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Launching a warp disrupt probe will give you aggression and prevent you from docking or jumping.

Hemmo Paskiainen
#141 - 2011-12-01 09:02:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Hemmo Paskiainen
Jack All'Trade wrote:
i too would like to receive my aggression once i'm safely docked in station sitting on my comfy couch sipping frappé.

and ofcourse dicters are only used for bubbling hostile fleets on stations... amirite? this maybe happends in 2 % of the time flying a dictor. (hint: this can only happen when someone is reinforcing your station at 0 km (how else can u trap them within 20km radius?))

There are just too many trolls in here not even flying dictors or knowing how to fly them posting ******** sentences,....

The dictors advantage over the hic is also its biggest disadvantage, bubbles are stationary. Stationary bubbles are easy to avaoid by burning out of them (20km radius / avarage 1400m/s cruiser 2000m/s frig speed= 7 and 5 sec to burn out (this is if u are on 0 of target whitch isnt the case most times)). Stationary bubbles killes blues and `blue` bubbles can harm your fleet alot. Dicters wernt overpowerd, they are getting nerf now. New ccp tactic to make 0.0 safer?

I dont see why most trolls here finds this good change, i guess they want safer 0.0 to bear. Dictors are really easy to avoid and they are suicide ships.

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

Luh Windan
green fish hat bang bang
#142 - 2011-12-01 09:16:14 UTC
Dradius Calvantia wrote:

Not only does this destroy the dictor's role in small gang PVP, it is also a huge nerf to the tactics used by small gangs in order to skirmish with larger fleets.

I know the glib forum answer is adapt or die

But seriously you are saying that this drop bubble, jump through gate is the *only* way to use them?

So that will mean of course that null sec will suddenly be accessible for all and sundry and all will be lovely.

Or more likely some one with more imagination than you will think of a new "recipie" for you and you can go back to using them again.....
#143 - 2011-12-01 11:13:30 UTC
This is a good change.

That the OP and friends eve have the nerve to argue against it is mind boggling.

I dont care if you call it "tactics" - aggressive actions should trigger agro timers.

Wherever You Went - Here You Are

Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#144 - 2011-12-01 11:25:27 UTC
This change makes a lot of sense.

However, let me throw this thought out there -

Should targetting another player ship be considered a hostile action ?
I know, there's cap transfer and shield and other reppers, I know. Those are "friendly" reasons for targetting a player ship.
What if the modules which are designed to assist other ships worked slightly different in the way they activate ?

For example, I wish to armor-rep player ship, instead of normal ctrl-click or hotkey to target and then clicking the module to activate, how about - First click helpful module, then click ship to give aid to either in overview or in space ?

That way, targetting another ship via the normal method could be set-up as an act of aggression. That would make targetting a ship in order to scan it, an act of aggression.

(Dons flameproof suit)
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#145 - 2011-12-01 11:50:29 UTC
When ever I form up for a null sec roam I'm often witness to a fleet conversation along the following lines:

[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?
[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?
[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?
[FC]Are there any Dictor pilots online?
[FC]Fred! You can fly a dictor, can your bring one please?
[Fred]I lost my dictor on last night's roam.
[FC]No problem, I'll contract you one with the fittings.
[Fred]No thanks, I just want to be one of the guys tonight, work on my isk efficiency.
[FC]Come on dude, we really need you!
[Fred]FFS, I don't want to do it, I did it the last 5 roams. It is really easy to get into a Dictor, why can't other people train them and use them once in a while.
[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?

Absolutely everyone in gang wants a bubbler along, but few want to get in one or spare 6 days training for Destroyer V. Why is that? Because they come with a big price tag that can't be insured and drop like flies. Add on to that the fact that although their bubbles make an immense contribution to the success of the gang, they will often not get on the KM. This is because dropping the bubble itself will not get them on the KM and due to their fragile nature, their main task after dropping the bubble is to GTFO. For them to get on the KM, the victim has to both try to warp out of the bubble and then actually get killed. Or the dictor hovers on the peripherals of the fight and then just whores onto the bottom of the last few KMs when he is certain his fleet is going to win. That is not a satisfying way of keeping up your isk efficiency and certainly isn't fun.

