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paladin or vargur mission boat amarr space?

Prisoner No14
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2014-04-14 22:59:26 UTC
Which one would you use and why consider cost and effective clearing of sites
Dato Koppla
Balls Deep Inc.
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#2 - 2014-04-14 23:01:26 UTC
Paladin for Amarr space, better projection cause you don't lose dps to falloff and your damage type is optimal for the rats anyway.
Prisoner No14
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2014-04-14 23:05:43 UTC
Thanks also looking at effectiveness to cost fitting costs paladin seems to win on that side also
The Black Crow Bandits
Northern Coalition.
#4 - 2014-04-14 23:23:55 UTC
It depends on how much tank and what kind of propulsion you want to have really.

You can either single or dual-prop it with MWD/MJD (AB is not worth much). Because of the Bastion module you can effectively reach almost everything, and if not you can MJD towards them. Remember that MJD has a 1 minute cooldown for Marauders, unlike other ships which has 3 minutes. So you can essentially MJD, Bastion, MJD, repeat as needed.

I personally have enough tank with a cheap C-type MAR (T2 might even be enough) running dual-prop without having an insane cost on the rest of the modules. Just fit it with pulse lasers and use Scorch for targets far away. Tracking computers helps nicely too, and you don't need any real sustained tank as you kill stuff quickly.
Prisoner No14
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2014-04-14 23:55:13 UTC
I was thinking something like this
[Paladin, Paladin]
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Damage Control II
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Large Armor Repairer

Cap Recharger II
Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script
Large Micro Jump Drive
Cap Recharger II

Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Scorch L
Bastion Module I
Imperial Navy Heavy Nosferatu
Imperial Navy Heavy Nosferatu
Imperial Navy Heavy Nosferatu

Large Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hobgoblin II x5
Illiar D'Anaari
#6 - 2014-04-15 00:32:15 UTC
Don't fit cap modules on your paladin, they're not needed. I sometimes fit a cap booster for missions that are very long winded (I don't blitz) but even for those, I could usually work it out if I manage cap well enough.

This is the fit I use

[Paladin, Beams]
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Reactive Armor Hardener
True Sansha Large Armor Repairer

Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script

Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Tachyon Beam Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Bastion Module I
[empty high slot]
Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I

Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Large Energy Burst Aerator II

Hobgoblin II x10
Salvage Drone I x5

I swap out tachs for megapulse depending on missions, everything else stays the same. Each pulse of the repper is 3k armor with bastion up, so I can use it very sporadically. The repper is pretty cheap, ans is well worth it in my opinion.
The Black Crow Bandits
Northern Coalition.
#7 - 2014-04-15 00:38:04 UTC
I'd say that is is way too much tank and cap compared to what you need.

I only use a MAR and my resist mods are EANM and two mission specific and 3 HS in the lows. Mids is MWD/MJD/2x Tracking Computer. It kinda looks like you're trying to become cap stable in that with the NOS, but unless you spend time trying to get in range to everything they won't have anything to activate on unless you land in the middle of a cluster of rats.

I don't know where your range skills are but I'm reaching 95KM optimal with Scorch on mine and 32KM optimal with Multifrequency. For rigs I use a T2 Burst Aerator for more dps, and because of the limited calibration left the other rig is a CCC like you have. Cap time is about 2.30-3.00 minutes with everything running including tractor beams and salvager (mostly for grabbing mission items).

With what you have for tank on yours you could likely tank level 5 missions or something which is just overkill. Remember not to pimp it too much as the EHP on marauders isn't very high and they make for great gank targets.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-04-15 03:17:54 UTC
My Paladin has 4 guns, 4 heat sinks, 3 tracking computers, 1 MJD. For tank it's 1 EANM, 1 DC, and 1 LAR. Removing DPS modules to add more tank is a waste IMO.
Blitz Apollo
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2014-04-15 11:01:05 UTC
The fit you linked was very viable. I fly a very similar fit.

Honestly, drop the extra EANM, fit an extra heat sink. And drop one of the Cap Recharger's for an extra TCII.

