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why are people saying Fraction warfare is broken?

First post
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#21 - 2014-04-07 14:10:21 UTC
Danny John-Peter wrote:
Its a PVP environment that requires no PVP to make oodles of isk because of poor Plex design.

So yeah, thats the issue.

CCP does not want to reward pvp too much, they want that people grind something boring for their isk.
Stig Sterling
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2014-04-08 01:40:28 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
Danny John-Peter wrote:
Its a PVP environment that requires no PVP to make oodles of isk because of poor Plex design.

So yeah, thats the issue.

CCP does not want to reward pvp too much, they want that people grind something boring for their isk.

Not true. EVE has always been about risk versus reward (or risk for ISK, as it were), and I don't believe that they want to have a system where people are rewarded for safe repetitive tasks.

This may be a bit naive to say, but I that if the community can come up with a viable system that fits three risk versus reward model, then CCP will be happy to implement it
Abiding Ormolus
#23 - 2014-04-08 08:10:22 UTC
Fw is broken because it should be a pvp activity from which you can also sustain yourself and not a pve activity where all that matters is just isk. It should be a war in which you can count on your allies when you fight in a plex and not just see them cloack up and you die.

People say farmers arent an issue , fit 2-3 scrams and go for it , but its not that simple ..because you need to find thr cloacked up dude in the plex before you can tackle, and if they are not cloacked they warp away long before you can even close the distance.

Why should we dedicate hours on end chasing these good for nothings?

Sure , you can say that beeing a sandbox one can chose if they want to fight or make isk, but if you want to make isk run the damn missions instead..don't thrash the warzone and eliminate the income for the people that want to make isk but don't run away from a fight aswell because they also want to pvp

Just because i am blond does not make me stoopid !

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#24 - 2014-04-08 08:21:12 UTC
Stig Sterling wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
Danny John-Peter wrote:
Its a PVP environment that requires no PVP to make oodles of isk because of poor Plex design.

So yeah, thats the issue.

CCP does not want to reward pvp too much, they want that people grind something boring for their isk.

Not true. EVE has always been about risk versus reward (or risk for ISK, as it were), and I don't believe that they want to have a system where people are rewarded for safe repetitive tasks.

This may be a bit naive to say, but I that if the community can come up with a viable system that fits three risk versus reward model, then CCP will be happy to implement it

There is risk to lose your ship while plexing and plexers do lose lot of ships daily. Thing is , not many want to die on purpose, they will excape if they can with stabs or not, they also could fight for plex but when you go in with your FOTM coocie cutter fit they do not have any change no matter if they fit pvp fit because they are just newish chars.

Idea about having quality pvp against farmers is bit tricky, farmer is waiting in plex , someone who want to kill him checks out his ship, kb stats etc... and then decides if he could take farmer down or not. Usually when he decides to come in and kill farmer he is almost sure he can kill the farmer so why would farmer stay in plex, only reason is that farmer did same checks and came to conclusion that killer who is coming in can be beaten, so only way to get pvp is that someone misjudge enemy skills and fits.

So if you want to kill farmer you have to look like easy prey. So you have to gimp you ship and take something that looks not so scary, maybe even use your own low skill alt to get initial tackle.

It is about tactics not about risk / rewards.

If we are looking about fault from current system i would say it is poor reward from defensive plexing on low contested systems, but if CCP boost that will it end whole fw farming and systems become empty again.
Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#25 - 2014-04-08 09:28:00 UTC
Stig Sterling wrote:

Not true. EVE has always been about risk versus reward (or risk for ISK, as it were), and I don't believe that they want to have a system where people are rewarded for safe repetitive tasks.

This may be a bit naive to say, but I that if the community can come up with a viable system that fits three risk versus reward model, then CCP will be happy to implement it

I highlighted the important part.

Where you have it completely wrong about eve.

The most isk making activities in eve are boring and tedious (that is why they are called grinds). Eve has always been portrayed as a risk v reward type of game however the simple fact that highsec is the most populous, that eve hardcore pvp'er often have multiple 'alt's toons' doing boring grinds (lvl 4's, exploration, manufacturing, station trading etc) just goes to show that the underlying backbone of eve is the people who are willing to grind for the isk.

FW is not broken. It has cause way more pvp and ship explosions in general since it was revamped with inferno than it did probably for it entire previous existence.

Is it what a lot of the bitter vets want. Probably not. They should just move on and go whine somewhere else tbh.
Farming in FW is just as risky as running lvl 4's etc but what a lot of people just don't get is that people who 'farm' fw don't get their isk from nowhere. All FW farmers are doing is transferring someone else isk to themselves.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#26 - 2014-04-08 09:34:01 UTC
Starbuck05 wrote:
Fw is broken because it should be a pvp activity from which you can also sustain yourself and not a pve activity where all that matters is just isk. It should be a war in which you can count on your allies when you fight in a plex and not just see them cloack up and you die.

