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Seven Degrees of a Criminal

RaVeN Alliance
#21 - 2014-04-08 06:43:09 UTC
We had a girl, Natalinnux, that could do a list of probable alts on almost anyone.
She had amazing sixth sense and it helped her do the 'right' research.

Intel Is Powerful.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2014-04-08 14:47:39 UTC
I read this post last night at a bar and didn't have time or patience to reply from my iphone. I think the number of hostile posts you received suggest you ruffled a feather or two. Keep doing what you're doing and post the results. The stories behind what you uncover would be interesting.

I'd like to see the ratio of actual work going into subterfuge (corp thieves who really work at infiltrating and then betraying the corp) and how many just get lucky with either a complete lack of vigilance on the corp's part, or just getting an opportunity and deciding to act.

My old corp had a theft once while evacuating from a lost station, and when I asked the pilot why he did it (he stole from his corpmates, not the corp) he told me he never thought of stealing before and wasn't his intention. But when he realized he had a couple billion worth of goods handed over to him to carrier haul he felt he couldn't resist.

You're young, you'll adjust. I'm old, I'll get used to it.

CowRocket Void
Of Tears and ISK
#23 - 2014-04-08 21:16:40 UTC  |  Edited by: CowRocket Void
I once found out that a dude was gay and liked cigars. The resulting convo was...... interesting.

don't miss that job...

bleeding shadow darkness > did i just saw a red procurer? :P

Dalto Bane
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2014-04-08 22:32:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Dalto Bane
Miulan Ng wrote:
Though collecting intel may not be 'exciting' to some, your post reminded me of an old article about the Mittani, and how his spy network was instrumental in destroying his corp's adversaries. Knowledge is power. Don't let anyone dissuade you from your passion. Cool

I did enjoy the TheMittani's "Secrets of a Solar Spymaster", not to mention "Sins of a Solar Spymaster" which I had a good laugh. I believe, as long as you don't show favor with any group of players or play style, an Intelligence Broker could make many connections within Eve.

I have spoken directly to a few pilots out there since this thread that are interested in the game of "intelligence and espionage" and hope that I could one day have a hand in building some type of community that deals in this type of gameplay for all to use. But time can only tell. I have seen many Corporations that advertise this fall due to losing interest over time.

Drops Mic

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2014-04-08 22:44:52 UTC  |  Edited by: BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
350125GO wrote:
I'd like to see the ratio of actual work going into subterfuge (corp thieves who really work at infiltrating and then betraying the corp) and how many just get lucky with either a complete lack of vigilance on the corp's part, or just getting an opportunity and deciding to act.

Honestly, in high sec its 99.9% lack of vigiliance and 0.1% effort. Most of finding a corp to awox is sitting in recruitment chat spamming and replying to every advert until you get a bite. Inevitably some poor soul won't have done their homework and invites you into their corp.

Infiltrating a corp with extensive background checks actually does require effort, and requires some time playing on a clean alt and account to get into the corp, while having no contact with your other characters.

Dalto Bane wrote:
I believe, as long as you don't show favor with any group of players or play style, an Intelligence Broker could make many connections within Eve.

I have spoken directly to a few pilots out there since this thread that are interested in the game of "intelligence and espionage" and hope that I could one day have a hand in building some type of community that deals in this type of gameplay for all to use. But time can only tell. I have seen many Corporations that advertise this fall due to losing interest over time.

I'm not sure that any community can properly operate as a whole in this profession. Any attempt to build one would be based around clean forum alts, a public head, and a multitude of contacts.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Miulan Ng
Thirty Pieces of Silver
#26 - 2014-04-09 00:21:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Miulan Ng
350125GO wrote:
Keep doing what you're doing and post the results. The stories behind what you uncover would be interesting.

Though I'm sure they'd be fascinating, I'd see how much those uncovered were willing to pay to stay in the shadows... Idea

Mors tua, vita mia.

Dalto Bane
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2014-04-09 00:56:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Dalto Bane
Miulan Ng wrote:
350125GO wrote:
Keep doing what you're doing and post the results. The stories behind what you uncover would be interesting.

Though I'm sure they'd be fascinating, I'd see how much those uncovered were willing to pay to stay in the shadows... Idea

That is def some progressive thinking!

I would not wish to burn bridges during the process though. I have found that people that wish to remain hidden will much rather spend isk to seed new alts into places than to pay any ransom to keep from burning them, and then you have forever lost their trust and the trust of the pilots whom they could potentially influence.