This latest change is a nerf to the survivability of dictors. Logically, before swinging the nerf bat, there has to be a need to nerf something. As I stated in my last post, the only reason I can think of is to prevent the double bubble tactic. If that is the case, then CCP have thrown out the baby with the bath water, they could have done this by just applying a one launcher restriction to a dictor if that was their objective.

To nerf the survivability of a ship that pilots are already reluctant to fly due to it poor survivability is ridiculous.

To all who are arguing that this is fair, all I can assume is that none of you are null sec dwellers, or at least not Null Sec PvPers. Bubbles are one of the big defining features of null sec, you might not like bubbles, but nobody accuses dictors of being OP.

As for saying that being able to post bubble (activate ship role) and immediately jump/dock is unprecedented. That isn't true. Logistics pilots have the same functionality. They make an enormous difference in a fight, but have the same ability to instantly dock or jump if aggressed. They suffer the same problems though and few pilots will get into them for those reasons. They are expensive, can't be insured properly, still die regularly and don't get their pilots on KillMails just preforming their primary role.

Logistics also have an exploit associated with them. The docking game faggotry, it is a far bigger issue and unlike dictors, it affects high and low sec dwellers too. This has been debated far more hotly than the double bubble tactic, but still CCP have hesitated to take action. There would be outcry if CCP swung the nerf bat in the same manner and just gave Logistic ships aggression once they started repping.

It seems to me that someone in CCP saw a problem, quickly thought up a solution and implemented it, thinking it would have no other impact than removing what he perceived was an exploit with the double bubble tactic. Was there any discussion with players on this matter beforehand?

Sure some people will continue to fly dictors (I hope). But I just don't understand why this change was implemented and claiming that this is just bringing dictors aggro mechanics in line with other types of ships/weapons is just ridicous. There is no weapon system that bares any resemblance to bubbles. You could just as easily argue that the entire friendly fleet should become aggressed when their dictor posts the bubble...but then so should the enemy fleet, because bubbles don't only target enemies.
Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#146 - 2011-12-01 12:05:46 UTC
Major Trant wrote:
When ever I form up for a null sec roam I'm often witness to a fleet conversation along the following lines:

[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?
[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?
[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?
[FC]Are there any Dictor pilots online?
[FC]Fred! You can fly a dictor, can your bring one please?
[Fred]I lost my dictor on last night's roam.
[FC]No problem, I'll contract you one with the fittings.
[Fred]No thanks, I just want to be one of the guys tonight, work on my isk efficiency.
[FC]Come on dude, we really need you!
[Fred]FFS, I don't want to do it, I did it the last 5 roams. It is really easy to get into a Dictor, why can't other people train them and use them once in a while.
[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?

It's frustrating to read the number of replies in this thread that seem to come either from Hi-Sec dwellers with limited (and mostly negative) null sec experience or from players who never fly dictors saying "adapt or die".

The changes to dictor aggression are going to put dictors into the same category as Electronic Attack Ships. i.e. Very interesting in theory but nobody in their right mind actually flies one. CCP have just made it suicidal for the dictor pilot to drop a bubble on a gate. If you think that's "balanced" then I guess we just have to agree to disagree. If you are an FC you will need to accept that your dictor pilot will no longer do this for you.

WTB : An image in my signature

Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#147 - 2011-12-01 12:08:30 UTC
Major Trant wrote:
When ever I form up for a null sec roam I'm often witness to a fleet conversation along the following lines:

[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?
[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?
[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?
[FC]Are there any Dictor pilots online?
[FC]Fred! You can fly a dictor, can your bring one please?
[Fred]I lost my dictor on last night's roam.
[FC]No problem, I'll contract you one with the fittings.
[Fred]No thanks, I just want to be one of the guys tonight, work on my isk efficiency.
[FC]Come on dude, we really need you!
[Fred]FFS, I don't want to do it, I did it the last 5 roams. It is really easy to get into a Dictor, why can't other people train them and use them once in a while.
[FC]Can anyone bring a bubbler?

