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hi sec not the same as it used to be

First post
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#101 - 2014-04-03 04:42:31 UTC
Ssabat Thraxx wrote:
Haiiro Aurgnet wrote:

tl;dr everyone gets your opinion. but things should remain how they are now- because thats how a majority of the user base plays.



... oh and on topic of the thread- depends on your definition. It's definately possible to make more ISK in HS now, but, the game as a whole is WAY too crowded right now, and we're going to need more space at this rate

I disagree, I don't want more space. There are already huge swaths of space where there's almost nobody around. Mostly in null, yes, but even some areas of low and even hisec. Heck, 4-5 jumps outside a trade hub (if you're not heading in the direction of another hub) and you can find yourself alone.

More space = even less densely populated areas = less player interaction or opportunities for PVP (consensual or non-concensual) and other social aspects of the game.

I dont't like the idea, sorry. Just my personal opinion tho.

EDIT: Just wanted to ad, it cam be incredibly boring and time-consumning trying to find a good fight these days, because there's already a surplus of space, imo. This in a game supposedly centered around PVP. The options are often either to go to a known blobfest system like Huola where you know there's gonna be completely lopsided interaction, or you can gatecamp or "roam" and spend forever hoping a target comes along. It sucks.

Depends on whether you can use the in game map or not. Most players naturally congregate in groups. Whether there was 10,000 more systems this would still be true.

It also depends on what you're looking for and how you're finding fights as well as what your taking with you to fight with. You can go to some areas full of players (renter areas) and not find a fight and you can go to other areas with few players (great wild lands for example) and find fights easily.

IMO more space means more fights because people are less worried about reinforcements and adds.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Solecist Project
#102 - 2014-04-03 08:45:45 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Infinity Ziona wrote:

Eh I don't even argue with the troll anymore its pointless.

Which conveniently allows you to keep restating your various lies without acknowledging their inherent falsehood.

Quoted for truth.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

#103 - 2014-04-03 10:28:28 UTC
What about the new ice field anomoly thing that greatly changed hi sec
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#104 - 2014-04-03 10:40:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Seven Koskanaiken
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
It just hit me like a ton of feathers!

If you people want highsec to be what it was before ...
... why don't you make sure it turns back into it?

If suicide ganking is on an all time low ... (as CCP said so)
... and you people complain about highsec being too safe ...

... then why aren't you making it *less* safe?

Your very questions highlight the problem.

What representation we players do have with CCP in the form of the CSM are nullsec bloc centric players who actually don't have full knowledge of all that hisec piracy and conflict mechanics are about, nor give a flying f#ck about said mechanics. All they care about is nullsec, modular fricken POS's, (maybee losec and wormholes), and occasionally they might do a gank with an alt in hisec. But lets be real, they see hisec conflict and pew as a misnomer. The epitome of their (and your) understanding of pew in hisec is 'ganking'. (sigh)

Evidence of this, is the long sad list of nerfs made by CCP unchallenged, with null-fixated CSM's dropping the sandbox ball on their watch.

tldr; Psychotic Monk for CSM 9.


Who you need on csm is whoever was behind Zerg Overmind. That guy was like a constitutional expert on hi sec.
#105 - 2014-04-03 13:42:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Shadowlightt
Seven Koskanaiken wrote:
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
It just hit me like a ton of feathers!

If you people want highsec to be what it was before ...
... why don't you make sure it turns back into it?

If suicide ganking is on an all time low ... (as CCP said so)
... and you people complain about highsec being too safe ...

... then why aren't you making it *less* safe?

Your very questions highlight the problem.

What representation we players do have with CCP in the form of the CSM are nullsec bloc centric players who actually don't have full knowledge of all that hisec piracy and conflict mechanics are about, nor give a flying f#ck about said mechanics. All they care about is nullsec, modular fricken POS's, (maybee losec and wormholes), and occasionally they might do a gank with an alt in hisec. But lets be real, they see hisec conflict and pew as a misnomer. The epitome of their (and your) understanding of pew in hisec is 'ganking'. (sigh)

Evidence of this, is the long sad list of nerfs made by CCP unchallenged, with null-fixated CSM's dropping the sandbox ball on their watch.

tldr; Psychotic Monk for CSM 9.


Who you need on csm is whoever was behind Zerg Overmind. That guy was like a constitutional expert on hi sec.

Who is zerg overmind lolz this isnt a starcraft thread im only talking about the fact how much hi sec dramtically changed over the past years
Broni-wan Kenobi
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#106 - 2014-04-03 16:39:12 UTC
Haiiro Aurgnet wrote:
okay but really- why are we still on this topic though? highsec got changed boo hoo. If you are the kind of people who like non-stop action and fighting, why are you IN high sec? you tell high sec players all the time "YOU SHOULD MOVE TO NULL YOU LOSERS" and when they don't want to play the game the way YOU want- you are trying to force your opinions back on them? The game dynamics are fine as they are right now. High Sec stands for high security- so it stands to reason that it would be well policed SINCE THAT'S WHAT HIGH SECURITY MEANS. Really though. If you want to be a PvPer- fine. there are many, many, many outlets for your fighting needs- but stop with all this "the safe spot of eve is too safe." The game is still really dangerous compared to most every other MMO out there, this ISN'T hello kitty online- nor will it ever be- and the idea of turning high-sec into null is just defeating the point of security status. And while you may say "oh that'd be great," have you ever considered there's a reason high sec is so crowded? because much of the user base likes to live there. and if you are in high sec all the time whining about how it's too hard for you to gank a defenseless new character/miner- than you are acting kinda like a coward/loser.

tl;dr everyone gets your opinion. but things should remain how they are now- because thats how a majority of the user base plays.