I think the better way to run this type of "business" would be to only broker intelligence in the upstart. Quid Pro Quo would be especially beneficial in beginning when gathering alt names and bookmarks. I keep flashing back to Mafia movies where the Don never seems to ask for repayment for a favor right away, just a "Don't worry about it, We'll be in touch if we need something.".

Drops Mic

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#28 - 2014-04-09 01:07:19 UTC
Has anyone mentioned yet that there already is a guy who does this?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Dalto Bane
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2014-04-09 01:33:28 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Has anyone mentioned yet that there already is a guy who does this?

I did mention it, referring to Monk's blog post about The Shadow Broker.

Drops Mic

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#30 - 2014-04-09 01:38:26 UTC
Dalto Bane wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Has anyone mentioned yet that there already is a guy who does this?

I did mention it, referring to Monk's blog post about The Shadow Broker.

Yeah, that's the guy. That mofo is pretty scary. If it's not hacks, then he is just insanely good.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#31 - 2014-04-09 02:13:46 UTC
350125GO wrote:
I read this post last night at a bar and didn't have time or patience to reply from my iphone. I think the number of hostile posts you received suggest you ruffled a feather or two. Keep doing what you're doing and post the results. The stories behind what you uncover would be interesting.

I'd like to see the ratio of actual work going into subterfuge (corp thieves who really work at infiltrating and then betraying the corp) and how many just get lucky with either a complete lack of vigilance on the corp's part, or just getting an opportunity and deciding to act.

My old corp had a theft once while evacuating from a lost station, and when I asked the pilot why he did it (he stole from his corpmates, not the corp) he told me he never thought of stealing before and wasn't his intention. But when he realized he had a couple billion worth of goods handed over to him to carrier haul he felt he couldn't resist.

Most highsec corps are not even close to opsec-aware, including ones that have been AWOXed multiple times.

Getting into opsec-aware corps is harder, but there are some people who have joined literally dozens of wormhole corps and stolen from each one.

If you can play poker well, the lying skills required - of building not just a bluff but a believable story behind the bluff, being aware of your body's default reactions to you lying and how you can hide them (in your voice), and being able to rapidly and seemlessly adjust your lies to fit changed circumstances - will generally let you get into opsec-aware corps, but it is a lot harder.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Stig Sterling
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2014-04-09 09:00:58 UTC
Dalto Bane wrote:
Does anyone else find enjoyment out of doing Intel gathering, whether it be proactive or destructive? Close calls if you like to be the "Bad Guy"? Common mistakes the Criminal has made? The Corp? -Besides not doing Intel at all!

I don't like speaking out of character, but I will here just to give you a bit of perspective. I used to be in the Army irl, and in my unit we did a lot of information gathering. In this instance I am talking more about scouting, LRRP, battlefield logistics and the sort. Usually finding information that could be instantly acted upon and relaying that back to the FEBA. I had a knack for this sort of thing, and really enjoyed it.

In New Eden, I am intrigued by the same sort of things. I am training my skills up so that I can utilize the CovOps and Recon ships. I would actually like to come up with a sort of "Reconnaissance Doctrine" for EVE, utilizing current ships and modules, and relying on my own life experience to inform it. In fact, I have made this a sort of mission for me- one that I hope not only allows me to become an awesome intelligence gatherer, but hopefully something that others can learn from as well. I can think of a few applications for this type of activity, and I will be able to expand the practice into fields besides just Fleet Ops.

So yeah, I enjoy gathering Intel. It may be a bit cliche, but knowledge is power, and those who take the time to learn about the enemy are far more prepared to meet them in battle.

Keep fighting the good fight Dalto, and dont ever let anyone tell you that your chosen path in anything less than inspired.

Aiden Wilson Tozer wrote:
Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will.
Subject 4927
Kenshin Shogunate.
#33 - 2014-04-09 14:17:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Subject 4927
This guy is making eve way harder then it needs to be.

Tauren Transit
#34 - 2014-04-09 19:19:05 UTC
Dalto, there are all kinds of players that perform intel gathering activities, but only a few of them actually enjoy connecting the dots, and smile when they notice a new web strand. Funny, I found this post while searching on google for intel on something seemingly unrelated. I worked as a debt collector for the United States Department of the Treasury a few years ago, and was quickly placed on a specialized team of 8 people that were more than talented at finding debtors deemed "non existent" by other collectors. We had all sorts of tools available to us, social security number tracking software, and were encouraged to use any number of tools online we could think of, including social medias, google, local property assessors, you name it. I learned there that anything and anyone can serve as a skip-tracing tool. I called neighbors, librarians, teachers, checked school websites, public paintball team members' data, noticed similarities in misspellings and word use, the list is endless.