You will be surprised how little tank you need due to the DPS you can put out.
Last Wolf
Umbra Wing
#10 - 2014-04-15 14:01:46 UTC
My fit is

4 mega pulse II

2 TC
1 Sensor booster (replace with MJD if you want, I don't find it very useful)

1 c-type MAR
1 TE
3 Heat sinks

1 tech 2 ROF rig

Melts everything within 32km with conflag and 5% implants for BS ~ 1300 dps,
Navy multi for frigs/cruisers ~ 1150 dps,
Scorch ~ 900 dps and 96km range.

That awkward moment at the Gentlemen's Club when you see your sister on the stage....and you're not sure where to put the money....

Daniel Plain
#11 - 2014-04-15 16:28:12 UTC
i still do not understand why people use mjds in missions.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Last Wolf
Umbra Wing
#12 - 2014-04-15 16:31:05 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
i still do not understand why people use mjds in missions.

There are a few missions where the rats are 100+km out when they spawn.

That awkward moment at the Gentlemen's Club when you see your sister on the stage....and you're not sure where to put the money....

The Black Crow Bandits
Northern Coalition.
#13 - 2014-04-15 18:32:03 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
i still do not understand why people use mjds in missions.

On a non-Marauder I wouldn't use it, but because I also use MWD it's good with the 1 minute recharge. Also some gates are 50km+ away so it's quicker to MJD and turn around to get to the gate.
Dani Skye
Pro Synergy
#14 - 2014-04-15 19:12:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Dani Skye
I don't understand the C-Type MAR. LAR II fills the role just as adequately for cheaper.
The Black Crow Bandits
Northern Coalition.
#15 - 2014-04-15 19:17:08 UTC
Dani Skye wrote:
I don't understand the C-Type MAR. LAR II fills the role just as adequately for cheaper.

Dani Skye
Pro Synergy
#16 - 2014-04-15 19:20:16 UTC
Kosetzu wrote:
Dani Skye wrote:
I don't understand the C-Type MAR. LAR II fills the role just as adequately for cheaper.


Oh, I guess if you fit Tractors and Salvagers that could be an issue.
Last Wolf
Umbra Wing
#17 - 2014-04-15 20:24:39 UTC
That and cap stability/laziness. My paladin can perma run the MAR which gives me 1.2k armor a cycle in bastion mode. Pretty much overkill for any level 4. No need for a LAR. I could probably get by with a Tech 2 MAR, but the c-type is cheap so why not?

That awkward moment at the Gentlemen's Club when you see your sister on the stage....and you're not sure where to put the money....

Jasmin Molotov
Ember Inc.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#18 - 2014-04-16 13:16:47 UTC
Kosetzu wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
i still do not understand why people use mjds in missions.

On a non-Marauder I wouldn't use it, but because I also use MWD it's good with the 1 minute recharge. Also some gates are 50km+ away so it's quicker to MJD and turn around to get to the gate.

Wouldn't one extra tracking computer save more time than those few seconds to get to the next gate quicker?
The Black Crow Bandits
Northern Coalition.
#19 - 2014-04-16 13:27:09 UTC
Jasmin Molotov wrote:
Wouldn't one extra tracking computer save more time than those few seconds to get to the next gate quicker?

It might be more time-efficient if you min-max, but I tend to use Bastion often so I can't get to the gate while killing off everything. Most of the time I don't even get into armor because of the range I pick targets off at. Then I MWD/MJD to the gate while having an alt salvage. I'm not using the MTU so it gives me a bit of time to manage wreck pulling and salvaging.
Prisoner No14
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2014-04-16 19:38:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Prisoner No14
Thanks everyone I went with this can't afford to bling it right now but this works best for me

[Paladin, Paladin]
Centum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Centum A-Type Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Damage Control II
Core X-Type Large Armor Repairer

Cap Recharger II
Shadow Serpentis Tracking Computer, Optimal Range Script
Core X-Type 100MN Microwarpdrive
Shadow Serpentis Tracking Computer, Optimal Range Script

Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Mega Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L
Bastion Module I
Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I
Salvager I

Large Auxiliary Nano Pump II
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II

Hobgoblin II x5

2400 dps tank 1100 dps
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