Absolutely everyone in gang wants a bubbler along, but few want to get in one or spare 6 days training for Destroyer V. Why is that? Because they come with a big price tag that can't be insured and drop like flies. Add on to that the fact that although their bubbles make an immense contribution to the success of the gang, they will often not get on the KM. This is because dropping the bubble itself will not get them on the KM and due to their fragile nature, their main task after dropping the bubble is to GTFO. For them to get on the KM, the victim has to both try to warp out of the bubble and then actually get killed. Or the dictor hovers on the peripherals of the fight and then just whores onto the bottom of the last few KMs when he is certain his fleet is going to win. That is not a satisfying way of keeping up your isk efficiency and certainly isn't fun.

Your main problem seems to be that you're ganging with selfish killmail whores rather than team-players.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#148 - 2011-12-01 12:09:52 UTC
@Major Trant :

Well written and descriptive, thank you for that information. Yes I can understand why dictor pilots feel put off by this nerf.
However, if you throw a bubble now and get instant aggress timer going, does that not mean that your bubble (hence you the pilot), will have a far better chance of getting onto that KM without actually having to be there after bubble is up ?

Just asking, otherwise thanks again for your elucidation of the actual situation you guys find yourself in.

DelBoy Trades
Trotter Independent Traders.
Stealth Alliance
#149 - 2011-12-01 12:16:45 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
So...... when YOU launch a dictor bubble you have no hostile intent.

Hostile intent does not equal aggression. Should putting on a sensor booster give you aggression?

Damn nature, you scary!

Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#150 - 2011-12-01 12:19:47 UTC
Freezehunter wrote:
Oh wow, look at all the Dictor and HIC pilots that are bitching because they can't get easy killmails with ZERO risk anymore!

Zero risk!!!!

Hahaha don't tell me there's zero risk. We're in 75mil isk ships that are uninsurable, made of tissue paper, and can be alpha,'d by any noob in a hurricane. We are first on grid and last to leave (those rare times we survive)

Dics have the firepower of a destroyer...we're unlikely to break the tank of a cruiser unless that pilot is completely ********.

I don't mind this but if you are interdicted in my bubble, even if you just land and don't try to warp, I want credit for my usual podding I don't mind getting blown up as long as it shows you did also, in my bubble.

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

#151 - 2011-12-01 12:27:02 UTC
Rodj Blake wrote:

Your main problem seems to be that you're ganging with selfish killmail whores rather than team-players.

I'm sorry, but I seem to be having difficulty identifying the times where you were the selfless player in the dictor. Perhaps you could share your KB link ?
#152 - 2011-12-01 12:36:16 UTC
Freezehunter wrote:
Oh wow, look at all the Dictor and HIC pilots that are bitching because they can't get easy killmails with ZERO risk anymore!

Please explain how I can fly a ship in 0.0 that has no tank and only one civilian gun with zero risk. Please also explain why, if indeed there is no risk whatsoever of dying, I cant get more people to fly a dictor in my gangs.

You have this mis-conception that the dictor pilot gets credited with every kill that happens in the bubble - This is not the case. Most times the target will not warp and the dictor will not get on the kill mail. If I wanted to boost my kills, I'd be flying a triple sensor boosted vaga and letting some other schmuk fly the dictor.

Frankly, I'm surprised that you can say "flying a dictor has zero risk" with a straight face.
Destination SkillQueue
#153 - 2011-12-01 12:45:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Destination SkillQueue
DelBoy Trades wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
So...... when YOU launch a dictor bubble you have no hostile intent.

Hostile intent does not equal aggression. Should putting on a sensor booster give you aggression?

You are correct, but unfortunately he isn't exactly. Intent is what we have when you haven't launched your bubble yet. The moment you lauch it it stops being just intent and becomes action and getting the corresponding timer isn't unreasonable, because you change that area of space for everyone with that action. With a sensor booster you can only change yourself and it alone can't transform your hostile intent in to action, that influences other players.
Cold Moon Destruction.
#154 - 2011-12-01 13:12:20 UTC
ThisIsntMyMain wrote:
Rodj Blake wrote:

Your main problem seems to be that you're ganging with selfish killmail whores rather than team-players.