This is the one quote that sums up the entire FW is broken argument from the pvp'ing groups.

However this is eve and to be perfectly honest if you want just a pvp environment then you should go play an arena type of game.
One of the fundamental aspects of eve that is if you lose you actually lose something. Therefore making isk the biggest driver for everything in eve.

There is farming in every single aspect of eve and FW was no different, even before inferno, all that changed was it became known and simple of new toons to do it. TBH it was just as easy previously if you knew how to do it etc.

FW is better than it was. and the biggest problem IMO is that there are a lot of bitter vets out there that would effectively ruin FW with all their 'fixes' then they would just whine how no one does FW anymore.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Abiding Ormolus
#27 - 2014-04-08 12:10:52 UTC
Tbh i'd rather have to roam about 10 jumps away to find a fight cause of reduced nr's if the farmers leave instead of chasing people around every system then leaving dissapointed...

Tell me this , in situations where i was forced to go head and ass in againts 2 sometimes 3 farmers at the same time in just my ordinary t1 frig and they would still run away... How is that not an issue?

Im not saying you shouldnt run away when you believe the odds are not good, i do it aswell cause im not ******** but common... Its just frustrating..

Just because i am blond does not make me stoopid !

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#28 - 2014-04-08 14:15:00 UTC
Starbuck05 wrote:
Tbh i'd rather have to roam about 10 jumps away to find a fight cause of reduced nr's if the farmers leave instead of chasing people around every system then leaving dissapointed...

Tell me this , in situations where i was forced to go head and ass in againts 2 sometimes 3 farmers at the same time in just my ordinary t1 frig and they would still run away... How is that not an issue?

Im not saying you shouldnt run away when you believe the odds are not good, i do it aswell cause im not ******** but common... Its just frustrating..

then do something else, problem solved.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#29 - 2014-04-08 16:38:12 UTC
Starbuck05 wrote:
Im not saying you shouldnt run away when you believe the odds are not good, i do it aswell cause im not ******** but common... Its just frustrating..

We solved it by basing out of a system right next door to a CalMil home system. We know the corps that live in that area, and they're not shy about taking fights. Just focus on finding areas where PvP focused corps live, and fly there.

It's a whole lot less frustrating when you focus on finding people who are up for fights instead of roaming backwater systems noone lives in just to chase folks who are risk averse and focused on avoiding fights.

Granted, from what I've heard there's not many corps in the Min/Amarr zone who actually live full time in a lowsec warzone system, so that's probably part of it.

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

#30 - 2014-04-08 18:28:40 UTC
Veskrashen wrote:

Granted, from what I've heard there's not many corps in the Min/Amarr zone who actually live full time in a lowsec warzone system, so that's probably part of it.

I never really got this mentality to be honest. Granted, losing a home system that you're invested in sucks, as you guys have demonstrated recently, but it's also what makes it interesting and fun. If there was nothing on the line, then there would be a hell of a lot less pilots trying to defend it resulting in way less epic battle. We risk our stuff by putting it in space, and it gives us reason to defend it. We're here for pvp, so this is a long term win, even if it means we get locked out for a while. Living in FW space makes it matter, and it gives better access to pvp. Who the **** wants to go 4 jumps to just get into the WZ, let alone find fights?

Glad I live in cal/gal space where stuff happens and people care.
Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#31 - 2014-04-08 18:39:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Deen Wispa
Some people/organizations just prefer casual pvp. Not everyone is in a major alliance or huge corp and has the manpower and dedication to commit to deplexing and the other obligations that comes with living deep in the warzone.

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#32 - 2014-04-08 18:41:01 UTC
Beardon wrote:
I never really got this mentality to be honest. Granted, losing a home system that you're invested in sucks, as you guys have demonstrated recently, but it's also what makes it interesting and fun.

Defending Eha against the rampaging hordes of TESTies, day in and day out for weeks, was one of the most memorable times of my EVE career. You hit the nail on the head: investing yourself and your corp in a system, inside the warzone, makes all the difference in the world.

To FW pilots everywhere: if you're here for the PvP, then sack up and claim a system as your home. Defend it to the bitter end against all comers. You'll have more gudfites than you know what to do with, and will gain the respect of your fellow militia pilots and those from the opposite factions as well. There's a reason that the recent article on TMC about Innia had such respect shown by both sides: because we've all been here before, and fighting hard against a capable opponent who is there for the same reasons you are is the best that EVE has to offer IMO.

THAT is what FW is about. Ignore the farmers and the stabs and the cloaks - they're irrelevant. Focus on the pew, with folks who pew back.

You'll be far, far happier for it.

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

#33 - 2014-04-08 19:03:37 UTC
Deen Wispa wrote:
Some people/organizations just prefer casual pvp. Not everyone is in a major alliance or huge corp and has the manpower and dedication to commit to deplexing and the other obligations that comes with living deep in the warzone.

