I may go on with 'housekeeping' for a while. And when freezing starts, they keep coming fast. Didnt delete any folders but waited for a while (maybe 15-60 min) and the game runs nicely again for the longer while.
Caldari State
#31 - 2011-12-02 06:06:38 UTC
CCP Konflikt wrote:
Please open /Users/Account Name/Library/Application\ Support/Eve Online/p_drive/

Attach "Win32 CrashReport" and "Win32_minidump.dmp" to a bug report and call it "For Konflikt : Mac Crash" or similar and I will endavour get this fixed as fast as i can :)

I have now been up and down these folders, and there are no dump files there after the crash. i only have a stack of folders an no files in that folder

All Users Local Settings SendTo
Application Data My Documents Start Menu
Cookies NetHood Templates
Desktop PrintHood
Favorites Recent

i did however get this from GM Haggis

Is you use this you generate a log file using this method:

Launch Terminal. You can find Terminal using Spotlight; it can also be located in "/Applications/Utilities"
Right click on the EVE install that you wish to redirect, and select 'Show Package Contents'
Open the 'Contents' folder, then the 'MacOS' folder
Drag the 'cider' file into the Terminal window, this will generate a link directly to the cider file. USER$ /Applications/EVE/ (this may look different if you renamed the EVE application, don't worry!)
Add the following to the end after .../cider ' -debugmsg +seh,+tid,+module,+debugstr &> ~/Desktop/EVEcrashlog.log'. Note the space.
The command should now look like; 'USER$ /Applications/EVE/ -debugmsg +seh,+tid,+module,+debugstr &> ~/Desktop/EVEcrashlog.log'
Hit ENTER to execute the command. This will start logging and generate the logs to the Desktop in a file called "EVEcrashlog.log"
Once the bug has been reproduced, ZIP the EVEcrashlog.log file and upload the zipped copy to the bug report.

i have submitted that to Support, but no answer so far.

TaepT Hrenase
Local Drama
Smile 'n' Wave
#32 - 2011-12-02 09:43:59 UTC

0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x71058ae8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=191 cc=191
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x71058ae8): lc 261 rc 258 ot 7 sem 93759 spin 0
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=3 cc=3
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 3 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=3 cc=3
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 3 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=3 cc=3
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 3 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=4 cc=4
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x71058ae8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=193 cc=193
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x71058ae8): lc 262 rc 258 ot 7 sem 93759 spin 0
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=7 cc=7
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=7 cc=7
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=7 cc=7
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=8 cc=8
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x71058ae8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=194 cc=194
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x71058ae8): lc 262 rc 258 ot 7 sem 93759 spin 0
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=11 cc=11
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=11 cc=11
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=11 cc=11
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=12 cc=12
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x71058ae8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=195 cc=195
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x71058ae8): lc 262 rc 258 ot 7 sem 93759 spin 0
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=15 cc=15
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=15 cc=15
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
001d:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=15 cc=15
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0016:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x70137fe0): lc 4 rc 1 ot 4 sem 163355 spin 0
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=16 cc=16
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
CCP Konflikt
#33 - 2011-12-02 10:21:17 UTC
TaepT Hrenase wrote:

0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x71058ae8 name="322 RtlCreateHeap() &NewHeap->CS" ec=191 cc=191
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)
0004:err:ntdll:display_wait_error crit (0x71058ae8): lc 261 rc 258 ot 7 sem 93759 spin 0
000c:err:ntdll:display_wait_error Timeout. Retry with 60 secs: crit=0x70137fe0 name="The CriticalSection CriticalSection" ec=3 cc=3
0021:err:ntdll:display_wait_error backtrace=(null)

These logs look promising, yesterday one of our graphics programmers fixed a crash that these logs indicate a similarity to. Without reproduction I can't promise it the fix will work, but that fix will be deployed in the very near future.