I'm sorry, but I seem to be having difficulty identifying the times where you were the selfless player in the dictor. Perhaps you could share your KB link ?

Don't you see? We're just out for killmails.

I mean, honestly why else would I be the first to warp on grid to a gang that will definitely kill me. Why? Because I dropped a bubble and they all died right after. I kept them in place (except the dram) long enough for my small group to engage them. Did I get on any of the kills? Nope. It just shows as a loss to me.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#155 - 2011-12-01 13:16:33 UTC
ThisIsntMyMain wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Oh wow, look at all the Dictor and HIC pilots that are bitching because they can't get easy killmails with ZERO risk anymore!

Please explain how I can fly a ship in 0.0 that has no tank and only one civilian gun with zero risk. Please also explain why, if indeed there is no risk whatsoever of dying, I cant get more people to fly a dictor in my gangs.

You have this mis-conception that the dictor pilot gets credited with every kill that happens in the bubble - This is not the case. Most times the target will not warp and the dictor will not get on the kill mail. If I wanted to boost my kills, I'd be flying a triple sensor boosted vaga and letting some other schmuk fly the dictor.

Frankly, I'm surprised that you can say "flying a dictor has zero risk" with a straight face.

This from someone who claims that his dictor can't have any guns or tank.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#156 - 2011-12-01 13:17:55 UTC
ThisIsntMyMain wrote:
Rodj Blake wrote:

Your main problem seems to be that you're ganging with selfish killmail whores rather than team-players.

I'm sorry, but I seem to be having difficulty identifying the times where you were the selfless player in the dictor. Perhaps you could share your KB link ?

Perhaps you could post with your main?

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Dani Lizardov
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#157 - 2011-12-06 14:36:20 UTC
If i do ECM Burst... this is Act of aggresion and I am shown on the killmails as agressor
If I do smart bomb... this is Act of aggression and I am shown on the killmails as the agressor
Dictor bubles give aggression only to ME the dictor?
There for ... they are Broken !
CCP shoud fix them.

If you do a change, do it right.

Other then that, some tactics may change about the gates and stuff, some people might stop flying dictors etc..
Maybe they want to return the warp from your own buble feature... ??? Probably not.

I dont understand why the nerf? Was it broken? Was it overpowered?

Dramiel nerf = FAIL ... What changed? I can't fit salvager on the dramiel... thx CPP :) love you...

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#158 - 2011-12-07 00:54:53 UTC
Dani Lizardov wrote:
If i do ECM Burst... AND IT HITS ANOTHER SHIP this is Act of aggresion and I am shown on the killmails as agressor
If I do smart bomb... AND IT HITS ANOTHER SHIP this is Act of aggression and I am shown on the killmails as the agressor
Dictor bubles give aggression only to ME the dictor?
There for ... they are Broken !
CCP shoud fix them.

If you do a change, do it right.

Fixed that part for you.

Dual Pane idea: Click!

CCP Please Implement

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#159 - 2011-12-07 01:15:34 UTC
To all who are arguing that this is fair, all I can assume is that none of you are null sec dwellers, or at least not Null Sec PvPers. Bubbles are one of the big defining features of null sec, you might not like bubbles, but nobody accuses dictors of being OP.


And this is why nobody wants to go out there. Yes, 0.0 is sitting at bubble camps all day killing everything that moves. Meanwhile, the alliance lords that you are paying rent to are carebearing it up bigtime way deep into the 0.0 that you are denying by your maintaining the Great Wall of Carebear (bears on BOTH sides, by the way).

This "problem" would not exist if bubbles didn't exist either.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#160 - 2011-12-07 02:22:01 UTC
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
DelBoy Trades wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
So...... when YOU launch a dictor bubble you have no hostile intent.

Hostile intent does not equal aggression. Should putting on a sensor booster give you aggression?

You are correct, but unfortunately he isn't exactly. Intent is what we have when you haven't launched your bubble yet. The moment you lauch it it stops being just intent and becomes action and getting the corresponding timer isn't unreasonable, because you change that area of space for everyone with that action. With a sensor booster you can only change yourself and it alone can't transform your hostile intent in to action, that influences other players.

Good point, well clarified.

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