True, I shouldn't have generalized so much. If you don't have the manpower to hold a system it'll probably just be more hassle then it's worth. You can still do what a lot of smaller groups did with Innia though (and I'm sure eha/nenn too) and just base with other big groups.

While typing I was thinking about those who questioned our fall back to Hyk after Innia fell, and argued for us to settle in outside the WZ in Ich or Onnamon. I get temporarily pulling out to get all your stuff organized, that makes sense. Thankfully our organization is large enough and was ready enough to just base in Hyk immediately. However, there were some that wanted to settle outside permanently, and that's what I don't get. It seems risk averse, and like it would result in less passionate pvp. Even having you guys next door, I felt like I knew you guys; there was an odd sort of intimacy there.

Now I'm just getting all sentimental.... Cry Has Eha been ok? Did you remember to water the garden?
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#34 - 2014-04-08 19:14:41 UTC
Beardon wrote:
Even having you guys next door, I felt like I knew you guys; there was an odd sort of intimacy there.

Now I'm just getting all sentimental.... Cry Has Eha been ok? Did you remember to water the garden?

Eha's doing fine, and we miss you guys too. It's why we sent some folks up to Villasen to keep you company and all - didn't want you to feel like you weren't appreciated Twisted

We Gallente have a saying: "CCP created the Gallente Militia to train the Fighters..."

Stig Sterling
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2014-04-08 20:12:05 UTC
I'm glad this thread turned into a love-fest about FW, tbh listening to all
the complaining gets old. Spread the love fellow eggers- shoot more ships!
Small Focused Memes
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#36 - 2014-04-08 20:45:09 UTC
Veskrashen wrote:
Starbuck05 wrote:
Im not saying you shouldnt run away when you believe the odds are not good, i do it aswell cause im not ******** but common... Its just frustrating..

Granted, from what I've heard there's not many corps in the Min/Amarr zone who actually live full time in a lowsec warzone system, so that's probably part of it.

probably because they have been evicted. Completely strategic planning putting all the slaves into 1 system.

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#37 - 2014-04-08 21:00:46 UTC
Sorry to break up the love fest between some of you. But.... familiarity breeds contempt. The more acquainted one becomes with an opponent, the more one knows about his or her shortcomings and, hence, the easier it is to dislike that person. Which is why some of us are glad that you guys are out of Innia. And I'm sure some of you are glad you don't have to fight us. We're all too familiar with your shortcomings and meta game that comes along with it.

No more having to deal with meta **** fit ships when some of us put t2 stuff on the line for the sake of isk efficiency. No more 15 man frigate gangs blobbing up a plex waiting for the 5 opponents in local to undock. No more of having the opponent wait in the small plex with 10 people while the other opponent is in the novice with 15 people and both sides smacking each other goading the other side to warp into their plex. If this is the sort of passionate pvp that some people speak of, then no thank you.

PS- I'm sure both sides do it. Which is why it's good the system was lost.

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#38 - 2014-04-08 22:52:09 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Hold on, let me catch my breath after getting in on over 1k kills in the past 40 days.... (it's tiring!).

hold up...

ok... ready...

FW is broken. It's full of farmers and I can't get any good fights anywhere.

... OK off to my crew quarters to get some sleep. o/
Andre Vauban
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2014-04-09 01:48:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Andre Vauban
Plato Forko wrote:
I don't particularly care about the farmers, but it's part of what I think is borked with FW and it boils down to this: you're rewarded more for small actions than for doing anything big. When someone invests all the time in putting together a proper fleet to go and occupy a plex against any aggressors, it's a slap in the face to not only get less LP individually for the effort, but also to see the contest rate only change as much as it would have if a single condor ran the plex instead. So in the world of FW, the more time and ISK you risk, the LESS you're rewarded, and that, to me at least, seems totally contrary to how the rest of EvE works.

Um, this is exactly why the rest of EVE is broken and FW is not broken. You need to live in a system and control it 24x7 to maintain ownership. You cannot hold systems unless you have a defense detachment there 24x7. There is no ninja-dropping 3000 man fleets at the last second to keep systems and undo the attackers work.


RaVeN Alliance
#40 - 2014-04-10 00:19:58 UTC
Deen Wispa wrote:
Some people/organizations just prefer casual pvp. Not everyone is in a major alliance or huge corp and has the manpower and dedication to commit to deplexing and the other obligations that comes with living deep in the warzone.

This is me whenever I join FW.
I don't have a big corp, and don't really even like anything that resembles 'holding SOV'.
But FW always has a PvP environment available. I can get my PvP fix when I want, and farm to keep my accounts active.
I'd like to add, with PLEX at 700mil-ish, farming for PLEX is no quick chore. It will take most newish pilots a lot of days to earn ISK for PLEX.

I also want to add: I need a golf clap or an atta boy, for resisting the urge to make 'Fraction Warfare' jokes Cool