The point is, some people DO experience actual enjoyment in connecting the dots of background checks, and there are just as many skip-tracing avenues in Eve as there are in RL. Keep it up! If you're good at it, you can even turn it into a RL career.
Dalto Bane
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2014-04-09 21:15:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Dalto Bane
Subject 4927 wrote:
This guy is making way harder then it needs to be.

If it is me you are referring to Subject, I was just exploring many ways. I do use more simplified resources, but I am not 100% correct in every answer I find. I can generally find the right direction- Some who cover themselves very well and I may never know everything about them. I do enjoy your blogs Subject. Good reads!

Drops Mic

Miulan Ng
Thirty Pieces of Silver
#36 - 2014-04-09 22:38:49 UTC
Koniforous wrote:
... use any number of tools online we could think of, including social medias, google, local property assessors, you name it. I learned there that anything and anyone can serve as a skip-tracing tool.

This is very relevant, and a fake persona or two on social sites would be useful for hunter as well as hunted. Of course, providing false info is against most if not all EULAs, and something I would never dream of doing, because my soul is pure. Roll

Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
... If you can play poker well, the lying skills required - of building not just a bluff but a believable story behind the bluff, being aware of your body's default reactions to you lying and how you can hide them (in your voice), and being able to rapidly and seemlessly adjust your lies to fit changed circumstances - will generally let you get into opsec-aware corps, but it is a lot harder.

I find that maintaining eye contact and socially appropriate expressions are effective credibility enhancing techniques when lying, but that won't apply with voice-only coms. That being said, there are a variety of voice-changing software options to get one 'into character'. I fully agree that having a well thought out back story is essential, even if one's a sociopath.

Mors tua, vita mia.

The Shadow Broker
EVE Intel Corp
#37 - 2014-04-09 23:39:48 UTC
Some parts of this can be obscenely boring. Generally, I'm trying not to do background checks on individuals now unless you can really sell me on why its important and give it all some context. Doing reports on yourself or your alt, etc has gotten quite old.

I'm really wanting to do larger stuff now, maybe on a corp size basis. Stuff that brings conflicts - I recently helped a small corp fight against some 'mercs' that war decced them. They weren't actually mercs they were just a bored lowsec group but whatever.
The small corp got a few kills and a few more losses but were left alone eventually and that is a hell of a lot better than being harassed by being a free kill faucet.
Miulan Ng
Thirty Pieces of Silver
#38 - 2014-04-10 00:34:27 UTC
The Shadow Broker wrote:
Some parts of this can be obscenely boring. Generally, I'm trying not to do background checks on individuals now unless you can really sell me on why its important and give it all some context.

Perhaps intel collection & analysis for a client's tactical advantage (e.g. scanning adversary fits to establish potential patterns for exploitation)... and/or psyops- infiltration, assassination, embezzlement? Sounds naughty... Cool

Mors tua, vita mia.

The Shadow Broker
EVE Intel Corp
#39 - 2014-04-10 01:20:45 UTC
Yes, that is much more what I've got in mind now. Though hey, you got a ton of money and need info on someone go for it. My boredom can in fact be bought.
Dalto Bane
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2014-04-10 08:40:44 UTC
Koniforous wrote:
Dalto, there are all kinds of players that perform intel gathering activities, but only a few of them actually enjoy connecting the dots, and smile when they notice a new web strand. Funny, I found this post while searching on google for intel on something seemingly unrelated. I worked as a debt collector for the United States Department of the Treasury a few years ago, and was quickly placed on a specialized team of 8 people that were more than talented at finding debtors deemed "non existent" by other collectors. We had all sorts of tools available to us, social security number tracking software, and were encouraged to use any number of tools online we could think of, including social medias, google, local property assessors, you name it. I learned there that anything and anyone can serve as a skip-tracing tool. I called neighbors, librarians, teachers, checked school websites, public paintball team members' data, noticed similarities in misspellings and word use, the list is endless.

The point is, some people DO experience actual enjoyment in connecting the dots of background checks, and there are just as many skip-tracing avenues in Eve as there are in RL. Keep it up! If you're good at it, you can even turn it into a RL career.

I appreciate the encouragement and I want to draw attention to "skip-tracing". In connecting the dots, though I am typically good at getting the answers, there have been some, especially my last "Test" that I honestly could not find an alt, unless I infiltrated a Corp or contacted their previous Corpmates and CEO's and do a little social engineering, which I did not, since it was just an exhibition, and more about me gaining some credibility among certain circles. So of course when it counts, I was unable to perform!P

Drops Mic

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