CCP Konflikt Quality Assurance Engineer Team Trilambda

Arna Padrona
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2011-12-02 14:08:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Arna Padrona
I too am experiencing freezes, and frequent lagouts (even though my net stays up, the servers stay up, and the node seems fine - it just lags out, disconnects after a long timeout, and returns me to login).

Freezes have occured mainly in three areas:
1) Upon activating a Stargate.
2) While checking character info. (pictures, full body)
3) At random, like while mining alone.

Are you undocking or docking? Neither.
Do you have CQ enabled or ship spinning? Spinning. CQ is VERY slow on my computer, as is chargen. Painfully so.
Is there heavy graphical load? Crashes do not seem related to heavy load.
What are your graphics settings? Medium textures. Low/Medium shader depending on my mood and surroundings. Low/Off on everything else.
Are you all using ATi Macs? No. NVIDIA.
What is your OSX version? Lion, fully updated.

Exact system specs:
Model: Mac Mini, from late 2009
Operating System: Mac OS X, Lion, 10.7.2
Processor: 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2GB DDR3
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400, 256MB

Hope this helps.

/ AP

Edit: Heavy mining means boredome, and heavy use of the ingame browser. This seems to increase the freeze-rate a LOT...
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2011-12-02 14:47:56 UTC
..for those of you dying while waiting..

Option A: If your CPU Architecture and hardware support Windows you may install a Trial of Windows 7 upon which to install the windows version of EVE Crucible. (Keep those graphics settings real low!)

Download windows 7 trial here (Windows Live login required)

Option B: You may install Windows as a Virtual Machine on VmWare Fusion. On top of which you install those Winwods 7 trial and EVE Online for Windows you just downloaded. (Keep those graphics settings even less!)

Donwload Fusion as trial here (again login required)

Either options take time but are real easy to trash forewer once the CCP HOTFIX comes. Of course youd need to go through system requirements and the like. Though bootcamping through Apple guidance is supereasy and cannot say anything about VmWare Fusion is any difficult either. Best of course would be to skip this fuss altogether and enjoy real life for a brief change.

And hang in there CCP Konflikt! I am dying to get there floating into the midst of new nebulas
Lubricious Cain
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2011-12-03 01:58:09 UTC
Crash logs don't seem to always generate. I cleared out some old logs, and went back into Eve. Sure enough, was able to crash again just walking around captains quarters.

No new crash log files were generated.

Although in the crash before this one, I did see a transgaming error stating that there was a Buffer Overrun.

I'll keep trying to crash, and see if I can get any logs.
#37 - 2011-12-03 01:59:24 UTC
Crashed twice in fullscreen, non-alt tabbed flying around in space tonight now. No crash reports generated.

This is ridiculous and unplayable.
Gentiana Nivalis
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2011-12-03 12:57:47 UTC
I don't experience ingame crashes that often but it is almost impossible for me to start the game properly. It keeps "Not responding", so I need to force quit and try to start it again. It becomes quite annoying starting the game six times over before it starts properly. Where can I upload the complete crash report?

My configuration is:

MacBook Pro

Model Identifier: MacBookPro3,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2,4 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 4 MB
Memory: 4 GB
Bus Speed: 800 MHz

Snow Leopard 10.6.8
Luther DelMordaine
State War Academy
Caldari State
#39 - 2011-12-03 15:53:33 UTC
Im crashing / freezing up every few mins. Undocked, docked, in warp, using a JB or gate, or just sitting at a safe. Its not what im doing is causing the freeze, its happening every few mins.

One thing i will say ive not seen this many regular comments by a Dev in a long while. Glad to see you guys are working on it.

Ill just have to miss on on my faction pirate vindi roam tonight :(

So no one panic, it will be fixed, just not now :)

iMac 27-inch
Processor 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics ATI Radeon HD 4670 256 MB
Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2011-12-03 16:07:50 UTC
Bootcamp a Windows on your Mac. Install EVE for Windows and roam. Works! While waiting