... oh and on topic of the thread- depends on your definition. It's definately possible to make more ISK in HS now, but, the game as a whole is WAY too crowded right now, and we're going to need more space at this rate

edit to make sure its clear that when I say more space, I mean of all securitis and types- im not just saying high sec. we don't need more high sec. we need more wormholes, nulsec, lowsec, etc

This is the single best thing I have heard on this thread. I keep seeing people say "I can't find people to pvp in low/null sec, so let me get easy kills in high sec" ...surely if that many people are in low sec/null, finding a fight shouldn't be that hard. (God knows every time I go into low on my main, if I don't check my route via the map, I run into PvP ...which is a good thing when I /want/ pvp, bad when I don't.)

Sides, it can't be that hard to start a "Lets make fleets and met up in x and duke it out on Friday!" style threads if people /actually/ want a fight, as opposed to a one sided gank fest. Hell, would likely even get people who normally wouldnt pvp (cause they dont want to seem like they suck) to join in. I think CAS does something like that fairly often that is open to newbies and it gets a fair amount of people joining.
Jonas Maccabee
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#107 - 2014-04-10 20:37:07 UTC
Shadowlightt wrote:
Anyone notice how much hi sec has changed in the last 4 years? Like the order and things.

Haha. This is the guy that just got owned on Minerbumping. Lolz.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#108 - 2014-04-10 20:52:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Jonas Maccabee wrote:
Shadowlightt wrote:
Anyone notice how much hi sec has changed in the last 4 years? Like the order and things.

Haha. This is the guy that just got owned on Minerbumping. Lolz.

Lol. Classic.

Should be fun here for the next few days.
Netan MalDoran
Shadow Cartel
#109 - 2014-04-10 23:22:06 UTC
Honestly, I don't really care for gankers, but come on people, no-where but an NPC station is safe in New Eden! If there were zero risks in High-sec then where is the point of the game! In my opinion (If your smart) null is sometimes safer than high-sec is!

And to miners, if you are tired of getting ganked by the New Order, FIGHT BACK! Instead of buying a quarter mil mining barge you could have a fleet of cruisers defending yourselves, as stated, the gankers are getting smarter, so you need to get smarter.

"Your security status has been lowered." - Hell yeah it was!

Falcon's truth

Sunlight...Through The Blight.
#110 - 2014-04-10 23:32:05 UTC  |  Edited by: KnowUsByTheDead
Due to extreme heresies made against fellow agent Malcolm, and your inability to keep to your word...

I am reserving this posting area to make fun of you when you quit EvE, Shadowlightt.

Unless you would like an honorable 1v1 at the sun to restore the dishonorbru that you brought upon your clan.

Provided you can undock from Dodi.

Or log in for that matter.

Big smileTwistedPirate

Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Epic Ganking Time
#111 - 2014-04-11 02:50:51 UTC
Yah... HiSec is way too dangerous and unfair. Like today: I ganked a indy w/ some goodies that actually dropped, and when my alt went to scoop the wreck this T3 blew up MY indy! ...and I'm all like, "hey! No fair dude! That was my kill!"

He didn't even reply.

probably a bot.

eve sucks I quit!

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#112 - 2014-04-11 03:28:47 UTC
Netan MalDoran wrote:
Honestly, I don't really care for gankers, but come on people, no-where but an NPC station is safe in New Eden! If there were zero risks in High-sec then where is the point of the game! In my opinion (If your smart) null is sometimes safer than high-sec is!

And to miners, if you are tired of getting ganked by the New Order, FIGHT BACK! Instead of buying a quarter mil mining barge you could have a fleet of cruisers defending yourselves, as stated, the gankers are getting smarter, so you need to get smarter.

No, you need to get smarter. High Sec ganks are pretty much undefendable against. You can not be there. Or you die. Assuming they do the gank right anyway, if they sit around letting you prelock them then maybe you can do something. A fleet of cruisers defending a mining op in just a joke. Those cruisers can all make more than the miners by doing PvE.
Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2014-04-11 04:33:13 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:

No, you need to get smarter. High Sec ganks are pretty much undefendable against. You can not be there. Or you die. Assuming they do the gank right anyway, if they sit around letting you prelock them then maybe you can do something. A fleet of cruisers defending a mining op in just a joke. Those cruisers can all make more than the miners by doing PvE.

So what you are saying is that you can make isk or sit around defending miners. Sounds like balance to me... tank/yield should be like some sort of EvE holy trinity or something. Except there is only 2.

I can defend against ganks. I know how gankers work. I have, ahem, some experience in the field. I was ganked while mining exactly 1 time. After that, never again. I mined all of the minerals for my Orca. I still have that Orca, never been ganked. I even mined during a wardec. Didn't loose my retty. Never lost a mining ship to a hisec gank. Hell, I've even mined in wh space. Never lost a barge there either. Ganking isn't the Mr. Miyagi jump front kick. There is a defense. But.. tank/yield...

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#114 - 2014-04-11 04:55:27 UTC
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ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

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Interstellar Services Department